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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949 HOUSING G. I. LOAN $200 DOWN YOU A HOME : $5,000 TO $10,000 Like Rent  Now Available George Real Estate : 12 North First St.  Phone 46 Wivell's CERTIFIED XACO SERVICE in Mason County for SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL • Oil &Wood i  III PRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils SHELTON GRANGERS TO CARRY /LOWER SKOKOMISH GAVEL e TOndOQUALLUM GRANGE / Shclton Grange 403 will take the gavel to CloqualhuTl June 24 in- sLcad of June 22 an mentioned in last week's paper. Not many grange members turn- ed out for the social nleeting last Thursday. The wnext regular meet- ing is July 7. We hope many members will turn out. TIlE LAI)IES of the commun- ity ]net at F.cho Ranch last Wed- nesday, an(l pothtck hmch was served at noon. Mrs. Winsor and Mrs. Dewey Bennett of Shelton brought a quilt for the ladies to tie. When finished the quilt will go to a lady at Matlock who lost most of her tllings in a fire this spring. Mrs. Gladys Hem'ick of Belfair, sister of Mrs. Frank Warren, was a visitor at the Warren home "Wednesday afternoon of last week. J. I¢()UNDS and friends of Is- land lake community stopped at the Highland Thursday to search for blackberries. He said he had been out the evening befoi'e and picked two fives. That's the ear- liest this correspondent ever heard of blackberries being picked ripe. All who seem to know say it will be a short season for thc berries this year. Monday night Mrs. Harry Mc- Conkey, Mrs. Dewey Bennett and Clara Huntley spent the evening with Signe Kneeland at the High- lands. WEDNESDAY the wind put out the lights from 4 p.m. until 10:45 p.m. and also put the phones out i' of order, but Joe Kneeland fixed 0,lid Franklin Phone 397 them the following day. Rose Kneeland and son Ronnie PROMPT SERVICE were visitors of the Tiffany Air-  l• II mm port Way Thursday afternoon. Charles Knceland, from Santa i i i i i Barbara; Calif., and daughter Nan- FOR REPAIRS cy, accompanied by Mr. P. Kump of Shelton, called at the Glover home Thursday evening. Mrs. Glo- ver is a sister of Charles. They also called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Knceland, a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover spent Saturday evening with the Spilseths, while Mrs. Inga Knee- land stayed with the Glover chil- dren. THE SLATERS POURED con- crete Saturtlay fo'r the foundation TO YOUR EQUIPMENT THE SHUTDOWN --- We Are Headquarters for TWIST DRILL & TOOL CO. Tools. Drills- Taps- Dies LUBRICATION SUPPLIES of a two-car garage. Lee Slater's brother of Tacoma and his son Bob were helping with the work. Mrs. W. Hicster was in Olympia Saturday on business. The Cookes have been helping the Insel boys of Isabella Valley with the strawberry crop during the past week. Mrs. Grewwe of Seattle is tak- Brown Is Elected Editor On Paper For Boys' State Charles Brown of Slokomish Valley was elected co-editor last Thursday of the Evergreen Boys' State Daily Paper, official publi- cation of the American Legion's Boys' State. Richard Gray of Ta- coma is the other co-editor. The State is a ten-day program teaching junior and senior ligh school youths a working knowl- edge of government. Boys' State is being held on the grounds of Central Washington College of Ed- ucation in Ellensburg from June 16 to 25. Participants from Shelton were taken to Ellensburg for the ses- sions by Tom Harrison last Thurs- day. Those selected for the trip by the junior class at Irene S. Reed High School include Jack Valley, Jack Mallinger, Ken Smith, Jim Leggett and Charles Brown. Sponsoring the Shelton boys are Fred B. Wivell American Legion post 31, Shelton Chamber of Com- merce, Kiwanis