June 22, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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lleifair Woman !Rush Starts
rrl l/
1 diNS With Matt Pigeon Rush
i. l'eas|ey, Author i
i fh (iMily irvlnli
1Udl iii. .hJnc 21. !rs. ;i;ll
'I'imh'l F pent two days at Abel'-
d,.n Im;t week at the ]{)OSliil; l.tl-
I(I:U ctltvention. :uld whlh, there
.ln, uh, : trip to Westport, Veasii-
dtJ;.'t-n Wtuh: there she met Clip-
I a ii<l Matt Peasley who gave
t talk. k"pLa.in Ma.tt Peasley m
lira maill character m Peter B.
J'yr|cS' Set .qtf;rle.
Mrs. Jirn Eaton Wilt) has JU:tt
E(li*, thrttilgh a serious operation,
m I'rvmerton hospital, returned
Ill,ill(' Sunday much improved nl
health (]hid to see you bkck,
Idi i '; 14;i, ton.
Mr,. Charles Irving slid ehil-
lh'on ('lmries Jr. and Alice, visit-
c,I Mrs: Elmer Hill and Mrs. isaac
IhJlton ill Port Oi'ctlard Friday of
last week
]Vlr.g. (J;irl (urrler visited Mon-
day at llll Charier Irving honle.
Mrs. ()sear Mikleson ;in l
diu4lltvr were callers ell Mrs.
(]h'l I.hnTis and Mrs Kenneth Al-
Ien Friday last.
Mi. arid ]lil'V. Gl:(trl4P IPol)l! :ill,]
.itlil .hlhnny, were weekelld visit-
o1',,t Ill Coulee Ditto. lil ]iIH.IIPI'n
/4';i/4tlington. rcturninl Lo iellair
Monday after a very erij¢iy'lbie
1 rip.
Mr alid Mrs. I(eilnetb II'ving
lilltl children, It(dares and Ken-
/lath dr. visited i'olln(4th'.4 [';ither.
t; .I. lFviiig alld farntiy llnday,
Mr Mlior(, mortal his I;lliilly
Tlmr< day, June
... 2.s..L .................................. i, i ii, , .......................... _ i i j u - -
M St i kl d lp0,. bc, tl,e. ,,,.st m<-.ti,,g ,,< Mrs. C,e(n" Di
3"4 'i 1'
Golf's Big Prize Claimed bv bTelo rs. r c an the h.m0 <,f .,s , ,, ,.,css,<,, ge
th,.h' guest8 Nil (I;i
htst ,Vcdncsday "illtl W;t. ;in ca- Ii':l. ,IoIlnso:l, Mr. and
S i dByMt H (" "
urpr se . .ioyaMe affair., Theh' next ,,,e,'t- ostess. To anal ,,, l,...,,<,.:,,,
ing will hc July 12 1I. the par-
View Gathering l/i" Last Week " """ "':' "'"'"
, )nag'e, ft;l" 1111 atl-d y illCCting, lit .#.lLJ.k). h;Ivt' a:.; their ;4ucsl Mit3a
., ,hieh time they will it;ll't eli a
• - ..... '1 quilt. All are inv,ted. [Ialm:t of I,,v,,.,l'ctt.
B.V Mrll. Ofirl liorrls Mi. and Mrs. boil Herz,g spent By rdr.. Jo2 Stewart I J:" and Mrs. .l.
Mt. View, June.21. :: The home the wctkcnd in Kclso. visltlnl I'oth, tC.hl .hmo 21 Th, Past Eli;, 12.u.::.,l!. Mr. ;lntl
l of Mr. ;ind Mrs, Chas. Strlcklanla with l'll, and Mrs. Erviil Tarno!'. Matro!l: of i"]lna Cb:iptcr inct ;il Si,'I.>'+'I i;;"! cl.i!dren
i: ' was tim Setting of a gay sct'lle Marion ltllt[ BilIio McErwcn l'o- tilt, honrll] (Jl" /ll's. (hOl''t' l)ixoii t:;:'ciU i:1 T;l('oill:l
I Ttlesday evening when a iluYnber mahled for Ii WeekH visit w It h i!l Skohol'.lish Valh..v \\;V,dnc:;d:ly. H,'nr.7 fin HP, l.lil If.lid
of theh' friends gathered at their lheh" grandmother. Mrs. J. Me- A dcli('.ioti' Illncht'iin %v,.ts s,wvetl Icy attt,ndcd th+'
home. TIw evint wlis I i Iectly" Kuins, returnblg home tiffs wtwR- at 12:30 llftOl' the l;usin(.q:4 lllt,tq.- illctq.l;l in Cheiuili:
I plaflned : urpriSe, honorthg t h e t,ad, ing. Th:'cc l:dih.; of lu'i:lw- v,,c.rc llin;.
i2"tb birthday anrilver.ktry of Mrs.
