June 22, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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i'agc Six
..... c"
.................................................. L
.re Max Ma, r d.u00h00o,,s, m., Dakotans
(:easel(dated with The Shelton hideDendent
|I'I|('T'I'L| t1' ,,t'('.O/tJ]-C|ll*t$1 iJlatt(,r at the poa£of£1ce tt Sheltl, Washington,
8IIH.qCI:IPTION [LA PlqS: 13y mall Ill Mao(l
Il.)all|,V tOUIYilrIL' L)f ;hldlOII C'|(y Illall Cltl'l'lur
dllfr'|vts) $2 i,er yt, ar; (; im)ntila, $1.25; 11
IltoItttlH. 7",e. Ii'oreh411 $;| imr year. Postal
reglllallOll forbid l'l-l(loiit.l ill SIIIIIoII iltr','el]
tii I Clly lllllil C!tlTle r ['rlllti tel,A.1 ,. i ng ]11t?1 i
IOUFIlttl D7 liiail, lJy ,lollrllitl 2ul'rlt, r i)i [,*lilt,I,
ItlH 7C |lel" liHJlllh (cotlerl(d by earl'h,rl or
1"%]0 Iwr elil' ill :ttlvllilt:l'.
Puolished every Tuesday ahd Thursday ttfternom
Becr,ly and Donrttt Mac. letuln -
ed to Sllelton last ,teke$ill,aft, el
e weeks vi it with' reltfivea In
I Yakima. Mra. Ross Kinc,'ti(l for'- [
mer Shelton resident, and h e )'I
son returned to Shelton w it h
tllem to visit for a while wit hi
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irl
|t€ >sPiPA£ PATII:II'
Tom 7/ose. Potlatch Route, wa,<;
admitted to SheKon hospital Wed-
:Guests At John I
Harstine Home
By Della Goetsch i
Itarsttne Island June 21. For-'
inlet' Stale Seltator l'oni'<ld of N.
,1-).. now livin,e ill Olyml)ia, al,I
his aon-iti-law. Albcrt b',wtq:gh r.
aecornpanied by Mr. uvd Mrs. An-
GRANT C. ANGLN, J. EBEIR ANGLE ne:(lay for treatment.
Editor Manager
:elllhe.r tit VVlt.diiiirh')li Npw.lgJ.liOr lltlbllshiq' ' Alloelttlloll
Shdt0n has a record for being a cleanly little
city, at least so far as pasers by can observe, and
It lls i. li'tJrly t)'ue of the bask l)laees, or behind the
l":l,l',q, Srilt(-) slieak, for the citj officials and the home
(i\\;.Vllel'( t[enerally are (tisI)osed ,ti) elean ,up, rid the
unightl,' fpots,'and each do his bit towalrd making
the gent:ral asl)eet l)]easureable for himself as well as
h i< rmighbors;
Tlmre will he a heavy travel (if tourist visitors
duriug tle C()lniri;,' summer, and it might be well to
call "((tent(on to tim neglect to invite the coming anti
spvcd Cht. parting visitors with sometlfing better in
tile way of city approaches, having iq mind partieu-
htrly tilt; fine aplJroach to Monte'ano dtle to the ef-
J'Ol't.l O7[ thP lxgmn amt citizelts in lihtnting and keep-
inl4' up a little p:trking stl'il) which onc, e was (luice
unsightly .
J'here is time for the effort and it will not call
fin' much money to make Shelton's approaches more
inviting, :lnd not in contrast with the lawns and
gl'OUi:ld: which are noted in lJassing through Shelton
along the ($]yiilllie highway to Hood Carutl ]flay-
groLllld/, Nor is the idea without hie, tiled for if the
surr()tltl(til3p;s ttl'e l)leasing n() (lotllit ITiOl'e visitors
will tarry for dilrlor or to make aisle l:ittl'chllse, anti
]cave ;I few liliir(, 11]' tile, l):tSsilig d()llttl'S in l,OWll,
()lie, (if the sli'ai'lge,;t lihell(iliit,ila wit:tossed in
lllOF,[ IIJV¢_IS }111(] snlail cities is the' apparent eagor-
t,ltlzen, con-
ness x\\;'itt) which many otherwise good " "' s
1.)'it)d(, to the ton(tency to con(sit suicide.
