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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 22, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 22, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DS %trees r,- -4 -los Flare in Auto Strike e "i, Bcal.en in street fight, near General Motors phmt at Flint, Mich., I){diveman looks over situalion.  This was typical scene when i iJici,:qs of striking A. F. of L. unit of Umh,d Auto Workers clashed &apos; with C. I. O. division of same union, which opposed walkout. of a cold, gargle d ...................................................... Antiseptic. It' what it is--a local D:am'mds in hz,:li:t by germs. Killsi Dianu,nds m'igitHlly came frt>m i The prompt u of' India. For t'cllttH.its that c,untry ! i 'e may head off a: :'eln:hu=d Ihe s(de sonrce (Jl' ],:cl- Isorethroat. r,pe's :.;Ul)l']Y. ])J:n:u;l:]s were {]i- . , c,v':'('d in ]{l';:::al ill l'/:[J, aJl(i ill SI. Loui:;, Mo.[.: Llth Africa in laJS'/. S,llttl A['l'i('a U [LONDYKE lb. 3* ASPARAGUS 10 i CAN oi ........ ""1 !$ pkg ,, 10 ° lb. 19¢ • • • • l • = • e • • nood,poh 00ews I Frontls vered By Betty MeKiel ¢t,y MeKIel Hoodsport, June 21. --- The Jun- iors of the Hood Canal Women's club met on Tuesday evening, June 13 in the basement of the Hoods- port school. Names and activities mr the club were suggested, but none were decided on as there were not enough members pers- ent. it was planned to h o l d meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. A surprise birthday party wa.,. given for ;Mrs. H: R. Dickinson at the home of Mrs. Frank Ahl. Mrs. Dickinson wan presented with a traveling case by her-frionds. Those . invited were: Me,ames Kitby, Abbey , L. L. Dickinson, J. C. McKiel, H. E. Lockwood, Oscar Ahl, S. J. Martin, Joe Vail, T. l. mith, "Will Lunt, Ralph Halliards, R. B. Johnston, l-tazel. Bleeker, Dan Con&n, Don 3oule, Mrs. Cal- ktns of Rob, burg, Oregon; hostes Mrs. Frank Alll. After a delicious luncheon was s6rved, Chine.,e checkers were played. First prize going to Mrs. Kilby, second Mrs. H, R. Dickinson. CoRsolaion prizes want to Mrs. L. L. Dick- inson and Mrs. Will Lunt. Guest prize to Mrs'. Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Chark Ogg of Shelton visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl .on Friday of. last week. MarlsFinch ts out from Seat- tie to spend te summer with her aun.t Mrs. rld Bynaes. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Lockwood and son Bob, wet to the Ocean Beach over Saturday and Sunday, i:::' ; '.,i',i;.,,,, pr, mibited religion accompanied, by Penny Read. :,nd i:.!: a p, ev,' calendar for thern- M,I. and MI',.' '. W. ibson of ::;,]v.,:;, ;!i:tl the xtm,y )f :'J. de Saint- Port Angeles, visited Mrs. W. R. g;lli','('l' :]l,D.'.':: htD, V nil three worked McDonald, Mrs, Gibson's mother. Mr. ,and MFS lVrank Oilphant t[il :,n iw:',clice. They a)lirhd tile of Olympia, visited Mr. and Mrs. "(h!" it] h}:; name I}ecau2e it I4; 'E. Lockwood over the week- sn:.v:kc'd .