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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 22, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 22, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, L , __ F L 0 WE R S That are correct and distinctive for all occasions FORREST G ARI)E NS Call 305 or 112-W We [Xdlvcr J J u OVER LEGION AND MILLERSYLVANIA MUSCULAR .......... !ll dependent ()lab Flhtngs Up l tth = %Yin Against Six Defeats; HH£UMATIC [ l.Mg Selmdule Ahead PAINS-ACHES l ....... Limiting their opposition to ten scattered hits, the Shelton Out- laws this week added two more ]t tak more than "just a salve" to bring spdy relief. It tako; a "&apos;counter- irritant" like good oht oof.hillg, warm- Ing Muaterole to penetrate the surface skln and help to quicklyreJievo fhe painful local congestion and aches due to eohh. Muscular lumbago, soreness and stiff- generally yield imamptly. Bettm- than the old-fashioned mustard plutor. Muste:tole has bn used by millions for 30 years. Recommemied by wina to their season slate mark- ing victories No. 10 and It as against six defeats. Norb Cormier came in fVom shortstop Tuesday afternoon to 'pitclx stwen-hit ball in beating Coach ttomer Taylor's American Legion team. 15 to 7, despite nine bases on balls lnlmy doctors and nurws. In three Deb Elson earned another one, .,$tlngtha: Rogt,lar, Ctflhtren'a (mild) !run edKc over Camp Millersylvan- aBd ExtSa Strong, 40. All druggists, , ia, CCC, at Loop field, Wed- nesday by hurling three-hit ball and winning, 3 to 2, de,pttc eight errors by his teammates. Further contests prior to a I three.dy barnstorming trip to Oregon which the Outlaws will • tal:e July 2, 3 itnd 4 inc|ude a game again.t the McCleary Mus- ......................... I tangs a,t McCleary Saturday; a !twin bill against the Elms" Mer- nAHA M THEATRE IbHELTON, WASHINGTON Two shows every night Starting at 7:00 P.M. Matinee 2:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Adm,, 10€ and 25¢, plus'tax Last Time Tonight! DOUBLE FEATURE "ROOKIE C, OP" With Tim Holt and Ken Maynard in: "STRAWBERRY ROAN" , i i .j Friday - Saturday Jane Withers In "BOY FRIEND" wlth Arleen ,Vimlen, Richard 13OB(I Also BUCK ROGERS SERIAL News  Cartoon Sun. - Men. -Tues. Big Crosby, Joan BlondeH in "EAST ' ' ," SII)F. Of 3  V9 HEAVEN wilh Miscl, a Atler. Ir fn c. ![ervey Also New=, CartOon Weekend Sports Schedule S)FTBALL Frhlay--McCleary at Skokomlsh, Rayonier-L. M. at Loop Field (city league games), 6 p. m. Sunday--L. M. vs. Lime Colas of Olympia, 10:30 a. m., Loop Field; McCleary Timber vs. Brennan Hardware at Aberdeen; DeMolay wL Stock's Winery at Horseshoe Lake, 2 p. m. (non- league games.) MondaySkokomtsh vs. L. M.. at Loop, DeMolay vs. McCleary at Bordeaux, 6 p. m. (clty league games). • BASEBALL Sunday--N. W. league doublehead- er, Shelton vs. Seattle Gibaons, 1:30 p. m., Loop Field. Score by Innings: S. Outlaws ...... 204 002 61015 hits .................. 103 011 31012 A. Legion .......... 005 200 000--- 7 hits .................. 102 100 102 7 SUMMARY: Strikeouts. N. Col mier, 7; . Cole, 3; LeDrew, 2; J. Cole, 3: Passes, N. Cormier, 9; B. Cole, 3: LeDrew 2; Cole, 4; Hit by Pitched Bali P. Sharpe by Le- Drew; Wild Pitches, B. Cole, 3; J. Cole, 1; Pas Ball, Kelly; Triples R. Cormier, Collins, N, Cormier; Doubles, R. Cormier, Woods, Tay- lor; Stolen Bases, P, Sharpe, Col- lins, 3: N. Cormier, Booth, Fred- son, Taylor; Double Plays, Woods to McComb to Lumsden; Tough unassisted; Losing Pitcher, Le- chants at Elms Sunday, and a , fourth game with Millersylvania' next Wednesday at Deep hike. A game with the American Le- Kion team will probably be, play- ed Monday or Tuesday. E)like Ci)llins with a triple and two sinples paced the Outlaw at- t'.c.k Tuesday to allow Norb Cor- ruler to register his first pitch- Drew: Umpire, Hank tng win of the mmuon. against no lain. defeats. Ray Cormier, Phil Sharps, lt[tllersylvi& &b r h po Sill McComb and Norb himself, Wilson, If ......... 