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June 21, 2012 |
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Mable Irene James
Mable Irene James,
78, died June 18, 2012, in
She was born July 25,
1933, in LaParte, Ind., to
Evelyn Betise (Herman)
and Claude Olive Wanmer.
She was married on Dec.
18, 1986 to Albert F. James
in Portland, Ore. She was
previously married to Paul
Lewis Bagley.
James was a loving
mother and wife, her fami-
ly shared, and was a prepa-
ratory cook and waitress.
Her hobbies included
helping at the Shelton
Food Bank and the senior
center. She enjoyed word
search puzzles, jig-saw
puzzles, reading and cro-
cheting Afghans to display
in fair competitions, at
which she won several rib-
She is survived by
her son Danny Bagley of
Portland, Ore.; foster son
Timothy York of Hender-
son, Nev.; brother Wesley
Duane Wanmer of Olym-
pia; sisters Edith Lambert
and June Sargent of Pah-
rump, Nev.; grandchildren
Crystal Bagley of Vancou-
ver, Wash., and Tim and
Paul Bagley of Portland,
Ore.; and great-grandchil-
dren Sahara Bagley and
Charlye Lasgrove of Van-
couver, Wash.
She was preceded in
death by her husband Al-
bert James of Shelton;
brothers James Wanmer of
Oregon and Claude Wan-
mer Jr. of Indiana; sis-
ters Alice Heyn of Sawyer
Mich., and Evelyn Rob-
inson of Shelton; and her
mother and father.
A funeral service will
take place at 10:30 a.m. on
June 25 at McKenzie Road
Baptist Church in Olym-
pia. It will be officiated by
Dan Panter.
Arrangements are under
the direction of Forest Fu-
and to view a full obitu-
ary, visit www.thepaul
Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Chad Allen Gallagher
Chad Allen Gallagher,
42, died June 9, 2012, in
Born on Oct. 9, 1969,
in Tacoma to Jeanie
(Wilson) Richardson and
Christopher S. Gallagh-
er, he was a Shelton resi-
dent who graduated from
Shelton High School in
He worked as a self-
employed equestrian
He is survivied by his
mother, partner, Chris-
to a blood bank or the Ma- Cheri Vanden Bos, Andrea
son Benson Club. Wagner, brother Ryan
Vanden Bos (Jamie) and
~ty Culp
of Elk,
son Aaron
of Olym-
pia, son
Zade Gal-
lagher of
Chad s i s t e r
Gallagher C o r i n n e
of Shelton,
sister Nicole Hurlery of To-
ledo, Ohio, two nieces and
Roger; one half-sister, were spent thrifting for three nephews. '
Paulette;one daughter, treasures. She most often He was preceded in
Pamela; granddaughtersfound something for some- death by his father.
Kimberly and Jennifer; one other than herself.A memorial service will
great-granddaughter Jil-This past Mother's Day she be held at 2 p.m. on July
lian; many nieces and made baskets of flowers for 7 at the Little Skookum
nephews; and friends Gene family and friends from Hall, 3480 SE Lynch Road,
and Claire Bailey and John her found treasures. In her with a short video memo-
and Mary Ann Cole, along youth she loved summer rial starting at 3 p.m.
with many other friends on Bible camp, but more than McComb Funeral Home
Mason Lake and surround- anything Van Amen loved handled the arrangements.
ing Benson Lake and Lake her boys. For your convenience,
Limerick. She was married to online condolences may be
He was preceded in Gerald Van Amen on May sent to the family at www.
death by his wife, Merle; 1, 1995. She is survivedmccombfh.com.
and two brothers, Wilburby Gerald, sons Chandler The family has
and Robert. Grant, Nolan Ryan, step-also set up www.
