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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 22, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 22, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I UCEmES r Thomas "fayl()r, 24, U. and Helen \\;Valuta, aL Shelton, Jun 18, and Jane 1R, both of at Shclton, June 22. on Heat Warm enough this WithoiJt standing over lnstall a NEW NGE and COOL .50 and up FREE Beach Beauty "Sumner topcoat" for bathers is modeled by Actress Bette Davis. Terry e]oth beach robe is col- larle:s, ha.'-; elbow-length sleeves and hi,h-waisted tuck at back. About her head, Bette wears popular fishnet scarf. ON GAS Y Mrs. Morrkan Home After 6-Month Stay Mrs. P. R. Mort|son returned to her home in Shelton Tuesday eve- ning after a six-month absence during which she nursed her fa- ther and sister in San Diego. Four times Mrs. Morrison started home but was called back to San Diego by further illness. Her father passed away Memorial Day. , C, COLE, Mqr. Third St. Phone 87 f APPAREL THAT NEW SHOP new ladies apparel shop invites you to make Store your headquarters while in Olympia• "- Dresses • Lingerie 'Coats • Suits Sport Togs • Purses Cone' was formerly manager of Hughes Aberdeen a nd is well versed in te needs of those desiring the in new sumrner aPlrel. Come... see for your- ' • . You'll find things 0pularly priced . . . at Cone's Building Olympia, Washington "'1 thought I kuew all about automobiles X'" t LOT of folks have had their eyes J opened wide by a ride in a 1939 They just didn't realize how much more value and how many improvements we've put in 'this car the last few years. Today's advanced Ford is a product of progressive engineer- lag, fine materials and honest' construction. It is backed by an experience of building far more cars than anybody else in the world. " One ride in today's Ford with its smooth 8.cylinder engine, stabilized chassis, hydraulic brakes--will prove it's the modern ear in the low.price field. Matlock Events Covered Through News Paragraphs By Mrs• Zeo Prlszner Matlock, ,lune 21. -... Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing and Mr.. Anna Rediska were diuner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Harris and family in Montesano Sunday. Mrs. Don Hansen and chihh•en Lawrenee and Loueillc, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ford and daughters, Mr. anti Mrs. Joe Paterson, Ralph and Jean Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. Eg- dar White of Camp 5, Mr. and Mrs, scott Bunnell of Tacoma, and C. O. Decker, spent Father's Day at the home of Mr• and Mrs. Har- ry Ford and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lord were business callers in Aberdeen Sat- urday and they visited with Mr. nd Mrs. R. C. Michael on Sunday. Mrs. Asel Willardson and chil- dren )pent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Palmer. Clifford and Will Ford were call- SOCIFi[ (V(NS MAXINE BRIGGS, Society Editor Phone 274J Mrs• Ztntheo Hostess For Mothers And Oaughter I Tucsday, Mrs. M. C. Zinthco en- /tertatned with a 1:00 o'clock lun- cheon for mothers and daughters at her home• Those present were Mrs. Adelht Rex and daughter, Mrs. Roy Lnughnan; Mrs. E d Faubert and moLhcr, M:'v. Della Jarvis of Chewelah; Mrs. I r 1 Mays and daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Kincaid nf Yak|ms; and M r:;. Alice Gorham el W:itsbui•g, mo- ther of the hostess, Mrs. Uinthoo. The afternoon was spent socially. (larden Chlh To ilold Monthly Mttng And Exhibit M.n,iay afternoon, June 26, the Shclton Garden Club will hold its Degree ()f Honor To llave llg Meeting Tuesday NoxL Tuesday evening the De- gree