5 0 1 1 ea.ct hit two for the winners, while Whitman, lb .... 4 0 0 4 Bill Taylor, Ken Fredson an d Dozier, .cf .......... 4 0 1 3 Ken Latham garnered two h it s Stonecypher, 3b 4 0 0 1 each for the Legion. Hart, 2b ............ 4 0 0 3 Elson pitched his sixth win of Tremlin, ss .... 3 0 0 1 the season against four losses, Thompson, rf 3 0 0 0 with Phil Sharpe hitting a triple bel', c ........ 4 2 I 10 and sillgle m tWO trips to pace Nelson, p .......... 4 0 0 1 the Outlaws a.t the plate. Straltmattcr, ss 0 0 0 0 l]ox SCOTt'.. Outlaws tb r h po a e Totals ............ 35 2 3 24 Tough, 3b ........ 4 't f| 5 1 10titlaws ab r h po t L C, ormicr, ss 6 2 2 2 2 1 Tough, 3b ........ 4 0 1 2 P. Sharps, cf __ a, 2 2 0 1 0 R. Cormi'r, lf,ss 4 1 0 0 B. McComb, c If 4 2 2 5 0 0 Collins, lb ........ 4 0 1 10 Collins. lb ........ 4 3 3 g 1 0 Shelton, c, rf .... 3 1 1 3 N. Cormier, p 4 2 2 1 1 0 E. Sharps, el .. 2 0 0 1 Bernert, 2b .... 4 1 0 3 6 0 McComb, rf, c 3 1 0 9 1licking)n, If .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 N. Corrrfl'r, ss,lf 4 0 1 0 1 tiooth, rf ....... 3 1 1 0 0 0 Bernert, 2b ...... 3 0 0 2 3 Shclton, c .......... 3 1 0 3 0 0 Elson, p ............ 2 0 0 0 1 0 ........................ i P. Sharpe, cf .... 2 0 2 0 0 0 'I',tas ............ 37 15 12 27 12 l.egion tb r h I m a Totals ............ 31 3 6 27 13 8 F'rcdson, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 1 Score by Innings: Robertson. 3b 3 2 0 1 I 3 Millersylvania .... 000 010 010--2 hits .................... 011 000 010--3 Cmr- Shelton Outlaws 001 101 00x--3 hits .................... III 020 01x--6 SUMMARY: Strikeouts. Elson, 14; Nelson, 0; Passes. Elson, 1; Nelson, 3; Hit by Pitched Ball, Straitmatter by . Elson: W l I d Pitch, Nelson; Triples, Wilson, P. Sharpe; Stolen Baes, Dozier, Tough, 2; Sharps, McCohiI: Woods, c, lb, 3b 2 1 0 6 3 1 Taylor, as .......... 5 1 2 2 I 1 I mtham, cf .. 5 0 2 1 0 1 Lumsden. lb '1 0 0 8 1 0 J. McCmnb. 2b 3 0 0 4 3 0 ,hly(]eT'. If .......... 2 0 0 0 0 0 I:;L Cole, p ...... 0 1 0 0 l 0 Kelly, c ........... 3 l 1 5 2 0 Ban Overheke, lf 2 n 0 0 0 0 Lel')rew, p ....... 2 0 0 0 1 0 J. (f le, p | 0 0 0 1 0 BLAME IT ON WEATHER If in an important game your, favorite southpaw seems to have a stuttering salary arm and shoots his slants away from the plate for passes instead of strikes, do not blame him or his forebears. or get the horrible suspicion that he has been pacing up and down the primrose path the night be- fore. Just call up that weather man, and euas him out proper, as he generally should be, anyway. After years of study and met- eroliglcal research In this mat- ter, President W. C. Tuttle of the PIciflc (Josttt League, has come to the conclusion that gen- erally speaking lack of control hi something beyond the control of a pitcher, right or left. Ra- ther that the correct answer is to be found In the elements, such as H20, ether, ozone, etc. Sun spots were not mentioned specifically, but are partly to blame If they have any Influ- ence on our mundane atmos- phere, Mr. Tuttis does not go so far as to suggest that every pitcher