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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 22, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 22, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o 22, 19o9 URNAL SHEt,TON-MA$ON COUNTY .IOURNAE ADS FIND advertisements ac- fl&apos;olll C|tM1 slit)lihl otll[r ordo,s or before tl(, fir.<;t to stvo (,xpens, ex]J'a, chttrge of when ]filling is ol.' lhanks 5(tc. Diatll'y Rates on requj'. Estate I'lym(lilLh Sl)ecial:¢ ':14 I']ynlouth Sedan ]t?t'Olditiolm(l und l{,:lmiut(,d $365 W()()I) II.AN(II,] with coil MAYTAG WASHIqg EASY SPINNICI. WASItEI¢. Shelton Electric Co. II. W. Soper, l'rop. I l)av. & Chair . ......... ,$2{).(}0 1 IAbrayy Table with drawer 7.50 1 Mohair 1)aveupert ......... 29.50 1 Davenport & Chair ........ 39.50 1 L(,ather Cotlch ............... 12.50 1 Bed I)avenport (leatherl 24.50 T 4 R,ldio,<i 1your choice) ........ 7.50 Incmdit;,'nh'd '32 I'lyplovlh e(nll w, ....................................... l Iound Oak Table ........... 4.511 Ihoroughly h'mnvd i:l:-:idc and F()H. VqAIA,I: l;rl:;: bird cagewlLh 1 Buffet ............................. 9.50 OtlL I[15 ,<;I.:lwl')rd, :3..51 .... hi:;') :;( l):t)';l.Le I- tled :m(t Spring . .......... (;.00 J.LE: New, 6-rt)oln e, just (:(miph:,led. I'I,YM()IVI'I,I IJ, Af¢(;AIN,;!! in. $2651). l.lerb .1936 l'lyinottLtl b;l,)rt Scdrtn, ] )(,LI1xo 193.1 I'lyln(mth C,9:lch LorI? ()I] 1934 'lymouth ,ttpol'l (:()HI.,: Of city, bay and 193(I l)lymoulh S('dal (.',;t0', ;,41,00, l)lqHir(; J,)lli'lial 5.30-tr i ltty Paylnents (o:m, u and :me our eomlflete line of M()trwnl/t car ra(lto: £24.95 IIH 1 Ill). A I't'\\;V Ilsed honm sets lvfl $7.00 lip. Western Atlt()SUl)l)ty l'holw 126 I,'irst II I,'{)l' SA IA']: 7-weel<-o!d piKs; l,;!(.utl'il w:lshinv machine, bed.- ro,)lll <l('t; I'llI:.;, Irllil j31"N. Fl';tlliE ,J. ,hdlll.'-i(I)l. r)llte 2, llhvltoll, 6-13-22 4t. 2 Col Springs .................... 5,00 i ()lscn Furniture C,o. SHI NGLI;S l,'l')tg SALI,]: Certified fresh-wa.ter shingles. No. 1' $3.00: No. 2':t $2.50. and No. 3's $1.75. Cash p|'ice..i. May be obta.inod at Shelton Meat & lee, or at: R. R. McDonald Mill Phone 9F23. 6-13-7-11-.IM. F()R SAIAd Chissified Service AUT() I,OANS REHNANCING Borrow money on your car or re- finance your present contract. No Delay Cash Immediately ConfidentiM Small Payments Phone 157 Shelton Title Ins, Bldg. 5t. C. (Nell) ZINTHEO Phone 157 Title Ins. Blllg. Shelton HLM l'ri.n'ted and Developed 25¢ a.roll Free enlargement coupon with each roll. Complete tock of Kodak AND MOVIE FILM Paffe Seven Anl A J YOU (:AN'T SELL UNTIL YOU BUYER! -00,DS Rc0mlitioncd -i Majors Ready. to Welcome Typewriters rd of D00Magg00o Tribe Ii lil/tllN6 DIX for I SALE or I{I00 r i I • I