;;"" I Sl:rlckland. Tables were' soon MI':3. Frances ibunnnlg find soil Joepltlycd',ltev, ai't.high rr,cond'ic°rc' {loinglliKh tot,) .Ml';qMr*s' ,.':Is'MrswednesdayCliff°rd withlh':lthr
:' " I asmbled t devoted to andpJnctehlethe ,¢venln'and Chine'0ewaa Visithave inreturnedTacoma.,fr°mreLurninga fewto(hlyS'Ta. \\;V. LIln(, co:]solatioil it) [4rs. chco'l 0nd slowc7 I(i
I checkers. RefreShdiehts of sand- eomc wilh her |hlabhnil' and fh- Knowlton. Those present were Nvil St;ninon,<'. the h(mor
' • " a thir, VnL Jackson, who tre era- Mesdame.<; Ahl Adam::, Kllow].on. c'.lvi:ui many beautiful
i wiches ralad, cake lind calf,e.
iv, to l;e served, Many be'41ilil played on the Narrows ])rhlo.e Lust. Mitchell, Mrfffttt. Nci,on. afternoon wa:; i)cnt
thei', after a brtcf vlsiU here with Simmons. Stewart. WilIl'm,% 1)i::- t:'act and Chinese
or:; i:l contracl, v,'l,nt to
gifts and well wlsheb for many borne folks li'red Bui't-e of H1 I- on. ])ruem.
> "e * "" "' =
more happy I)ir)hdav were' b .-i I Mr. and Mrs. .hJhn tt, odKeb<'rl Igh;c.ngimcr. second higll
st-wed u (in h' "rhos¢ ics(!nt l'¢tt, hRs llad eh<'lrg'e of the ,ft. it'lotored t¢ h;(.r,,lt ,'gaturday. E.C.;it.]s(i,.i. consol:ithm to
0 '. ,P . er. -- "; P" s View katng Rink during Mr:.
were: llir. :ano ll-...' v'ranR l-lltrrl,. 1 nni '$1 bsen e Mr. and M:". \\;V. 1I. fgnfith HpCllt -imnlon.4. H(lll(ll'S I(ll"
( ill n', a c-
t:d' t ' li' '" " " } '1 ttl' " ' ' ' r" " ?kwhha.? 7; d,e wech end in lhmton, in;; to M,':' ,lack
)fttlmilv, MIL Ii;l(l' /lr,, b're "luck tli Ill , The Potlatch .ociut club illel Ill l%ti'y. N<qI ,qiml°,m::.
n;nd fsmily Mr. 8rid 19[l'S, I',orcn r ..... i ' .'-' --". I!,,'ni'y lhl:;:l:l:!u.
• it' - ...' " • '--' ,.rA, ,,,It \\; %lsir-0(I 8. iew ays Wl[.n _/VllS.q Lhc uchool h(lllS' "l'ue';day (,Vcllil N.
I%ICK .WI_iS. tlj, J .ntlalb,tv l,,tt,.,,-,. .- - -- - ' t ....
arid IV" ltck S'tPicl'lsn "d kit sad Jtlne ut)ulffJ21tu WhO returlle I W'll.n After the }Ill,tibia;Ill nl0('tirlp" l'our t;ool'g'- ish, v :11'..
, , )' ,. I '" '"; il her or a brief visit lit th c lr tal)lc.<; ,)i t;¢);ltl';lt't v.'(.l'() phlyod. I,,,lt,:,, ill Tnclliil.
ll'S. Owe, n Plizrnth ltn(l ltn ,..7. ... '- _ Itigh ::core went to Mrs. Sislcy.
and CtaYtoi, Ferrlei nnd M l"'q'llVllv.ie" ,:,a;.,, returned home :;eccmd higt, t<, Mr.;. (.;ranwold.
Putin 'luff.. from Hoqu!,'tm. wllere she was 1,{1.,i. Lanniiy :lad Ml':l. ILe,d(T
Mr" and Mi's' M' F" Klink were eslled hv the Itlness °f her gTand" wcrc h°:;tc'scs' VEtV
: .a:, dinner guests of Mrs. W. B. Shelo, child. Mores Bonlam. who ha,
ton at Shelton aturdtiy evcniv4g, been quite ill with pneumonia, but
hitiesc checket:a wm tlic diver- i- iYmeh imnroved. Mrs. Vip's Tolefs(m. of the M;ison (hllmly ",i
The Byron Nelsons are proud of their new mantlepiece---and rightly i moix. of the CvcDing,. daughter, Mrs. Florence Bclh-¢, Motors. M. and Mrs. Tolefs(m
so. It's the National OI)erl Golf lrophy, won by the Tcxas-born , Miss Rose T0rrell ash Mrs. R, who accompanied her. remained met her in Seattle Saturd y morn- i-]}l, [,ill
sharpshooler in a playoff with C " !; Wo)d al the Philadelplia 'D. Brown attendcd the fin a l .lo," a lonl'er visit, inl. Miss Tolefsoa reniaincd in
4 Country Club. Now u Readinv, Pa.. p,'ofcssicmal, Nel.on moves meeLlng of the Ladies Sewing Mr. and Mrs. Don Bntts :,nd Minot, when her p, rents came. llllc
Senator Rush Holt of West Vir- 1o a Toledo. (.)., (,ouv::, next vcar. Club, for the sumniir at t h e familv, spent Father's Day visit- that she might flniah and /4"rad-
g/nia re/cases erie a! 50 pigeons " uate from the school she w a ,<
................................................................... 'Luthcrii ¢llrch In SheRon on lng with theh' parents. Rev. and
.ent t,, Soo,e . o..olton. a.. G ,. . ¢.. . ,,,-.y. The jol,,t-.osles. ,o. atton<li,,g ho,'e .iss T<,,efs\