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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Normally, libraries encour-
age their patrons to be as quiet
as possible.
This summer, the Shelton
Timberland Library wants local
teens to turn the volume up.
At 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 7 the
library will have its Rock the
Night Concert, a part of its an-
nual Summer Music Series.
However, this concert will be
a battle of the bands between lo-
Wh~ Rock lhe Night Battle of the Bands
When: 6:30 p.m.i Aug. ....
Where: Shelton Timberland Library, 710 W.
Alder St:
Formore information: Call 426:1362
cal teen rock bands.
The Rock the Night Battle
of the Bands is a part of the li-
brary's summer teen reading
program, "Own the Night."
"It's actually not a new idea
-- a lot of other libraries do it,"
said Angle Grischkowsky, youth
services librarian at the Shelton
Timberland Library.
While a battle of the bands
may seem out of place at a li-
brary, Grischkowsky said the
event is designed to make teens
feel at home in the library.
"It seems very important that
See Bands on page B-2
youth services
librarian at the
Shelton Timberland
Library, has
organized the Rock
the Night Battle of
the Bands as part of
the teen
summer reading
program at the
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
It's been two months and those
wiry scotch brooms have kept
their yellow glow shining
along the roadside from here to
town. Now, that yellow glow is begin-
ning to fade and it is being replaced
with white daisies, purple foxglove
and, oh yeah, more yellow from
ground hugging dandelions. It's a
little like life in general -- sometimes
we need pesky weeds to brighten our
I'd like to wish all Harstine Is,
land dads a happy Father's Day, The
: isl'a~d is such a great place to
raise kids. And for us in our golden
years, it,s a wonderful treasure to
share with our grandkids.
I know the Harstine Theatre Club
group is getting ex-
cited. It is getting
closer to the opening
of their play, "Light
Up the Sky." It was
written by Moss
Hart. Here's a quick
.... note to remind you
Journa} photos by Natalie Johnson to mark your calen-
dar for it.
Shelton Farmers Market organizer Brenna Woslum said the market now accepts food stamps for many of By MIKE The club will
its offerings. CALLAGHAN be presenting the
play on June 29-30
and will have an afternoon presenta-
tion on July 1. The comedy revolves
around a group of New York theater
folk who attend the opening of their
new play in Boston.
Shelton Farmers Market now accepts food stamps Theleadactress, thebacker, and
several others are in seventh heaven
at the prospect of a tremendous suc-
By NATALIE JOHNSON cess, which they hope for in the work
natalie@masoncounty.corn of a young unknown writer.
Gathered in a hotel room, these
people go through their paces with
Since 1997, the Shelton Farmers tremendous gusto and many exhibi-
Market has offered a place for local tions of temperament. Hart wrote
farmers to sell their produce, and for more then a dozen plays for the
Shelton residents to buy the freshest Broadway stage, but he became best
fruit and vegetables around, knov~n as a director.
Organizer Brenna Woslum said By far his biggest hit was the mu-
many of the market's vendors pick sical ,,My Fair Lady" in 1956, adapted
their produce only hours before it is from George Bernard Shaw's, "Pyg-
sold. malion. The show ran over seven
"We have people who are getting years and won a Tony Award for Best
up at 3 a.m. to pick their produce," Musical. Hart picked up the Tony for
she said. Best Director.
The market is open from 9 a.m. to The annual Island Rummage Sale
3 p.m. every Saturday through the The Shelton Farmers Market is outgrowing its location in is coming up Aug. 4. This is always
end of September. downtown Shelton. an exciting event as people usually
As of this spring, the market now line up at the door early and burst in
accepts food stamps in exchange for lack of advertising about that." local farmers, looking for that great deal.
many of its offerings. Despite the market's 15-year his- Woslum, 23, moved with her fam- Those doors open at 9 a.m. and will
"We have a large number of people tory in Shelton, Woslum said it also ily to Shelton in the late 1990s. Her stay open till 1 p.m. It is at the same
on food stamps," Woslum said. "This isn't as well-known as it could be. mother, Deb Woslum, helped start time the regular Farmers Market will
helps get fresh, healthy food to peo- "You still get people walking the market in 1997. be going on, so there will be plenty to
ple in Shelton." through and saying 'I didn't know After moving to Shelton, Woslum's keep you busy and lots of tempting
In order to qualify to accept food Shelton had a market,'" she said. family started their own backyard stuff to spend your money on. The
stamps, the market had to have 50 Part of the problem, she said, is farm. rummage sale is a big fundraiser for
percent of its vendors sell items a the market's lack of a permanent "We got a house with 5 acres of the hall so your attendance is greatly
person can buy with food stamps, location. For the last four years, it grass and had what we consider now appreciated. Also, this is a way you
These items include fruits, vegeta- has been located on Third Street, be- a pitiful little garden," she said. "We can volunteer to help by donating
bles or baked goods, which are classi- tween Cedar and Franklin streets, got way too many animals and went unwanted items around the house to
fled as primary food items. However, the market may soon from there." the cause.
"We had to get approval through outgrow that location as well, We- The market currently has about This is another reminder about
the (U.S. Department of Agricul- slum said. 30 vendors and a guest musician the Turning Pointe Golf Tournament
ture), which is a very long compli- "We're starting to look into need- from 11 a,m. to 1 p.m. every Satur- coming up July 21.
cated process," Woslum said. ing a new space again -- hopefully day. This is a fun tournament with all
Only a few people have taken ad- finding a larger location, hopefully a "We'd like to have more farmers," the funds going to the Turning Pointe
vantage of the new opportunity, she permanent location," she said. ° she said: shelter for domestic violence. Each
said. Market organizers plan to begin Cool summers and a poor economy year they've tried to add a little more
"We've had about five or six peo- advertising the farmers market more
ple,' she said. "I think that's due to a to attract potential buyers as well as ' See Market on page B.2 See Harstine on page B-2
Thursday, June 21 2012 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1