June 23, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 23, 1949 |
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P':t .e 8 SHELTON-£AS0N CO JOURNAL Thursda i J
'ql I
sheno. Lodge no 1s, M J P V lI D ] D P I[.![ A t| T Simpson Picnic Sunday {i "
• ' 1 To Be At Mason Lake ' i
aluuilu IUUi ltlr, lbll/tll 0 SimpsonLo.ioCompoyem-I mwB am wQ
LOYAL ORDER OF ployeos will bold a work ;ay and ll " IMPKIt A' V&-iw
IOOSE Ncal Evandcr, a 1949 graduate some time and were extremely picnic at Mason Lake recrcation ll -- :
i of tim pharmacy school at Wash- happy to get the opportunity to area Sunday forenoon and after-I
MEETINGS HELD EACH ington State College, joined the lo(ate at Allyn !noon, according to Hokie I-Iokon- I l*l*a.'L. u [#'r T.*t[* 'JxTmr lrr#' r,[#',,t lytt* .
i , staff of the McConRcy Pharmacy • * * :son, recreation director. I I l¥111.b121kitl U. kI.JLiiU£ P Ult LAYJP]hJI_ JPIUiI ltklLJUitl2k, # ILL D
1st anti 3rd Tqesdays l,,:;t week. Re-opening of Clar-Mel Inn be- i Signs are to be erected and the J l " t kr'l 1 "lkT . ] • gt£'.l ::'
of the Month Ih: is an ex-serviceman who tween Potlatch and Hoodsport, picnic grounfls groomed for tlle ll Ill ,n,n [exr 'l'll.glfiY /!111:: -1['!1
conlpleted Ills edt cation after serv- occtlrrc(l yesterday w,th a ann-, stlmlllel" season. Employees and ] ] ,7 ;
) n--Ear|es l-llau ing two yean in the Navy as a liar hand on the l:elm. their families are invited to bring j|
. ":! "'." . O [ -- I)tmrmacists mate, part of it Mrs. Mel Bearden, who founded picnic lunches Sunday. WorR I I Tit TAKE AW.i. ftI AT.I.
M'ry fl Leman, overnor " ' ) .... r 1 m " ' "'''" "-'-- ""'-"
• aboard an AI A m the 1 a('dw the po)ular eatm sot on the stats at 0 a ]]
....... I g P
.... W. D. Coburll, Secretary His home town is Walla WaJla. shores of Hood Canal with her: .... ]] ITTrL ][l[%D lr]la)'ll- k/'l][ l"l'lt ll|'NLMllhl.'[ T%TI T}rl[/' ::
Mrs. Evander is also a %V.S.C. husb'md several years ago is re-: ............ 1] 1 UJLk' IUI% I01-I"--I01, ILIfflO]L}]VIdlN(x, ]:1(..
J' ' " gr'tdtr tc tul'nino" to one, ate the I'nn fol: o,(1 not tee: mey coum Revere I I ':
............................. ____ .......... " ..... m' $4 ' .. r" "" " "" ...... time enough to the Inn so asked l| "
' If milady is looking for hosiery [:nCl Pes?,'tay°v'i';' s,fem'amns ! Mr Bearden to take over for[[ AT THE RUBY CRANE HOME, 37.1 COTA STREET :i
f A/f:t. v.--^ -(lid you eve*' see one who wasn't Other business interests are Clat Mell Inn will be o-)en ev]l i!i
..... .,.(}l'lill l.Otl:¢2 a qtlick look on page 12 of to- keeping the owners occupied so . .'" . . . t -][ •
m ray's Journal will reveal a bar- completely this summer that they ey oay n'om v a.m. to p.m. I
f F. & A.M. gin in nylons she'll not pass (,p.
[ in the accessories anti lingerie
¢/ No 11 (lepartment at tim Lumbernmn's €
Mercantilc, broken lots and sizes 4--
STATED COMMUNICATION in various grades of nylons are "
St. Johns Night, June 24 being offered at 98C. €
Need we say more, ladies ?