Club, and Forty and Eight. KENNETH AUSETH SPENDS VACATION WITH AGATE FOLKS Kenneth Auseth is spending his variation with home folks. He at- tends art school in California. Charlie White, ccompanied by his son, Lewis, and Jim Leeds, left' Friday evening to xacation, near Calgary, Canada. They plan to be gone three weeks. Mrs. Frank Jefferson left Sat- urday for Bellingham where she will attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. John Whetham left for Forks, Washington, on Monday morning to spend their vacation with friends. Several people in the commun- ity have been suffering with a se- vere throat epidemic. Some of those indisposed were Lois and Shirley Hamilton, Barbara Jef- ferson and Bobby Hovind. Mr. and Mrs. SAd Whetham and family are spending their vacation in Port Angeles visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton, ac- companied by his parents, Mr. andMrs. Frank Hamilton, drove to Puyallup Sunday to spend the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith drove up from Richfield, Wash., Sunday in,,- care of the Karnes' children to spend the day with  his aunt ,,o.,,oAeewne PIPE wl,ile Mrs. Larry Karnes is in and uncle, the Frank Hamiltons. Portland. Ore.. caring for her sis- Clifford Vander Wal plans to ter's family. Her sister is in a spend his vacation in California. WELDING SUPPLIES Portland hospital. He will go with his cousin, Bill JOE KNEELAND attended the Whaley. hospital board meeting Wednes- Miss Elsie Whetham has taken A]r '[D[].].].].].].I][ I day evening' of last week, repre-work at the Arown bakery for tile I'IIM/ rmrmr.l 1 senting local 3-38, I.W.A. (C.I. Summer. O.). ' Miss Joyce Nash arrived from PIPE anvam FE[]NGS The rain over the week end put California last week to spend the , a stop to haying but did much summer with her grandparents, CONTRAC--RS,TO MILL SUPPLIES good for gardens, the Bill Mcgowans. " :ion Materials, Wire Rope, Tools, )'UH-TI--0-TN Iron, Lubrication Supplies. HELD IN SHELTON ON JUNE 17 The annual Mason County 4-H blue ribbon winners. Jennie will ' ----eavy Hardware Club I)emonstration contest was represent Mason county at the held in the social room of the Puyallup fair and the State 4-H MERCANTILE Irene S. Reed high school last fair in Yakima. " Friday morning. Miss Helen Bobbilee Evans of the Ivy Stensgaard, associate extension Climbers club of Isabella valley, agent, and George Curtis, assist- demonstrated the "Making of a DIVISION agent from Grays Harbor Bound Buttonhole," and Anne Sla- county, were. the judges, ter from the same club demonstra- i ' IN THE SENIOR home econ- ted "Preparing Peasforthe Freez- omics division Jennie MacRae who cr Locker." Both placed in the is carrying a clothing project in red ribbon group. I First St., Shelton -- Phone 805 USERS TELL YOU I! THE BEST the Dayton Aggies club, placed first with her demonstration, "Why Starch Clothes." Della A d am s of the same club who carries a baking project, placed second with her demonstration on "How to Make and Use Powdered Sugar Frosting." Jennie and Della were Specially BLENDED House Paint-- Looks Better, Lasts Long l one for the money,,, show _ when it comes to that's DUTCH BOY. Our will tell you how your home a lift! Surfaces... Creates Choose Ready-mixed or Purest White DUTCH BOY STORE t.  