There will be no service, daughter Jorden Michelle, forchad.com to share mem-
He was cremated at his re- father Jerry Vanden Bosdries and photos.
quest. (Paula), mother Kathy
Donations may be sent O'Malley (Edward), sisters Opal Sturdevant
Opal P. Sturdevant, 83,
a 14-year Shelton resident,
died on June 10, 2012, at
neral Home of Shelton. Kristin Van Amen grandmother Dora BoydMason General Hospital of
Memorial donations can Kristin (Vanden Bos) along with beloved aunts, r ~=. congestive
be make to Wee Wanmer, Van Amen, age 42, of Port uncles, nieces, nephews ~~=~: ~ heart fail-
603 Glanalda Ct. SE, Lac- Orchard, died on Satur- and cousins, ure.
ey, WA 98503 pr by calling day, June 9, 2012, at theA celebration of Van S h e
584-0617. University of Washington Amen's life will be held at 2 ~'~";:~%~"~. ~!:~
, ~i~N ..,~ was born
Medical Center from cord- p.m. on Saturday at Chris- " >~ ...... ~ as Opal
Wesley Sieber nary artery disease, tian Life Center, 1780 Lin-~'~"~:~i~~ ~ P. Hall on
Wesley John Sieber, 91, Van Amen was born cola Ave. S.E., Port Or- Jan. 19,
of Mason Lake, passed in Bremerton on May 18, chard, WA 98366 °~®,,~ ..... 1929, in
away due to a heart attack 1970, and spent most of her In lieu of flowers, an Kentucky.
on May 11, 2012. life living in Port Orchard. educational fund has been Opal She mar-
He was born onApril 16, She attended Christian established for Van Amen's
1921, in St. Cloud, Minn., Life School and South Kit- sons. Donations may be Sturdevant tonried Stur-Mil-
to Joseph and Albertina sap Schools. Following high made at any local branch devant in
(Trepanier) Sieber. school she of Kitsap Credit Union.March 1948 in Seattle.
He homesteaded to ~ r e C eive d To view additional ser- In her life she worked as
Palmer, Alaska, with the~ her cos- vice information or toleave a bookkeeper in real estate
first families in 1935. He metology online tributes go to and as a fishing boat crew
served in World War II in 1 i c e n s e w w w. m ill s a n d m ill s member.
the Aleutian islands in a from Clo- funerals.com. Her interests includ-
PT boat and enjoyed suc- ver Park ed line dancing, making
cess as a small business T e c h n i- Charles Russell cards, traveling in her RV
owner in Burien and Bal- cal Col- Westcott and gold prospecting. She
lard. lege and Charles (Chuck) Rue- was a member of the Tim-
Shirley D. Winkelman
Shirley Dorothy "Punky" Peste-
Winkelman, 72, of Olympia, WA
(formerly of Shelton) passed away at
her home unexpectedly from natural
causes on Wednesday, June 13, 2012.
Shirley was born on June 4, 1940
to Fred and Helene (Devlin) Peele in
Shelton, WA. She graduated from Irene
S. Reed High School in Shelton in 1958
and married Frank Winkelman. They had
two children, Tracy and Teresa.
Shirley was a lover of life and was a homemaker for a number of years
and was an entrepreneur of her eccentric journey at various careers.
She was very proud of her achievement at" graduating from Evergreen
State College with a bachelor's degree in liberal arts in 1997. She most
recently was employed as a travel agent at ACT Travel of Olympia
before her retirement.
Shirley enjoyed the Casino, traveling and gardening. Her yard was
beautiful and she was also an avid reader and a gifted writer. She was
president of the Capital Cruisers (car club of the Chrysler PT Cruisers),
Altrusa, Relay for Life Team Marlene/50's Class, two time volunteer
of the year recipient for Thurston County Kiwanis, a huge supporter
and volunteer with the Olympia Children's Hands on Museum, and of
th6 SPCA. She loved her two dogs that she lovingly dubbed "her girls",
two King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, "Lacy" and "Honey". Although
she will be greatly missed because of her tenacity, candor, strength,
humor, warmth and generosity, we are blessed that she went while very
busy with business of her full life. She was unflappable, unstoppable
and determined, admired and adored.
She is survived by her son, Tracy (Suzanne), Apple Valley, CA;
daughter Teresa Winkelman-Amburgy, Chehalis; sister, Sharon (Gib)
Johnson, Shelton; grandchildren, Bailey and Madison Amburgy, Frank,
Elise, Greyson, Jenna and Emma Winkelman and Amanda Baxter. She
had numerous nieces, nephews and cousins and was preceded in death
by her husband Frank; mother, Helene Peste and father and stepmother,
Fred and Lillian Peele and sister Marlene Peste-Davidson.