8 p.m. * * *
Two inure hotlrs have been a(l(I-
Leo Martin, %V. M. cd lo the daily operating schedule
W. A. 13atchch)r, Recy. ()l: Scott's Ice Cream, reports the
owner, ,I. G, llah'orsen.
The l)opular delicatessen store . €
- will be open hereafter from 10 *
a.nl. until midnight. It formerly " SAFEWAY
operated between II a.m. and II When you shop regularly at
flOW ,,.SOOll (all YOU p,m.
$ :i *
Expect Delivery illyn residents will get ac-
Of a New Buick? ihoirqUaintCdcommunityWith a newthismerchantweek endin A few cents saved today-several more tomorrow, may not seem like a lot of money.
YOU'LL BE SURPRISED! when Carl R. Stewart holds the But multiply those amounts by the number of times you shop each year. The result:
grand opening of his grocery store
24 months To Pay Friday, Saturday and Sunday with a substantial sum. That's the kind of savings Safeway offers. Our prices are low on
special get-acquainted values and
AT free balloons and ice cream for every item every day.., and you're bound to save more when everything you buy is
MOTORS the youngsters.
Mr. Stewart has purchased Vic's priced low. Make a habit of shopping at Safeway. It pays.., and pays.., and pays.
B()B ERVIN Ma,'kct fronl Vic Raisonl and re-
named it Stewart's Market. He
(WE NEED USED CARS) will be open seven days a week
from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
.................................................................................. Mr. Stewart is a native of Call-
, fornia who fell for the Northwest
during military duty at Fort Lew-
is during the war and married a
l,ongbranch, Wash., girl,
.. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have been
looking for a chance to return tO
; tilL; Puget Sound country for PORK AND BEAN =7" I
.............................. 0o,., ..,.o ,..,o. .^o,
Wind=Blown Fire
Raged In County ............................ 29-Oz. 15 ¢
Ray s Jewelry .:,,,.,l,,,.,, .o,,, ,,,, , I l' Got this I
[ [ tr e:cHacrOssapOwe''line'five wardens, two crews and BUTTEr.i ' " |b .1' I?- 'H'E::I'I :e?l!;Sn:;:i::h:/v:f(b:Hfil- :' ' '
1,, cot Pho.e 0,, ,,ArtFST WOODS fire was Cq _1 BEAUTIFUL '
near Math)ck. It began at 3:07 p. " ' ::'
m. June 15 and charged through ..........................................................
,,, , , about 14 tcres before it was put CAMPBELL S - LIKE A PART TIME COOK ON YOUR SHELF - 10/z-OZ.
I i,::;b|;SE undercpntrol at midnight. Four TOM00IT0 S0[IP . ,..,. o.o00.
: € . PUtS C . p . . .."" y'g .rp
I'S( At Island lake, three miles .............................. I €
nol'th of ShelteR, sparks fronl a CoRU AIRWAY .ag 46 Bag 89
small bbtzc were carried a hun- KRAFTS DELICIOUS, CREAMY-SMOOTH SALAD DRESSING m
of the wind. tbe fire romped thru
I :s ................ : ...................... qu. t 49 . NO HILL -;;g 44 :lag" 85
I, .,. II ab°''t II acres burning valuablestartingthdunder eontrolSh°rtly after six o'clOekby noon of the next S DiIG "[ v " : " 1 1 '. * Edwards Coffee, ]uxur i --
C'hristmas trees, ferns and brush. DUCHESS, GUAR
NTEED FRESH ,, ,. y blend ..............
ShelteR Electric ,l,e,n,,on o June 15, it was ' e ...d I • c & It Sugar (25-1b. 2.23) .... ............... 1 /
. ............................. Quart a[ .,.n.,**'°" °-,,m,.,'°"°. °' |" * Whlte" Satln" or U & I Sugar ................ 1
Govcy Bldg., Phone 154,W : day, Abont 30 men battled with
, , bulMoze; and three pump trucks. FOR MAlnG T,nDaa uHt BISCU,tS ' ":' [°sl:°.tl°.n. m' * Kitchen Craft Flour (25-lb. 1.89) ...... Liil'*
m. ..... ,,,,, ,, siN EIGII'I?-ACI(E fire a mile
4:4.) [).in. of last Wednesday and ,
, I I H Oli 39 is',):or,.' ! * Harvest Blossom Flour ...................... '3':
wa'a under control by 7 o'ch,ck. . ........................... 40-Oz. Pkg.