have a barometer strapped to his back when warming up in order to show what he is pre-destined to do on that occasion. In fact, he does not suggest a cure, a remedy or a safeguard, apparent- ly being reconciled to the fact that nature takes its course in most cases with few detours• As an cxperiencod bmleball man, he is simply pointing a gnarled but erudite finger at what he laelieves to be a fact. So when a pitcher blow3 up it is simply a manifestion of na- tlzr llke a cyclone or spontan- eo combustion. Hear the good Preaident: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 "I claim that a pitcher who has 3 0 0 0 good 'stuff," always has his stuff. That the theory of a pitcher be- 0 ins effective one day and lnef- 1 fective another is all bunk. It's ll the atmosphere. The ball is fast 0 -, in light atmosphere and slow in heavy atmosphere..That a curve 4 1 will not break sharply in light  atmosphere, because it does not 2 build up enough resistance, but 1 that In heavy air it builds up re- 0 sistance which causes it to break 0 0 0j sharply. This also has an effect on his control, because he throws, 5 0 or attempts to throw" his curve at 0 a certain point. If the air is light, 2 his hook fails to break properly, ruining his control." Sounds logical. Perhaps t h e prexy would like to hear from some of the professors of natural philosoph at alteck with a pos- sible solution of the dilemma which apparently confronts our pitchers It wouldn't take much cam- patgning to elect Jim Sands as softball's hrd-luck guy around here . . . two years ago Jim, gins- reed up the ligaments in one ankle so badly he had to go around In a cast for several weeks • . '., '.lat yea he hurt the ahkle again, then later in the sitaaon fly off third base and runnn]g in- to a spectator . . . M(m(lay liiht he cracked thc bone in the thumb of his right h'i,l(l ill tWO phiecs el) is out of action again . . and there isn't anybody in town wire likes to phty any more than the L. M. butcher. Apologie here to Bill Lam- bert, ,southpItw softball llitcher and hitter for Mc(<leary Tim- bet's softball club . . . Bill was the gentleman on the moilnd when MeClcary defeated Ray- onler the last two times OUt hut In each this sports sCriveil- er gave the credit mistakenly to Lea Spilseth, who share pitch- Ing chore, s for the timbermel with Lambert. A lot of work has been l)ut in on the Bordeaux grade school field, in fixing it up suitably for softball play, but that work is being undone by a few thought. less auto drivers who wheel onto the field and make ;t race trwk out of it, cutting the am'face up badly . . . maybe a little wire placed judiciously so cars couhtn't be driven onto tlle.fichi would stop the practice. C.M.T.C. SPORTS-MINDED Athletics, the one subjecl near to the heart of every American boy, will play an important role in the Citizens Military Training Camp to be conducted at. Fort Lewis f:'om July 1st to 30. Included in the athletic pro- gram being prepared for t h e Camp are a swimming meet. track meet, baseball tom'nament, ten- nis tournament, and other ports. Medals and trophies will be aw- arded to winners in the various ontests. Facilities are available at Fort ewis for practically every type f recreation. A 1 rge roller skating rink. one of the biggest in the Northwest, has recently been opened at the Fort and will be available to enrollees. Skates are furnished at the rink. In addition to the roller rink, the facilities of tle huge com- pletely equipped gym will be vallablc to C.M.T.C. eanduhttes during their stay at the Fort. Totals ....... 