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Pago l )
are as for
fuel, household
meals de-
The cost
:hange. Tile
anlounL to
percent of the
greatest drop
4,5 per
be affected
the director
are determined
resources ol'
has to meeL
$60 floor in
and Aid to
by In*-
cuts in
Under $60.
Study new
for de-
for food
of age and
shown that
and pro-
cereals and
the revised
for more of
dried beans,
'h caseloads
*n standards
be effect*Veto new I
mass re-
done but
as reviews
Lobbies I
lobbying in
exceeds $6
Eliasons Recount
European Journey
(Cantlmled from T-.lo l
S. flag, took long' slices out of ra-
Lion hooks, and even organized ari
18-piece band to play special Am-
erican mimic for them.
"%Vhen we were leaving, to re-
turn to America, we saw many
mnsicians going along' the road to-
va]'d my unele's fal'IYl," Jnne re-
lated. "We didn't then realize
whaL they were doing, but we
found later that they had prac-
ticed for two weeks to serenade
us with American songs. We miss:
ed bearing them play for us.
After spending three weeks to-
gether in Norway aLtending ski
meets, traveling .from one end of
Norway to the other, flying in
seaplanes and riding on trains
through rongh mountains, talking
to tbe people and trying to learn
nulch in a short time, the El*a-
sons flew back to America, re-
Lurning last week to Shelton.
REVIEWING TIlE trip at his
home while looking' over the books,
souvenirs and trophies brought
back, Mr. Eliason and June had
so many things to tell that one
after another they plied into new
"One of the cheapest things in
Norway is the electric power," Mr.
Eliason said. "It only costs one-
half cent for a kilowatt hour."
"However, the inflation is pret-
ty high in Norway. An ordinary
worker may earn about 15 crowns
a day, and a pair of shoes costs
60 crowns, and a suit of clothes,
250 to 300 crowns," the Shelton
traveler pointed out. "A crown is
one-fifth of a dollar."
Mr. Eliason and June observed
that the people were happy in
that country although there was
a strong fear that another war
may take place.
FLYING BACK to America,
they stopped at Iceland and at
New York. In New York they
spent three days visiting Mrs. in-
ga Kristianson Carlson of Oyster
Bay, Long Island, a former prin-
cipal at Shelton's Bordeaux and
Lincoln schools. "We had a good
time there," they exclaimed.
Norway is a beautiful country
with its white mountains, fertile
valleys, fjords and scenic towns,
but according to Mr. Eliason, "I
couldn't geL back to Shelton fast
enough, One really must travel in
the old country to appreciate Am-
Sewage Plant Plans
Are Okehed By State
E. F. Eldridge, director of
the state pollution control com-
mission, has approved pln for
a new sewage disposal plant for
Surveys on finances and con-
struction are being made, H.
Enzo Loop, commissioner of
public works, reported. Resi-
dents would be charged 75 cents
a month for sewage service to
.pay for the new unit.
, If our men Move YOUr Fur-
hWdlngs to a new address or to
our Storage rooms--=every ar-
ticle will be handled with due
care. You will be pleased by the
unhurried, unharming methods
we empk5'. You'll be reassured,
further, when you see our spot-
less, Vans. You may even be
delighted, on finding we charge
no more -- for iuch superior
services !
SOUth 2rid Street- Phone 66
& Eacrett
Lumber Co.
Phone 656
l.___ tor
Always Have Fun At
and Old-Time Music
Included) Students 75€, Adults $1
Kreidler Hearing
Resumes June 25
(Coniinued from pn'e 1)
his position while a myriad of cvi- t
dence aml witnesses was brought
Ul) to show that the school board:
had at, ted within its right.
AlE melnbers of the Belfair*
sc'tlool hoard were l)resent, and
sorne testified. A. E. Bard, school
board chairman, said that he had
seen Kreidler using tobacco with-
in the school while a teen-age par-
ty was in p'ogress.
the hearing attempted to estab-
lish that Kreidler had dominated
the school board, had not sought
eonmunity harmony, had used
medicine on some of the students
who had superficial skin injuries,
had charge(l for work he did for
the school in addition to his pre-
scribed duties.