We have several late model ' machines now available at I reasonable prmes and on easy terms, • ' We are also starting a rental meevice for the first time. The rental charge is $3.00 per month payable monthly in advance. The first two months rent may be credited to purchase If renter wishes to buy a ma¢hlne. See them at the I JOURNAL PORTS potpourri: It's just a family habit with the DiMag. glos . . . baseball critics say that Dominic, the youngest of the baseball-playing brothers, can't miss making the grade in ttle majors and will follow in the footsteps of Joe of the Yankees ahd Vinee. the former Boston Bee who Is making a comeback with Kansas City. Like Joe and Vince, Dominic started as an Infielder . . now plays ,the outfield for the San Franciseo,Seal .... In his first 50 games this year, Dominic was htttlng well OVEr .400. Has a great arm and is only a velr away from the major leagues, says Manager Lefty O'Doul. ORTHWESTERN football players llave summer lobs Wtth plenty of variely, but Mrq. D. 6-5-tr SALId O!1 coInl[y district. Finn for Shelton $1200. MEI.,I. (,HIV I,OIA 1 F()lt SALIC: I,'aclo/'y nmll( trail(,/" hous,,. Mc('I).' four. $400. l)i(:l Valley, 1209 Cots. 6-20-22- 2t. • '29 H'UDSON REDAN: h)okr.1 and runs good, $65. lCd Smith. Un- ion. (l-20-29-4t. mo([errl hells('. chieRen houilc hind. Tcrlns. FOH. SALE: '30 inod(q-A Ford ;;e- i,'t)t ,t;Al,lq: Iq(l';; I);iry mill< at 7 cubic, ft. ,qh.Iton (::',:;h (it()m')'$;, Ask for EIALXYFllIC RED RIC;EIA I'( II, it by n-ml(,. /;-20-27 3t. good condition i,'()R. FAI,IG: €)rt;':u in Vt)od sxape. I)(,IAixe+.-Fully Autoniatic May l)(, :.'en at l,'. H. Hawks- NOItCIIC ELECTRIC RANGE h'y'<, M:,Uock. W,. (-20-7-at. ROBBINS ELECTRIC 1,'O|. SALE: Well located down- - ..................................... town bu<fincss site, ad|oining FOR gALE: Tcum her, sea, 1450 and re,qidcnc,,, Inquire Valley 'Black- 1400 lbs. Ida Cusll. Potlatch smith Shell or i)hane 19-M. Route, Shelt0n. Indian I%eerva- 6-20 lt,, tics. 6-22-4t. McConkey l'harmacy ......... j ..................................... :_.__....;.__-..Z_'._ .................... IA,]AI}.N P, hU)OI{TING: Trial le. -- -- II II H H]]][ r lTnion, Wash. 6-15-7-6-6t .... ""' AL ILNIIONV Car and q'ruek Owners The new Motor Vehicle 'Financial - f. ' pas.00ed the la:t State nf Washington leg. dan. State. tested. $100.00. i'Og SALE. IZCl:,,n,liUolit;,I-t.tPe--'- t'h,i/le 11F32. 6-20-22-2L. writers, :liandard size models. hl)ni(.. 4 l),.(l- ilg l'OOlll, Hiss'd- )v))v) .... 'v-))v,.,,u..v..... ])i(luire ;i.t .hnlrna] ()ffiee.