The:e citizens will often show uncommon zeal
in I)oo,ting arly movement to obtain city irnl)rove-
mcm,::, te 1)r(im.()to the location of new industries, to
secure bett.<:r educational failities, and so on. Yet
uiarly or these a:tnle l,)roud boosters will deliberately
eng'ge in a praciice which nullifies all their other-
xvi,t, laudable effortsand wonder why their town
(:hie:-', not go ahead.
Tte enormous growth of the mail order tiabit
in lxment years is largely resl)onsible fla" ttm failure
of re:my communities to nmke the progress which
(hell' n:itural advantages should make i)ossible. The
' (, r
ni me) thai, ought to tie kel)t at home f)' the exl)an-
sion (if' local tr:tde and indugtry is sent away to dis-
tan( elites, never to retm'n. The life-blood of tiros-
pertly is alh)wed Im ebb away through the indiffer-
, c m" thought}, "
(,he (i,8sness of(tie very persons Who
shouhl st an example of local pride and h)yalty. ,
A (iifling ,iaving here nd there, usu,flly mole
iniaginary than real, i. sufficient to c:,mse the aver-
age citizen to forlzet his duty to his cormnunity and
to himself, which if perf.ormed w()uld mean far more
. in the direction of h)cal prosperity than all his other
lmosting efforts put together.--Auburn Gh)t)e Repub-
I'rotty soon now t, hge-'wiio wish may apply 00o,t
holrlesteats in Grays Hal'hor county on hinds, cot-I
over hmd ctiefly, that have been turne(l back to the
county for non.payment of taxes, All the applicant
has to have is a $5 filing fee.., but he will have to
glJ on a hsolutely raw land, develop it aplnciably
each year, }Jtiild :t home, and hope that af some time
in tile ft:lttlre he lrlay be at)lo to lllake a living from
this ])roperLy. It will he. a i eversion, in(teed, to the
old days of the real pioneer of the. West, with the ex-
eq)tioi that am fill:e-runnels had their choice of the
best and most fe, rtile land they could find. They will
be hardy people who undertake the ' ''drt'il' at!j;nd.
ant ith the new type of homestead and the ,',ant
hope of prosperity some tinte in the ftaure.--Elma
Ch ronlc];. ."
TIlE lll(lllli]R COST OF I,IVING
As ed, Jzens we are great for regulating eveiy-
i]'tiilg a)ld c.el'ytJody e]/r rtlund us, bill as-taxpay
ors,, imd' who ai:'e, n6 ,e', are inclined" • to foigetr, that
every :ttt ,of reguhltion aM taxation means more
co. t oil livJnr
' , ..... . for all ,of us. The average citizen, look-
. ,, [) ,€ : i
ing },a.k,ild .aver he new burdens imposed on
]tss ;is time go¢,s on.
On May 9th the W!)A irl Washingum issued its
llusL eventually come f,m the l)oekets of 1)roduc-
hve workers.
According to newspaper rel)ol',!s Nebraska is
]laving difficulty with its urticarneral legisb)Lure a, Jfii, I
the four mmths that it has been m sessmn have pro.
dated little in the way of legislat!on. 0tie of tte ex
CllSe for inaction is (hat there ale not enough mere.
lxl, to, properly handle legislative work.
Andrew Seligren, patient )it
Shelttm hospital for many weeRs,
Wits released Tue:Jay to }IL' bolne
at Allyn inue, li hnproved iu h(dth.
R. L. Billda,ra, Route 1, Sllel-
ton, was a;,tln[tttld to |llil.otl hoH-
pital Wed nelday for treatment.
" '' " '1 • ¢3 r
AG|It(,I}L 1 lJtlt,:
Netr //sos
(Jl;e fi'l-ijor reaguI1 for tnday's
U, S. ercp ,;Lirphises was the World
war. Therl and before, bnth lhe
agNctlllllre dpartnieilt and farm-
era bell( tiwir energies to establish-
ing. a bn'odtlcthm h, vtl that wottl.d
id {-!CI n 1 n'ltld ii I Pl r::par, t II 1 al'I; et
which a:l,qually too]; froil 159 ta 2.0[}
llliili(l:l hnshels (if wheat, elght to
l);lig' niilliun bah's of clll(ln al-
l:teal a billion p:)lildl of pork. pltis
larg, e qtrmt t e:; .f t.bnceo and fruit.