Phone 800 [ Obituaries00 .I MRS. LUELt.A M..OnNE Mrs. Luella M. Horne died at her home on Webb Hill June 19, and graveside scrvices were held at Washelli Cemetery in Seattle the aftcrnoon of June 22. Mrs. Horne had lived in Mason county for the s past 33 years. She was born November 9, 1899, at Pipestone, Minn. Surviving are her husband, ilbert B., Shelton, and a brother Orvle Lmge of Ev- erett. ANGELINE WILBUR • >:::r:.: : Ftlneral .;crviees are being held for Angeline Wilbur at 10:30 a.m. June 23 from Witsiers Puneral Home. Miss 'Wilbur died June 19 at Cushman Hospital in Tacoma. i!!.. iii i' She was horn January 17, 1931, at Skokomish reservation. Surviving are her mother, Mrs, Ann Conklin of 'acoma; fonr brothers, Bert, Barney, Harold and Nicholas Wilbur; a. half-brother, Charles Conklin, and a half-sister, Annie May Conklin, all from Sko- komish reservation. Burial will bc at the Slmkomish cemetery. SAMUEL W. FUERTEL Samuel W. Fuertel, who liv:d at '1 summer home on Hood Canal, died at a Shelton hospital June 20, and the body was taken to Butterwortbs Funeral Hom in Se- attle. He was born July 9, 1888, in Ohio. : clos.r; 0} 6ai;a-i st. In Union Petitioned Mason Cotmty Commissioner have posted notice, that a hearing will bc held in thc courthouse at 2 p.m. on July 7 to consider a peti- tion requesting the closure of a portion of Canal Street in the or- iginal plat of Union City. The I)ehtmn, s ne " '.' 'g d by Lad An- I dersen ana nine other residents of Union requests the c,; ....  .,4- pm/tio. f Canal Street adjoining] ,L?ts , , 3 and 4 in Block One. t rhts property is the site of the Union Market and Smith Marine. t I Roy Ritner and M, C' Daviscourt[ ..... ____ ]are the turners. ' ] $6.39 GALLON' IN THE JUNIOR home econ- omics division Jeanne Kennedy of the Little Egypt club placed first with her dcnmnstration (n "How to Prepare and Serve Goldenrod' Eggs." She will represent Mason county in the junior demonstration contest at the Puyallup fair. Doris Adams of the Dayton Aggies club placed second demonstrating the "Proper Way to Sew On Buttons." Connie Cowan of the Little Egypt club demonstrating "Plain and Chocolate Fluffy Egg Nogs" was third. These girls all placed in the red ribbon class. In the agricuRural division all the demonstrations were in the junior-age group. Audrey Bailey of the Little Egypt club who car- ries a garden project, demon- strated "How to Prepare Surplus Vegetables for a Roadside Mar- ket." She placed first and won a blue ribbon. She will represent Mason county in the agriculture division at both the Puyallup and Yakima fairs. JAMES MILLER, an electrifi- cation project membcr of the Southside 4-H club, placed second with his demonstratlon on "How to Make an Extension Cord." Sal- ly Cowan of the Little Egypteclub with her demonstration on the "Use of Chlordane to Control Gar- den Insects" placed third. Shirley Hamilton of the Agate Tip-Top club placed fourth with her dem-I onstration on "Preparing and So- i lecting Eggs For the Market end l For Exhibits." Jackie Bezley of the Little Egypt club placed fifth demonstrating how to make a com- post pile. James, Sally and Shirley placed in the red ribbon group. James will represent the juniors at the Puyallup fair. Jackie placed in the white ribbon group. Austin Aids In Search For Lost Tacoma Man Denny Austin, son of W. D. Aus- tin of Shelton, was one of many searching for Jolm Topolaki of Tacoma who was lost Sunday on a fishing trip near Buckley. Top- olski was found Tuesday after- noon, tired and hungry. W. D. Austin is a brother-in- law of Topolski. Pioneer Picnic Slated F[r Last Day In July "Ihe Mason County Pioneer Pic- nic, which is annually sponsored by thc Shelton Chamber of Con> merce, has been set for the last Sunday in July, the 31st, at the usual place, Kneeland Park in Shelton. FAMILIES ENJOY VISITORS IN WEEK By Lois A. Pierce Guests at the W. H. Pierce home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pierce and son Thaddeus and grandson Dennis Taylor of Pouls- bo, and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lonac and son Michael of Aberdeen. Mrs. L. G. Ward, of Black Dia- mond, visited Wednesday with Mrs. D. H. Pierce and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lynn, DeN phia and Donald, returned June 9 from a trip to Kootnea, B.C. Mrs. Lynn won the vacation trip on a national radio program show. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dean of Ta- coma visited Tuesday at the Frank Hunting home. Mrs. Severt Aardal has retm'ned from Seattle having spent the week helping her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sigard Aardal get settled in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. aKenneth Rice, of Seattle, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunting. Donald Lynn is in Wenatchee helping his brother-in-law, Ver- non Kingsbury, witll the haying. FATHERS DAY AND 3 BIRTHDAYS FETED BY RODEO GROUP By Betty Hill The Shelton Rodeo Club cele- brated Father's Day and three birthdays on the play day held last Sunday at the lsland Lake rodeo grounds. A triple-treat day, the horse- men performed for visitors from Sunnyside, Tacoma, A b e r d e e n, Olympia, Hoodsport and Randell. Among' other events were musi- cal-hair affairs and two one- eighth mile races. The musical chair was won by Bob Hill and Tex Perry. First one-eighth mile race was won by Mickey, owned by Mrs. Hazel Swanson add rid- den by singer Johnny Williams. Second race was won by Nickie, owned and ridden by George ReA- mer, followed closely by Trixie, owned by Lois Perry and ridden by Tax Perry, her father. Charlie Hill, Lolitia Hill and Lola Hill celebrated their birth- days and were serenaded by John- ny and Nettle Williams. Johnny dedicated the "Old Cow" song to Charlie for Fathers Dtty and for lowed it with the "Clam Digger's Sweetheart" and "I Don't Give a Itoot." The colors most legible at the greatest distance are yellow on bla c k. • County Officials Go To Walls Walls Meet Mrs. Susie Pauley, county attd- 1 itor, and" S. E. Smith, county treas- lurer, left Wednesday morning to attend an Auditor-Treasurer con- ventlon in Walla Walla. They will be back in Shelton ,text Monday. ............ Page 3 Mrs. Newlywed "Aren't these eggs rather small today?" Groeer--"Yes'nL but tim farmer who sells me my eggs had to start to town early this morning and took them out of the nest tOO soon." Chili has never lost a war. Shelton Air Service TICKET AGENTS For West Coast Air Lines For Reservation Phone 25-J A 20" below zero Home Freezer! Quick-freezes leftovers, vegetables, meats at 20 ° below zero, so they're fresh and flavorable indefinitely. I[olds up to 70 lbs. of frozen food. Stores 18 lbs. oficc cubes. A huge Moist-Cold Refrigerator! No space-stealing coils. No messy defrost- ing. No dish covers are needed, because an ultra-Vlolet Sterilamp combats mold, prevents "ice box odors." FREE DUZ 0XYDOL RINSO LARGE SIZE 25 € KELIA)GG S ()EREALS PEP--. -o. P,2 FOR29 € : CORN FLAKES 7¢ 13-oz. pkg .......... 1 VARIETY ,,Acs ............ 33* IIIIIIIIIII IIIH] I I CANNING SUPPLIES Certo. 2 bots. 37 € KERR MASON JARS ½-Pints, reg., ..... 89¢ doz. Quarts, reg. $1.10 doz. ½-Gal. reg ..... $1.47 doz. Pints, wide mouth ..... . doz. $1.10 Sugar. 10 lbs. 92 ¢ Pork (_,hops ..... G ound Beef .... Fryers Feh ,oo,i, Bacon I I II I NUCOA  ? .... ) /IIWI2I? €| (HLDI)AI lb. 45 t l'112.1l..l.J 1 N * I Frcsh, local Grade A a,ocdoz. 63* =,9¢ lb. BALLOONS AND ICE CREAM FOR THE KII)DII Lettuce• ......... lb, 8' Radishes ..... 2 bchs. 5 € Green Onions. 2 hs, 5  Bananas, ...... , lb. 17 € . $163 Carton CIGARETTES ALL POPULAR BRANDS , BISQUICK ,ooz 38 € o SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR -,B PKG. 35* DRIP or RE6ULAR LET'S GET ACOUAINTED VALUES FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY- SUNDAY OPEN7 DAYS A WEEK- 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. " //Z/ v i'i00 0 FRIDAY -- JUNE 24th STEWART'S MARKET IIIIDID RE(TIll( , i ii I •