Some of those who were called
tl rent modern unfurnished }louse
with at least two bedrooms, in or I
,. near town. Phone 859J'. P6-16 I
mcnt plmne 221J. I)etwcen 8 a, •
6 p.m ...... S6-23 [
OIATING. Phone days 28, nights t
763R5. Mc6-23tfn,
FOR" SALE i raspb-ez:l-ios,--'yoh"picl. I
ilring your own containers, 10c per
i)ound. Phone 46233. D6-28tfn
Wl;:";Xg-'[-A""t_i'fi-LTIq'i or catn-
I olic supplies and gil't:. Also the
t latest ill exeelbtni books. Open ova-
[ n 14,% Tile flit'! BoX, 200.fi W. Fourth
I Olympia, Wash. 6-23tfn
I If0"R'SALE: i936 diK.r;l;,CTanT'r
.,ntiition. $1000 l-hoe,,
Fo--R-EN;r:--;3- i'r),,it:{---ai;i.--(;-n- Smh
Cookson street. Inquire Bill Peat'-
son, 120 East Grove. Phone 654.6-23
...... 'i liqr "h-i,ii 'i hT .....
We wish to expre.s our apl)reeia-
tion to Shelton Fire Depar:tment for
their prompt and efifcient work in
extinguishing' the fh'e in our home.,
Mr. and Mrs. Morton G, Adams :
and falnily. 6-23
-on and after ttl]s dg/e.-Jhhe 23, -l§4,ql
I will not 1)o responsible for any
debts contracted by anyone other than
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordi-
nance N 477 and repealing Ordinance
No, 502 and dec, laring atV emergency. ]
Section 1. That Section 1 and 2 of
Ordinance No..i77, entitled, "An Or-
dianre amending Ordinance No. 391
and declaring an emergency." be and
th*" same is herebY alnonded to read as
follows :
Section I. That Section 35 of Ordi-
nance No. 391, entitled "An Ordinance
relating to the Municipal Water Sup-
ply System of the City of Shelton,
front, providing for the gale of the
sa 1 e, fixing the In'ice thdreof and
providing a method of collecting rates
therefor, providing penalties for the
violation of this ordinance and re-
pealing all ordinances or larts there-
of in conflict therewith.", as amended
by Ordinance No. 402-5, be and the
sans, is hereby amended to read as
"Section 35. 'City Flat Rates' .
"Private residfnce of single lots ot
6,000 square feet or less, $1.75 per
"Residence--double lot -- $1.75 pet'
month plus 50 certts extra pet" rnoRth
for the months of June, July, August
and September of each year.
"Vacant lot, l-tap, $1.00 per month.
"Apartment houses with bath or
shower in each al)artment, $2.00 plus
$1,00 for each additional apartment
per nlonth.
"Churcit writ Parsonage, $1.75 per'
"Church without Parsonage, $1.00 per
"The n|onthly schedule of rates for
all water consumed as recorded by
water meters shall be an follows:
"The, minimun* charge inside the
city limits for 500 cubic feet per month
through a i" to '," (inclusive) meter,
shall he, $1,75; 1" meter, shall be $2.00;
Pi" to 2" (Inclusive) meter, shall he
$4 50" 2i" to 3" (inclusive) meter
h'all' be'$6.50; 3b." to 6" (inclusive)
meter,shall be $9,00; 8" meter, slmll
im $20.00.
"In addition to the minintum charge
the folh, wing rates shall prevail for
additional water used:
For the next 500 cubic feet. 25
cents per 100 cubic feet.
For the next 500 cubic feet. 20
cents per 100 cubic feet,
For' tthe next 500 cubic feet. 15
cents per' 100 cubic feet,
For the next 3000 cubic feet, 121,
(,eats pet' 100 cubic feet.
For tlw next 2000 cubic feet 10
cents per 100 cubic feet.
For the next 3000 cubic feet, 8
cents l)m 100 cubic feet.
For the next 5000 cubic fet. 7
cents per t00 cubic feet,
For tile next 5000 cubic feet. 6
c,nts per' 100 cubic feet.
For all over 20.000 cubic feet. 5
cents pet' 100 cubic feet.
• -ction -. That Section 36 of Ordi-
nax'l'ce No. 391. referred to In Section
1 above, be and the same in hero.by
amended to read as follows: ,
"The ndnlntum Charge outside the
limits h)r 500 c I
city • ' 'uIc feet per
nlo'ntll through a */" to :YC' (Inclu-
sive) meter, sllall be $2.00; 1" meter,
shall be $2:..5; 1i" to 2" (inclusive)
meter, shall te $4,75.