-6-13-tf. excellent yard. lliOdern hen it,, iust view lot. A real $2,200. llth & ltailload, dowtown lots t i p. G. A NGLE .......................... Lost and Fouod tOur prices are as low or ower SALE b'OR SAI,E or IgENT: 5-roe)as than outside saleslnea can quote ',re ,<l tU,',la,:e, he:,t, a,H ):,:*:,',',',lt. g,'ae. LOS'i' .;IUtU>AS " " ' * Sack ,,r Nu- THE JOUIINAL :ga:i r'uige, Phone 154-V. 5.-2[7 tf. life rortilizer between feed store il.lld ex.- and Angleside, Loavo word at ........................................ Well lncated. VViJI NEW OLYMPL,II STOI{IE Journal oflice, 6.22._.1t.! Th(, ol)J,,el of sahl ttcll()ll 114 Io .... ] OI'I'(' lent' l II I O l'l 'llg(! lOP I111' 14|1111 r month. (gpening of a new Women's ap- - ...... ;.20 l;((] ;'I:::'-'"' "'--- -, ----,, ,,,- --, ,u,,*'i £=-= i°r ANGI,E parcl store in Olympia wa3 an-LCis;r ..... , nla,h,.*Is""'"'"ex,,cut,,dtlat"(i Jll,i U:l I'y ,, 111;14, t(lld d(div+,r,,,I t)y ww,v nOLillce(l this wcel by Cha.r]cs S. tell cent store. D'inder may keep ] /I,Itl'l I';. |'OW('I'S. IH)W d-(', Jts('d lt'llt 141t' Itt I)lPivI,rs, lht,li hLISt)llllt O'id Colle' formerly IlllJ+llag'el' of the $5. ln(ltlire Jourtlal offioe, iwirv, to ii)(, |ittllt-t }Itlllk (;onlirll,mi()n- : Hughes Abci'(J0eI'l Store. a l d ' 6-22-27--2t. ) ,u'. whh'h nmrtit"mt',, is rec(,)'d(-d in .................................... . h,' oll'i(', ()I" III(, .\\;ll[tll()l' (i[' oll[}lNr)l I well-known to many local t)eo- LOST: at Cttrniv.t[ g'round - ('(,t i.v. Washh).<xon. m l'o,,k t;I) ,)l "ple, The Ilew store is sttuated in leather zipper tobacco pouch AIo,qltaffes, ])t(bl'l 3, %vhi('h lllo|'lg'l|4'v • ' iN II(l%v II1(' ]}POI)''I,V ()|' |"i',D:l*II] 14111',11 Thursday aed the lVoolworth building on Wash- Please leave at Joul'nal office. Al,)l'{g'lig, ('o,'l)()rlilloll" Ih(' l)];lilltil'l • Vo/rliln Ill need. iligtoil street. 6-2-.27 Cg:=7 I,. 1 ....... ' ,cr,,m. ; - "" I / v 'llt  t  ...... V I  k l )+l'llll| ' I)|)]I'[*[ )] ,*#zLl,I tl.(11|Oll ll(Iretl to ettl'0 f()r ( ] --I'l:" li/ lllTlll l#]l rlllrd'-lvll.T I iS l(| S,'t:li,'( i| sltl, t,|' lh(' IJl'(ll)(,'{y .,,,,n.s.. wHig,> 1, blb/th I'UDLIU_/-I lll.)i' h I, ll/,;'/:;il.)"dl t{, . ,)iai/ll. ni:'/'lgt't:,.:::'i(1ol, t"'7]7 ,: . . -- " .- , [ ! the alilO,llll (111. oii ,*.ilthl nlorl I(|(gl,. 17.1. .1<04- I , Itlg(qll(,i, with llix(,s tllld J[bs[,'llC[l]ll.  N.. -179 "[ N,|. 15117 |hal'g,,s paid ,by ]Jlllllll|l'l . 6-20-7-18-9t. ....... IIOTICA,PPLICAIoIIOI" W&'i'li ]lIl'liT SUli#iONIS BY PUIIv-ZOATT01I 'l'Im l•urlh('r obJ('ct ,)t' said tcli()i) Tn the 511lpe].'lor OOU2"t of the 8flute of. i:, t,, I(),.(,clote i, il(I htu' Ih(, I'iNhl;; : Care of chil- lIJtllto of Wltslltnfftoit Offlee Of tha Wllithtng'ton In iind for the Oottllty of II)( (l(.f( II(|ltDts. Itll(I I'(Ll!h of [hi,Ill 'ed girl. Cllar- Supervisor of ltytlraulieu, Olympta. of ]iallon. liil(l all |)(')'N(),IN €)111111]|,1" 13y) Ihrotl/h Lil'lllOllt. "1',1 XVI|(LM IT ,'.I.