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June 21, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 21, 2012
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Dennis Continued ~rom page C-1 wrestle in college, though he has not chosen a school yet. "After nationals, there'll be more opportunities for where I can go," he said. He said his big dream is to wrestle in the Olympics, though that wouldn't be possible until 2020 at the earliest. "I would need to wrestle for four years in college and even the most domi- nant college wrestlers are no where near Olympics caliber," he said. "It takes a lot of practice and hard work." After the national dual meet, Dennis is scheduled to compete in the 2012 Fargo Freestyle/Greco Na- tional Championships July 14-16 at North Dakota State University in Fargo, N.D. "If I take first at nation- als, I can qualify for the Pan Am World Champion- ship," Dennis said. "Second place would be an alter- nate." He said he's not sure how he'll do at the national championship next month. "You can never really tell, because I'll see a lot of people from all over the country," Dennis said. "You don't really know what to expect." He said he's nervous about the upcoming cham- pionship. Though Dennis will be the only Shelton wrestler competing in either tour- nament this year, Shelton High School has a history with the tournaments. In 2002, Cody Simmons competed at the junior nationals and head wres- tling coach Chris Lacy's brother, Dupree Lacy, won the Greco-Roman National Championship in 1996. "Johnathen has also been training with Jim Bod and Roy Beierle," Chris Lacy said. "These two were state competitors for the Highclimbers in the 1990s." Dennis said he is prac- ticing as much as he can with his former Highclimb- er teammates as well. "There are Shelton wrestlers helping me and Dupree comes in and beats me up," Dennis said. Dennis needs $2,000 to pay for his trip to Oklaho- ma and to pay for various training camps to help him prepare. Though he works at Alderbrook Resort deliv- ering room service, he said he does not make enough money to raise $2,000 in time for his trip, Tax-deductable dona- tions can be made to Twin City Wrestling Club, a non-profit organization, and mailed to Dennis at: 101 E. Heatherwood Court, Shelton, WA 98584. More informa- tion about the tourna- ments can be found at There, Dennis' progress through the tournaments can also be tracked. Journa photo by Emiy Hanson Local golfers work their way down the fairway of hole No. 4 at Bayshore Golf Course on Friday. The putting green of hole No. 4 is located on the shoreline of Oakland Bay. Bayshore Continued from page C-1 boys' team has its home matches, is a good course but "I think it's a little tough for the gals." With summer kicking off, Bayshore will begin hosting its annual tourna- ments. The Ladies' Best Ball Tournament is scheduled for today while the Men's Best Ball Tournament is scheduled for July 28-29. Final]y, the Bayshore Junior Golf Tournament is scheduled for Aug. 9. Editors note: This is the second of six articles touring each of the golf courses m Mason County. File Dhoto Shelton graduate Johnathen Dennis, right, maneuvers Puyallup senior Jeremy Misailegalu to his back during his first-round match at 182 pounds at Mat Classic XXIV on Feb. 17. LADjES'GOLFRESULTS Alderbrook Ladies Golf June 5 -- 18 Hole Scramble First: Jean Scruggs, Linda Roberge and Karen Logan, 70 Second (tie): Maxine Baillie, Renee Youngs, Judy White and Dusty Blair. 71: Shir- ley Muhich. Linda Creswell. Sharon Dufresne and Dee Bishop, 71 June 12 -- Monthly Medal- ist 9-hole medalist: Lana Clau- sen, 29.5 18-hole medalist: Nancy Gurnsey, 66 9-hole division: 1. Peggy Willis, 33.5: 2, Del Bailey, 34.5 18-hole division 1: Gross, Asue Barnes, 87: Net, Jill Skogstad; 72: Shirley Muhich, 75: Coralie Wat- ters, 77 18-hole division 2: Gross, Catherine Laatz. 103; Net, Jean Scruggs, 74: Maxine Baillie, Dusty Blair. Sharon DuFresne. 