June 21, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 21, 2012 |
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Calls reported to Shelton Police, Ma- Domestic violence
son County Sheriffs Office and Tribal At 8:47 p.m. on June 18, a domestic
agencies included: disturbance was reported in the 3300
block of Shelton Springs Road.
At 12:35 p.m. on June 13, a rest- At 3:05 p.m. on June 15, a domestic
dential burglary was reported in disturbance was reported in the 2500
the 100 block of Southeast Somers block of Southeast Old Olympic High-
Drive. way.
was reported stolen from the 600 block
of West Franklin Street.
At 4:36 p.m. on June 15, a white
1998 Chevrolet Tahoe was reported
stolen in an undisclosed address.
At 4:50 p.m. on June 15, three bicy-
cles were reported stolen from the 900
block of Fairmount Avenue.
At 5:51 p.m. on June 14, a burglary At 6:07 p.m. on June 16, a domestic
was reported to a garage in the 100 disturbance was reported in the 300 At 9:25 a.m. on June 16, a theft was re-
block of East Kristina Lane. block of East Daniels Road. ported in the 100 block of East Fox Lane.
At 12:16 p.m. on June 15, a burglary At 12:05 p.m. on June 17, a domes- At 7:32 p.m. on June 16, a grate was
was reported to a commercial building tic disturbance was reported in the reported stolen from a draining port in
in the 27000 block of North U.S. High- 100 block of East Park Loop. an undisclosed address on Northcliff
way 101, Hoodsport. Road.
At 1:43 p.m. on June 15, a burglary At 3:54 a.m. on June 13, a brown At 9:59 a.m. on June 17, a CD play-
was reported to a shed in the 100 block Toyota Camry was reported stolen in er was reported stolen from a vehicle
of East Aspen Place. the 100 block of West Railroad Avenue. in the 400 block of South 14th Street.
At 6:04 p.m. on June 16, a burglary At 1:06 p.m. on June 13, a theft was
was reported to a residence in the 100 reported in the 600 block of East Mc-
block of East Sleaford Road. Several Mickin Road.
items were reported missing, includ-
ing two guns. At 2:28 p.m. on June 13, a trailer
was reported stolen in an undisclosed
At 9:07 a.m. on June 17, a burglary address on North Lake Cushman
was reported in the 400 block of South Road, Hoodsport.
13th Street. A 32-inch Panasonic flat
screen television was taken.
At 2:25 a.m. on June 14, an indi-
vidual reported that a passenger just
left without paying their taxi fare in
the 100 block of West State Route 108.
At 5:04 p.m. on June 18, a burglary
was reported to a shed in the 600 block
of Southeast Kamilche Point Road.
At 11:46 p.m. on June 16, an assault
was reported in the 1700 block of Ad-
ams Street.
At 7:46 a.m. on June 14, a bicycle
was reported stolen in the 400 block of
West Wyandotte Avenue.
At 11:08 a.m. on June 14, copper
railings were reported stolen from a
residence in the 2000 block of South-
east Bloomfield Road.
At 1:27 p.m: on June 17, a possible
stabbing victim was reportedly in the
emergency room in the 900 block of
Mountain View Drive. At 12:35 p.m. on June 14, diesel fuel
was reportedly siphoned in the 600
Sex crimes block of East Pine Street.
At 7:29 a.m. on June 17, a rape was
reported in the 2400 block of North At 4:12 p.m. on June 14, gasoline
13th Street. The rape reportedly took was reportedly siphoned from the 400
place two weeks prior to the call. block of South 10th Street.
At 11:58 a.m. on June 18, an indi- At 9:07 a.m. on June 15, a table
vidual reported that a male subject set was reported stolen from the 1300
in the 2200 block of Southeast Old block of Olympic Avenue. Estimated
Olympic Highway has been taking in- value is $210.
appropriate pictures and touching her
12-year-old daughter inappropriately. At 11:01 a.m. on June 15, a laptop
At 10:22 a.m. on June 17, a gasoline
theft was reported in the 3800 block of
East State Route 3.
At 1:08 p.m. on June 17, a lost or
stolen wallet was reported missing in
the 600 block of West C Street.
At 2:57 p.m. on June 17, a theft was
reported in the 200 block of South 12th
At 5:30 p.m. on June 17, a mailbox
was reported stolen from the 2400
block of Laurel Street. Estimated val-
ue is $45.
At 3:20 a.m. on June 18, a theft was
reported in the 1200 block of Dickin-
son Avenue.
At 8:48 a.m. on June 18, a theft was
reported in the 2200 block of West
First Warden Road.
