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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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of q Shelton Guild Will Present Seattleite Norman Weeks, Seattle, student of Paul Pierre McNeely, will give a piano concert under the spon- sorship of the Georgine Reed Or- thopedic Guild at the residence of Mrm Charles Lewis, Monday eve- ning, June 27 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Weeks is a colorful artist wire has won an enviable reputa- tion in Seattle and the surroumi- ing cities for his fine playing of: the works of the great masters of pianoforte literature. An interest- ing program will be given which will consist of numbers by Scar- latti, Mozart, Chopin and Debussy. Anyone wishing to attend will please contact .Mrs. P. B. Mur- phy or any member of the guild. Tickets will be sold for $1.00 each. A social hour and a light supper are planned after the concert. Guild to Sponsor Recital Georgine Reed Orthopedic Guild held its last meeting until fall on June 17 at the home of Mrs. Paul Schlosser. Mrs. W. Scott ap- pointed committees for the forth- coming piano recital which will be sponsored by the guild. Mrs. P. B. Murphy won high bridge honors, and Mrs. John W. Bennett was an out of town guest. Home From University Shirley Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ander- son, rrived home from the Uni- versity of Washington June 10. Next fall she will be a sophomore majoring in zoology. June 24, Miss Anderson is re- turning to Seattle where she will live at her sorority house, Phi Mu, and work until mid-July when she will go to Yellowstone Park wih her parents.. ATTEND RAINBOW CONFAB Mrs. Herbert Miller and daugh- ter Juanita, spent the week end in Aberdeen visiting friends and relatives. They also attended the twenty-third annual convention of! the Order of Rainbow for Girls, of which Miss Miller is a Past Grand Worthy Advisor in Wash- ington, Idaho and Alaska. VISITING GRANDPARENTS • • • ( grandparents, Charles R. Lewis. Cropper with Mrs. Gage as co- hostess. Mrs. A. B. Fitschcn of the Olympia Garden club gave a talk on the characteristics of birds. Mrs. Cropper gave a report on the National convention held in Port- land in May. Tea was served with Mrs. Fitschen pouring. Saturday, June 25, Mrs. Crop- per, who is the state director for the Olympic Peninsula, will leave for Pullman, Wash., to attend the State Garden Club convention. She will be gone a week. Family Reunion Is Held In Seattle A family reunion was held June 13 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smathers in Seattle. A dinner was held at the Sins- thefts home Saturday, country breakfast was had at the Har- grove home the next day and pic- nic dinner that day was at Salt Water Park. The reunion was end- :ed Sunday night with a wetHer roast in the evening at the Sma- thers home. In attendance were Mrs. Arvilla Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Haw- ley and children, Barbara, Jim and Jon; Mr. and Mrs. Carl South- wick and daughter Susan, and Gene Wells, all of Shelton. Other guests were Mrs. Erma Trichler, Ellensburg; Mr. and Mrs. Les Hargrove, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smathers and children, Lewis, Vic- tor and Melinda, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman i-lines, all of Seattle. I Pickens Return Home After Shelton Visit Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pickens, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Needham and families for the fortnight, left for their home in Altadena, Calif., ,Tuesday" ATTEND OLYMPIA LODGE Eight Sheltonians we n t to Olympia last Monday night to at- tend Olympia Lodge No. 1, I.D. O.F. Those making the trip were Tom Watts, Robert McClanahan, Mil- ton Schumacher, Del Cole, Jim I To Attend State I Garden Convention I Shelton Garden club met Mon- day at the home of Mrs. George Miss Charleen Lewis of Seattle Roush, Bill Rawding, Irvin Ritchie is spending her vacation with her and Charles Dahlman. Mr. a n d Mrs. .HURT00 WEEK .RELIEF NOW for toe nails, "¢umafiolike foot or leg Or fallen arches, Athlete's foot trouble[ The use auces, Remedies and Arch Sup. millions of other foot sufferers. J1 Vd 59€ DR. $CHOLL'S NEW PEDI- CREJE AND FOOT pOWDER COMBINATION...LIMI'IED SUPPLY--ACT QJI'-KLY" SHOE DEPARTMENT WCTU TO HOLD MEETING The Shelton Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold a meeting at 12:30 p.m., July 1 at Kneeland Park. All