33 7 7 27 15 6 Umpires, Flint and Hutchinson. .................................................................................................................................................... bunged up a knee chasing a 'foul FAST CARD OPENS B0XIE SMOKERS HERE I£ST NI(;lff Pair Of Knlll,llnll, Draw ,41rid Two l)Pelly I)t.elsh)ns O,i (]:ird; .llothl.r In  ,Vees Two kno(?kouts spieed l a, s t night's boxing ea,'(l sLage,l by the Shokomish H.eservation baseball team. udder the promotion of Percy James. wiLh a draw and two fast bouD ending in de- cisiona completing .the fivc-bout ca.rd. The main event, going' s i x rounds, found Baby Allen earning the deeisRm over his heavier bro- tler, Chief Allen, in a fast bout at eatchweights. The curtain raiser almost stole the show when Pix Miller of Skokomish Re.¢,0rvation and Dick Skinner of Lake Cushman CCC tossed leather for four fast roul]ds which wound up in a draw. The shortest bout of the pro- gram also was one of the best when Les McGhee. t:'otlatcll log- ger. spotted Carl Rains. Shelton. the fir.t round, then c.ame back vaudeville fctnring songs, tom- in the s,.cc}n(l to end the affair by! edy and dancing as well ,4 a t knockout. Rains ha,] the best of tile going in the opening reel, but fell before McGhee's power in the second canto. AIgy Howard of Cushman CCC. .pplied the other knockout on the card, stowing A1 Smith of Sko- komish away in the third round. Harvey Quy of Cushman decision- ed Dave Lewis. Skokomish. in the four-round top preliminary. A crowd of approximately 125 figilt fans witnessed the card. An- other smoker will be staged in about two weeks. Promoter Percy James said today. Red Parsons and Chief Allen shared the refer- eeing' bur(tea last nl?,'ht. T h e car.l was held in the Labor Tem- ple. t tqth the Follies Revue, stage show scheduled to appear on the stage of the Paramount Thea-" tre beghlning Sunday. The show includes five big acts of stage band. Iu addition to the stake show the Paramomlt will present Jack London's "Wolf Call." DeMolay Defeats Skokomish, 9-6, To Tie For 2nd while nearby is heautiful Ameri- can Lake, where a separate beach, I SOFTBAI,L,---SSI'ANI)INCS with (Jiving boards and o t h e,'] W. L. Pet. facilities, is mainLained for their] L. M .............................. 2 0 1.000 use. Experienced lifeguards are I MeCleary ...................... l i .500 on duty at the lake at all timea] l)eMolav . ....................... 1 I ,500 to prevent danger to swimmers. Several baseball diamonds and Skokomt.h ................... i  .333 Rayonler . ....................... I  .333 concrete tennis courts are avail- cores Itt Night Rblc for these sports. Near the) I.)eMolay 9, Skokomish 6. post, an eighteen hole golf com'sc I L.M. 13, Grapeview 1. is being prepared, and. while not fnon-league) completed, temporary greens are L • Game Frlday available for play. I MeCleary at 'Skokornish. With 180 out of the total al-I Iayonicr-L. M at Loop lotment of 250 ah'eady filled all Games 'Monday " young men interested" in. attend- t Skokolnish-L, M. at l,oop. ins the Fort Lewis Camps are] DeMolay-McClcary at Bet- urged to apply iinmcdi!tely. Ap-/deaux. " plicationa should be made locally l:)eM()lay jumped from la% place with Jqltn kettle, registrar for to a. tie for second in the city the Masort (2ouBty area. & sum- .0ftball ch'cuit last night by whip- her of Shelton youths enroll each pin Lbe gian-kiliing Skokonfish summer in the C.M.T.C. Grange.r::. 