At 11:02 a.m. on June 18, a wallet
and purse were reported stolen from
a vehicle in the 2500 block of Olympic
Highway North,
At 2:09 p.m. on June 18, a juvenile
shoplifter was reportedly in custody in
the 600 block of West Franklin Street.
At 3:07 p.m. on June 18, a bicycle
theft was reported in the 300 block of
East University Avenue.
Former Shelton resident wrongly
accused of shooting hitchiker
A former Shelton man received his 15 minutes of
fame this past week -- but not in a way anyone would
want it.
Lloyd Christopher Danielson III,
52, now of Tumwater, was charged
with felony assault and jailed by au-
thorities in Valley County, Mont.,
for shooting a hitchhiker from West
Danielson was arrested on June
9 and held on $100,000 bond.
The hitchhiker happened to be
on a journey across Montana to
work on a photographic memoirLloyd
titled "Kindness in America."
Ray Dolin, 39, of Julian, W.Va., Danielson
told police that someone in a ma-
roon pickup truck had, without provocation, pulled
over and shot Dolin in the arm.
Dolin said he had believed the truck had pulled
over to offer him a ride.
Danielson was arrested several hours later, ap-
proximately 100 miles away from the alleged shoot-
Within the week, however, authorities said Dolin
admitted to shooting himself.
The charge against Danielson, who was in the area to
work in the Bakken oil fields, was dropped on June 14.
Continued from page A-1
some of the kids who have never seen anything like
this," Miller said.
Laserinko said the formal retiring of a flag is a
matter of respect to the United States' symbol of
Flying on a pole, Laserinko said, is "how (the
flag) served this country."
Ken Gonella is first vice commander with the
American Legion post in Shelton. He said it both-
ers him when he sees tattered flags flying on front
porches as he passes by.
Gonella said people should be encouraged to turn
in their weather-beaten flags to a local service orga-
nization, "not in your trash can."
"It's a way of showing respect,"• Gonella said.
Officials said this is the first year the Flag Day
ceremony took place at Shelton Memorial Park.
"This is where it should be done from now on,"
Laserinko said. "It's fitting it's done down here."
u .rrourne'" ....... .Tribal council member char,
lene ~se said the event, and
Continued from page A-1 preparations for it, show just how
far the tribe has come in recent
members for the potlatch protocol, years.
"Traditionally as we potlatched Forty years ago, she said, the
and gathered with other families Squaxin Island Tribe had about
and other tribes, we would get to- 200 members, and almost lost its
gether and we would dance and standing with the federal govern-
sing and gift," Peters said. "Tra- ment.
ditionally, most of the gifts were The tribe estimates between
made. We're the largest employer 8,000 and 10,000 people will at-
in Mason County and all our em- tend the landing and potlatch for
ployees are making gifts." its 2012 canoe journey.
The tribe was also recently "When more of the tribal mem-
awarded a grant from the Nation- bers came back our elders had the
al Endowment for the Arts to cre- vision that we needed a place to
ate a traveling tribal art exhibit gather together," she said
that will be displayed during the The elders started thinking
event, then about a canoe journey land-
ling and:potlatch on their iand. modern men in the tribe learn the tribe together.
This sum~er that dream will be. same values as their ancestors. "I've seen such a change," she
come a reality. "It taught men disciplines that said. "I think it's amazing to see
"When we see these canoes were very important for the whole all those teachings stay alive."
coming in -- for us it's like our life," she said. Jeremiah George, cultural
cultural resurgence," Krise said. All of the tribes in attendance preservation specialist, said the
In addition to creating hand- have also been asked to bring a event is not only an opportunity
made gifts and works of art, tribal food dish from their tribe to add to for tribal members but the com-
members young and old are also a traditional feast, munity at large.
working together to learn tradi- All of these activities have con- "This is a great educational
tional songs and dances that will tributed to bringing elders and opportunity for our non-native
be showcased during the week. young tribal members together, community members about the
While women learn a basket said Aleta Poste, tribal canoe jour- traditional ways of the land and
dance to perform, men in the tribe hey assistant coordinator, the water they share with us," he
are working to learn a warrior "It's bringing back those inter- said.
dance, Krise said. generational teachings," she said. Volunteers are still needed for
The culture of a "warrior soci- "It brings everybody together." the Paddle to Squaxin journey. To
ety" meant many things, includ- Journey assistant coordinator discover volunteering opportuni-
ing valuing protecting the family, Jolene Grover also discussed how ties, visit paddletosquaxin2012.
she said. By learning the dance¢ the preparations have brought the org.
HUGE YARD sale. Somethingbooks, exercise equipment, muzzle loader,
for everyone. Friday, Saturday, women's plus-size clothes, puz- S&W, $450.
