June 19, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 19, 1969 |
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53. Service & repair facilities
. Pub3c rest rooms in business
Job opportunities for persons
55, Under 18
65 and over
Conunity planning & development
Gonoral aprnco & attractivoness
of oounit
Number of years livcd in comnityl
62. }Lighest grade co::pletc|
Streets and sidca!ks
Sto'm drainage al sc:roi's
I..w onfo'.'c.c::ent
Here traffic s']gr, als and sins
Fire p-otoction
Smnin pool
Public tranpol, tation
l'tblfLc a'1it c,:,.'h.,
-0- 3.8% 21.3 13.8% 35, o, 26.3.
• 12.9% 18.8%
1,3% 9.6% 21.3 16.3 16.3g
Undez. 1 a,. - 2.1%! 1-3 Yrs. - I0.8!
4-7 yrs.- 13.8;! 8-15 yrs. - 15.0;
Over 15 -
8th grade or loss - 2.9%1 o::o high school - 8.8J;
high sehool gl, ad. -l sane collage - 2!;.2j!
college g'ad. - 28.3,
Total R as x,n./o
comments on survey
What are the five items for which you are
willing to pay additional taxes?
"A place for young children and teenagers to
go to. Up to date books and furnishings for
schools. Better fields for football, baseball and
other sports. This town is turning out to be for
the old or retired folks. Everything is being taken
down that was for young children or teenagers.
Pretty soon we won't have a pool or drive-in."
"Increase pay and education for law enforce-
merit officers and list names of teenage offend-
era. Schools' enforcement of rules around area of
schools so we can be proud of the schools we
"Police, if qualified personnel."
"Alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, schools,
"Garbage rates are too low. Streets need im-
proving. Storm drainage and sewer system need
"Lrge public auditorium with good eteous-
tics and comfortable seats, adequate for concerts,
plays, graduation, etc. More good school teachers.
Beplmment of those who don't teach. Better
er-teedning in how to get subject matter
aerosm to pupils. More adequate school buildings
and equipment. Better athletic facilities."
"Compulsory military training for all 18 year
aids. I do not want any more Socialism in our
c6untry. I do not want any more Democrats in
"Better way of draining off surface water
into storm drains where no catch Imsins exist."
"Full traffic signal on Hillcrest."
'mffic signals: Part Street by Simpson;
Cueade and Highway."
"Public rest rooms in business district. Gen-
era] appearance and attractiveness of commu-
"Moving the city dump to location farther
&way so the smoke add stench don't shroud the
"Am in favor of anything to make it better
for community interests."
'e condition of the streets s deplorable,
epecllly around the hiKh school -- rubbish, pa-
per, etc., overgrown vmmnt lots -- deplorable.
Pm willing to pay additionai txes to have the
city's ap .p.,r,fe improved."
"I wouldn t mind paying additional taxes for
street repair, but why do that when the city does
not keep up the city streets. I've seen one city
employee sit in his pickup for two hours and then
get out and throw a shovel of blacktop into a hole;
without doing it properly."
"None -- we are overtaxed now! They (coun-
ty) Jut piddle it away!"
Piffle 24.8helton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 19, 1969
"We do have pollution at times! The corner
that Oak Street goes in down the winding roeui
is not wide enough. Sewer system badly needed."
"Experimental year-around use of schools.
Subsidize skating rink and swimming pool if nec.
essary. Construct teen center, if properly planned,
supervised and self-sustaining. Narcotics diyision
of police department."
"Development of middle school site including
PE and athletic facilities. Construction of new
middle school. Remodeling of Evergreen (school)
to incorporate as high school facility."
"Christina§ decorations for downtown Shel-
ton -- to make it a 'Christmas City'."
"We. need more police."
"Public swim pool affiliated with the junior
and senior high school. Organizing a Mason
County museu m and art gallery. Larger library
facilities (you have to order most books and wait
weeks to get them.) Some answer to the growing
drug problem with teenagers."
