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Requeststo change zoning,
comp. plan standards due July 2
The Mason County Department of opment. The application must be submit-
Community Development reminds prop- ted with fees, relevant information and
erty owners that requests to change ur- supporting maps by the end of June each
ban growth area zoning and comprehen- year (July 2 in 2012).
sive plan standards in the county are be- Applications are reviewed as a group
ing accepted until July 2.
Requests may be submitted for theby the Mason County Planning Advisory
zoning of a property or group of proper- Commismon. Its recommendations are
ties and can include changing the devel- forwarded to the county commission.
opment density (number of residences The county commission holds public
allowed on a property) or the zoning des- hearings and issues a decision on each
ignation dand uses allowed on a certain request.
parcel) on the property. The applications for proposed new
Proposals for certain comprehen- zones on Mason County zoning maps still
sive plan changes will receive scrutiny follow this process but are evaluated by
throughout the process from the board of the Planning Advisory Commission and
the county commission throughout each
The comprehensive plan addresses the
growth of population and services in the calendar year.
county over the next 20 years. Adopted changes in development den-
The development regulations imple- sity or zoning would update the applica-
ment the comprehensive plan's goals and ble development area map.
• policies by setting certain review stan- Applications and information on this
dards, review process are available at the Per-
Its adopted set of development area mit Assistance Center in Mason County
maps show county development densi- Building III, located at 426 Cedar St.
ties, resource land designations, urban County officials recommend that inter-
growth areas and rural land use zones, ested individuals sitdown with planning
As a means to consider updates, Ma- staff to discuss possible requests before
son County established a once-a-year
process to make changes in land desigua- they submit their application materials.
To address additional questions on
tions and the comprehensive plan maps.
To request a change, residents must this process or a requested amendment,
submit an application, which is available contact senior planner Allan Borden, at
at the Department• of Community Devel- 427-9670 ext. 365.
Couresty pnotq
"Green Fire," a renowned documentary about Aldo Leopold and his
environmental legacy, will be screened from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on June 26 at
the Shelton Timberland Library.
Bell's Palsv
Ear infections
rleanng loss/Deafness
Saliva gland atsome*~
SeDge aevla~lon
Skin cancer
Sleep Apnea (surgical treatment)
Swimmer's Ear
Throat cancer
ThvrelO a~soroers
surgical treatment)
Th~ "OIC] cancer
Neck masses
Nose Dleeos
voice alsoraers
Jordan Mulder, D.O.
Capital ENT
404-B Black Hills Lane SW.
Olvrnc • A/A 98502
Accepting adult and pediatric patients
What exactly is an otolaryngologist?
Otolaryngolog~sts are physicians trained in the medical and surgEcal treatment
of the eac nose, mroa~ (ENT) as well as related structures of the head and
neck, They are commonv referred to as ENT physicians
For what specific reasons would someone come to see you?
As ~ou can see from the list to the left, an ENT physician is specially trainec
to care for a variety of medical conditions affecting both adult and pe-
oatnc 0a~len~s. Some more common problems include allergies, ear
infections tonsillitis and sinus infections.
Dr. Mulder will-begin Jordan Mulder, D.O.
.~o?olnrment~ may he ~a~ by c~.l]in[
taking appointments June 2.
The Shelton Timberland the 20th century, Leopold conservation, leaders in-
Library (William G. Reed is viewed by many as the "cluding scientists, ranchers,
Public Library) will host a father of the national wil- scholars and three of Aldo
screening of "Green Fire," derness system, wildlife Leopold's children - Nina,
the, renowned documentary management and ecologi-Carl and Estella. Curt Me-
about Aldo Leopold and his cal restoration. Green Fire ine. Leopold's biographer,
environmental legacy from explores Leopold's personal serves as the on-camera
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m June journey of observation and guide, making connections
26. This program is made understanding and reveals between Leopold's~ ideas
possible by the Aldo Leo- how his ideas influence to- and their expressmn in the
pold Foundation and pre- day's society. His classic conservation movement
sented by" the Olympic Na- work, "A Sand County A1- today. Peter Coyote gives
tional Forest. A representa- manac," inspires people to voice to Leopold's writing.
tive from Olympic National see the natural world as aPeople can learn
Forest will be present to an- community we all belong to more about the film at
swer questions. The event and is still core reading for www.greenfiremovie.com.
takes place outside regular many college classes. The Shelton Timberland
library hours. No other li- Green Fire is the firstLibrary is located at 710 W.
brary services will be avail- feature documentary about Alder St. For more infor-
able. Aldo Leopold's life and con- marion please contact the
Often hailed as the fore- temporary legacy. It tea- library at 426-1362 or go to
most conservationist of tures commentary from www.TRL.org.
Gonzaga names Shelton
alum to President's List
Maggie Reinhardt, a resi-
dent of Shelton, has earned
placement on the Gonzaga
University President's List
for spring semester 2012.
Students must earn a 3.7 to
4.0 GPA to be listed.
Gonzaga University is a
humanistic, private Catho-
lic University providing a
Jesuit education to more
than 7,500 students. Situ-
ated along the Spokane Riv-
er near downtown Spokane,
Gonzaga is routinely recog-
nized among the West's best
comprehensive regional
universities. Gonzaga offers
75 fields of study, 25 mas-
ter's degrees, a doctorate
in leadership studies, and a
Juris Doctor degree through
its School of Law.
Law enforcement to
crack down on driving
under the influence
Starting Friday and ending July 8, Mason Coun-
ty law enforcement agencies will be participating in
the Drive Hammered Get Nailed Campaign. Par-
ticipating agencies are Washington State Patrol,
Shelton Police Department, Mason County Sheriffs
Office and Squaxin Island Police Department.
The goal of the extra patrols is to rid Mason
County roadways of drunk drivers. Between Janu-
ary and May of this year 125 drunk drivers were
arrested locally.
As a reminder "Harley's Law" went into effect
July 22 of last year. All DUI arrestees' cars will be
impounded for at least 12 hours.
Officers will also be looking for all traffic law vio-
lators, including but not limited to speeding, seat
belt use, aggressive driving and cell phone use. All
these violations can lead to serious injury and/or fa-
tality crashes. So please everyone buckle up, slow
down, leave enough space between you and the car
in front of you and hang up the phone. By following
the traffic laws of Washington state we can all have
a safe and happy 4th of July.
Washington Traffic Safety is funding the cam-
paign. Locally organized by the Target Zero Man-
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 21, 2012