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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t e 6 &apos; SHELTON.MASON C01YNTY JOURNAL Thu CANNY CANNINGTIPS PLAN NOW FOR HOME CANNING HOMECANNERS flow to Make Syrup for fruit is packed hot. Canning Fruit * * * ' THIN YRUP--tllree parts wa- Jelly should be boiled rapidly. -,_,-_  INFORMATION FOR YOU TOCLIP t('r or fruit juice; one part pure Long, slow boiling will destroy the H-R,' VALUABLE cane sugar; bring to boil, pectin in the fruit juice. Powder- : ; MEDIUM SYRU, ..... two parts ed pectin jam recipes recommend AND USE FOR GUIDANCE ] HIS CANNING SEASON .=... __ wto o, <,,,\< <,o; ooe part pure a +m,ute boil; olly roe,pet a - ;."•II•BIW• cane sugar; bring to boil. minute boil. These boling periodl lies, jams and preserves. So you preserving time. Our house teem- HEAVY SYRUP--one part wa- mean a full rolling boil, not a ,:=J'::|lll m &w n1|el ter or fruit Juice; one part pure simmer, should figure out your family's cd with activity and there was al- , c:tne sugar; bring to boil. • • • requirements .... and don't forget ways an air of adventure abroad ;=:lmmdpTn itl Use of syrup for fruits: Fill To prevent such fruits as apri- your Aunt Minnie, bridge club, in sorting fruits and berries... .,,,r'EqlBlU ill syrup to with 1] inches of top cots, peaches, pears and apples family anniversaries, holidays and boling jars to sterilize them . . . of jar ff frnit is packed cold, or from turning brown due to expo- other occasions. Those of you who melting wax to seal the fruit. to [ inch of top of jar when sure to air, drop into slightly salt- have put up extra amounts of Grandmother didn't believe in tak- ......................................................................................... ed water after peeling and before preserves and jellies - in "gift- ing chances and always insisted -,., canning, pack" jars ...... know how welcome on using pure cane sugar for sy- ,.+ * • • these delicacies are. rups and in preserving. The rc-  CAItltEIIS Store cherriesandberricsina ning. Jars Are Imlioriantacthqty stop- rt,ltswcrealways perfoctlyprc- dark, cool place to keep their col- Spoilage in foods is caused by served fruit . . . crystal clear or. molds, yeasts and bacteria. In can- jelly . . . berries that looked as it • * * their must be they were out of picture books. .:"(i[ !.  ...... .:.-, Wash jars in hot, soapy water, pod by proper application of heat. My experience, too, has shown I ..,u.L.,,,.o,,. for open kettle (arming, boil in The food must be sealed in air that in home canning there isi MAKE clear water for 15 minutes. For tight jars to keep other organisms nothing better for preserving than / " pure cane sugar. Today, as in HOE hot and cold pack methods, merely from reaching it .I have found that grandmother's day, pure cane su- I scald and invert on clean cloth, jars must be sturdy to withstand A gar insures canning success. " Scald lids. Pour boiling water or- high temperature. The sealing sur- C NNING er them, allow to remain in wa- face must be smooth, without ' tcr until ready t¢ use. nicks, cracks or sharp edges. SEND FOR PACKET CERTO W-A EASIER • * * It is absolutely necessary that Always use new paraffin to seal the jar cap fits the jar on which OF FREE BOOKLETS 2 SOTTLES PER CAt glasses. Do not fill jelly glasses it is used. The gold lacquered type If you will send a postcard 41€ @ to top: allow % inch space for By lima Lucas Dolan of lid---on both sidcs---i: excellent request to me, Mrs. Ilma Lucas ' In.3 $1zss . < melted paraffin. Cover the jelly Noted Western Home Economist because it has been proved food- Dolan, Room 804, 333 Mont- paraffin at once? Whether you're a "blue ribbon" acid resistant. Also there is no gomery St., San Franeb,eo 4, n--- ir,v].,jV[j. with melted I k BIFdm * * * ,rize wimler ors newcomer to the enamel to chip oz" ]'lake. The screw California, I will be happy h, $f-l /IF up Do not double Jelly or preserv- art of home-canning, you will band, too, must be intended and send you tested recipe folders,  ) - ......................... " MCI S J ll t 2 Electric ing" recipes..., want to save these tested, scien-designed for that type ef lid. The free> of eharge, which will gk'e '., ure-e ,e c. Ix umcr " lit-- - tifically-developed canning-pro-self-sealing, snug-tite caps wh,ch you a wide selection of ,,tinning .... • • Question; In hot or cold pack serving methods and recipes. I seal as the contents of the jar preserving and jelly-making re- OLD RANGEF1 canning when should one start to have compiled these for you from cool are excellent sealing devices, cipes :,nil rules for canning suc- ACHES, No. 2/ Tins tlqigl l , figure time of processing? the most reliable sources. Some of The screw bands are removed eess. Among this material is an PE A. Pressure Cooker: From min- the suggestions may be familiar when the jars are cold and may ' extremely informative 24-page 207 COTA ST. PHONE 664 ute the hand on pressure gauge to you; some will be new, but all be used again and again, booklet prepared by the Bnreau reaches required pressure, will be helpful in setting up your Powdered Pectin Simlflifles of Human Nutrlthm and Home ' A. Water Bath: From the rain- own home canning schedule. Jelly Making Economies Divtslon of the U.S. ute water surrounding jars starts The recipes given here assure In my experience, I 1rove found Department of Agriculture. The i . , to boil. you sure-fire results. They're test- that powdered pectin assures ex- booklet contains instructions fog • * * ed and re-tested. But remember, it cellenL results for jam and jelly- both fruit and vegetable In'e- Jars should be filled within A is very important that you follow making. By ngg powdered pectin, serving. I suggest you write to- inch of top with fruit and 1/ to the letter the recipe a'nd moth- no long boiling" process is neces- day am there is a limited supply inches of top with syrup when od given. In jelly-making, preserv- sary. The "quick boil" prevents of ll:ese free booklets. ,.,  fruit is packed cold, or  inch ins and canning, you must fol- evaporation and loss of fruit of top with syrup when fruit is low instructions exactly. Save which occurs when the old-fash- - packed hot. your spirit of inventiveness for toned long-boiling method is used. '  .... .:..  * , * :/'::':":" ,  preparing dishes fr°m the fin" P°wdered pectin is derived fP°m AN 1   r The difference between a elm- ]shed canned products. . citrus fruits. It is colorless, odor- met. and a full rolling boil is that Before you begin canning, you less, tasteless. It imparts no for- }$  you cannot stir down a full roll- should first organize all your ma- eign flavor. Actually, it accents ' I! ' ing boil. , ?'i* , +::" ii " terlais and equipment. Have you the fresh natural fruit and berry . .,:.,#€::,::+ [ flavor. In recipes for certain fruits ......  ....... .+.,.>:  . plenty of Jars and caps on hand ? ;  Recipes For Your zs the boiling water bath equip- and berries, you will note that le- i!!}!;!i;= Eating Pleasure ment in order? Is the gauge on mon juice is used in addition to  L   the pressure c°°king w°rking as" p°wdered pectln" D° n°t °mit thls ANY BERRY JAM curately? Do you have ample for it tones up the flavor, ira- D 6 cups Ground Berries (any supplies of sugar and powdered parts the necessary tartness the r variety) pectin? Once you get these mater- . fruit requires. 1--8½-oz, package powdered lals lined up, you are then ready I Pure Cane Sugar a pection to start selecting your fruit. Brings Sure Results . i: 8 VZ cups sugar Pointers for Selecting.Fruit Maybe it is too long ago for "  " I Wash, stem and grind 3 quarts *,, o, ,*...,+, ................. +. you to remember .grandmother's :: .. ,%, TAVERN "SSURE CANNE, K]r('l fully ripe berries, or crush corn-select ony tlp-top, f': ....... • ....... each berry is reduced to pulp. Mea- bruised products will cause spoil- :1 sure EXACTLY 6 level cups crush- age, so do not attempt to save by [  ".. , (add water to fill out buying .econd or third grade i /'__ . JELL.E.SEAI  ed berries ATIONALI.¥KNOWN BRA..e " ..... " --. -It-- expertSper day, plusjel- '1 ",v-- -   {  "__"__€ . N 5,k,.om¢CannlnSlmpleNDs last cup, if necessary)into a large kettle. (For Strawberry jam frw much fruit should you can, I '" ;= J#, 2 and black Raspberry Jam add ' Well, nutrition advise tW+ 'a,Af+J=.= lll .-..-:---.tIITIPIII41, i-re size $ cup lemon Juice to each 5 cups servings of fruit crushddberries)'Addthe31D°z'  #" S PE©I&IL.. ---':--+,' : ..... J/ C' KF NATIONAL, reed. size ... $% ,SO package powdered pectin--stir --'"" well, and bring ,o a boil. stirring '  '"  L!I constantly. NOW, add the sugar I !