[ nobili!y; the "Sainl," end, le'.'au:, !t rerni:ded of religion; M,r. and Mrs., John ;Mullenlx and lhe "J:ufiver" (January) be- and sons aul, and Malcum, Mr. (!:ltl:[' lhey hud changed the [alan- Pete Peter°on; Mr. Lee Nelson and Easy Way To Free Yo.r Pet of Fleas daughter Martha, all o Montesa- no, visited at the MeKiel home on Sunday. Mr. Will Mayer and daughter Edith. formerly of Hood°port, vis. Red friends last week. Mrs. T. B. Smith attended a Baptist .convention in Bellingham last week. Mrs. Cowan of Seattle Is vis- iting her sisters, Mrt. Kilby and ilnl,ly sprinkle ymtr pet Wtth Mrs. Abbey. Bt'.IIACII, sitting the powder lttly Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson have lhl'otlgh lho fur or feathers. 'lsen walt'h fhe vermin roll off ! IUI[A(,'H-- .a new Oldsmobile. guaratteed safe for human beiuss and Mrs. Joe Vail and daughter a}dmals--i ure death to insect pemts. Betty and son Marmll, visited her In llandy Sifter Cans 25e up at Drug, :sister, Mrp'. Gilbert in Seattle, on Gr (.er.. >;cad Stores and:Pet tell, Sunday, rs. innie Angst and Mrs. IV. Rcke£¢s, left for their home California Sturday, a f t e r PROHOUNCED BUHAC, K pending a week visiting their ifather, A. Scott and brothers Neil und Andy Satt. ...... Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johnson of atle Rock were visiting, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo John :son, and Mr. and Mrs.Dan Conan :in Ho0dsp0rt over th e weekend. Mr. nd,Mrs., Ralph Hilligoss ited Mr, Hilllgoss ftther m "vo- ledo, Washington, Sunday. l Betty and Micke7 and Melvin ]Willron are goirtg to spend the ammer with relatives in :Davenport, Was,hin&,ton. /Mr. and rs. Ray BOwles and Mr. and ;Mrs. Tom ,Bewles spent the weekend at C6palis Beach. Dewey Bowles of Olympia, is ....................... - - -- ,visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bowles. I,G,A. Hoodport: Monday, *' Mrs, G"lenn Lockwood visited in Flour--. 69 -- ;Mr,:. Paul Hughey of Shelton, ,,,. ,ira l,,, e visited ,Mr.. and Mrs.,Ray Bowles last .week. They spent' the day Ik, ; in Lake Ctmhman, ,We herr they had a fine, ach.. .... Mrs. Minnie Thomaon of H,l. . '.lywood, ts .visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Hunt and mother/ M rv,. Shortening. Oro 39€ pkg COffee .Red A Blue G Budget Coffee Full Flavored 15 ,,, 23 ° [ Bourlaad's selected Quality Meats Boiling Beef... lb. 13€, Baby Beef Liver .... Ib 211¢ BOURL, &ND'S  : It , A CASH FOOD STORE Essenprilm, a.d Mrs, BRford Rose ad Shelton, visited Mr. and Frank Ahl Sundity. : Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Lfnseott were: called to Orting Monday, !where his mother 1$ seriousiy ill. Preon Laird of Beraexton has been visiting his feaster, ;Mrs. Tage Ahlqulst the past week, ;Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lunt of Po Angeles. went through HQodsport Saturday on their way tothe Werld's Fair at San Fran- I ca°to, They wttl also visit other 1 pots of interest on their way home. Jean and Rhert ,Lunt are: stwing with ,their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hi Ltmt, :wltlle their parents are away. Miss Elibeth Hllllgoss is home from Ashford, Washington, where she visited ;Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who ! k,, recreational instructor at the CCC camp there. Doris Boule of Chehalis, and Gordon Dtckinn of Hoodsport, spent several daVs with t heir brother, Lee Dickinson. at the Lookout on the South Fork. i Mr. and Mrs. Taffe Ahlquis and small daughter Penny spent the weekend in Portisnd, an d ! Hoodriver, Oregon, where litttc= Penny was baptld by the same minister who married Mr, a n d Ms. Ahlquist and Mrs. Ahlqulst's paents. Sliced Bacon lb: 25¢ Veal Steak .... Ib.i :W w, i, --n,,- ;, so pay S0 or moe to g qualhy in Veal, Beef, Pork. [ dndfric$. iateneToolh P=te, made by the n.Lke= Meat Loaf lb. 17€ ..,.t..,oo...,..,n..g.,.-.,,-.ot, • • • • • • bowJtclenl, beufiEeaandpntectayouttceth'M°re oy0t lavn a yon'seer ° zlmat e JY |$ ayear oOt 50@ dentl fsloe, iuy things ynu need with that saving--neck ll re mraly • alqutlon, latmhert Phnrmcal Co, P$one2g Plenty of Parking Space LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE A"I N " 71 NOT A LAKE, INSIDE ALASKA P SSAGE .... , ..., ..... .; . j '.'. .. .,.  : . .  ............................ • :+l::;:"i,: : ' -: ;; :,9 rage l'nree Vacation Bible School 110 Pupils Attending With ll0,s m enrolled, ill elasse: li:sLructed l:)y t.5 LCHcn- era, the B:/ptist Vtte;itiorl Blblt. Sotlotd lair at new pear ot polHll'lt lly following' its ot)eL;ng MtmdaV tlis week The ('hool Is open t, all. l,a.,v .J. () ].oVet" Itid ill invilillb: !ll Jhlltlrtql l/H.,,rested to ('lit'tall. Tit,' chtsse. wil ootl|il]ue daily for tw, Wel?ls [F(II (,) to 11:30 a. [11. Supper, I)ance. Meeting Ai Agale This Weekend F]vorythii} [s frec ,,t Ayale ' frl.ll2e llal] "4ttt, llh'l,y lltlll! whi.II [ht' V(,rkcrs Alliance tos.'[es ;t ,tatct' and SUpl)[,r l)ro-ra]l. \\;V.A. \\;X officers all111!)[IM(-e(l yesterdzLv [The public s invited t¢, alt, crld 1 Another \\;'V.A.'V (!V(qlt [: ,('}')'1 Iflcd )n Agate (if'faille l.l;ll Stln (t,qv -lftorlloOIl at t))lo o'("h)ch, :l l)tl|)lic m:4ss rrlc(lillff ]lavi? h(,si called a,t which at r!'p()rl by Idhm) Lord, managor of Pllb]h: |T[ihly District N(). 3 wll be gven. The $.S. Aleutian, flagship of the Alaska Steamship Company fJeet, and convention ship of the National Editorial Association, sails sheltered seas in nearby Alaska. So intricate and winding are i the narrow channels of the Inside Passage that it seems as though you were sailing upon some beau- i tiful lake Iqcated high in a mountain range. Grant Angle, Journal ditor, is a member of the party. SON BORN WEDNESDAY TREA''ED FOR BEE STING NOSE INJi;RY 'rREATEI) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Addle- J. F. Thomas, Potlatch rnute, l[arvey R(m(lslan(I, })romil[(,nt xmn of Hoodsport. became par- was treated at Shelton hos,pital Tahuya logging contract[)r, wa. enta Wednesday of a baby son, treated at Shelton hospitnl today I born at Shelton hospital, today for a. severe bee sling, tar a severe nose injury, • i l00WAY*S ? Farmer-Consumer hie Brings Local Benefits Iteese arlgo|d...full cream, merlcan cheese. lb. % Of al the /ndust.ies in te ll'orthweot, few rnk hlffher in importnco thean doe dirin. Thie week we eeh ghe htffh point in our ntont3a lonK producer.con. =tune oamplffn to it/mu. [.te the los of datr pod. aot. Hafoway ttces a lead. Laff 1) in tlts n,t4on- wide ([rive, wth the re- m.tnder that ¥o% purchano will help looal dairymen. BUTTER Highway Fresh 2 lbs ................. .58¢ MILK Fresh From Dairy, Qt. Bottle ........ 