interested women are invited. VACATIONING IN MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Graffe and children, Darlene and Paul, are motoring to Minnesota for their vacation. IN PUYALLUP THIS WEEK Mrs. Carl Southwick and daugh- ter Susan are visiting Mrs. South- wick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dale, in Puyallup this week. VISITS WITH DAUGHTER Mrs. C. N. Pumfrey returned June 21 from Stockton, Calif., where she has been visiting for the last two weeks ,with her daughter, Mrs. Max Megia. PICNIC POSTPONED The pre-school picnic scheduled for yesterday was postponed until June 30, due to unfavorable wea-t ther. DAUGHTER IS BORN [ A daughter was born to Mr. and I Mrs. Ernest Page June 21 at the[ Shelton General hospital. The parents reside at Rt. 1, Box 84. ]] Established 1895 Lavay LaMarsh Becomes Bride of John E. LaBresh United in marriage during nup- tial mass Monday morning at 9 a.m. June 20, were Lawny La- Marsh, daughter 'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaMarsh, and John E. LaBrcsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter LaBresh. The impressive double ring ceremony was read before the many friends of the young couple by Rev. Father Mark Wiechmann at the altar which was beautifully decorated with red roses and fern. Each pew was also marked with a small cluster of red roses and ferns. Given in marriage by her bro- ther, Mr. Lester LaMarsh, the at- tractive bride was stunning in a white brocaded satin gown fa- shioned with a net yoke which had a cuff-like effect. The long skirt draped beautifully in a train, and her veil was finger tip length. She carried a bouquet of pink and white roses tied with pink satin ribbon which fell in streamers. Matron of honor for her sis- ter's wedding, Mrs. Greg Garske, was charming in a gown with a white bodice and a blue skirt. In her hair she wore red roses, and she carried'a bouquet of the same. Carol LaMarsh, sister of the bride, Mrs. Charles E. Dale and Eleanor Carlson were bridesmaids gowned in aqua taffeta, fuscifia taffeta and aqua net, respectively. All wore roses in their hair, and C, arol and Eleanor carried red rose bouq||ets, while Mrs. Dale carried wi]ite roses. Little Sharon LaMarsh, niece of the bride, wore a blue taffeta gown and scattered flowers be- fore the bride. Vernon LaMarsh was best man, and Gene Bergeson, Cliff Vander- wal and Edward LaBresh were I1Silers. For her sister-in-law's wedding, Mrs. Lester LaMarsh wore a tan tailored suit with a black hat and her corsage was pink and white rose buds. The bridegroom's mother was attractive in a dark green suit with black accessories and her corsage was also pirk and white rose buds. A three-tiered wedding cake set atop the white lace covered table at the reception which was held 'immediately after the ceremony at the community hall on Arcadia road. Alice LaBresh, Margie Emsley, amt Lillian Dale served, and DeN l)hine Nault received at the gift table. Mrs. LaBresh changed to a light green tailored suit with white accessories for her three week wedding trip to Michigan. On her shoulder she pinned a white and pink rose bud corsage. The bride graduated this year from Irene S. Reed and the groom attended school in :Michigan, go- :tag to Negaunee high school ithere. He is employed at Ray- i cater Incorporated. Garden Club Meet VISITING IN RHELTON I Mrs. Olive M. Cole, Tacoma, and [ At Tahuya Held rs Pearl Rotherey, Vancouver, 'Wash., visited last week end with[ i With Vera Hjelm Cole's daughter and grand- daughter, Mrs. Lodema Johnson and Lodema. They also visited By Effie L. Knowlton Te regular June meeting of the wih the Delmar Cole family, Mrs. Tahuya Garden Club was held at,C°le 's son. the lovely beach home of Vera! -- !Hjelm. The session was called to JAKE GRAFFES ON VACATION 'order by the president, Clara Mr. and Mrs. Jake Graffe and Koenig. Following a sandwich, daughter Susan, left June 19 for cake and coffee lunch, the group a three-week vacation in Mt .Ver- enjoyed a demonstration in cur-non, Wash. sage-making under the direction i ........ ;'" .... ,¢v.,,.v,.. i of Phyllis Elder of Seattle. , Marriage Licenses [ AFTER A TOUR of the beauti-[ fully arranged grounds, most of rv.,-vv.,vvv-vvvv. the planning and labor being the[ Applications for marriage li- censes were filed during the week w_ork of their hostess, the mem- of June 14 to 21 in the office of beTs and visitors of Rhododendron Club adjourned to meet in July Mrs. Susie Pauley, Mason county l auditor, by the following couples: with Vivian Vollmer. , . ,lohr£ E. LaBresh, 21, and Lavay ;ferry and Carl Toombs, former LaMai'hh, 18, both of Shelton. residents, are spending the sum- mer here, having driven up from Sacramento, Calif., for the wed- ding of their former school mates and friends, Myrlis Whitman and Donald Huson. A 30-lb. halibut is reported to have been caught by a fisherman frown the Hanltn resort here. MRS. SYLVIA Godwin and son, Pete, accompanied Mrs. Mabel South, Betty Beauchamps and lit- tle son, David, on s trip to the ocean last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kendall took Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Knowlton for an outing at Steilacoom Hospital and return the past Sunday Those attending Grand Chapter O.E.S. from here were Frances Huson, who was appointed a page, Mabel South, Christine Ahl, Myrlis Huson, Helen Anderson, J. W. Ha- son, Effie Knowlton and Martha Whitman. Sunday guests at the H. L. Rendsland home were Alma Heath of Vashon and Mrs. Kate Abby and Mrs. M. Kelly of Hoodsport. C'DALE HARTHILL HONORED BY ALLYN RESIDENTS AT SHOWER Harley D. Woodard, 43, Yelm, 'and Maxine Rokocsky, 18, Cen- tralia. John Bergman, 47, and Anne M. Harden, 31, both of Port Angeles. Henry O. Austin, 26, and C'Dale Harthill, 18, both of Allyn. Lowell R. Barger, 49, and Eva M. Bonelli, 4:4, both of Portland. Gerald B. Ristine, 21, and Eve- lyn G. Fritzthum, 20, both of Shel- ton. I{cith Byrd, 20, Shelton, and Joyce Baldwin, 18, Fernley, Nee. Charles Edwin Runacres, Jr., Shelton, and Doris Virginia Max-] well, Tacoma, applied for a mar- riage license Monday in the office l of Jack Sonntag, Pierce county I auditor. IS ltbn Women Named To Board Doctor John F. Steele of Tacoma was elected president of the Wal- ington Tui)erculosis Association at the annual meeting of that. organ- ization held in Everett yest?rday. ()her officers eh!cted t)y Rrel)re- stntatives of tim association in- clude Vern Leidle, Burlington, first vice-president; Rev. R. H. S(:hwindt, Davenport, second vice- president; Mrs. Ralph Hanson, Spokane, secretary, and George I). Anderson, Seattle, treasurer. Elected to the executive com- mittee ere: Harold E. Nichols, M.D., past president; John F. Steele, M.D., Vern Leidle, Rev. IL H. Schwindt, Mrs. Ralph Hanson, George D. Anderson, Mrs. J. L. Dotson, Shelton; Mrs. Victor Ri- chardson, Byron F. Francis, M.D., and Mrs. Fred Frick. The delegation voted to' con- duct its 1950 meeting in Walls Walla. The meeting of the Washington Tuberculosis Association, Pacific Northwest Trudesu Society, and the Washington Cbnference of Tu- berculosis Secretaries will be com. pleted on Wednesday, June 22. CONNIE GRIMES VISITS HSRE Conie Grimes, an engineer with the Merchant Marines, spent a few days with his brother, James B. Grimes, and fmnily. Mr. Grimes has been stationed at Ceylon, India, for the past year. [ i Your Shelton Journal Serves as .:. '::: 3700 Sallesmen i -k When you place an ad in the Classified Section of The Journal, you have 3,700 salesmen working for YOU, for The Jour- nal reaches that many families. To buy or sell anything from furniture to real estate call The Journal... chances are your phone will ring steadily tonight, tomorrow and over the week-end too, with calls from prospective customers. THE J, ,URNAL PHONE 100 ANTED By Esther Shepherd :of G. E. Sharer, were recent visi- C'Dale Harthill was pleasantly tors at his home. entertained at a bridal shower giv- Mr. and Mrs. Art Sanderson and en at the home of Mrs. Perry VaN daughter Carol of Tacoma and ley last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. George Sanderson of Puya],:  The gift table was decorated lap were Sunday guests of Shar- with white crepe paper ruffles and era. Ben D. Nelson of Seattle was "pink bows loaded with beautifully a visitor at the Sharer home w:apped gifts. The room was dec- Thursday. orated with lovely red roses and The Woodmen of the World had fern. a weiner roast and outdoor picnic The bride-to-be was presented at the G. E. Sharer home Satur- with a beautiful corsage of pink day. The tables were cleared after roses and white carnations. Prizes picnic lunches and all played Liv- erpool rummy. Mr. WiUiamson of 2 0 O O O were awarded winners °f earl°us Bremert°n and Mr" L°ngan °fgames played. Shelton were high and low score Advice was given to the bride men. Mrs. Warren Scott of Brem- : by the .gues on how to train a erton and Mrs. Betty Welsh of husbana, ueuc,ous refreshments Shelton held ladies' high and low BI00SHELS were served by the hostesses, Bar- bara Valley.Beverly Shellgren and scores. Those attending were Mr. and Kay Harmln., • • Mrs. Warren Scott, Mz'. and Mrs. PACIFIC The Birthday Club met at the J" Tallent' Mr" and Mrs" William" home of Mrs. Ruby Morgan June son, Mrs. Lucy Faulk, Mrs. Lil- • lian Britten, Gracia Britten, all of . 