of Honor is planning a large meeting at the I.O.O.F. hall at 8 p.m. It is tlc close of a recent membership (h'ive and the losing ,i(le will entertain the winning side. There will be refreshments, entertainment and a general soc- itl time. The meeting is for the members, their hushands a n d froallies and friends. Mrs. Oscar Moll i general chsirman and a good attendance of the member- , !,hip i:" (leslred. Lo(ud Pan,pie Attend Amaranth In Seattle Tuesday evening, Mrs. Ida regul:tr monthly meeting' ,,it the Loughnan, Mrs. Ella MeCulloch ers in Shelton Saturday afternoon. Memorial Hall. There will be and Mrs. Vera Dufflcld attended Mrs Augusta I ortman arnv,d talks by Mrs. Robert E. trown . ........... i 1 Saturday in Montesano fromtoa "Bird, In The Ga, lcn" md .;rmn(lsnlp Night electclerks d € • , . ' ourt, Amaranth in  I rue. Ja.mest.)wn, New York where M.'s Laura K. ,'lumb, on "Natur- .. . ' .... she has spent the past ten month" !'d Beauty't Town'* Asset " The nese occasmns • omcer ot ' . " " • ........ • • some otner court tills in a ,tan)n wth her rosters, monthly fl)wer exhibit will m- fo .... he( co " O "hi 0ccss ' t . • , [ tnc Ot ," urt. n t S ..- Mr. and Mrs. John Zott called clu le the following: Ho,'tcult,mtllion ' Mrs. Loughnan acted aS mar- Tuesday on Mr and Mrs. C. A. group; r)ses, n}'xc(l nouquet, lshal In the east and Mrs McCul- BalIke: A. J. Anders)n an(l sons i[i! ' f!ial°i)ni!)ai:PAi ' )(Cuh'•L:°yclle2tt());[1 thetoure Raymond and Roy, .ent Sunday7. c .... . v.. ' '. ? ".-thc Colonial court for the opening • , • tic arrangements oz, l'e(l, InK 1 " with the former s brother-in-law } ./ " P . ceremonies. Mrs. Duffield is as- , lifo or roses • rod sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.I  ' " [.ociate matron of Latu'el Court. Barker. ]Past Presidents Degree ....... '-7'--., • I " . ' ve||a|l|ff "l'O rJ.'aKe | |;tee Billy -Iarrm came back to his I Of Honor Meet Tuesday Frid-, Mor||ln Ilere grandfather's Friday after spend-  ............  --*.' " " " " " a ek a • "'r anti "" --o / lne Mast l-resl(lents el l;ne .ue-i - ' Wil t vet} De -- "' lng we t a mrs T m l .... m e d a'" I Miffs V a e l,Ocnler, . , " • gree el: tlonor nlet L'U S ay , tier- " ( Kelley s at Camp 3 ........ - ........ I dauzhter of Mr, an l Mrs H. C. /noon Vltn Mrs (.nDI ItCUell Intl.. " ,  __,._-- .,__L --d Mrs A S King was a Shelton t ..... "- -' --_ .. aoorc o[ .t-omtsct wan. a, • " ' a l:OO ()'CLOCK luncneon, lne al-' • S caller Friday to ..... --- ................  Donald Qumn son of Mr. and Mr . • .r.,,, WtCS S enL wln convcI•a- . ' Mr, and Mrs. Steve Wollover tion and needlPwork Those eo Clarence Qumn of Shelton, will be • pr o- united in m:.rriag'e Friday morn- and son, Garry of Lake Louise. visited from Sunday to Wednes- day in Albert Winkelman's and Otto Miller's homes. Mr. nd Mrs. L. D. Portman, Edward Tovmend and Mrs. Aug- usta Portman were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Portman's home Sunday. 5can Rothrock is spending this week with her cousin Mrs. Edgar White at Camp 5. Mrs. Steve Wotlover and son. called Monday morning on Mrs. L. D. Portman. Mrs. A. J. Anderson and Ray- mond, called on Mrs. Jess Michael Tuesday morning and on Mrs. Herman Ahem in the afternoon• A big dance at Matlock Grange hall, Friday night! Bert Rau's orchestra furnishes the music. Come early and stay late, and bring all your friends for a good time. The Bank ol Elgtani The Bank of England is not a gov. ernment institution, but a private banking house, tl|e largest in the world, with the British government as its chief customer. It is con- trolled by a governor, deputy gov. ernor and 24 directors. The Bank