77 each June 14 -- Flag Day Division 1: Linda Creswell, 110 yeards from 1st green; Nancy Gurnsey, in hole on No. 18; Dee Bishop, 12 feet from No. 18 hole Division 2: Leona Klein, in hole on No. 18: Karen Lo- gan, 34 yards from 18th green: Linda McMullin, 81 yards from 18th green; Catherine Laatz, 104 yards from 18th green Division 3: Fran Hammack, 85 yards from 1st green; Colleen McEachin, in hole on No. 18: Rhonda Westo- ver. 5 inches from hole on No. 18 Bayshore Ladies Golf June 5 -- Best Nine Flight one: 1, (tie) Luana Ellis. MaryLou Wicken Flight two: 1. Billie Elms; 2, (tie) Harlene Robbins, Judy Zehrung Least Putts: Toni Stevens Birdies: Luana Ellis, No. 2 Chip-Ins: Luana Ellis, No. 2 June 12 - 3 Little Pigs Flight one: 1, Billie Elms: 2 (tie) Luana Ellis. MaryLou Wicken -Flight two: 1 (tie) Kaye Knudsen. Pam Ward; 2, Harlene Robbins Nine holers: Michelle Bell Least putts: MaryLou Wick- en Chip-ins: Luana Ellis, No. 6: MaryLou Wicken, No. 1 June 19 -- Points Nine-holers: 1, Mona Ander- son: 2, Harlene Robbins Least putts: Janis Stevens Lady Cushman Ladies Golf June 6 - 18 Holes Division one: Low Gross, Kathy Johnson, 88; 1st low net: Diann Muller, 70; 2nd low net, (net) Sharon Ben- nett, Linda Sund and Vick- ie World. 73 Division two: Low Gross, Marian Reed, 101; 1st low net. Ruby Isaacson, 66; 2nd low net, Joleta Smith, 71 Kps: Diann Muller, No. 4; Vickie World, No. 6 Chip-in: Charlotte Gilje Birdie: Diann Muller June 13 -- Who Me? 1st Place Team: Cheryl Ul- rich, Sharon Bennett. Judy Keiffer 2nd Place Team: Kathy Johnson, Betsy Sharp, Peg- gy Newton, Georgia Peder- sen Closest to the pin: Kathy Johnson. No. 4; Linda Sund, No. 6; Linda Sund, No. 13 Chip-ins: Charlotte and Jerene Smart Birdie: Linda Sund Gilje Lake Limerick Ladies Golf June 4 -- Throw Out Worst Hole 9-holers Flight one: 1, (tie l Robbi A1- berts, Kerry Torkelson, 26 Flight two: 1, Sharon Corri- gan, 27; 2, Bonnie Morrow, 30 Pars: Robbi Alberts, No. 4; Kerry Torkelson, No. 1: MaryLou Trautmann. No. 1 and No. 7: Bonnie Morrow. No. 9 Chip-ins: Robbi Alberts. No. 4; Sharon Corrigan, No. 8 Low net of the day: Robbi Alberts, 34 Low putts: Robbi Alberts, 12 June 6 -- Low Net 18-holers Flight one: 1, (tie) Gayle Wilcox, Iris Zieman, 72: 2, Joyce Reynolds, 75; 3, Jean- nine Jacobs, 77 Low net of the day: (tie) Gayle Wilcox, Iris Zieman, 72 9-holers Flight one: 1, Ann Johnson. 31; 2, Ann Wooten. 39: 3. Robbi Alberts. 42 Flight two: 1. Sharon Corri- gan, 34; 2, Sharon Hadsall, 38: 3, Barb Eberhardt, 39 Flight three: 1, Pat Wass. 40: 2. Sheila Thomas. 41: 3, Rosie Bowcutt. 44 Pars: Ann Wooten, No. 7: Sue Devlin, No. 7: Sharon Hadsall, No. 7 and No. 9 Chip-ins: Barb Eberhardt. No. 8: Ann Wooten, No. 7 Low net of the day: Ann Johnson, 31 June 11 -- Criers Flight one: 1. Joyce Reyn- olds, 25; 2, MaryLou Traut- mann, 27" 3 (tie) Robbi A1- berts, Gayle Wilcox, 28; 4, Anne Wooten Flight two: 1 (tie) Pat Wass, Sheila Thomas. 26:2 (tie) Bonnie Morrow, Sharon Hadsall. Sharon Corrigan, 28 Pars: Joyce Reynolds, No. 1; Anne Wooten. No, 1; Ma- ryLou Trautmann, No. 4" MaryLou Trautmann, No. 9 Low net of the day: Mary- Lou Trautmann, 34 June 15 -- Low Putts Flight one: 1. Kerry Torkel- son, 12; 2 (tie) Diane Pol- lard. Jaycee Reynolds, 14: 3. MaryLou Trautman. 17 Flight two: 1, Sharon Had- sall. 14:2 (tie) Sharon Cor- rigan, Pat Zulfur, 15, 3 (tie) Bonnie Morrow, Pat Der- heim, 18 Pars: Joyce Reynolds, No. 10, No. 18, Gayle Wilcox. No. 18: Anne Wooten, No. 12: Kerry Torkelson, No. 12; MaryLou Trautmann. No. 10 Chip-ins: MaryLou Traut- mann, No. 12 Low net of the day: Kerry Torkelson, 33 Low putts: Kerry Torkel- son. 12 June 18 -- Ones Flight one: 1, MaryLou Trautmann, 18: 2, Robbi Alberts. 19 Flight two: 1, Bonnie Mor- row. 21.5: 2. Sharon Had- sall, 22 Pars: Robbi Alberts, No. 4. No. 7: MaryLou Traut- mann. No. 9 Low net of the day: (tie) Robbi Alberts, MaryLou Trautmann. 33 Low putts: MaryLou Traut- mann. 12 o Zumba Toning o Zumba Classes • Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training • Weight Training. Swimming. Aerobics Classes . Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:OO a.m. FREE with membership 0 Kettlebell Classes Now in progress See schedule at • Racquetball • Tanning, Cardio • Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at Hours', Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm, Sat & Sun 7am-3pm Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 21,2012 - Page C-3