16 for potmck luncheon. Bremerton, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warmold and tin Longan and two sons, and Mr. daughter Llnda, of Gresham, Ore., paid the Shepherd family a suP- and Mrs. Welsh of Shelton. OYSTERS ...._______ Mrs. Sam Corllss and Donald Hospital Notes and David, incompany with her • nepn_eW, Tea allew, of Port Or- .-vvvvvvwvvv,vvwww,vwvv chard, motored to Neah Bay over SHELTON GENERAL last week end for a visit with Admitted this week to Shelton Ted's mother. Donald and David General Hospital were Albet Rab- . had a wonderful time on the beach enic, Weald Lord, Chester Mar- For The picking up shells, shall, Laura E. Weston, Mary i Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Sims of Way, Truman Lee, Gerald Lang,: F II Se Seattle spent the Week end in Dorr Donoyier, Jr., Martha Guy- a ason ' Allyn visiting Mr. and Mrs. HaT- nap Edith Hensel, Mary Prince vey Nelson. and Des Koch. The Cub Scouts met at Kirby Those discharged were Douglas Cleveland's last Friday evenin Richards, James Hamby, Frank for a very Interesting meeting Martin, Maxine Gunter, Leon Not and play. vatne, Herbert Groshong, Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. John Bronson from Dosch and Guy Kneeland. t y M p i C Salem, Ore., spent the week end ith Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clark. CLINIC HOSPITAL, ' w * * * Those admitte to the Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sargent took hospital this week were Mrs. John F. Stevens, Jesse M. Rose and Mrs. William Sargent, who has been visiting here for sometime, Walter Hildbrandt.  S T E R home to Nehma Sunday. Theyvls. Discharged were Ed Reynolds, ited Mrs. Sargent's uncle, Frank Archie Donen, Darlene Hicks, Martin, who is recuperating from Frank Wiley, Phlllip Bloomfield, an operation at the Raymond bus- Charles Browner, Mrs. Ed Petty, 1 r Mrs. Alvin Hulbert, Mrs. William  P & N Y pi' and Mrs' George Harthill MatthewsandHenryB°yd' Jr' are enjoying a visit from their son-in-law, Lloyd Nickolauson of SPEND DAY IN SHLTON Ellart, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Smathers Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nelson and and ckildren motored to Shelton children of Kamilche spent two Tuesday from Seattle to bring • weeks with the Sargent family Mrs. Arvilla Wiley home. Barbara helping With the oysters while Hawley and LaWana Hawley, coa- ti'One Shelton 1120 clem had the measles, sins, came for the day to visit • * * Barbara's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roller and Mrs. Robert H. E. Hawley. Barbara is spend- Marshall of Bazine, Kan., cousins ing the summer in Seattle. SHELTON'S BEAUTIFUL {;ARDEN ,APARTMENT Will Be Completed Sometime In Early August Making Available 5 Two-bedroom Apartments 5 Single Bedroom Apartments EACH APARTMENT EQUIPPED WITH Frigidaire Range and Refrigerator -k Vietron Kitchen Exhaust Fan Automatic Laundry Available In Bament Hotwater Heat Beautifully Landscaped - Secluded Residential Site Located On Angleside at 10th & Olympic G.I.s Will Be Given Preference • RENTAL BY LEASE ONLY • For Further Information Call Dick Kieburtz Phone 899 WITH THESE SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRICES ! VE 2 FOR Kitchen Charm Wax Paper 125-FT. ROLL O WRIGLEY'S GUM Tiriiberline Dog Food NO, 1 TIN 3 for 29 € Dumak MARSH- MALLOWS TRY IT- PORK LUNCH MEAT 12-0Z. TIN DOLE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE NO. 2 TIN Lean, Fresh GROUND BEEF ........................ lb. 45 € SLICED LUNCH MEAT .......... lb. 49 ¢ PURE PORK SAUSAGE ........ lb. 39 ¢ BACON SQUARES .................... lb. 27 € Tender- Grown lb. 5 € • cello pkg. 15 ¢ CALIF. HOTHOUSe: CUCUMBERS each 10 € 10 lbs. 43* CABBAGE ................. Carton TOMATOES WATER- ' MELONS lb. 4aA € SHAFTER WHITE NEW SPUDS ......... COLORED FRYERS ................ lb. 55€ AGED GOOD GRADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS AND STEAKS 4r RABBITS  COLORED FRYERS Bulk Kraut - Bulk Pickles ORDER MEAT BY PHONE  CALL FOR UNTIL 7 P.M. Needham BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONE 199 Food Center