"Tim charge for metered services
outside the.c:!ty lhnits shall be in ac-
cordance with tile schedule set forth
in Section nereo, except that water
users oulde,thc City shall pay all
additio.at . / ovel' and above the
schedule ot charges for services hmide
the City, said charges to eomnmnce
with the mlnln*um rates as herein
1 forth for' outside the city lhalts "
""ection 3. That ordinance.-No 5()2
and sazne is hereby renenled '
be -- I " - " .....
Section .4. *h s ordinance is neces-
sary for me preservation of the pub-
lic peace, .lealtl[ and safety and shall
take effect as ot June 1, 1949.
Approved :
/s/HARRy CARLON. Mayor
Attest: Is/ ALMA CATTO,Clerk
Approves_as_to orm :
City -Attorney. 6-23--1t
the assessment roll for L,I.D, No. 6
Ires. been dul,y, pr.epared as provided
bY taw an9 nkeu m the office of the
Clerk or the ity of Sheltoa, Wash-
NoTIC :; ' RTHR GIVEN that
dl persons.who may deslre to object
hereto sna.I m..aze such objections In
;;-itlng ana tile the same I o
i"dersigned Clerk at or priol . tth [he
iate flxeo for said hearing; tilat at
mid time and place so fixed and at
uch other t|mes as the hearing may
)e co.nttnued to, the City Commission
viii slt as a yearn o! equalization for.
he purpose, ot considering such rolli
md at such nerln.g will Consider such
bjectlons mad thereto or anv hart
hereof, and will COrrect, revise-rie-
ower; cnang e or.modify sueil roli',
any Dart tnereot, or se
- - - . t aside such
,oil an.d oraer that such assessment
)e marie ue hove as to .,,.h . "
hall appea- just and equitable, and
he. proceed to confirm the same by
'" WTof,..00 00u.,2 ,,,9
Cle,'00, of ih00. 00ltVaf "-
.... i R I I I II II I I I I
in which Kreidler had kdpt Lhe ' LL DRILLIN
mimiLes of Lhe school board meet- "00onserva'" Aims '"'"'"" ..... ,,.,:,. ,1
Iing's when he was (,lerk. .OR " li:,-,.c v;.,:d'n,,,::.,,:< 1,c'.qdte that, cv-
inqiiestioninglC.r,m,er,(,h:,1.()fS[,,[,t![e|: .y .,li:,'.,:. i. ,he '.,:,nes:; h:, ) t !!!;:nt!l.n,i,on:,, I ,[,
sion thaL tire*tiler had no ,;tlperill- ' :.llt! ;tH*,l('llt,l(':; :.,.'VCt':!I Of Iht)s('
tendent's credentials lllboll%'h ]l!l The ,;t:lto ;idl,lini.,lr:,li,,n',¢ ailtl hvzIl]o, I,u( "llali:-;Clplilled 'tl*d ir-
[ pernliLted himself to be I'e[a'oseni- ill" illtl.o(]tlt.il,4 1,o,'o iHl)],,rn P.lt, h- ,i [ct,-'.-;i)[t , ell:iF:l( l(q:.;.
ed on several occasions ;is Sll|)t,r- ods lille [Ol'c.;[ ('olLa,l",'.[i()11 \\;V:tN ';N'i*\\;'il':I' q.nd @
int.endent, th(, nlotiv;lliou 1',' :ll,l,oi,lt,,Iont. (I l';,ll c, nl:;tiltlte tWO
KIlIEIi)iA;:ll STATFD, "The na- a new ,4Late f.t,'m,:l. :,:ti,t .1. h!. of ti,(. Ym,st y'('l'i(ms fire periods
ture of my job was sut'h th'lt I l)awh.y, of ()lyhqw, t, Ihpulili(",n i: thi. ,'.lint15'. I",,r(.ts and t'ichis
pal, so*loci board c]erk, transp()r- l,h,' c(',urlh)n:;(. :-p,,n.(,'ed by the ,f t" ;4[,.11']( I) burst into fhtme.
tatior officer and ill othcr l'ole:;. '' ]V[;1!-;(),l (Io1111t), I(,'itP)[h'..u (.'trIi::! ':',uri>d: l.ht()u the highways.