Memorial donations can be made to the Relay for Life Team Marlene
of Mason County. A Celebration of Life will be held at Hope Chapel,
421 West "E" St, Shelton on Monday, June 25, 2012 at 11:00 am.
McComb Funeral Home was honored to serve this family.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- I'~
Lea See
7-14-1939 to 6-1-2012
Donna Lea See, "Donna Doll",
died June 1 peacefully in her
wleep at home in Shelton after a
frief illness with pneumonia. She
was 72. Donna was born on July
14, 1939 in Seattle, Washington.
She worked at the Dog House
in Seattle and at Andy's Tukwila
Station in Renton for many
years. She married John "Jack"
See in Renton in 1988 and they
retired to Shelton in 2003. She is
preceded in ddath by her parents,
Aloha Chinn and Harvey White;
her sister Beverly Nickelson; her
brother Harvey White, and her
husband of 19 years, Jack "The
Hammer" See.
Donna helonged to Ladies of
Harley and to the Harley Owners
group for many years. She got her
fist motorcycle in 1967 and riding
was her life long passion. Donna
truly enjopyed her retirement here
in Shelton and ate many meals at
The Pine Tree and Blondies. Her
family is grateul to her doctors
and to Hospice, wo did everything
they could to help her maintain
her quality of life and to keep her
comfortatle in the end.
Donna died as she lived, willing!
She is survived by'her cat,
Nando, Valdean Johnson, sister,
Seattle, WA, Jerry Chinn, brother,
Katy Stone Shinn, sister:in-
law of Seattl, WA, by nieces
Karen Comwell, Pam Asinugo,
Teri Crawford (Jack's niece),
by nephews Jasper Chinn, Bill
White, Dan Everheart, by her
Dean LeRoy Perry
November 25, 1924 - March 13, 2012
A celebration of life willbe held
at the Shelton Yacht Club
Hwy 3 • Shelton, WA
Saturday, June 23, 2012
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
His main occupation was Van worked at sell Westcott, 73, died of a berlake Stompers dance best friend of 34 years, Charlene
his work at Pacific North- , JC Pen- heart attack while flying, club and worked with theZavoras, and countless friends
and neighbors. She will be missed
west Airlines and Western men hey and in his airplane on June 1, Timberlake Activities by all who kew her and lvoer her.
Airlines, where he worked the Boa ~ 2012. Club.
for more than 35 years. March6. ~ He was She is survived by herAny donations in her- honor can lind it in
He enjoyed many dif- While she was in high ~ born on husband Milton Slur- be made a: Providence Sound
ferent forms of recreation, school she worked at her ~ Jan. 2, devant of Shelton, and Home Care and Hospice, 3432
including fishing in theparents'jewelry store, 1939. Ser-nieces and nephews TinaSouth Bay Road N.E., Olympia, the classifieds
Washington 98506. If Shelton-Mason County " l~
northwest and Alaska, Vanden Bos Jewelers, in ~] vices will Lloyd, Richard Lloyd, Shel- ~
__ Paid Obituary Notice__r~.-
hang gliding and golfing. Port Orchard. In recent ~~ be held at by Lloyd, Lonna Lloyd and
He was a faithful blood years prior to her illness ~ 10:30a.m. Jasmine LloydofConcrete ..... ~~'~e~~ " ~- ~~"~'~-'~"~'Ilt~~l~l-~:/
donor and demonstrated she became a certified ~ on July and Virginia Johnson and :~~::
how important it was to nursing assistant and el- ~ 9 at the Rick Moore, also of Con- " ~*~:~
him by donating blood as joyed working at Ridge- C a r m e l crete. ~:iii~~i:::::::~
Charles ~ • • by Monday at 5pm 1
: Call or email
often as he could. He was a moat Terrace ........ lw 1 s s 1 o n Donations may be sent
W es~co1;I;
member of the Elks and ofVan Amen loved garden- Basilica, to the Mason County Se-
Mason Benson Club. ing, or digging in the dirt" 3080 Rio nior Activities Center. A ;~iiiN~N"" ~ classifieds@masoncounty.coml
He is survived by two as she called it, her fam- Road, Camel, CA 93923. memorial will be scheduled ~:~, ° ....... -441 2
brothers, Raymond and ily shared. Most Mondays For more information in the future. !~;i
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 21, 2012 - Page B-7