9am-4pm, corner of Washington zles, construction materials, and K621
and "J" Street. K6/21 lots more. Saturday, 6/23, 8am- GARAGE SALE 6/23, Saturday
SAIL-ON-INN ESPRESSO now 2pm, 2212 Walker Park Road. only, 8am-5pm. Furniture, horse
hiring part-time/full-time hours. A6/21 tack, ,Shabby Chic primitive d~-
Experience preferred. Apply in .44 MAG S&W hunting pistol, cor, Large retail counter, and
person or call 360-710-6940. ;800 firm..50 cal. Scout TC, "man stuff" 71 Vance Court off
$6/21-7/12 ;250..50 cal. Renegade TC Johns Prairie Road. M6/21
Downsizing and multi-family ga-
rage sale. Tons of stuff. See us on
Craigslist - search "Eagle Point
Drive". 153 E. Strayer Way, off N.
Highway 101.360-490-3999. A6/21
PELLET STOVE, appliances,
china hutch, 50 gallon fish tank
with 3 fish, restaurant equip-
ment, electronics, pinball ma-
chine, air compressor. 360-427-
3759. W6/21
MOVING SALE - everything
goes. Saturday, 6/23; Sunday,
6/24, 9am-4pm, 311 E. Johns
Creek Drive. W6/21
PELLET STOVE, kerosene heat-
er, TV, yarn & patterns, crafts,
$150..357 mag
"TAC 0 ~',%~ POWER
Tacoma Power will host a public meeting on June
27 to provide an overview of the final draft of
a shoreline management plan for the Cushman
Hydroelectric Project. The utility also will discuss
shoreline specifications and permitting guidelines
currently being developed, explain the plan's statu
and answer questions from the public.
Review the plan at tacomapower.com/shoreline.
Wednesday, June 27, 5 to 7 p.m.
District 18 Hall located on Standstill Drive
near Lake Cushman in Mason County
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
• General Legal Services
• Non-Profits
• Small Businesses
Hourly Rates starting at s50
PO Box 657
www.nelson-lees.com Union, WA 98592
Sheriff - Casey Salisbuw
Date: June 18, 2012 Prepared by:
Detective William
Bulletin#: 12-19
The Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing the following infbrmation pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Suprente
Court decision iu ~, which ,'inthorizes law enlbrcement agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the
discretion of the agency, the release of information will eahence public safety and prntection. The individual who appears on this notification
has been convicted of a sex ofl~nse that requires registration with the SherifFs Office in the cotmty of their residence. Furthel; their previous
criminal history places them in a chtssiflcation level which reflects the potential to re-offend. This sex offender has served the sentence
imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location bdow. HE iS NOT
IS OUR BELIE F TItAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Masofi Cotmty Sheriff's Oltice has no legal attthority to
direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless com't ordered restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionally free to live wherever
he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our cennnunities, but it wasn't until passage of the Connnunity Protection Act of 1990
(whi~hmandatessexq~bnderregistra~i~n)that~awen~brcementeven~aewwbere~heywere~iving. In many cases, law enforcement is now
able to share that in fnrmation with you. Citizen abuse of this intbrmation to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be
tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end law enforeement's ability to do enmmunity notifications. We bclieve the only person
who wins if commnnity nod ficafion ends is the sex ofl~bnder, since sex offbnders derive their power through secrecy.
If you have any information renardinn current criminal acfivitv of this or any other offender, nlease call 911.
For other sex ofl'ender information, ~://so.co.mason.wa.u_~*/and
WHITE MALE - DOB: 07/11/1980 - 5' 09"- 136 LBS.
Adam INMAN has just been released from Jail alter being arrested for
Failing to Register as a Sex Offender. [NMAN is required to register as a
sex offe~der due to a felony conviction on 12/12/2005 of AS11.41.438 -
Sexual Abuse of a Minor 3~d Degree, Ketchikan Superior Conrt, Alaska,
cause #1KE-05-495. This conviction is due to when 1NMAN was 25
i years old, he sexually assaulted a girl between the ages of 13-15. In this
case, INMAN was originally arrested fnr Sexual Assault of a Minor with
Penetration 2"d Degree. INMAN was also convicted on 04/05/2007 tbr
i Failing "to Register As A Sex Offender, Ketehikan Superior Court,
i Alaska, cause #1KE-06-1294. Due to these factors INMAN is
i considered a HIGH RISK.
INMAN is also on WA State Dept. of Corrections supervision.
INMAN is assessed by the Mason County S!leriff's Office as a
i Level 3 Sex I)ffender. This is the highest level given to a Sex
! Offender, meaning that this registered sex offender is al a HIGH
i RISK to re-offend.
INMAN's status within Mason County is:
Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, June 21, 2012 - Page A=5