\\;Y ("(LN('I'I;.. J,',.d,.ral I(';ll'lll Morl/ti|fft. ('Dl.i)Ol.ltlJ)li ' I or III1(11'1' lhl.ll II ltnd Lo lhe 1)rop- • \\;'qiii€'¢ lq Ill'/'l*l) gl%'i',I Illlll . If. 6-20-22-2t. f Th,.h.i el I;vllt ,  at.. of t,t..tlM . ; carper;illicit Iqailllilf, ,s. 1.1'1 d*.s('rib.d IIi idllhllifl". ,illll'l- ' St,'llu. ( I J) [ilivt'tLl•F: I']1]1%111 I'], (;llr'(, g';Igf' (pl' fill)" ]i;ll'l Ihl,r,,of. Ill't()ll, Illi(I,,i' d:tlt, 1 l ' | I ;t!), lllld lqliz:tb,,Ih i,;. €;o1•1,,, l'(ll'llli riv 'l'h( i'(tTtl i)l'()l)l.l.iV (ll,iCl'i|), i| ill . O]l Ili. I )lh llw llil(f Ntil l"VJNor ol l''liZtLI)clh Id. llcl((,il, lillNbllllll llnTI i'ltid lilO,'lfi, ;i,ill Io bl, tiltl ill • I % II';llll](,q. ()  ll]ll;i,'%Vt,H|lilllon, Iiii wil'o: t111(1 I ,, 'v \\;¾". SIh'ltPil. I),,- siittilnclioli ( i { I i(li.V ([(,(','(,( 0'11(€'1"1II II111 (ll .Ma-] HI)])]i(qlllOll I(ll' i) |)t'l'tll'I ll.t (|iVl:l'{ X% Jl Illl'l'l ''11' 1)UI)IJC %VItII'IL! O1" LIII)III]III:(, 811"( /IH f,'lld|llllN ill tlii: (:lll.ql L' t). ['t,I|()WH. IO-WII : Moiety, July 3. l|'|h la' o I1., ('anah n lh, 'l']llq 'I'A'I'I'] Ill,' \\;VAIIIN(VI'()N "1'():. ']he I,Dtsl Hal of II'w Noulhw(,.<;I Ih iAIIiO,llil ul |l.l:, >v('olid Jool. s(IbjH'l II, Ill ', \\;V. llVkl,li, I)lql,I](I;tl|l: [ Ill,al'l)'," ;lll(i I|W W('::I I|,llJ" el inbtture I)eeltlllC effective June SPEND YOUR VACATION at 7, 1939. Lake Spencer P<rk. Boating, NOW is the lime to protect your! bathing, fishing. Boats for rent. rlffht to drive hy purchasing F0 Rent ............... Clean cabins, comfortable beds. adequate Public 14ability &,d r J,'OIt ,qAL!,]: Top .<oil, fill dirt. al- Rc']sonably priced. Phone 4F4. Property I)am:tge insurance, It su Aldvr wood. l'hone 387. O, T. Wsstl)y, proprietor. Rt. 2. is better to have insure.nee and ........ A" ............. 6-22--tf. 6-13-15-20-22-4t. llOt nee(1 it than to need hlsUr. 10"()l RENT: Furni.hed 3-roonl .......................................... ance and not tlivc Lt, a0 why hesse. Phone Crary, 285-\\;V. I,'OR SADE: F'ruil jars, MS izes. LARGE SIZE not get it now. 6-25-2t Cimap. l'holw. 389-W. 6-22.. lt. I)uplicating II'  supply of Dlimphleta ex- ............ SALES BOOKS 1 t)laining the new law which are APARTMENT FOR IgENT: fil, FOR SALE: Good used piano, c,)t|ple. Inquh'e 40,1 Franldin Cheap. 'l'erlns. A. H, McIntyre, 5 Eadh ;tvaila, blc now. Call el  "lffte for S <' ] . a copy. 6-13-tr. 1 1.,, Capitol Way, Olympia. or 55¢ per dozen ........................................... 6 - 2 2 - 716 - - - 5 t . " HERBERT G. ANGLE FOR 17.ENT: house newly decorat- Wc also take orders for all kinds Insurance ed, 3-1'OOillS with bath. 32() Pirm ,rv-,,v,'-,,vvv,,,w..,r.,,, of specilll 8trc0t. l>hone 231-W. 6-20-tf. I)RINTED SALES BOOKS ...................................... 