of England is a joint-stock bank, the first of its kind in Great Britain. It was organized with a capital of 1,200,000 pounds, subscribed by many stockholders, and opened for business January 1, 1695, during the reign of William III. Huerby Motors Authorized Ford Dealer for Mason County ant included Mrs. Edith Hickson, Mrs. Marie Murphy, Mrs. Frieda Smith, Mrs. Maude Mcll. M r s. Pearl Noblett, Mrs. Esther Mor. gan, and the hostess Mr. Mitchell. Mrs. Bessie Barrett was a guest of the group• Father's Day Enjoyexi At Anyn Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland and sons Duane and Tommy; Mr. and Mrs. Elton Cleveland, Darryl and Kirby; and Miss Nita Cleve- land, all of Hillerest, spent Fa- thefts Day wSh their parents near Allyn Sunday. Their welD-filled baskets added to the chicken pie and strawberry shortcake t h e i r mother had prepared, made t he repast quite complete. Duane re- mained with his grandparents for a week's vacation. He will re- turn to his home in Shelton Sat- urday when all will join to help him celebrate his 12th birthday anniversary. Miss Max|he Enlow was also a guest of the Clove. lands, Sunday• Itinbow Girls Itoid Meeting Tuesday Evening Tuesday evening the Rainbow Girls held their regular business meeting, after which the DeMolay members joined the Rainbow group and completed plans for a picnic which will be held Sun- day, June 25 at Horseshoe Lake, the DeMolay boys to he hosts. The events for the day will in. elude a seavanger hunt, swimming races and diving contests for which prTzes will be give. In the afternoon there will be a soft- ball game between the DeMolays and the Rainbow Girls and in the [ evening a bonfire and wiener roast will be enjoyed, with dancing at the close. Mrs. Fred Hlckson Is Hostess For Bridge Club On Monday Monday evening, Mrs. Fred Hlckson was hostess for a bridge club of which she is a member. with two tables of contract. Mrs. Win. Noblett and M#s. Hickson won the honors. Members pres- ent included Mrs. W. F. McCann, Mrs. Noblett. Mrs. Chas. Hurst, Mrs. Max Myers, Mrs. Nell Mc- Phee, Mrs. R. Gerhardt. Mrs. A1- da Mae Sullivan, and the hostess, Mrs. HicRson. Mrs. A. B. 6ovey Is Hostess Tuesday Mrs. A. B• Govey entertained a bridge club of which she is a member, with a luncheon and bridge at Kopa Chuck, on Horse- head Bay. Two tables were in play, Mrs. Russell M. Pickens and Mrs. A. C. Bayley winning hn, ors. Mrs• Pickens and her sister, Mrs Harry Sehott, were guests of the club. • Engagement Of Daughter Is Announced Thi Week Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Michael- son announce the cngagement of their daughter, Bernice Amelia, to John Hoffman of Everett, son of John Hoffman of Daytona Beach. Fla. The wedding will be held in the Lutheran chtrrch here the early part of July. To Attend V. F. W. Meethlg In Vanconver Today Mrs, Virginia Olsen, Mrs. Art Macke and Mrs. Orden Harrison planned to attend the encamp- ment of the Veterans of Foreign lVa rs Auxiliary in Vancouver. Wash., today through Saturday. Attend Meeting Of 8 & 40 Tonight Mrs. John Rottle and Mrs. E. F. Martin planned to attend a meeting of Kitsap County de- partment officers of 8 et 40 at Y Not Lodge on Long Lake, near Port Orchard this evening, Correction In Metlng Time Of Rebekah Lodge ing, June 24, at the Catholic rec- tory, with Father Mark We|chinas officihting. Attending the couple will be Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilson of Shelton. Following the cere- mony, the young couple will leave for a thor( trip. They will make their home in Shelton where Mr. Quinn is employed in one of the local mills. Active(los Enjoy Meeting WedneMay Eve|ling