On several occasions Krt, idleF [',l.ll/,iiL(,,,. '"l(,ll:..tl(i: ,,f ca,aper.; go into the
' )((.5;. (1(tlih*lcl'('i,I [ ciLnl |)S 1111(I ,l.il$,Iirl _ . _ _.._ _. i
pointed out .that his pay was low "MONTANA AND ()r(,::on ;i,'o v,catio,: :;jlots of :ill kinds run at
for the service he was rendering way ahcqtd (11 us in fire-fight*n?' ,p.uity E\\;'(,ry your svt, s the
and the large amount of work |1(, 1111([ oLhor (:or,.;t,)v:tliO/l wi)r]-:," ],,.%tr,,'th,l! tf il'lilgnit'iccl3t forests.
Was doing. I):!',vt,-v :-;;:il. "ii i:; lhc }l¢,p,. (ff :t(.c,lllt),(tli(,tl by a tr.gic, toll of
,vv,..,.vw.vwwvvvvv.wvv''v (]overset' ]Al.n21i(* th:lt the Si..ql(, wildlife. S(unc forest fires do oc,.-
.=tleAi PUBLIC/ffIONS ,. "Vashin,4ton will I:tRo the lemL rttr :.q/:)l;Lant.ottsly, fronl lighlnirlg
: hl. 1. ()v('ll, the w\\;v f()F.:>;IOl', !:; i)r ()thor 1]lltlll'a] Ca(ISeN. ])/tit a far
-v,vv,.v.v-v,.v,.vvVv'"wv'v'' it y¢.lll" ll);Ivi ()|' :15 VO(l!'. \\;vh() if; 4'F(':ti('l' 1]lllllbor Cilll be attributed "''''''" *" "*" """"*" "" "'*"" "*
Versed iJt llt°dcrn hb tht)d:' V|lO t° hul'lan caF°h'ssw's atl[ ig]loF" P/,.1 tqll -- --
. ORI)INANCE NO. 505 hohls his nl[tSl.t'V't4 dt,2,1'(,e in for- an(','. T]'lo m()t,)rist wbo" throws
1%,(6ORDINANCE a,,,ending S,,cth,n.: estry and taught fi,'e-['ighLmg in bu ,'nine cig,,rctte butts a,td €
2 and 3 ,,' Or(liilance No. 4Pt. l',,,,ll- tile University (tf \\;Vashington For- :n:itcho:; frolTl hi1 rar, and the
,t n the n.,,e,t ,n ,,r eaUn ,nd est,'y S,.looi. ,le win giv,, imps, .... .tn,p,,r wl, leaves a fil'e without 00m,..*""nances ovv,,eu--': Fixture
drink ng e,tahllhments, t)v' issuing, tial administraLion." "" es.--, s
suspension and revocation of pc r!!n: douMn K it with water and bnrying
for th opera on o such estaolsn- I-)awley said Mason county t)eo- it with earth until every sp:trk is HEARING AID BATTERIES LAMPS - 6 to 1000 Watt
ments; providing f(,' tie issuance of ple, whose lievlitaoods are closely :)1t and every on2hcl' is e.old, are
permits upo.n payment of a pernlit.f,,o, related to the lumber industry, two of the worst offenders. The
prov d ng for penalties for the.v),!m-
tion of this ordinance, attd I)rohlbltlnK have a big sake in Limber ('oil- whole nation is the poorer because
unwholesomethe sale of adult-rat,.d.f,,d anti drink.misbranded'-r server.ion.-He fores3.w more t,se: af them. A plain dt,ty. GOOD BUY ,, .,, w.o, ,o ,o.o,, .o. o,.
THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE for wood in t.ho flltlll'C, including evt,ryone who goes intxt tho (air- MI tcic hot water tank in your base-
new develops,t'sis Lh:tL will con- doors for ally rea.st)n. It is to pro- "
AsCITYFoLLowsOF SHELTON: DOES ORI)AIN verL wood inlo proLein, It food. I tect a htu'itag'e which, once de- ment, attic, small closet or under your kitchen work
Section 1. Ordinance No. 4,t4, the
same being an ordinance regulating REPOR'i'IN( ON a Los Angeles str'oyed, may take centuries to re- tables, you can
inpection of oating and drinking es- meeting of Repuhlican lellders oft ;)lac'tL The varioua public and pri-
tablishments and the issuing, suspon- tho 11 'Aresiern stat.es, I:)a.wh,y["ate bodies which deal with fir(, ..--.'AVlg°ver $60,00 with the only table top $9)00
sion. and revttation o' permits, b,, sai(I the We:Rern l:hl)ublicans :u(e] aro iI(dng a' fine job. They are model built in 50-gal. size, Price *
and tho same hereby in amended td trying to 'et the National Corn- making available to all simple,
read as follows: with all the insulation. Build your own oablnet. This
Section 2a. "Tim operatoC of evor.v m tt.ee to (re l) high-horse. Fact.h- :';Is},, l'lllet for fire safet'y. They
grocery sbre. but.hi' shop or any otis and I)eam the t:el)ublicn pro- ',n,'fintain patrols and fire fighting same tank with regular wlitc enamel casing complete
)usiness se lg to)(| " |'ol)(l Sll )plies,
shall obtain a permit aanually, whicit gl'ttlD. "on tile level of thc poc- org'.tnizations. But they cat] do sells at $155.00.