1111 Solll II(',l, fl! (,IILI'I 0'1" ()f }'i lip - 11011 q' Wi',l | y-NI'V f!ll. "|'()Wl,hl I) "J'W f'lll y*l)lllt Nor|h. ]  II I ll4'l, lX. \\;%'osl Ol Lh- tVil (LIIl(,lll, M('ri(lla,). Toglqhl,i, i1'i|11 (LIly lild (tll Liql(,- llli'ill N. Ilt'FI '(] i 1 lLl/I (qll , lill(| ,I, tJ- l|Urlt,lill,l(,i,s I|/i,i'l,illllo bt,l(),]llll4' Iir iii,l| 111 (OllllC(|ioll lhl,ri,wilh. \\;11 bli{ ii tli,ll ill ,] N 4()11 ('O,lllly, lIilt, Ol %Vii;41it] trll)J1 IIqNIV I{. NI,]WT()N. I,L\\;I(I il. li()l{l*'iN'l,t.l.. A I I (ll'lli'.% It I(li" I 'lliiill i fi', 1,14:li)l.l ) )1 tll'('()Fdilll2 '(I lid (If'- ['l,-I ')l'fJcl' \\;lt(|l'l'S: .\\;1. Ill ("otl,lly Ill ('(illllK righi, COlillllilOll,qly |'o1" 'iiII itl'l, hl,l'l,b) N,i,11111olll,ft Ill ii D- i)11, ,oi' lh(. pill "= fh#' I)ll,'l)(is(, Ol #l(illl(si|l: ,lll)l)lv illid Ifl"lll" Itil|l]ll Mxlv dlv ,i|'lcr Ihe 14' Itsl,,'F, II+'lllN t)l' Sl),'iilklh)l I/1%% lIS liitl[ Ih, ;ti)]il,i)x. Ihllc .I Ih(' fi)',-l )ublh'al|on ()1' ,his i,il.'ll, poiill ol • (iivt•i.SiOll |s ll)l!ltlod llllillllill Ii)-%11 wilhili.sixly lili3'N lt)'llll\\;. Itlitl %iil - , . ]'l'i)ltl 11111+' I) wilhtii I,q)t l ()11 N,'clh)n |; TowItshll) ILII('I" lii l',{h (llV I)l' Jlllli'. ], ,|,, lin0 • •%1 lhis lilii(, 77 .N' Illli4"(' %%' %%'• .\\;1,. ,1 MliNIHi lit'J'('llil Ilia' llbl)vI I!lllilh'(I tL(lh)ll in i|'illtZ id, Illi' Ill" I'i LIIII,%• ,\\; iilitl) ,.hoWill)4 lhi, Ioi'li- lhl ilbltvi, llllil|(,d i'l)lll'l ,,1111 11114%vo1' ;LIt ('li,lllii;IJlll5 Iloll ZlII(| )DIIt ol Stll(l (t|V(q'NIITll II111| I}ll, :lille,If(It,(1 (•l)llil)]flilll (il" ])ltiililifl" (•lllF4 I()1' Ill ('Lil'- I|ll* DI;I(,I • I)i I[il ]|l'l#|il),il*([ tlFi • S ()ll ;111(i N('I'%( i ('l ] % ()]" (llll' 111]4%V1'1' J'lh' ]11 Ilil lll•l•il!l OI 1hi lllll• 11- tfli°li lid lllilll,l',j'lll,d iill,)l',li 3s Io1' tI(IqN [,IN('ill,X'. I I)I'I'VIF,I' (,f |l\\;(li'atili(tv ()lyilil I I)lailiilll :11 I]l(,il ,,l'lh,( hl,,',,illl)*,lf)%' (,()lliii)" •\\;,l,.4N, tll , \\;,Dhlll;{ll)ll, [i)isrqlil•i, Xtllh y, lll•h lDll,il[ tilll| III i,,y¢l ()[" )OHI' lliitlir,, - ......... ()lhi,l' IIIiJl'|llll ll)ll ;1',4 Ii I'l'(ILli/'l,d I}.%  4i ill (1o• itlltllii'll %%ill b I' Illl¢'l'lq 10,W, ' Properly New Horses New Equipment Alderbrook Stables 2 Miles North of Union NAONAL OUTBOARD ,iMOORWEEK .]'u,es& 4 v::,,  eur coitribution.m Nationill Ottboard Motor Week. we are fatli:ing llt,D,EM ONSTtlATIO NS • LOW Title PAYMENTS • N|W SEA-HORSE MODELS '•SPECIAL USED MOTORS Tlke.id_ie ofihis opportunity Io Set die motor you've, always intm], Where #here's a Sea. HcPse, ,tb¢i,i'h FUN! J•OHN$ON SEA.HORSES Lumbermen's Merc. Co. Potatoes.Chief Victims in Wreck ,:': No c]ca>lh:.'or njurie3! Bul saclrs Of 171c.taLl='s. forcgroulld, took