The Activette met with Mrs. Harohl Watkins for a delicious 7 o'clock supper Wednesday eve- ning, followed by two tables of bridge• Mrs. Max Marr won the cut prize. Mrs. Sidney Grimes of Port Angeles was a guest of.the club. Plan To Leave For Alaska This Weekend Mrs. Lester Dobson, Alma Lee Dobson ad Mrs. Ed Roberts are planning to leave Shelton Satur- day for Seattle, from whe re ey will sail Sunday for Alaska. rs. Lcster Dobson will join her husband at Fairbanks, and Mrs. Alma Lee Dobson plans to stay ,there indefinitely with her two ons, and daughter-in, law Ralph and Mr. and Mrs. Lestcr Dobson, respectively. Mrs. Roberts plans to join her husband who is in Nome, when she can make boat or plane connections. This trio has been planned before, but has had to be cancelled "Secause of the eanceIlatlon of boat schedules. They are taking their car and will 'leave the boat at Valdez, driving from there to Fairbanks over the Richmond highway• Rainbow Glrl-[ioihers Club To Have Picnic The Rainbow Girls Mothers Club will have a potluck picnic on the Bay next Tuesday, All those attending will meet at the Mason- ic Temple at 11 o'clock from which place all will leave togeth- er. Anyone wishing further in. formation is asked to call 314W or 469J. Mrs. H|mon Berg Is Hostes Wedn eday Wednesday evening, Mrs, Han- son Berg was hostess for a bridge club, two table of which were in play. Mrs. Roy Rector won the first prize, At the close, delicious refreshments were served. Juveniles Of Degree Of Honor l*h'nic. The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor held their picnic at Towa- naii State Park Wednesday. There were" 30 present, enjoying the swimming and all-day affair. A lunch was served at noon. This will be the last meeting of the summer, except picnics which will im announced from time to time. SUN I)Ak" VISITORS Visitors Sunday at the h o m e of My. and Mrs. Chas. Loitz were Mr. and Mrs. B, Loitz and baby Vrankie, and Mr, and Mrs. Carl Broncetta of Fort LewiS; Miss Loretta Loitz of St, Peters Hospi- tal in Olympia, and Roy. and Mrs. R. Bre.,,sler, Mt. View. Miss Lottz is takhlg a two weeks' vacation• GUESTS HERE FOR SUMMER Mrs. A. Hnson of San Pedro, Calif(wnia. has arrived here to spend the summer with her sis- ter, Mrs. Agnes Lund and her mother, Mrs. Thos. Chapmaz,, VISITOR HERE Mrs, Sidney Grlme, of Port An- geles, arrived last Thursday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Chats. Norris• She exneets to remain here until Saturday, SPOKANE VISITOR HERE Miss Barbara Kin of Snokale, s student at the University of Washington, is visiting Mrs. Len Walton, for a short time. CALIFORNIA GUEST HER The Rcbekahs will meet at the O. G. Men.tuber of San Fran- I,O.O.F. hall tomorrow night at ctsco, arrived here Tuck:lay for a 18:00 p. m., instead of 7:30, as an- visit of eight days with his bro- nounced previously, thor-in-law and sister-in-law, Mr. Amaranth Social-Club and Mrs. S. A. Hatcher, Mrs. Postponed [Meamber has been here for sev- eral weeks. On their return to The Am.ranth Social Club, I California next week, Mrs. Hatch- which was to have tact Tuesdayler aud daughters, Carol Je an evening next week, has b eenl--d Hlen M'e, will aee0mpany indefinitely postponed. I them for a month's vf,it. "" ' O- C" With the 330-foot-long trench silo, above, Lyle Doyle finds answer to 735-ton silage problem. Operator of farm near Fort Worth, Tax, Doyle was confrouted with feed di]zmma wlmn his herd ot 109 cows presented blm with 112 calves. ........... TO-VISIT MOTHEI ........... iZii;-(;i:qi: K.;,-(Sii-ii;i;i?- Mrs t" M Smith of Hoe(sport ,( ...... , " G )riTe Lee l{tlIll.Cl', .;mall son lefL Thursday morning for y- f . . Mr  L o Hunf,- t f • . ( Mr. Lad __-'S _.