9 to 6. on I,oop Field Say WITH They Bring and Ha FUNERAL HOSPITAL Delivercd anywhere, Travis Shelton Phone 232 FFI'GI Use only one spoonful to s flour fl K¢ Same as48 Your PARAMOUNT OFFERS FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT: Sun., Men., Tue., A STAGE SHOW CONSISTING OF 5 BIG ACTS M. Cash's Follies COMEDY DANCING HILL BILLY BAND S ton " , " ' ' ............. hel Valley Plnchh]tter I ells To Hear Report Grapeview Events On Grange For Week's News By Una Win=or  ' By Mrs, Sarah It)sen ' Shelton Valley, June 21 The (Pinch-hitting this week) Grange in June will be held this day afternoon Louise Mitchell, ' s r d' T ' ' IIecond regular, meeting Of the Grapeview, June 21.--. Fri- Spec!!fl, fo a), Saturday & Monday Thursday night and a good attend- invited Mrs. Clayton, Mrs, Julia axee is hoped for. Master C. L. Suiter, Mrs. Lock'Wren, Miss Ht- Collins, delegate to tho State tie Barker, Mrs. Sarah Hansen and I{oger's i Mustard pt ,at Grange convcnti°n at Vanc°uver'Mrs'Sp°°nert°a'tea't°welc°me I a, Mrs. Peter Belling and son dessert served bcing a birthday will give his report. 'her grandmother to Grapeview, the Sammy were over from the Isa- cake honoring Mrs. Itanscn. • bella Valley.Wednesday and visit- The Orin Buckingham's i I n d 1 ed at Echo Farm with the Winor the Cliff BarretUs have returned i - V shies I axid Dewey Bennett families, from a motor trip to Walls ,Valla, ....... Black ...... 2-o Mrs, Alice Graham of Abexdeen a very enjoyable time wa;:, had. ge! z. Call F was a recent visitor here at the rmts and e _ n-,-- mim ' homes ofher brothers, Charl= The Cha& Schwinn's werc in i PEPPER 50 Mrs. Charley Baker and daugh- Bremerton Wednesday. M,-,<x Sa.- , ORANGES . , arid W'alter Cooke. rah Hanscn s workirg a.t the Al- ter Jean spent Friday evening at lyn postoffice and store this week. i 3 dozen .......... 31¢ i ' ' Echo l'arm. • , Believe it or not.-Mr. Walter Eckert attended another conxen: , Mrs, Signe Kneeland was a shop- ties lasL week. , ! IE3TUCE I Royal 5-pkg,,. per in Sheito Thureaay and en- I" i 6[LATIN "-----"" 29fi joyed lunch at the home of'Mr. Wednesday, Bob and I)'ve 3 heads . .......... 5¢ .d Mrs. R. R. FatUips. Northrop, Junior, George, Iv,<,, and Frank Palms, Billy Spooner trod Earlyne and Billy visited Sunday Louise Mitchell, iflked to Spencer . 1,- i-- ,--,,, ,  m m Mrs. Vearl Bennett and children, I ( ABBAGE ! , I afternoon wlth Mrs, H,A. Winsor Lake, where they had 1LnCi on i Lb, , ....... ; ...... 3¢ I Wassons 2-lb. can nett and Ava and Una Wln]or. Mrs. Atkinson, Virginia, Billy and and daughters, Mrs, Dewey Ben- the Atkinson.s' picnic table with i * • / fiflgggg d6i Dr and Mrs" Glen Bach, ° Ten" GarY'ing, theyAfter swimming and'rat't-started home. On the (;RAt EFRUI r , ino, vi,tt00 at Valloy vlow 00a,m htghway they were stoppe<l ,) :)? r r " , " , ," • .  andMrs.MrS.signeWalterKnee]andCOOke.wasa vJsl- Grapeview Youth Hostcl. They 0 for ........ 19 VV/i5 m"' "IrF g t!! € I Wednesday afternoon with Mr. couple tnaear wh<, ask,d for',.he I Jelly lime" were Mr. and =,'s DonaI,t nisi:, i tor at the Winsor home Saturday houseparents of the Seattle Youtl PECTIN!0z f0,29¢ .,,o,..oo .o.,e, i FaUlT )dr" and Mrs" Albert Sharer and h°usem°ther ari'd the nther hik°" and Mrs, Elmer Jasted and son all home, They drove arount'] the chlldren Feryl and Chris and Mr, in and on their car and took them m Don of Pee ElJ were dinner guests island Lo see Grapeview's vine- Pe 2o|bS. Mr. and  Mrs. R. R. Phillips Louise Mitchell has regretftflly were out from town and spent gone to the cy to take the Cotlrs