permit shall not be ist|ed by ih*, file." little without public ,t|operation.
health ,fficer unt l the person of oper- A f,west fire can spread with in- HOT WEATHER? FANS for circulation
ator desiring to secure sucl l)erpit A. A, Stratford, G r a l? ¢ V i e w, credible swiftness and be c.om- HOT PLATES for Lunches
has paid to the Treasurer of the (:t.v courtly (].O.P, cilail'ltaFl, pl'o.;i(iod phdely beyond control in |t matter
of Shelton a pcrlnit f of $2,00, and over the meeting, which hearil re- of minutes under cerL,',in eon(li-
such fee .]la]l be duo all({ ImY al)h'
in advance on th,' 1st day of May l ports on women', acLiviLies from tions. Make the most. of the
each year " Mr:*." lol'.tn(l (hv.t.l's,m and on woods and sltve them for the fu- ELECTRICITY-Your Best and Cheapest Sorvant!
Section 3. From and after 6 montl| Young Republican activities trois tllr0,
fromthedateonwhlchthls'"di-P.T.'ViniecRi, i{efreshluentswere " E A Carr
nance takes effect no restaurant, vr-- " ..................................... t Title Insurance Building
('cry store, butcher shop, or any bu,i- served by Ml's. RicbFird Spring- First lhtid Fil'(,nlt'n
ness selling food or food SUl)I )}i''s, g:3.Lo, Mrs w Phil Dtlrand and 'Mrs. Cincinnati formed t h e first • • PHONE 645 Shelto.
shall be operated within the City (d" (hlstafson. paid fire (lepartment in America.
Shelton ltnles it (.(nforo|s with tho .
requh'ements of said ordinance; Pr.- " .....................................................................................................
vided that when any restaurant, err'" t cotte Electric
cery store, butchor shop. or any busi-
ness selling food or food Supph('F
fails to qualify, the health officer in /If"
attthorized to suspend the permit. J()HN R DODGE D.V
Passcd hy the City Ct, mnfi:sion *his
21stday,ffJone, 194.q. e ' " TOP OUAL00Y
Attest: ALMA K. CATTO, '
Ctty Clerk. Will Be Out of Town
APl:)roved as to fornt: i
City Atto, noy. 6-23-I' WIRING a.d ELECTRICAL SERVICE
ORDINANCE NO. 506 For Period Beginning Saturday, WITH E. A. C?ARR IN 7
AN ORDINANCE for the preserva-
tion of public morality, peace, safely ,- TITLE r
and good order ,f the City ,,f Shel- June ,9.5, to Monday, July 5
ton. and providing penalties f,)r we a- ' PHONE 645 "
.tlon thereof.
CITY OF SHELTON DO ORDAIN AS ............. OO--...--QQ.,
Section 1. Fighting Drunlt('ness,
Drunk and disorderly, Disorderly Con-
duct, Disturbing the Peace, Profane ........ .....
' - .... ,[ ,, - F- 7
Language Immoral Practim.s. It shall
be unlawful for any De 'son to b(' •
guilty of fighting, (Irunk'ness. t' of
riotous (,t' disorderly conduct, ,,r of
any conduct tending to disturl) tlw
public peat:(,, or to use any profane
or abusive language or to engage
in any' act o" practice, or prowling or -
peering in W ndows in the night tir, m . .
wIlereby the peace or (luicl of tho /"
ety nlay be disturbed or to (IS O llty
obscene language or bo gt|llty of any
indecent or Immoral act, practice or '
._ _
conduct tonding to debauch the puhll(' ,.
nloralst ' * ...... ' ":ii:
Section 2. Keeping Disorderly lhmse. :"" ;
It shall be unlawful for any person,
who shah keep ally ilous' or place of
business to suffer or pern|tt at .v hind
or boisterous noise to be lltade tllerohl
after the hour of ten €10) o'clock
anY riotous or (iisorderly conduct, I @ •
drunkncss Or fighting to tim atlnl)y-
ance of the public and it shall be
unlawful for any person to keep any ] /
house of public rest rt wherein the
peace, comfort, quietness or decency I
of the public nmy he suffered or per-I
mitred to be disturbed or to k)cp i
an inn, hotel, lodging house, boarding
house, bat' t'oonl or salo It* n a dis" I
orderly n|anner.
