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McReavy House appoints new leadership
senior living
STAFF REPORT House. will serve as the new board secretary.
pr@~asoncclum.y.com "I am very excited to be involved with Lee Geist, Lyssa James, and Kris Miller
............................................ McReavy House as it will provide valu- round out the board.
able event space and a source of creative
The McReavy House of Hood Canal expression for the Hood Canal area once About The McReavy House of
has announced that Mike Fredson has renovations are completed," Boone said. Hood Canal:
decided to leave the charity after seven As board president, Boone will focus The McReavy House of Hood Ca-
years as president, on board governance and seek grant nal is a non-profit society located in
Fredson said he has decided to fo- opportunities to support refiovation ef- Union. Drawing on the artist colony
cus his time on continuing to write forts, as a precedent, the McReavy House
historical books about the Hood Ca- Stepping down from his role as vice serves as an arts and cultural hub.
nal region. McReavy House organiz- president, Howard Leggett has accepted Collaborating with other nonprofits,
ers said they are grateful to Fredson the role of executive director, the Skokomish Indian Tribe and with
for his incredible efforts on the renD- Leggett said he will focus his ef- community members and businesses,
cations and change of use, and wish forts on programming and fundraising, the McReavy House offers community
him the best of luck on his scholarly Leggett is helming Hood(s)troll, a mu- enrichment programs, supplemental
pursuits: sical lit boat parade that will be taking education, and events that celebrate
With the departures of Fredson and place the last three Sundays in June, local culture in the lower Hood Canal
Executive Director Teri Reis-Schmidt July andAugusL region.
in 2011, the board elected a new slate "Hood(s)troll will be a flagship con- Over the generations, the forests of
of officers to continue the renovation cert series that will assist in putting the Olympic Mountains, the estuaries
and programming efforts at McReavy the roof back on McReavy House. We and the 0ord of Hood Canal, have en-
House. are also planning other events for this gaged individuals in a variety of creative
Current board member Jean Boone ' October. Possible plans include a steam exchanges -- arts and crafts and artisan
has accepted the role of board presi- punk party and haunted house during and wild-crafted creations that reveal
dent. Boone is the immediate past Pumpkinfest," Leggett said. the spirit of this place and cultivate a
president of the Hood Canal Educa- Ed Binder of Hood Canal Improve-rich and sensuous connection to it.
tion Foundation and brings 18 years ment Club has been appointed trea- McReavy House will serve as a center
of non-profit experience to McReavy surer for the board, and Lisa Leggett for these pursuits.
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Russ Denney,
We will be closed for
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Market ers, Woslum said, but par-
ticipating in the market
Continued from page B-1 could help them grow.
"We can actually help
have made the last few people start out and move
years hard on small farm- up," she said.
10 a.m.-noon, North
Mason Timberland Li-
brary in Belfair pres-
ents PageTurners book
discussion for adults.
Join in a discussion of
"The Big Burn: Teddy
Roosevelt and the Fire
that Saved America:
by Timothy Ega." For
more information call
Reading, a Timberland
Regional Library . dis-
trict wide program. For
more information, call
9 a.m.-noon: Shelton
Foursquare is hosting a
free event for children
ages 3-12 on June 25-
29 at Olympic Middle
School. For more infor-
mation call 426-3305.
Shelton Timberland Tuesday
Library's Summer Pro-Hoodsport Timber-
gram at the Library land Library's Sum-
begins for children and mer Program at the
teens. Head to the li- Library begins for chil-
brary and sign up fordren and teens. Head
the summer reading to the library and
program, "Dream Big, sign up for the sum-
Read!" for children and mer reading program,
"Own the Night" for "Dream Big, Read!" for
teens. Pick up your kit children and "Own the
starting today or anyNight" for teens. For
time this summer. This more information call
event is part of Summer 275-3232.
Continued from page B-1
to spice it up and this year there
will be a chance to win $10,000 if
you can get a hole-in-one on the sev-
enth hole. You can check with Judy
Callaghan for more information,of stuff on it like sour cream, bacon
Only one more senior lunch in bits, butter and chives.
June and that's June 27 -- wow,They will have some fresh cut
June went fast. Serving will begin at vegetables and for dessert, chefs
noon and it's meatloaf that they will choice cake.
be serving. You get all that and a chance to
Along with that meatloaf, they meet wonderful fellow diners for
will have a baked potato with lots the small donation price of $3.
Bands library. ,The concerts were be 18 or younger and if un- The library began
so successful, Grischkowsky der 18, a teen must have pa- ing applications on June 16,
Continued from page B-1 and other library staff de- rental consent to perform, and will continue to accept
cided to do a full battle of the There is no entry fee, but them until 5 p.m. on July 21.
they have things to do... and bands this year. interested bands should Bands that are selected
feel welcomed and engaged In order to qualify, bands submit a tape, CD or link to play will perform at the
in the community," she said. must have members in to their music online, along battle on Aug. 7.
During last year's sum- grades six through 12. At with an application they can "I have no idea whether
mer music program, two least one member of the pick up at the library, it's going to work out or not
bands made up of teenagers band must live in Mason Solo performers are alsobut it seems worth it to try,"
from Olympia played at the County, half the band must welcome, Grischkowsy said. Grischkowsky said.
i!i Grace Baptist Church
Contact us:
Mailing address:
~ : ... for the faith of the gospd
Times of Services:
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m.
i~: Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m.
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop R&
.................... S~day M0rning Bible
Worship Service :::
::/ 10:00 a.m.
('hair ....
Children and Adult Sunday School :hildcare both services
"~.~" 360-426-5089 "~'~
Sunday Services /i? Wednesday Nieht Service
9:00 :~,a I Celebration Service ~ 7:00 t,M I Mid Week Service
lO:~O :\M I Celebration Service NtlF~'I'V £o 2 Yeors
Children~ Classes
Attended NiArsery SOULFiR~ YOUTH, 61t1-12111 Grade
C]qildrevl~ Classes
4:00r'.~l (~1 ~W~ly Re~ V l'y ! rhepurl ....... (~T~t~'~gOat~d~ist°llelP
C'hih&* ~x. l~rovia~.a .J people be< mine ~ al c7~ ~ through ~Vorship,
Witness, Warfare, ,and Work for His Killgtlom
ADDRESS J 405 S. 7th St, She/ton PHONE [ 360-426-2"758 WEBSITE I www.gatewayc£com
F i . .^k ill 1212 Connection St
a th Lutheran Chu,u ,.... Shelton WA "
A Chri#-centered Church
(Sunday Morning Worship"~ ~ k. mE
/ Traditional
- 8:45 a.m. /
[Contemporaw-, :OOa.m.J Bible Study
J &~~~ Youth Activities
PP:sst*°: Striea'neOlese~" .... ~ FLC1NA~g~i~ii~r'~
: t, of cs
...... ........
i~ A place:::~here ~11 are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • www.sdow.org
7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.
Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship ............... U:O0 a.nT
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-6998
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship ll:O0 a.m.
sl;ar~g tl, e I(f,,g~ng to,,e of ;esus
www.sheltonfbc.org 360 426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday School for all ages
Domingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm
Ser~ici0 en Espafio~
Wednesdays 6 pm
Youth Church, AWANA K-6, Adult Classes
Jueves 6 pm El grupo de los Latinos JGvenes
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m,
New Community
Church of Union
~i} Sunday Gatherings
.. (All are welcome!)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 21, 2012