"Progressive school system with better eai-
eies for teaeher" ,
"At the present time the taxes are almost
beyond the ability of senior citizens on limited
incomes to meet. If. waste and some incompetence
is corrected, other taxes would not be objected
"Street relir and eliminate bottleneck of
traffic due to Simpson trains."
"Establish county-city government. Program
to eliminate future slum areas -- Hillcrest, Capi-
tol Hill, downtown."
"Schools. Schools. Schools. Stop lights."
"Playgrounds for children that don't live on
Mt. View, as there are none on Hillcrest."
"Before any new taxes are incurred, some
attention should be addressed to the efficiency
of the use of tax moneys already available; snd
the proportionate shares of these moneys ewail-
able to the various governmental subdivisions."
"I think the welfare program should be over-
hauled. It stinks."
"Decent sports field for students' sports ac-
"Winter rescue of elderly and widowed."
"Pubhe transportation. Job opportunities for
those under 18."
"For reduction. Too burdensome now."
4None --- until a good nmay people and sit-
nations are changed in this community."
"Better shopping opportunities other than
"Better roads since the meow."
"Something to help the teenagers out."
"Enforce dog leash law. Dogs roam city in
packs, raid garbage cans, leave a mess in alleys."
Community Attitude Survey
" 1968 - 1969
Open-End Question
What are the five items for which you
are willing to pay additional taxes?
Please list in order of preference.
" i
iii nl i ii i
1. Water pressure
2. Sewage disposal
3. Storm water drainage
4. Garbage collection :!i'il
5. Gas pressure (cooking and heating) ....
I 6. Electricity
7. Telephone service
8. Postal service
9. News coverage by newspaper
10. Television and radio programs
11." Fire protection
12. Law enforcement and police protection
13. Court services
14. Zoning ordinances
151 Legal services "
16. Medical services
17. Dental services
18. Hospital services
19. Health department
(I) (2)
'20. Welfare services (aid to families with financial and marital problems, etc.)
21. Public transportation to other communities
22. P.ublic transportation inside the community
23. Parking in business district
24. Street layout
25. Traffic signals and signs
26. Maintenance and cleaning of streets
27. Sidewalks
(3) (4) (.
Recreational opportun Sties for ....
28. Children
29. Teenagers
"30 Adults
31. Older people
j ,,
32. Public meeting places for teenagers' social activities
33. Swimming facilities
34. Golfing facilities
,a ,..
35. Playgrounds for children
,,_ .,,. u,,,
"6'. fflel f6r bad@ball a.d other outdoor s')orts
, i ,, , ,,, i,
"37. Parks and picnic areas
38. Public meeting place for large groups
.... 39. Cultural opportunities ' "
Elementary school ....
40. Staff
41. Educational program
42. Buildings and equipment
Junior high school ....
43. Staff
"44. Educational program
,,, .,
4.5. Buildings and equipment
Senior high school ....
46. Staff
47. Educational program
48. Buildings and equipment
49. Library
.50. Restaurants
51. Hotels and motels
52. Shopping facilities
"53. Service and repair facilities
54. Public rest rooms in business district
Job opportunities for persons ....
55. Under 18 ' ' " J i
56. i8-39 "" [' ' 4
..... F'.
"5%. 65 and over I
"5. -Community planning and development program I i I
General appearance and attractiveness of community [.-
61. Number ofyears lived in community? Under 1year " |-3 4-7 --8-1. L
62. Highest grade 'h gr-e 'r less me high school ,
tA..mbers of household
63. All aes -- Total
64. Children -- Total
65. Under 6 years
66. 6-13
6z. 14-1;
68. 18-19 73.
69. 20-29 74.
70. 3@39
71. 4@59
72. 60 and over
Occupation of head of household';
Person interviewed? ....TII, I ,!
Mother J" J ' bloth
Father [ ! , Other head °f hoU '',
75. Area of the city ..... ,'
Address ,'
Intervlew.r !'/,
76. Interview No.