Section 3. Being abroad at night
and rt fnsing to give account t)f one-
self It sltall be unlawful for any per-
son, being abroad at night to fail
or refuse upon the dmnand of any
olice officer of the City of Shclton,
) give the reason why, and tl*e l)usi-
hess on which he is abroad, ot to
gtvea satisfactory account, of hhnself
or to satisfactorily answer for being
abroad, and If any police officer slmll
be satisfied that the public good re-
quire it, he ,hall ,first having ex- W h Child
plained his official character) arrest
and detaln such person found abroad . "
at nlght for furtherexamlnation, the atc , t For ren
purpose of this section being to pro-
tect the elty front burglars, robbers
and nther criminals.
Section 4, Trespass Upon Privnte
Premises. It shall be unlawful for any
toerSon tO enter upon, or hang or
af around, any private premises or m
place of business against the cx-
pressed wish of the owner, agent or . .-3
occupant thereof, or to ,n any man- HESE days of school vacation bring new
her willfully annoy such owner, agent
or occupant, or any other person
owner.there°n'agentWith°Utor theoc..pant.COnSent of such responsibilities upon automobile drivers. The
section 5. Protection of Women, It
sbai, t,e un,aw,u, f,.r soy ,,,ale person school boy patrolmen who escorted youngsters at
to accost, annoy, follow, or attempt to
force his attention upon any female
do. perSOnnot whom ..,r,,he doeshis not attentlon"n°w or t,, whoto crossings throughout the school year are off duty.
use any disrespectft|l or insulting, lan-
,uage towards any fen|ale person Safety on the streets and roads requires greater
whqtaoever, in any public place, or te
enter upon any private premises to
so accost annoy or force hls a.en-
tlon upon or use disrespectful or tn-
sultlng language towards any such
female person,
Section 6, Throwing Articles. It It uld be agre abl fo all drivers
shai, be uniawf.I for any person to WO more e e r
rudely or ntischleveously throw any-
thing at, against or upon "any house,
building, structure, velticle, chr ,,r any if children would stop, look and listen before run-
premises, or any person to the an-
,,,,..snce of any persoo ing into the street But children at play forget
Sect*ca 7. It shall be unlawful for n '
any person to go upon or In any mart- • , "
ornerotherlnjureplaceany culti,'atedwhere a iawhParkhtgis striPkept those rules. It remains the duty of the driver to
or grown or to injure, danmge or I
destroy any plant, flower, follage, [ • • ,
flowering plant, shrubbery or tree anticipate such hazards. No trip is so 00mportant
planted or grown upon any parking
strip or other place by any person
wt,hont his consent that the safety of children must be placed in
Section 4. PenaltyAny person vio-
lating or failing tO cgmply with any p ,.-or='
of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and upon (:onviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine in anY
Shin not exeePdlng Three Hundrett
00olla00s or ,,y impr,s,,nn|eot Each time you get behind the wheel, think of
kn the city jatl not exceeding ninety
(90) days, or both such fine and in|-
,r,sonmenl the youngsters in the street.
Section 9. Word and Phrases De-
fined. The word "person" wherevir
used in this ordinanec shall when
necessary be held and construed to
eithil and include natnral persons of
sex, co-partnership and corpor-
atiolls whether acting by themselves
or by servant, agent or employee, the ..
singular number shall, when necessary, ,.f-I-- 'm
be held and construed to inch|de the
ipnluleal?e th(em[auline pronoun t,)
Sctlon 10. That ()t'dinance Number
5 be and the same hereby is repealed
and that all the ordinances and parts
of ordinances of the City of She[ton
not inconsistent herewith are hereby .,..
continued as addltlonsl and FUPl)lc-
mentary hereto,
Seetton 11, This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect front flw, days / •
after its passage attd publication. ..L..ff
day of June. 1949.
Attest: JLM. I. CATTO, City Clerk
ApPrOved as to [ornt:
City Attorney. 6-23--1t. .... .