Fi]'enen f:ronl Hoodsport aided SUNNYBANK .............. - ..
MARGAR,NE, ,bs. 55 ¢ * Durkee s or Nueoa Margarine .......... "::
two crews from the State Fot'es- ARMOUR'S ALL PORK LUNCH MEAT
E try Hall and a dozen volunteers. TREET -----==b mm ====mmml Fancy, whole segffleIlt " "
Other wind-impelled fires burn- ! €
neared areaSthc Onschool,CloquallUmone.quarterCreek, acre,°ne" " G.ATED' ............................... 12-oz. ., 35 . .. -- Libby'SHoue,Grapef1l
LOANS tl,,,.ter acre; Skokomisb valley .
and ]sablella lake, one-qua,'ter '--''--" -------- Bartlett Pears "'"|.-
aCYC. Fh'emen and cqllipment aid- TUNA. FISH
• Col,venient Terms cd i., the batUc at Cloq.an.m. : , ,, € qT li UD D IU l .... Sunny Dawn, frcsh fl,'.4"
week to power lines in the county ' Tomato Juice .... :
. Reasonable Rates ,vs mostly wire breakage. In OJL lk/') D[alO'. ..... Z boxes q ,,"';t ]
• NO DELAY Shelter several falling limbs from Smith's - Big Valsl !,ll
Mason Comity Savings
& Loan Association
Title Insurano¢ Bldg.
Y)a qou Ave
t.appi[q ever after/"
May the days to come
brlnq ever.In€tea)In9
Whether your weddiaq
i small and Intimate or
large and Iormol you'll
want your friends t
know all about It , . •
when.., and where...
and above all YOUB
So, le( us help you with
Our Announcements:
tuperlatlve workman*
ehip on ezqullte StraP-
more paper,
We think the finest liae
l= the state. Quick de-
IJvedes and reonobly
YREE u,ah on,
cothpliments a t".,,._
copy oJ the B,id¢' s / "",,
Ca/ns th'e many ] !
p,zz/i,g Jttai/$ #/ / !
Wedding eti. / ff
#,at,. i, r,.,r, ,,i
tot yo. at ,,
ote, :
shade trees snapped lines, but no
l)oh)s were broken, reported Claude
Daniclson, I:'.U.D. 3 manager.
A FIRE IN tim home of M. G.
Adams, 1405 Railroad avenue in
ShelteR, caused from sparks on the
roof, resulted in about $500 dam-
age about 7 p.m. June 15.
Among wildlife tragedies caused
by the strong wind, a bird's nest
wts blown down at the home of
AI Greenwalt, 901 Cascade, and
1our baby sparrows were killed,
"The mother bird was frantic.
She kept flying around hopelessly
al day Thursday," reported Mrs.
Mikh'ed Greenwalt, who just re-
cently returned from Friday Har-
Three New Laws
Passed for City "
(Continued From Page One)
L.I.D. Six, established last year
for the financing of the RatA'earl
avenue improvement project, have
been completed. Notices of am-
ounts of assessment are being
sent to property owners this
A IIEARING on the assess-
men: roll has bcen called for 8
p.m, JuIy 15 at the commission
chambers in city hall.
A bid for an incinerator for the
city garbage dump has been
awarded to Builder's Distributing
Company of Seattle for $4,635.50.
The incinerator is scheduled to be
in operation in 30 days.
Tim City of Shelter is going to
tlLrn over Shelter docks at the
end of :Pine street to the I)ort dis-
tuict. City Attorney Glenn Corrca
wa:4 instrtwted Tuesday by city
conln lissioncl's to prepare the
necessary papers to release the
duel: to the port COlllluissioners.
. )uthside Grange
By Opal Hardie
Southside Grange met Friday
night, and because of the busy
s<,ason a very small crowd came
out. Don Clark served as master
in the absence of Howard Yule.