a • rulable aixt 1G rehugerator ears were s/nished to kind]lily wood claimant of most Interesting is that of Nick Cutlich', star tm,itle. who is serving ns a deck hand on a fishing vessel off San Fran- ciseo .... Fh-st string catcher for lhe Oklahoma City club nf lhe Texas League is Skeets Dickey, kid brother of the Yanks' Bill Dickey. The admission gate tnstal/ed at Chicago's Arlington Park is the h.lrgest at any race track in the courit|'y, . , Fifty-four thou,and people can Bass through ils lfl turnstiles within an hrmr... Nolre Dame's new field hml.<e has a proPetion room Wh(T0 coaches and pl[lyer, can ,!lldv movies taken of games.. . Buzz Borries, former Navy AlI-Amel- ica halfback, is shltioned wli the North Island ilviatioll'tnvl al San Diego, ADD the Three-Eye I,cu :,:, the latest te forbid the i i,l- Dominie DIMlgglo .... lr Joe iUlll Villee can do it, .,:o Call he. i)l one i)l' t)mmhall':; big Jinxes by IllLlilagilil Knoxville in lhe Sotil.heril Ass,eiat hm .... Nn pilot of the team has finished the lJC:l:;OI] ill five yeaFs. I,ouisv i]le bascl.)all olI]cJal, \\;V0t'e VPI'V IYltleh PIT/halTaSNed |'e- i.enlly 10 dist:over they had h(,en t)l',*yiiu.' for .years witl the bn.<|(,s {o,) far ;tpltl't. . , S}nlnmv Ballgll, , ])ilN:sel' for t.he VaMlingtoti [G,.c!. hirl... 1. l'aiy, iig Linebred I;[Li'v'oi'd:; ;ind Angora .,'oats orl den-bali gag fls bu:.dl h,:,;.m :) Iil'll k(' ])Llrcl|a.<;t'd near stuff .... Kiki CLiyltu' i:; l))w,.:- lldes ot the Week] , I | y U,'S. D'p, (f (',)uilil|ire | Thurs. Low 4:36 a,m. ,1.4 ft. Juue 22 High 9:36tl.m. 12,()ft., LoW ¢:07 p,m. 0.1 ft. High 11:09 p.m. 15.4 ft. Frl. Low 5.40 a,m. 3.5 ft. June 23 High 10:58a,m,. 11.Sit. Low 5:00 I),m, 1,7 ft High ll:54p.m. 15,1 ft. Sag. Low 6:47 a.m. 2.4 ft. June 24 High 12:29 p.m. 1.1,0 ft. Low 6:02 p,m 3,3 ft. Sun. High 12:40 rt.m. 14.8 ft. June 25 Low ?:50a.m. 1Aft. High 2:08 p.m. 11.2 ft, Low 7:09 p.m, 4,7 ft. Moll. " .......... June 26 Low N:48 a.m, 0.4 It. t/igh I :28 a.m. 14.5 ft. , High ;]:38 p.m. 11.9 fl LOW 8:25 p.m. " 5.8 ft.. Tues, High 2:16 a,m. 14.1 ft June 27 Low 9:40a.m. -J,5ft High 4.50 p.m, 12,7 fl Low 9:87 p.m. 6,4 ft Wed. High 3:03 a.m. 13.8 it. ,< ' ".' - :'I w:il,'l "IN., v >-; , '" And GET the things YOU want and need... it's EASY throllgh time and effort saving J()IJRNAt00 ,,, ,| , _ WANT-ADS June 28 Low 10:27 a.m. -;1.1 ft. ttigh 5:45 p,m. 13.5 ft, Low 10:45 p,m, 6.7 it, Swap what you don't need for v, omething else---Advertise thru .... "" hi-ekes rail ;s Jourlal Wafit-Ad. Phone 1,00. to ,',,,,], ...... ,I,,,, i,, w.s),i,,.,,,,, , M A C chllIce; the fOr- FIl(•h I)l).ill'l|lJll,  ,)1' l'(!])l'('(J]llil(l()llS. Ill Wr]ltli. tl Ill, [lltly (|I,NII'(, Ill tllR](l% t '-- " lilhill lhi,ly l;|01 dli.V)t l|'li'l' III1" ; I .................... vvvvv,i (kil(,li .lllly¢)l" t;1!:t7, tD3D.DIII|Ii(';LI i,)ll. WIl(?h II:il(• i t i t-,MORIAI4 LODGE 4 (15Ilia l')Wlli'':' lii li;i)id I, lid ,,/'l'i('illl s(ar I lhis I',ll|l I ;i) of .]ltl]l'. ,% I), I):[D. ] 4 'IIAS..I IL%IUI'tlt)IA,VI'. i 11 F,&A,M. 4 si+,,, Silli,.rv :+)' ,f yd'tllli:+. i I -..