M CR0 50 LARD 160 Satudayevenhigatthe Wins°r lnhighsch°°llibrarianship atthe home. , U. sunhmer school At least the : ; Olympia FHday afternoon for an !r¢ Ir Fort came over from course will be interesting. I1,1 ....... ' '*  /I II, I_ IlL i' .11 I I II II1 enla,°'ver'SundaYMr, and v{attMrs. E.Wlth herA. Rutledg'e.PaY JO[$ 16-9Z. calls 4 fOl" Cereal 2 pkgs. M,.. Rutledge, who Is 76 is now ' ll0 '° " able to get out and help with the milking and other farm chores, af- ter a slx week vacation, the result of being seriously injured by a THE heat in Washington can't bull at his farm here.. " be so bad this summm-. Con- Mr. Vernon. 4£ans Root Beer 12-oz. 290 MILK 25o Dout, lcOrange Cola 6 bottles Salad DRE$ Mrs. Chas. Cooke and Mrs. Dewey Bennett visited at the H/gh- lands Friday afternoon with Mrs. Signs Kueeland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooke, Mrs. Dewey Bennett and Harold • Ad- ams spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rutledge and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson of Shelton visited at the Winsor] home Monday evening. [ Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennctt J were brininess visitors Saturday at [ the farm of Dr. Glen Bach near l Tenino. [ Mrs. Slgne Kneeland visited I Monday at the home of MP, and J Mrs, Walter Cooke. gress hasn't quit yet. A shortage of tin is wm'rymg the U. S. Army. SuPpose war breaks out! What will they put the beans in? Mexico City ha,':; a monument to the grasslmppcr. American farmers would like to erect one, toe--it all of these insects would be kind enough to die, The war throat in Europe has dwindled. Could the start of the tourist season Lmve iud any- thing to do wlth it? in a postt)oned game playoff. Bill Noblett hurled the victory for the DeMolay kids. . Stepping out:de of the league for its competition, the L.M. scored heavily in the late innings to whip Grapeview, 13, to 1, on Bordeaux field behind Ned Snel- grovc's tight pitching. Omer Dion, • • .-- ,', Clarence Grunert and Tom Holt An(1 ,on tile creen-- came UD with some spectacular supportfor the L. M, huz'ler while Jack London's Boots Burrell hit <in the clutch. , Three city league clubs play Iill ,,'   nort-ltague opponents this Sun-  []ill i m[]l day .McCleary. . Timber travels, tot,  V i" Vl Aber(lecn [o repay a visit to I Brenna.n IIardware here a few 1 John CaProll  Movita wee s ago M( Cleary won th.'.tt time. DeM(flay goes to Horseshoe.. Lake 0 t'ckle Stock's Winery ()fl Wednea,v _h,.= R vjetm" ano L. M. stays at nome! to entertain Lime Colas of OIym-] CHARLES B CKFORD pia on Loop Field at 10 30 Sun- t • d,<y n,>rr, InT. I O&-.,.& --l I1.----;--., : -- " ; ................... 1 OLll:kL U! II$1H Teil the prospects wnere you arc, 1 wiLh a Journal Want-Ad. Phone I " _ , ,00. .......... ........ " ........ ..... I DENTAL CREAM COLGATE __...^UDE R p" 33¢ -'^'-ATE TOOln rv--, ..o. 47¢ LO SHAmruv HA ':_ _--,,slT sOAP 2"°"17 ERE Iuuv" ", o.a.. CASHM _ _..,,^,l=T TALC === 33¢ ..auERK iSUu"" _"_.., o,...'a¢ b= -=''' _ _--.,,,¢-r LOIlU s,z ..,-- p=s-s,-=--___-- .,uAl#g r-.Fkm llzl = " I oaiMOLIVl n_'_"_t'.., . *_,.* :, 1€1 I r"l = ml II/ PiA I Illi 5MAY  " COLGATE ..... ---,,,a S .. 5€, COLGATE pERFUmaU =v,-.- Down Go ,Tobacco Prices ,15e Tin Velvet .............. 10¢ L1-]b. Tin Velvet .............. 73¢ l-lb. Tin Granger ........ 69¢ 3--Horseshoe Plug ........ 25¢ _ | FREE 39 f0RRAN'S GUM MASSAGER with large tlillS FORHAN'S TOOTHPASTE 711€ Va/ue For 39€ Mc,.C00onke00., Ph Potrv ....................... UNSIGHTLY Spoi/s Your