}'i21'lt'l lh@ll lhr(,e faclors ]l:,,vo con-
:pi.rtd to upr, et la'-Iin eitcJL'y. ['lrs.t,
1)'. S. (',', ]m 'i rt, q0 l,(tlrietls'were ct t
dr:l:ticaUy ;u othrr natln l,s became
srlf-ulIlcieni: :econd, airtclilture,
]J('L'/Y], IYIPl't):li.liC.t?d, CLlltirig f;t}'ln
('ITIDlOYI'I (' U ilFId making it easier
lfi l';li3p. ]fll,le P{ips I IhirJ, l'lsciell-
li/!ca[]y tilled lmtd "lDtiried out"
from too lliticll repetition of the
-¢J.l [ 11 O C l'i)D.
I{0 till'e-all, but an vncouraging
n,,ve in the right {h'eetion wilt be
lllldcrv¢iiy by llC:;t tlllUTier v,,llen
tlitll" regio:al laboruttries begin
st'el:trig ways to) make tl;e [aI'l(l a
soLn'ce of raw I?aterlals fnr lac-
tortes. Aulho,rized by congress mid
(qeratiug under the deparlment of
agrieullurt) will be laboratories fit:
IPclria, /dl., researching on e()r'[l,
wheat and agriculttu'nl wastes
much of wiliel is already used for
such purposes as industrial alcohol.
New O¢lciliit. whore new uses will
be sought for eel(el3, sweet pota-
toe.,i and pcanut.
Wyndmoor. Pa.o centering its ac.
(Iv(ties on tobac O milk pr0duc't,%
apples, Irish potatoes and vege-
Stm Fratmisee, studying wheat,
potatoes, alfalfa, vegetables and
Offsetting Factor
premo court's' ilia0 young aud old
men, a unique a mixture at lelil
taleat as ,eior..donned tl traditiotal.
black robes, Abed with radoudena},
uJccr is Cl}icf Justi.. Hlghes;. vlaii
Jng his old' Kentucky ,hOMe is Ju i
rico McReynolds; still.,ln Washing
ton. Ci0Se,10 suh friends 'as SECi;-
Jerome, ttmk :and Brain ih'uSt
Tommy Corcoran Is the eOlili,
youngest and:ms.t .'btr,,3ditioia
me;tuber, t4-Y,eat,.d.Bitf 171uila
(31oatring, mea.'while. Is .lti{o:
eneral Robert ,H., Jiieks,ori, ,lom,
obsecuers credit with .lzltmtng 12 out
of 14 bouts wilh e ligh bvielt this
pat term, Yet ,in reti,0sPeci the
seslon jtlst ended wa's .n,ett:her a
capitulation by the Supreme court
i'.3.E:tl' JACXSgN
I"i(':orhm,. b::l tl:l too t;l;:eh,.
noc a vTclcry for the New Deak A
bettor it,I2s'a ia th:ll lhe (ii+lcc noto-
ri(;tlS I:alc'a €If ('(t:rl t:url;:rvat2'lq
and New Dc:ll lib'rali:::n have
|I'OWII ]C;;.4 fill' iil)arl.
17'otlr Itumlevell ap,q(dntces (Blast:.
Rcd. ]/l'arikILIF{12r, all{] l);)ag[lg) .
lllVt, gJVCll !.l'lc Ctilkr[ liberaliz,d col-
el' nltd tu,'[a.y ()lily IWo conservatives
Bttller ll.qd MeIlaynoldat rcmtin.
Middt:,-,a, rou/rders are lIagheso St(m
md Rohrt. and Mr Jacl:sUn trad
to.cozivir'ee (sly one (ff thee to
au,t'e vl0toi'y In, troy givbll ease.
Yet. l)aradoxically, the recent term
brough! "l 1row. high in'dienls and
divini:n:s of opir)bms, a condit'lon
which,proves that New Deallsll ills.
tices lmve merely added zest to
OiU.l'l. al]ditl'i,entl, allgl that they tl,ave
not yet seltled into a rut which Per-
mils ubsurvers to claas/fy them,in
While. the court grows mor/ lib-
eral, an irnportatlt ullsetting fnctor
too (fften overlooked Is the lesson
Mr. Ilof,,;awe It's altmillistratior
ltarrled liiruugil dl::aatro{il d;loMi
of t,m pat. Tud,ay't h:giiilat"" or( 11
d,'afl':'d Ihlre ('are'fully and with
g,,,<r I ct for cotislitutl.ual
t *&l
tolls (.lOOttlch aim two (;hlldr(,li, I
,lacV, anti Hetcn, a, lso of ()!ynipr',
wol'e tlii:iict' l'tlt";121 []till(I;13' lli tile
hoirre of Mr. and Mrs ,h)hil i.{i,:itt-
belitioft at Walkrr's l.:tiidilil;. TIw
vliitilig gelttl(!nlcll l'etlll'nt,(l I,)
,,OlmlJi,l Sunday t'V'qil'At' , t,tit Mrs,
th'l£,qeh tiIl Lhc (',llil(l'(,li xfi, aycdl
for '.li f'ew days. ]dO:t(l'ty Mrs.