{ . ...:;:;it.: .. ... ......... sured), mix well and bring to a .... " ....... " " 4 MINUTES. Remove from fire, -- -:me SURE JELL 'ii'> " ....... " E;tab. I_lsh;d 1895 _ [ let boil subside, stir and skim by turns for 5 minutes. Pqlir into Canners 2 for 23' "' sterilized Jars, allowing + inch space for sealing with fresh par- . *" rr;J L : ttELI' FOR HOME affin. • • • K.ww M ,n Paraseal Wax STRAWBERRY JELLY .:..,.-.,-.,,..,,.,,, --A¢ . LOCKER CARTONS Ke ELLY G Wash and stem3 quarts of fully JAR CAPS ZU pKg. Round White-Tits Squar 55 ¢ D0 CANNERS ripe berries. Crush and squeeze out juice. Add ', .cup lemon Juice. Wide Mouth, Regular l III  II I O PINTS QUARTS Vz-GAL. CATS. Measure 3'/ level cups Juice into 41/ * ,6* 12 ¢ 20 ¢ Kerr Regular large kettle. Add one 3' oz, pack- 2 Packages [  L r fl  Each Each Each" Each age powdered pectin, stirr well, PACKAGE and bring to a boil. stirring con. 27€ FINE stantly. Now add 4% cups granu- lated sugar; mix well. Cntinue GROCERY DEPARTMENT stirring and bring to a full rolling boil. Then boil exactly TWO MIN- • UTES. (The difference between Washington FOODS simmer and full rolling boil is that • you cannot stir down full rolling Cooprative boil). Remove from fire. Let boil Farmers subside, Skim carefully; pour into glasses. Yield: 8 medium glasses. Association HILLCREST $ $ $ 1 N. st St., Shelton Phone 121 Established 1895 STRAWBERRIES IN SYRUP (Will not float) V pound (1 cup) pure cane sugar ............. 2 ponnds strawberries / cup strawberry juice > Boil together sugar and straw- berry juice. This juice may be ob- tained by crushing and heating sne of tho culls or over-ripe bet. ries. Cool and add the whole- strawberries, then boil 3 minutes. CANNING VESSELS Cover thevesselandsetas/defor Be $.re it's ' at least four hours or overnight, Pack Into clean jars, filling to Puree!sin On Steel Enameled Ware within  inch of top. Put on cllp, screwing the band tight, Process REG. 6PEC. in water bath for 15 minutes. 6-qt. Triple Coaled Kettles ............ $1.19 '" °'='*"*'''" runR"n: CANE 6-qt. l)oublc C'ated Kettles ............ 8¢ 59¢ o lrepare fruit, pit about 3 pounds of fully ripe chortles. 6-qt. Triple Coaled ,. rcw Pans ........ $1.19 79¢ Grind through food chopper, as fine as possible. Stir in  cup water. For sweet cherries, add ,/ N s .i ....... 3-qt. Triple Coated S/ew Pans 89¢ 69¢ cup lemon Juice, as lemon juice is O-/l. T "" * ' absolutely necessary. For sour Ipu, Cealed Stew Pans ........ 79¢ 59¢ ebemes lemon Juice is omitted. @ @ Put 3 Va level cups of crushed fruit into large kettle. Add one 3,/ oz. Oval Di.2qm, No. 9 size 79¢ package powdcredoectin, stir well and bring to a boll, stirring con- Round a:unehvart, Dishpans, No. 10 size 79¢ stantly. Now. add 4 level cups granulated sugar, mix wall and Vo  c 95] rin t° + fu'l r°l'tng +il l' ,,,, o-A,, $13 exactly 4 minutes. Remove from PR" . fire, let boil subside, stir and skim " ESSITEE CANNERS ........ by turns for 5 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars, allowing  inch space for sealing with fresh par- Vegetable llcsbemrs .............. $1.98 & $2.29 .ran. ield: s medium glasses jam. Diaper P,'dls-- ALL STEEL * * * ll__ White $1.59 SKILLETS i>r:ACH-S (HOZ l'ACll) lie - Select ripe firm peaches, remove B|ues[o.l .... $,].3.) 9-Inch Diameter peel and pits. If peeled fruit is • Iteg. 39¢ - Spec. 23¢ to stand several minutes before l()-qto lIValer$1.. .|..j, P,,.i| Ro. 7-[neh25¢ -Diameterspeeo 15¢ packing',Drain.ed waterDropdr°Pto intoPreventit lntOa botlingdtc°l°ratl°n'SltghtlYmediumSalt" .- ith syrlip. Prccook for 3 minutes. Pack " - - ..... - - -" - - - - " into clean jars and fill to within .. % inch of top wlth syrup. Put on Sprouse Reitz Co =, ,crewing thebandtight. Pro- ls m cess in boling water bath 20 rain- utes: or in pressure caoker (5 Ibs.) , r . [NC, 10 minutes (for pints and quarts). • lit S - 10-IS € STORE withoutRllUBAllB (OPEN KETTLE)waeh; removingCUt in convenientthe skin.lengthSBoil The sugar for sure success in CANNING, PRESERVING, JEL 410 Raih'oad Avenue in medimn or heavy syrup until tender. Pack boiling hot into ster- ( :;i;'