11¢ CREAM - Commercial -Pint ............ 15¢ CHEESE Shefford American 2-lb. Pkg ........... 45¢ KITCHEN CRAFT The home-type flourretains moisture ia all home I Z9 24-1b. 69 c 49-1b. Sack .. Sack ° ..... Harvest Blossom ,o,,,,,,_ CANTERI¥ • "" BLA TEA Half @ Vz-lb. Green ..19€ l-lb. Black ........ 55¢ Prices In This Ad For June 23-26, incl. Airway Coffee, lb. 14¢,; 3-1bs. 39¢ Nebhill Coffe, lb. 20¢; 2-1bs. 39¢ Edward's Coffee, lb. 2"2¢; 4/85¢ Sleepy Hollow Syrup, pt. ...... 20¢ Lipton's Tea, .Ib. 39¢; lb... 79¢ Snowdrift Shortenin, g, 3-1bs. 51¢ Del Maiz Niblets, 12-oz. tin 2/25¢ Super Suds, Red pkg .......... . .... 9¢ Wesson Oil, pt. 23¢; qt ........... 43¢ Hormel Dev. Meat sm. 3¢; lye. 5¢ Snowy Peak Bev.29.oz. bot. 3/25¢ Snowy Peak Bey. 12-oz bot. 6/25¢ Bleach Rite, ½-gal ............... 17¢ Dutchess Salad Dressing, qt .27¢ french Box Spread, qt. ......... 39¢ Nu Made Mayonnaise, qt ..... 35¢ Cascade Salad Dressing, qt. 2¢ ; Jells Rite Pectin, 2 bot .... . ..... 25¢ Jells Rite Powder, 3-pkg ..... 25¢ Paper Napkins, 3-pkgs ....... .. 25¢ Fresh Like Homemade Ever pop open the oven door and get that delic- ious aroma of home- baked bread? That's the open a loaf of Julia Lee Wright'|. 0 10af ll/21b. "ONTH PRODUCE PRICES FRIDAY & SA:TURDAY GUARANTEEI) WATEIEMI,:IONS, lb. 3¢ LOCAL I.ETTU(',E, each ............... ..., ........ 2(,.! LO(!AL TELEPHONE PEAS, 4dbs..... 15¢ NEW C, ROP ()RANGES, 40 for, ............ 49€! JUMBO CANTALOUPE, 2 fro" ... ....... :: 25¢ NEW (ABIAGE, head .................................... 5 ' NEW POTATOES, 12-1bs ............. : ......... 23¢ Radishes:, ()lli[IrCL Carrot, eic., 4 fin'. .... 5¢! FORMAY, 3-lb. tin ...... ........ 47¢ Perfected vegetable Shortening. SUGAR, 25-1bs. € ')" Pure cane, fine granulated. S ' RD 2-1b loaf ,. HE[ FO , ........... CHEESEAmerican or Chevelle, B E 'ER,, 10 for In cans or stu,bbies, Stock itp. l()0-1bs. $4.98 45¢ 9S¢ 1 _)MA 10ES, 3 ln, Highway--large No. 2<r tin, [1? AXTS I)()I{K & m,,,,,, 3 Igs. Van Camp's large 20-oz. tin. WAI I)ORF I'Ie,"UE roll ,  . , . ,, ......... ('AMAY S()AI ) bar Scented Toilet Soap. RINSO I)0WDHL lye. pkg. ..... OVAL FINE, sin. 3.3¢, lge ........ Plain or chocolate. ............. 25¢ • ...... 25¢ 4¢ 6¢ 2O¢ 59¢ <, Does fr'iend husband ever lose in- terest in suppers? Watch that en- ' thusiasm return when hc catches  Lhe aroma of one of SaFeway's Lhick, succulent stcaks broiling in the kitchen. We mean he will sing for his supper. SPARERIBS .... It, 12/€ Bake With Dressing LEG of VEAL • • •, ,b. 19€ Milk Fatted Veal HAUBUT Ib 15€ m m m • • m • Striokly Fresh  Sliced I PORK CHOPS. lb. 23€ Fancy Loin and Rib Chops i• I I I I VEAL CHOPS.. lb. 23€ Lean, Tender C :ops naco.......... == Sugar-Cured  Sliced or in piece Shankless PICNICS lb. Rath's Eastern FILLET of COD . . . . lb. Strickly Fresh 23c 13€