l(rahbeIlho£t, Wklo in ()lit' ()i" lqck-I
itritrg l)a,:sape';; nlo,<fl, cra/ly7 li,lli - .
el'nttqi, (,llel'{hint,(l licr l','ih'Sl.,q wilh
it Iat lllld tl'(llliill;', A.(I ;I r,'hllll.
tWO fine trotlD (;(!Cllifictl it C()li-
piclotis plat,, eli I.tlt, dilliirr l/lcllll
"that even(Jig', Ttie,,i(ltty ,r,q, i(rah.
bollhoft ltn(l Uie vi,iLhlR - lt:lr/y
rowed aero;]H the I)u:t/t:U, , ' ;ll!d
Lttlil'd at the he(tie of iVlr. t!iid
MrR, igri:lhart (]oetlw.h. Plau:; tin'
WediieIday, which iL w.'.:i expcciod
would he 1.1it! I'lfII, (lily el 1 ll
Olyruphin'.q viM(, were for :l llip
LO Atg'tte Whore ttle grOllp wcr('
to ba gueatu .'it the trom(, of Mr.
alId MI';I. John A(Iolllhson.
Mr. arid Mrs, Ihiilip ()weii,q IHid
daughter, Phyllis, li,('o :tla,)l(ihip,
Eevei'&l dty',i lit their ;liliili.m,r lnmh'
€in the i:llainl.
Mr. and Mra. nllllillN (l(l!/;;I,(;;l
of Olyiripia ;rpcut. tlw vteck nd :l.t
t.heir L<.fland honle.
ll{rs. (ullnl.|.l' ,l(lt,llIOrl :'.11{.1 ;;Oil.
Rolrald. returned from ()lyllq)i:l
8atll'd.ty ulLe)' t)(qnP, Itw'iy lell
five days, Jolin iiiit)ii :Hid '('her
,hlhnson drov(! Io (hi" (' Ipi[:tl vily
LO. tIPilrg tilelil tlonrp.
]VII', tilid Ars. It, i/. }{h:.dduck
flR)i'l Tacnla, wh(.l'O lsi'il '. ;tl ld:h,cl,.
is chief c, ill{lileop on l!li' (),i!.x/ !11'(!
b0at, uirchoh+(! their t)r:tlilii ,l'i t,:th-
in (',r,utNPl' (JIosL to ,('tilt)l( (.,f! It("
Weit shle (,I thr iM:ln(l (,lit, ,l hi
recent(y, .q.hd woill Io vi6. 5,1,,::.
Shadduck',q, 'l'ititdl)2t't,ill: q l,ir. ;i"hd
Mr;, Frvd Wriqlit.
IdaWlily a!lll (*If(N, tlie,t;i W,,,h-
er(.d lqli)ldqy :t.l tli, Aili2,1iM !:l:l-
)NO I hoIllt' Ill :)tll-;"llllli'tl tile
ly()llll]d:;, ;31)): I)]' lhl' boll: , J,',;I:,,.
Upoli hi.q utLainull4 his l:i,:,i',%:.y
Lhat '(l',ty, ,hl:l(. l:q. 1:;:me i<., :l I;p-
Live Of l-lar:lLilie Ist:?.P,d alid :t pop.
ular iIlenlb,T or" its yotJ.icr f4(q.
, IV[r. llllLt ]'tl',t. (; t]. ol-l:H'l Ht..llI
th'ove to Arli;iptoil ]"Fi(iJy (%1 A)ll<'
:tild p('it l.'l{lll'tl:ly with t l toil(t:-;
L3st Suri,'l:ly, t,'ttLhor's Day, v:ag
ob.<ierved IlL th(, Iri'ed N. VtrgTlt:
home wi[h a "bit; family (linrl(t)
followe(1 by opet]ng Of gift .'iriSh,
a C'hirr(,se checker party. Mel
bol's of the group wci'o Mr. arid
Mra. VVright, llil', ttIl(] ''PN lt'iit-
tl"qt ('l(fi;>.,h. M3', and Mr.< (.leo.