The resignation of four of our
officers was accepted with regret.
Sistcr Cockran and brothers
Cool:ran and Cool: h;tve llloved
l;rom this community.
Tllc ladies auxiliary i8 serving
l)icnic dinner at Walker Part: on
Juuc 28 for the Business and Pro-
fcs.qionat Women's club.
The trophy won by our float in
the Forest Festival parade is on
display and much appreciated.
Mrs. Wright's Sandwich "(°"A I I)I 7Vz
B R E A D S P R E A D . ,,,, ..,.,,__.,,, ................. ,. Lb.
W It h pure mayon- rll
411)t € Raise and relish. AI- € €
ways fresh: Qt. . ...... lb.
....... ,.. qt. 117 . . ......... Lb. €
........ .n
.... Doz. 66* .................. 12-oz. ctn. €
tall 1t-
Wh, te or wheat
- Now more su-
gar, more short- 1½-Lb.
ening and more
milk. Loaf
CHEESE, Chatham full cream
LARGE "AA" EGGS, Wash. Co-op.
CANNED MILK, Cherub or Darigold .. * Radishes or green onions. 4 bun. 9¢
* Beef Sirloin'Steak "good" ... lb. 75*
* Beef Round Steak, "good".. lb. 79'
* Boiling Beef B.,.ket po,., .. p,a,e lb. 29*
IUlt I,/.!i/151 IJ Young, Tender LB. I "
* Veal Shldr. Steak "good"... lb. 75 ¢
* ' " " ' " O0 " . €
Veal Sirloin Steak, g d .. lb 79
* Veal Rump Roast, good ... lb. 7S*
* Veal Loin or Rib Chops, 'good' lb. 85
* Veal Stew, breast or neck ... lb. 43*
Sure to bc tendcr
ieners ............ lb. 49¢
rge or nmall
Bologna .......... lb. 49¢
Boiled Ham
Ham ............. -lb. 63¢
Fresh. Red King
Salmon ............ lb. 65¢
Steak or roast, fresl
Halibut ............ lb. 49¢
"Ocean Prosted"
Crab Meat .. 6-oz. 69¢
The whole family goes for
HI Ho! 29*
l-lb. Pkg ...................
Just the thing for summer
meals! • _€
12-0z, Can ................
BuY Raleigh plain cnds by
ne ctn. for cxtra 4 :
coupons (pkg. 17€) & II1
Thc purr-fect catfood. "Puss
,N Boots, brand. 3/25€
8-Oz. Can ........
Old Dutch chases dirt. Con.
rains activated I 1 €
s¢ismot/te ..... 4.0z.
..... i
* Cabbage, local solid .. lb. 5¢
* Sweet Corn, tender .. ear 6¢
* Celery, all green. .... lb. 9¢
* Cherries, fcy. Bing lb. 14/2¢
* Plums, large sweet .. lb. 17€
Spaghetti &
Small Ripe , )
Libby's Olives "| -
NaIley's, fresh and cri}P
Potato Chips ........ .!!I 7
Powctered, 3/,',-oz . e ./
M.C.P. Pecti ..... i..it
Liquid Pectin, 8-o. 1
Jels-Rite ............... ['
For Jams and jellie
Certo ........ ' 8-o' al
For sealing jams ad
Parowax .............
Kerr, squat type °
Jelly Classes-":
Full 32 .ounces.
She-Cola ............
Cragmont Grape Sod
Root Beer ....... ":
Case of 24, 12-od ,k
Acme Canne "-[W|
CS. (24) ll-oz, stublie:)l"U
Old Style Beer ''r l::
Sweetheart 4/6 € Ivory Soap <
Speoial 1€ sale on fourth Pure mild floating Ivo • I "
bar! Bath size bars. Save l Soap. Prc sonL
Speoial 1€ sale on fourth m '1 =1. ..,n., 1.._ cx," /
bar! Bath size bars. Save!
• ,
Blu-White . €. Rinso Soap -o.
Soap Flakes and bluing in tains solium. Large 4o" '
one! 1€ for 4th pkg.! oz. carton. - 1