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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 22, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 22, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pq'e ViliI:, BOARDING CONVENTION SHiP Here is Grant C. Angle, Journal editor, boarding The Alaska Line's flagship ALEUTIAN at Seattle on Tuesday morning, June 13, enroute to Alaska. He agreed that the idea of oonventioneering aboard ship in Alaska waters appears to offer an ideal combination for the delegates to this year's National Editorial Association con- vention. From Seward, Alaska, the group will make a trip inland over The Alaska Railroad through Anchorage, the Matanuska Val- ley colonization project, Mt. McKinley National Park, to Falrbanks and re€urn to 3sward to board the ALEUTIAN for the homeward voyage. Tile trip ,s tking sixteen days round trip from Seattle. Sel|oola In Alaska In 1784 [ Sch:ds w,:re established in Alas-/ ka by Russian settlc:'s in 1784--be. fore the Con.titntion of the United/ States was adnl)tcd. / CJ, llfornla Flag The state flag of California bears the words "California Republic," and refers to a brief essay in inde- pendent government. " AT THE -- ut ,, ST. I}AVll)'8 EPISCOPAL 1 P)T. DAVID'S CHURCH | EPISCOPAL (HUIH ---'= • / REV. L. E. JESSETT Begiming Su,¢lay, Jun 17, the ' ' EV  , ..., - :I 7.30 I.M.. ening I ayer and morBlxlg service will De resumecz|Sermo n for the bale, ace of the summer sea- / ,[ .............. m up to and including July 30. | ZION TABERNAC Services will be held at 9:15 a.m. Third and Orove Sis. m Memorial hall. Communion ser-| Rev. C. M. Olsen, Pastor vtce this Sunday, Sunday School at 10 a. m. CHRIS'IAN CIENCE Service every Sunday morning at 11 a. m,, Corner of Third and Alder streetJ. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. June 25. Christian Science. Wednesday evening services at 8 p. m. Reading room We4ueaday 6:45 to 7:45 p. m,I Friday, 2:00 to 4:00 p, m. Puhl/o cordially in. vited. MT, VIEW CIIAPEL REV. BRESSLER Bble Sebool .......... 0,45 a.m, Morning Worship .......... 11:00 a.m. Young PeopleW Meeting 6.45 p.m, Evening Service ............ 7:45 p.m. }'rof Arthur Petrie of Seattle, will conduct morning and evening rvice. CALVARY PENTECOSTAI (llUflCll 120 IC. Pine St. PASTOR GEORGE M. NYE Sundy Sorvhs Hunday School ............... 9:45 a.m. Harvey Biehl, Supt, Morning Worship .......... ll:00 a,m, Evangelistic sei'vices every night except Monday. Radio broadcast each Thursday at 4:30 to 5 p. m over Sfation KGY, 1210 K. C,. Olympia. Tune lu to, "The Voice of CM- vary." Send in special rquest numbers and dedications. EVANGELIHTI] SEJtVICEN Special Evangelistic services are Ix, i'ng conducted at the Calvary Pentecostal Church under the di- rection of Ev, Jim White of Au- burn, Wash/ngton. Jim White is u. fearle preacher of tim old time Gospel, filled with the Holy Ghost. and fire• (,,orne and hear t hi s mtn of God preach the Word of God. Services every night but Monday at. 7:45 p. m. MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN HUI,3H R. C, Muhly, MiniSter 1517 Dlvislon,-hone 395-M Morning worship every IBunday morning at I.I.:00; Sunday School at 9.45, I t in eanJ to trust God When the Superintendent. Adult Bible Cla meeting in the Library building at 9:45: Studies in the Hook of Matthew. J. O. Bo- vee. teacher, M,rnlng Worship st 11: subject, "Studies in the Book o1' Epheslas" Junior, Intermediate md Senior B.Y.P.U. at 6:30, All young people welcome. Evening servic at 7:45. K flood ng service, Gospel menages, Yon are Invited to all of our ervicel, Bible Class Study in the prophet [ Taalab. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Evangelistic Service at T:30 p. m. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Street meeting at corner af Third and Cots streets at 7 p. m. Sunday evening, Everyone welcome. FOURSQUARE GO[$PEL CIIURCH 910 E. Dearborn Ave. REV & MRS. W. B. LAMBERT, Past4)rs. Sunday Services: 10 a. m. Sunday school W. T. Sheaf, Superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning Worship, 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Pueday: 7:30 Choir practice. Frldy: 7:30 pm, Deeper teaching and prayer. Every one welcome. Thursday-Cottage meeting. ST. J) WARD' CATHOLIC CHURCH Summer schedule for maases.,at St. Edward's church is ss follows: First mass 7:00 a. m. Second mass 9:30 a. m. Weekday mass 7:45 a. m. Evening devotions and henedic.. tton 7:30 p. m. Any changes frolt the above or special devotions will be announc- ed on Sunday. ASSEMB/¥ OF GOD MISSION 222 S. Second St. Ida L. Straakman, Pastor Sunday School---10:00 a. m. Morning Worshlp--ll:00 a, m. Evangelistic ervlces 7:45. Also evangelistic services every night except Monday night. The public is welcome. THE  METHODIST CHURCH Rev. V. A. Splcker will conduct the services next Sunday morldng at eleven o'clock, his last service in Shelton before going to his new assignment, and invites all his friends to attend. The Sunday school will be held at 9:45 as us- URI. Dr. Robert Brumblay, the new paator will be, Itere to conduct the services the following Sunday. AGATE SUNDAY HOOL Sunday thool at: Agate schoo house every Sunday at 11 o'clock. W, O. Brown, Supt. All are in. Vlted to attend. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m., Sunday. HOODSPORT COMMUNITY SUNDAY 'HOOL Meets at 10 a, m., In the school building. Clases for all ages. All welcome. MATTOCK CHURCH SFAgVICFAil REV. C. C. HOAG, Pastor. Sunday School n.t I0 o'clock and church at 11 o'clock at Ohl Grange Hall at Matlock OAKLAND BAY SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all on Sunday, 10 a. m.. at scbool building, Evry- one welvomc. SHEI.TON..MAS,')N COUNTY JOt!RNAI'. • Thut,day, ;hu Important i We are now stocking the famous... Michael's Stern & Co. Value First Clothes ] J I , i ,1, ,,, r FOUNDATION GARMLN 1 PE( IALS CLOSE ()L T I)RICI! Girdles and combinations in well-known makes such as Gossard. Bestform and Sid Levy. Most sizes from 27 to 46. i i i ii i iii • ..... an=,:suits 34 .so for little girls This line is one of tile few na- 29c to 50c An adorable batch of play cottons! Bare- backs, perky shorts, and skirts, bright, "ttu'dy colorfast cottons. Ages 1 to 6. ('xisp New Priit Dresses New SHEERS Wear Them Everywhere 'rhru Summer Ndw lacy sheers .,.. cool, de- lightfully figure-flattering! Fa- hion-lrlit junior" styles. Come • ] .['Of yell .'S 130DIO1TOW ! Other Dreses fronl 1.95 to 6.95 I Airy new frocks you'll prize all stmlmer ! New basque or princess styles, with swirly skirts, puff sleeves, oft shirrings. Navy, black, pastel in dottelt swiss, wfilcs ,lnd el gandte. Sizes 11 to 17. "Go 4t 'in a JANTZEN GLAMOUR SWIM SUIT 98¢ -...; Jantzen has many exclusive new styles and fabrics this year. No one has ever nmde thorn before. Lastex Yarn has been added for trn athletic appearance. All dry rapidly, All have superb tailoring and design. COMPLETE STOCKS OF SW-IM SUITS FOR MEN. WOMEN and CHILDREN AT PRICES VO0 WANT TO PAY ! ! ! tionally advertised and quality lines in the country today. All hand finished coll:u's, button holes, and inner construction that goes into only finer cloth- ing... And styling that is up to the minute. Come in and see them in the new summer cov- erts, gabardines, and worsteds. Sizes and nlodels to fit all sizes and builds of men. If YOUR SUIT is not in our local stock we can have it for / you in 24 hours. Exclusive patterns. Other Quality Suits Priced from $16.50 to $29.50 Peppermint Candy .Stripm To Rafter Your $olel SUMMER SH Smart - All Favorite ers! Most Styles =00 Also $3.95 to 0000ettes • • . . ., h ereve iu In $19i  reef's fancy takes yon, Moc¢ssin Ked,z will .$o smartly, too. Soft, flexible, easy to wear . . . colors to complement your play: toss-washable! I I [ [I II White and Combi- nations! Shoes for every oc- casion! GROCERY VALUES Friday-Sat.-Mon. I I RUIT PEC 1 IN [ For Jam and Jelly. Jelly Time, I retains full fruit flavor. I 2Bet. ..... 25¢ CATSUP Reliancenot artificially color- ed. Contains no preservative, 14-oz. bottles. 2 Bot ...... 29¢ POTATO CHIPS Nalley's Fresh! 3 Pkg ...... 25¢ Nalley's MAYONNAISE Makes any salad better! Qmh'L .............. 45¢ Pints ................ 25¢ .... t , . _ SPRY SHOR rENING 3-1bs ..................... 53¢ 6-1bs .................. 1.05 Lux Flakes, pkg ......... 25¢ Large 12Va-oz. Lifebouy Soap, 3 bars 19¢ Rinse, lge, 23-oz ........ 23¢ Gim 66-oz ............ 59¢ kux Toilet Soap, 3 bars .... 1.q MEAT VALUES Fri. & Sat. Van Camps 3 cans 29€ Pork and Beans 0o .o. Borene Soap "°:'=?='o,,o.oo. o,...w.....-.-o box as= Ham,Veal L0afl Victory Dog Food 6 cans 29c Cake Flour Swansdown lie. pkg. 23€ Beef Brisket lb. l-lb. pkg. L. M. BLEND COFFEE FyesiHy roasted, freshly ground, COMBINED WITH Thick. 2.cup ALUMINUM PERCOLETTE Economical for breakfast, luncheon or evening snack, or any time you serve just a cup or two you save with this percolator ! .... FRESH .... VEGETABLES Juice Oranges, 2 doz ......... 45¢ 252 size. Cantaloupes ........................ 10¢ Jumbo size--ripe, Lettuce, 2 for ........................ 5¢ Large local II Beets and Carrots, 2 bu ..... 5¢ Locally-grown. Telephone Peas, 4.1bs ....... 19¢ Local . . . large, well filled pods. Potatoes, 10-lbs ................. 23¢ New, white. ii I I BOTH FOR Hams lb. } 49c S';ii"Pork lb. 1 Colored lb. I FRYERS Candy Bars and Gum Wax Paper A pI¢nlenerelIty, iOO-footroJls, Plump, milk fed. 3 for lOc A Perfe Bread Maker I All Popular Brands 3 rolls 25c 49-1b. bag 1.09 ReIiance...true Natural 46 oz cans 15=: flavor, unsweetened, un- I diluted, I Homelike Flour Grapefruit Juice Ripe Olives 2 cans 27¢ Libby's . . • medium size Lumbermen's Mercantile Co. YOUR COMPLETE DEPARTMENT STORE ..... '"WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE"Phone 305 ST CUBE ¢ON¥1NIINT lilLY SIZE PACKAGE