*C£trlL';ra and th(' cirii(Jr,i:, /itit, ll
.lltd Jt!l*lrll'd, i;tlJ el" tile ila/td, lr]¢]
Mr, tn(.I Mr'it. Wince(it Strecker a Ill
daughter, Joy, from Shelton.
Islander8 doing busirres,< in
8]lelton Stturday ioClUdcd Mr. an(]
,a; Arlo Whlgert and the chit-
dl'ir) ,l.eritl lliid Veru, Mr" ,t i d M[rl
, ll'iil Afidorsolr Mr, aiid Mr& A.i-
t,17ut Wingert alld tile children,_
Rlph and Mary, Mrs. It.. el Beck-
with and son, WmTen, Mr. and
I Iiamilche
/"2 ' )
C'.! ~-. By Aii(,r Lulvt
"" " l(allli|che, Jlllle 21. .
+, / \\;\ !
. ., --::.. ". ,.,,//vO .,.",¢.a / //.35.., \\;.\ I in; wa', i,cilil,d. Must
" ;¢" ") ''';'V'/¢''/")'' /''+'7" V'--'I I h, c(mt'ilme'.! echl
t?l( .t!! ' I '':it" 1i I Percy Whitt,or will
})er which ill. order(,(l.
/ |lClill/ eMilll!l W]IO il
...... )! ..... : :'. .... :.:'' . . whith(w he cometh or W
,." .." '<'":':' " .... ' . S g.,,'th, 11!)I,H, It knoweth.
|"1 ..... / ' : "., IC Little ()avid Whitner, .:
:;a"'"-]'l t ........ .xj+:..- .... ---._. i I/'/] 1,7///t .itl..l ,)l,1 :()n €11 Mr. and Mrs;
: i lgi00
.'-" " .... Jl-' --'t', ' " r. ..... //'" ,, hall 1,he Inisf()rlun 1() crl
(if his left tiruni% off i
-' ,..,._f .'.. . ,ll. L"-... -- ' by closing their car d0
|():' w(,re leqtlir(.Q, t,) (!:ll:
Mis.q l{(,,:ealine (,'()thaw
(blllg'hior I)f Mr:;. \\;Vnl. (
. d!:rili ',' ttr' Ill'is('!((!(, (if I
t/ ..... •." I"i'illll( |'hl;', the lad
:1() eri()risly iniu('od tl
father' lrllclol" triril(,d
nhlg hiin b.neath it, i!
"1 uhl(' to leave the ho:-,
/7.1721 ])it'. where |It' Wtl.q t.al(en
DROWNINGs ,n(,,,t. rs,,wev<,,., hi
I" ]- AT i'e nmst rcmuin in t'ed f°r
Of n]ort lilt('(" returning
hoIlr tL
i 7 L Mrs. James Cothary
Shelton ho;q)ital laqt
WO t ink nieelv. Mrs.
I FIRE I wife of .lunies C()lh;ir
et'ttiil lind who i:- tt]o
/ , v00li wm <,=,v
The truller shilillo
doing thhlgs lately, aa
• '3 Il lh)'ee large truek loads
,._'"-"li ; -.z__- llltsq our residence last
-- -- eft" __ . .... -- , Oill'r'. ()tlr mail eftrrieY,
"t nl:ljor op0rl/tiou tit
lm.qpital one day I,ist
W I L D L I F E C H A T S Hat and Hairnet '2:::')';,,:o';7 that she
Last week. Mrs. Win.
lty 1,]. I. "(llqNiq" AVI,]Y III tTel-wal,er i(l!;,lltr, alld wlky had quLLe a. house full
,,'i|il): l' ('l;:ti+,l):ilil)i'EN it. w:l Illlled li I'lh I IN#yolid {ill from Puyallup, A
.i;ii) NO'WIlING l,it,E , all i,orijeetlire, itonel, now, he. present were Mr. and
I1 lllil..L'; l i'lilt ih.' 1,,I.l(l bpl]s for(, )'Oil look it Ull--how nltlily Onset'. Mrs, M, Shaw
:',lid bl(, tl'l m't 1) :-Ktq;nll+lo;lt whis-I iega (Ioe! a eritwfLlh biive. °' Mrs. W. Clorhity.
