June 21, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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24261 N. US Highway I 0 I, Hoodsport
Margene Fields,
Courtesy photo
The Skokomish Tribe is studying thediet of juvenile salmon that live in
the nearly 400 acres of newly restored tidelands in southern Hood
The Skokomish Tribe is studying thetidelands and what they are eating.
diet of juvenile salmon that have taken up "The numbers are slowly progressing like
residence in the nearly 400 acres of newly they should in the areas that were restored
restored tidelands in southern Hood Canal. during the first phase of restoration in
After gently flushing out the stomachs of 2007," Kowalski said. "Chinook and chum
a small sampling of juvenile salmon with have been found at just about every sitei
a water pick, the microscopic contents, in- which is what we expected.' .....
cluding algae and bugs, are collected and Most of the area was diked for decades
sent off to a lab for analysis, when it was used for agriculture and hunt-
"The invertebrate community is likely to ing. Since 2007, the tribe has been removing
change as the restoration areas develop and dikes and restoring historic estuary chan-
we are seeing how that affects the salmon nels that haven't been filled with saltwater
diet over time," said Matt Kowalski, the for years.
tribe's salmon and steelhead biologist. "We For more information, contact:
want to find out what types of insects the Matt Kowalski, Skokomish Tribe
salmon are eating and in what proportions." steelhead biologist, at 877-5213 or
By regularly collecting data year round mkowalski@skokomish.org; or Tiffany Roy-
from 52 different spots throughout the tide- al, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
lands, the tribe will get a good idea of what information officer, at 297-6546 or troyal@
salmon species are using which parts of the nwifc.org
Page B-4- Shelton-Mason County
Lisa Conklin-Johnson
is at Lucy's
Sb¢'s lo~kingfo~ard
to see~ng o/~l fr~ends
103 W. Railroad Ave
shop 432-2600 ° cell 490-4295
The Journal and
Belfair Herald
will have early deadlines
due to the upcoming
of July holiday.
Deadlines will be Friday,
June 29th for the week
of July 5th publication
rather than the usual
Monday deadline.
][~ .Shelton-Mason C;unty ]hi
Journal - Thursday, June 21,2012
Zero tolerance for boating under the influence
Washington law enforce- drugs. BUI laws pertain to contributing factor in boat-
ment officers will be out all boats, from canoes and ing fatalities; nearly one in
in force tomorrow thorugh rowboats to the largest ves- five boating fatalities each
Sunday for Operation Dry sels. year is the result of boaters'
Water, an annual campaign The Washington state impaired by alcohol.
to enforce boating under the emphasis is supported by "It's important to realize
influence (BUI) laws on the the Washington State Parks that alcohol can impair a
state's waterways, and Recreation Commis- boater's judgment, balance,
The campaign focuses on sion in partnership with the vision and reaction time,"
preventing accidents, inju- U.S. Coast Guard. Boat op- says Mercer Island Police
ries and deaths resulting erators may be cited if their Sergeant Jim Robarge. "It
from people abusing alcohol blood alcohol concentration can increase fatigue and
or drugs while operating exceeds the state limit of susceptibility to the effects
boats. According to Wash- .08. Currently, 50 Washing- of cold water immersion.
ington State Parks Boating ton marine law enforcement Sun, wind, noise, vibration
Programs, between 2007 agencies are signed on for and motion - all common
and 2011, at least 30 people the effort, stressors in the boating en-
died in reportable boating "Boat operation under vironment - intensify the
accidents where alcohol use the influence is a serious effects of alcohol, drugs
was a contributing factor, problem that too often re- and even some prescrip-
The main focus of the sults in recreational boating tion medications. We would
campaign is to raise aware- fatalities," said Mark Ken- rather arrest you than have
ness for the problem and get ny, Washington State Parks you be involved in a boat-
impaired boat operators off spokesperson for Operation ing accident and potentially
the water by actively en- Dry Water. "We want people hurting or killing yourself or
forcing the law that prohib- to have fun on the water, so someone else."
its using alcohol and drugs this campaign is focused on Authorities contend that
while operating a boat. The zero tolerance for boat op- enforcing laws for operating
goal of this nationwide ef- erators who are under the a boat while under the influ-
fort is to influence boaters influence." . ence is just as important to
to make the decision to boat Kenny said reducing thepublic safety as the enforce-
dry and to reinforce it with a use of alcohol and drugs by ment of drunken driving
zero tolerance enforcement boat operators is crucial to laws. For more information
policy, achieving a safer and more on the national Operation
Officers from all 50 U.S. enjoyable environment Dry Water campaign, visit
states and six territories are for recreational boating, www.op_e_rationdr ater.
expected to participate in "Drunken boat operators Ql:g[
Operation Dry Water 2012 are a public nuisance and a The commission manages
to help educate the public threat to public safety. We a diverse system of more
and be on the lookout for encourage boaters to report than 100 state parks and
boat operators whose blood dangerous alcohol and drug recreation programs,, in-
alcohol concentration ex- related behavior to the local cluding long-distance trails,
ceeds the national limit of marine enforcement unit," boating safety and winter
.08. It is illegal in every he said. recreation. The 99-year-old
state and territory to op- According to the most re- park system will celebrate
erate a boat while under cent U.S. Coast Guard sta- its 100th anniversary in
the influence of alcohol or tistics, alcohol is the leading 2013.