-2! . 7-1;-:I1. C0mmunlcatlon  ..... d ................ -' ( NOTXC£ OF lIEAiiXiill ON . "l 4 4 IN'£'tlilOlt" TO SELL CIOUN'£'Y ,l T. I¥'INIE('III I " PEI150NAL ]fllGtiitill " i ipful Master 4 Nll'll('l'; IN ]l[,lll[+]l;V (;t%'1'i,\\;'. 1 ;l[)]li'llIN Io (}li l hi's| illlt'r(',|14 i, L, CATTO, ,],laIMas,m t'Otllll) thili Ihi 1"otlo%%1il l#ecrctary 4 (I,'y('lqbl'ii ID',';qOli,LI p,' l)t I" y l)('|OIl- Ilig' I,i ,)||iill,ll t'oUIll) D(' sohl: '4!•AAA 192b , 14. i'. Ih'.il 'I','IICIuI'. |0 E, CANAAN CCOUNTANT hill" Cota St. 245 BAYLEY LAW " 13uilding .l Bank 15belfort E ANGLE Aligle Building II)li Millillililli. Vtillllllioli $1,illl,.ll0 I ?illl I 1 v i/ll'l) I I'I.'(1 ti i Iq '11 ,% tli)l1.111) I'l'lill( 1111|( '1' lla vtt hi ' I'l  4 ;'10.U 0 l)'i' lilOlil'l Illliil pltid, wilh Ill- Ii,l't,,l I|1 6¢)7 I)l:l ltlll/lili oil tll'- I't'l'l'l I ll;1% lilt'Ill S. N t)'l' I t'l,: IN b'l." I,ur I-I E I{ (lIVEN th:il (hi, Ilt)ii,(I 1)1" ('i|tlll|)" (',)lllllll- SiOllt.l,S till llll,(q i)ll I]l 171h ol .],i]3, ]939. ill lid |ililil' ()[' 7:00 |). l[. II] Ihl, ol iit'l il Ih(, loll l'll Ill I|D ('Otll'l ll(lllSl' li hl'llt)ll, l() h(qll' Lllll I d*,t(,rtli|llt, (ill, ,tdv|sahi||ty t)t' liulk- , ill:." llt'}l Nilll*. /li %\\; hi('h tirol' ;LIId i]lil'l, lid slli(l I;(ald 'lHitl ]i,,/il' (.vi- dl,lll'l. /lld I!l]¢l, Ic•l]llloDv, ;hNIlhi r ti,l\\; I)( ()fl'lq•('d. its I, I),' lli'olJl'icl) aii(I adviabili|) ol lllalAilll-' ,ul'il |)l'(J. ])•\\;'I'I,H) ll,is 711] ibi%' ill' .lt,llo. 1,t;.19. {hl.\\;ll) ()1,' ('tI('XT ,'()M M ISSll)NI,:t(S MAN(I.\\;' (!OI N'TY, \\;VAII IN(|'roN. I!L d. \\;11 El(N. (hld i*lll li li. VIN('I,:NT 1.L I'AI'L,. %1' lit b:'l'. 1{. "L'I{ I,]NC 1' M .\\; N N'. [ |!Illb'l" .kTTI'INT: IIA ItN.Y I II'l Y bITTI,,. ,'h•rk ,ll Ill. I l(lal>(l, 11-2"- 7ft 7-ii-13-tt NOTICE School District 11 is ealliug for bids for forty (40) ricks of .qld growth wood or second growth dry fir wood, to be piled in the aehool shed not later than August 15 or 20. Bids will be. opened by the b'oard July the Sixth (6) at. 7:30 €l p, in. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ANNIE WHITENER, Clerk of Board 6-20-22-27-29-4t. .......................... "Where Prices Meet Purses". ..... li4'lll hi Ili( .h)llt•if<ql %V;lill-Atl::. THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER .......... By Boughnel | 1 d 4 Moan Tiik to You=' Modkte. FOb- 20"00 Gl:)O-0000iO-