Ilc.s) :thn; t.lae (iI'Oil[L i{ivm, and l will tell you a little secret. Ray Keyzer hIl,q been
iu Mi;::-:ouri. and in sLoried hKliana The king-fisher, diving' and rat- all lasL week buildirlg a
;Lilll i;,V,'t ii21d Vvl:Jt!()ll;lii, they ca.li tlhlg like a machine gun, catches r. holtonllin.
l.l(,t:i ('." twJi,;Ji, mlt 'c,,m(, s;ly the as many slow-moving small craw- SLatinn GABBLE
)::(,f!l, llilH, i ('r;t,5,'lis}l; alld th.' lish its he (lees trout aild sin- sure to listen in next
chihh'(,n I)h,s: lJleir h(,a.rLs news! Another secret: The craw-
( ::11 L!lOm craAvd:t(hlit,s. A fre'4h- fish getsJ as liany young trout fry
,.lt,'!' ;:hPII-fi;h. llllHWll 11 ()Ill ItS does the king-fisher, for the Origin of
erawfish is a, predator, too. "fle name January
(' ,:'% h; ('ua,:;t. - ...................................... rius) is derived from the
A c|lariltitif,, l:l(lv all PI, dies i Pronunciation of 'Cobh' Roman god Janus, to
H: t" (]IAFIllJlIf ,' [)l.ll. S):IO lllUeh Tilers t Cobh, the port of Cork. Ireland, the nlonth was dedicated
:.o a;;l,,;; ill tt h.'Lter: "1%{1' \\;Vildl bnth into the past and
],ifc Midl. \\;VIly doe,' ()t'egon have I and an increasingly popular debark- Here's a doubie feature in lash-
at(on point for visitors to the Brit- and as (he deity wire
:t, l:.tv, u.'4:ti ,% (:aLehiut, (rawfish;I ionable head-dress." A miniature corned wilh the be
aml v,'iu[t v,'u:i Ih(, t.l'4c,% craw-] ish isles, prohably is the most mis. white dall h':t is combined with
terpnscs. The consecra
l'J:;h V,;( (V(,' .<L:WT" /V(? do n<t ) ltr°m)unced word in shipping cir- tm |nvisil)te hairncl, decorated
k:(;,v' inlic.h td.)ot(i the atop'on htw. cles. It is called Cobh, Kobe, but with moss roses and tied down m[)lll'l h)ok place by an
hu{ bavc la'cii tt)itl that Oregon lrarcly Cove. which is correct, It with streamers of stitched meal, s;dt, fr; i¢iiK.ense,
lolRs, having liLtle Lo caI., lltwe I is the same city as Queenstown. as green woo I` each tK which was new,
9.'()11(' tltO c()n Itll[lit g vast alnollIlla I i( for)ilerly was ],:IIO\\;VI1.
()1 > the roe' Or ¢2g'tg'a (if the t'enlaltt[ - - ...... ", , "-) ......
(:r,,wri:3h, ;,,)t ,hal t]l(,/.e was it)
htv/ cn:lctcd p/'oLecLing these fe-I
itr:iie (.'rawri'.h or c/'lwfish at a
t'Pl'ta,ili :;C;IS()II o] the "year.
Mr'it,. Irvlo Wingert, Mrs, Arma ttan (:uwfi,<,h, 'life llir'gest was
Johnoll, Ja.m¢:s 8imnlol<Ht, !Vfr. und. scoll iri t± (?owlil'z COUi'}[y CtCel{,
MrB, JtliIlt'R vlirls rind th chll-lltlld looked liRe t, ig'ht iuc]lel ill
tJ.ttl ,r, ltnd Iri. 'Pttul Siliith,i':lti14l.]r. We were huntiilg semi-
Mrs. |i). 8111ittl, aild ,;gotl) ,lohl{[l'ecious s{olle,:i, and were t.(lhl of
ltatehor, i,ee Carton and solf/ clrek where there were ,orne
Paul, A, O. MeCay, Isaa(' (!arl-} ttutiflil red f';l, rneli!a.ns. We did
son, and lvtrett lmol:l " " .,]ot find many carnelians, but we
'alter Scott and Mar't'in ('oet-] "(itl rind tlr( "crawt'ishiest .l.rcam
sell nrade a husiness trip to Seat-la all the wide world. It w'ts .su
,,full of ('rawfi.,h that their tails
Lie Saturday. , • tl:
BhotI)era in Shelton Mortday'in-wouhl get h(ioked together as
eluded Mr', and Mrs. l ieo. Sllith th°y l)aeked away ft'om us. Craw-
and ion, John F'letcher', arid (let- da(hlJes, you know. ure like the
aid Needham. roqt of tis, They lnako inueh
............................... hotter l.)r(lg're:.c4 ill baekina' up.
