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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 21, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 21, 2012
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Twanoh Grange marks 66th anniversary ANNIVERSARY The Twanoh Grange recently cel- Twanoh Grange has a long history of ebrated its 66th anniversary with cam- serving the community. In July, the munity service, group will be installing its display of the Members volunteered to help the Ma- Mason Area Fair. son County Fire District 3 Volunteer The Pomona Grange, of which Twanoh Firefighters Association with its annual Grange is a member, started the Ma- Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast. son County Fair. In September, Twanoh Grangers donned their sashes and Grange members will assist the Pomona helped with all aspects of this fun, suc- Grange in entering a display in the Puyal- cessful event, organizers said. lup Fair. Chartered on May 27, 1946, the For more information call 275-4835. Church offers upcoming Bible school First Baptist Church ence God's underwater and creative crafts, mis- invites all children, aged universe. The event ission work stories, water 4 through students in the from 9 a.m. to noon July science and music. sixth grade, to get ready 9 through July 13 at First To be part of the event, to dive into fun at "Oper- Baptist Church, 428 Lynn Foster at 426- ation Overboard: Dare to Cota St. 8461 or visit the church's go Deep with God Vaca- The adventures in- website to register chil- tion Bible School." clude regular deep-seadren at www.sheltonfbc. Explore and experi- voyages into the Bibleorg. Stroke, osteoporosis screenings coming Shelton residents will have the op- aged to get a bone density screening to portunity to get stroke and osteoporosis assess the risk ofosteoporosis. screenings offered by Life Line Screen- Stroke is the third leading cause of ings on July 9 at the Mount Olive Lu- death in the United States according to theran Church at 206 W. Wyandotte Life Line Screening, and 80 percent of Ave. stroke victims had no apparent warning The screenings identify potential car- signs before their stroke. diovascular conditions such as blocked Screenings start at $149 and take arteries, irregular heart rhythm, abdom- 60 to 90 minutes to complete. For more inal aortic aneurysms and hardening of information and to schedule an ap- the arteries in the legs. pointment call 1-877-237-1287 or visit Both men and women are also encour- Eli Benjamin Shilman are Ben and Megan Shil- of Olympia. Great grand- was born at 9:29 p.m. on man of Centralia. He joins parents are Ed and Carole May 17, 2012, at Salmon brother Jacob, age 3. Eli's Stracke of Puyallup, Carol Creek Medical Center in grandparents are Curt and Donalson of Bremerton, Vancouver, Wash. He was Jacki Stracke of Shelton, Arden and Susan Merri- 4 pounds 7 ounces and 18 Gerrit Shilman of Centra- man of Shelton and Sandy inches long. His parents lia and Michele Goodburn Richert of Shelton. Couple celebrates 25th anniversary Donald and Susan Corliss of Shelton Bremerton. They also have eight grandchil- celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary dren and seven great-grandchildren. while on a cruise inAlaska with family and Donald and Susan are both retired from friends. Safeway and have lived in Mason County The couple was married on May 17, 1987, for more than 25 years. in Bremerton. They enjoy car shows and car clubs, as They have four children: Wendy (Mark) well as senior center activities, landscap- of North Carolina, Philip (Rena) of Oregon, ing, gardening and working on their ocean Joe (Bena) of Belfair and David (Jenny) of retreat. 50th wedding anniversary open house planned Joseph and Mattie to 6 p.m. on June 23, atCarolyn Daher, and Maggi will celebrate 50 the V.F.W. Post 239, 190grandkids, Dustin and years together at a 50thDora Ave., Bremerton. Kaley Rohring, invite all wedding anniversary openDaughters of the cou- family and friends to at- house planned from 2 p.m. ple, Laurie Loudin and tend. Dragon shrek HookUles : Mann), Dr[ Hook .......... 360-426-7167 -800-675-7167 2911 E. Brockdale Road The BluLink PHD MiniLink'" Prevent Uncomfortable & Costly Dental Problems SPEC A EVEN" UNE 1st-29th Schedule Your FREE In-Office Demonstration of BluLink PHD MiniLink r FREE ---,- , uIMk;*en;n" I for LIFE* I for Active & New Patients ,~,,:~:~ I ~- ~ ~ Presentcouponatfirstappointment /~'~,:_;=~,}1 II~l"J- ~ mlr"I" / I ~ Cash value I~0¢ Expires 7/3!/12 ~,~ • mbeofficeofRkberdC Downing DDS Shelton ~ '~'i 1~626 Olymp,c Hwy. N. ' '~/~U r "- -" . -I _ New Patient-Sp'ec,al _ I $I Welcome I . m Exam, & X-rays ........... I j Presentcouponatfirstappointment. !~ ~. ~'"~"'~4:,.-. ~;= 426 4712 Cash value It20¢ New pBtients only. Expires 7/31/12 ....11626 Olympic Hwy. NmTheoff ear Rkha dC~ '~' ~mD°wning DDS. Shelton ['[ [~m~'~" "!| " Convenien.t Payment Pl'ans Available CareCredff From top: Michelle Downing, Richard Downing, ~' " C~.~,*.. PaLienl P(~3,men( Plans FINANCING OPTIONS Hunter Downing, Forest Downing, Richard C. Downing, DDS 1626 Olympic Highway N. Shelton (360) 426-4712 * Special Month Long Event No Interest Plans Available OAC. Call today to reserve an appointment for your: Accepts most • Free speech understanding screening insurance, Labor • Free demonstration of BluLink PHD MiniLink and Industries Federal and most Experience BluLInk FREE for 30 days at no Self Insured. obligation and see how it improves your hearing and understanding of what others are saying. Hear Your Absolute BesC Aberdeen Bremerton Port Orchard Centralia Longview Belfair Shelton Olympia Hearing Care Centers © 2012 Hearing Healthcare Management, Inc., 38G Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 21, 2012 - Page B-5