-} ....... :e." .7_ ommg Pennslv)mt where sh( , • ",  ' .'  : ; - ". 2. ' Matin(k, w:ts tr ,uest of Glennie will spend the summcl VlSltlng  • " ' , lreitspcher in Shelton from ::,'tt- with her mothc ' ' : "" urday to Tues(lay this week. (wESTS- xi-(:i)mm-iio M E -- .................... " ...................... Mrs. Charles Thrasher a n d MAJOR OPERATION (laughter, Char!ca(, of P,rtlan:l, Mrs. Frank lfunting of Hood arrived In nCl[on '.L'Ue la / [o .... t' ' Carlal undcl'went a SLICCCSSfLII nla- visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs " " " . , Re" Coble They will bc he|e all ]or oeratio:l at Shelton nospitai week, I:hi, morning. Special Four-Square Services Sunday Eve Special services will be h e I d Sunday evening, strting at 8 .'- clock, at the l,'our-Sqttare Gospel church ,:m Hill(rest with an illua.- trated sermon "The Ten Virghs" in three colorful scenes. Special music an:] =,;ngmg will be ad(litional features of thc pro- granl. A cor(lial invitation is ex- tende(l to the t)ublic by Rcv. W. B. Lambert, pastor. VVVVVVVVVV'.' If spots have marred Your &ess,s' bauty Send them to us-- We'll do our duty. VACATION TIME IS HERE Yes, it's the time of the year when we naturally begin to think of those trii)s to the beach or to the mountains that bring a i)leasant brehk iri the everyday routine. We'd like to remind you of the many little drug nec- -essities you'll need on your vacation and offer this partial lht of vaca- tion drug needs as an aid to you: STRONG ABSORBENT I3c =oo s.em 2 for 25¢ . 39¢ 3 Bars Roger & Gallet Soap $1.00 Bottle Cologne FREE! DON'T FORGET THESE t'olaroid Day Glasses ......................... $1.98 50e Unguentine .................................... 43¢ $1.00 Unguentine, 3-oz ......................... 89¢ 50¢ Sunex Cream ................................... 49¢ Flit ]n'ec Spray, qt .............................. 39¢ Norwich Sun Tan Oil .......................... - ',]3¢ Noil (Liquki Stm Shade) .................... 33¢ Sun (}lasses ........................................ 25¢ up 60¢ I)rene Shampoo ................................ 49¢ 40¢ Vaseline Hair Tonic ...................... 33¢ 60¢ Alka-Seltzer. ................................... 49¢ Whittemore's Shoe White .................. 23¢ Ardsley Linen Stationery .................... 49¢ 100 sheets--50 envelopes. 8!.)¢ Citro-Carbonate (reduced) ........ 57¢ Arrid Dedorant Cream'. ........................ 39¢ 75¢ Listerine, large size ...................... 59¢ J&J Home First Aid Kit ...................... 39¢ Mosquitone Insect Rel)ellent .............. 25¢ 100 McKesson Asll!rin .......................... 37¢ Let's Take Some Pictures " • ................................ ::: % .............................................. ,.,o 3.25 8ix-16 Brownie .............................................. 3.75 Six-16 Brownie Spells| ................................ 4.00 81x-16 Brownie Speoial ................................ 4.50 Jiffy Kedak Six-15, Series II ................... 9.50 Kodak Junior Six-20, Series |1 Single lens ...... .....,, ................................... 8,75 Kodak Juntor ix-20, Series Ill K.A.f. 6.3 lens .......................................... 16•00 Kodak Senior $ix-20, K.A.f. 4.5 lena ........ 28.00 Kodak Senior $1x-16, K.A,f. 4.5 lens ........ 32.00 Kodak Bantam, Kodalinear f.8 lens ........ 4.75 Kodak Bantam, K,A. f, 6.3 lena ................ 9,50 Kodak 35, Special f. 3.5 lens .................... 39.50 3.75 4.25 8.25 7.75 14.50 25.00 29.00 3.95 S,50 33.50 Fresh Strawberry Sundae CREAM OF ROSES Refreshing tantalizing MADE WITH: MaM ICE CREAM Fir Drug Store