I)aable Days lleii ,t Oil ;ire digghig (;hlliwS
Midnight sun lTlont]ls in orvi'ay Oli lille(! ('lillial, yon ofteJi fiud
and SWedel come between llay 15 shrill(t), and lll.,-io fhld It oft-
lind July I, wtien visitors enjoy shelled eriiwflsli tilioilt that lil-
(!h(w, long. 'l'hi parth'uhir ei'a,w-
double days for it is almost day-
light at midn.iht, tblh, il' lihr,r,(,:l ill salt watex, ellll
lie i(el)l alive for ai)nlll, three
hours. !1, lilitkei It, finv bait for
r(i¢'t( ('od, ,<;ole :ili(I i)ereh, tlilit
'Y"il) "! 'Wa --
..,..,H¢ i.,, to say, I€ ynu ever fi, sh for
tllel(, lowly ,all;-wator fltlles.
Writes a Letter ,',s,,,,.,,,e,, .,,. .,,
lint they are I)roha.bly liars, a
,po,(.IP tliat is v('r.v e(ulflnllnl
llr'Olllld theN( i)'lrtq.
About the (,isles, l: wily to get
erllwfish for ).ilt in hike fishinff
it to take n rotten t')ieee of meat
and lay it about two or three feet
from shore, in shallow water,
Then go+aw,y from fhe shore for
:),bont 10 minl)hs, x, Vhen yol gn
hat:l€ there will be :l, dozPn craw-
fi',:h il the nlrat, un(1 you ctm
pull it ashore mid ['our c,r five will
,qtick to it uniil you san fret it onl >
o' tte Wloi'. ol'ilo people fol-
low the practice of sticking their
.toes in tho "watcr. fill(1 gettillg
them LhaL way. " "* Illl
rillert ai'O !.),'()|rl|)lt ;) }lllUdi'od
crawfish eater,q ill Southwestern
Wahinffton. but Irl ortland Itnd
..;lll ]-"ranciseo lhere are lhous:tuds
()l' thelll. I11 l)ori land ttlero grre
four 1'eHta}Irants where you Call
II'eL them in season. [t is alleged
tli:ll I he ('r;twfi:dl. Woporly p)'e-
p,qred, iS Its t'lsty a, si the stilt-
water cr.:lh, hut there must be
some mistake abolrt this, as the
er,ah la a 4"astr,)nonrieal delight,
il(t 'ourlYleU.l couhl tell {he di;f-
l:e l'erlcc.
1,)eoplc tn&rvel lhat Lost Lqke
in Mason county is 'ueh a fine
I:lke for fisb. aim that fish attain
n t4veat si#,e (,hewn in short time.
[t is because lhe lake is chuck
full of erawda(hiies, b and lit-
l]P. TWo v('alTi a.o we oDene(t Up
:ix hie' hi, ks trout and the prin-
ell)a] food or these big Pii)hes wa,
Although he can't see, U. S, e)':iwfish Even the clear, faat=
Navy Cilaplain Joseph Earnest rumfim. rivers of the west cons(
Ol Vallcjo, Calif.° is shown writ= have lai,,nty r)f lhe e;-;)wl'ish. Look
ig a letter, tie tl41es the writ- under the rtmks nt lho e(tffe (if
4 ) x
,ng aid. au rnexpen.;ive hwen- lhe water and you will find pleitty
tion of iris own. Sprinll larnp of (hens,
hldt paper in place on board, After all, tl rllbt word ltl
Riaiiber blllds sh'etched across at i,rawfiili, for Wel)ster lrives t,ht
even ilitlt!rvItls, arid fast(:ncd ill- l)ollinff iit, haVllil pi'fe¢on,e.
lo llOohes oil ideboards. [Ul'nl it i thl thlli the word "er)w"
raite, d lines which guide tile (,<(ltilPl frllm the (lid English
writer, woril ctf "erehlz." which me, lini
erab. The erawdaddy is really
,We h;v,' uol seen any garg, an- ELVINATO
o La ge
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