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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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sun=00anit, Fishermen Catch I Chinook Salmon Wlll00g0000lAt Minerva Park "iilliU iwi ] By Mrs. S. E. Grig]gs __ __ _ __ ____  Fishermen are taking adwm- • • • • I TI" • tare of the grand weather and I1 i I IN[ I •  • good fishing&apos; facilities here to I I • • fl • • I / I make some good catches of Chin- u u n I,, I*.• / i '°ok salmon. mw  ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Solberg of Che- halls and Miss Audrey Noblett of lmmm lmm l'Olympia are spending the week r J'lrl l  • •  • end here, camping and fishing. b|'llIUllMI I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and i I-• -I • lI I l III l • daughter Janice of Longview, are t IIVIII I spending the week end at the A1- I ...... all Wt(t | le • ' , , ,' ton . I ,WJ,P ]  : Mrs. Bob Berg and Susan oh-I I. ---Li Jl__  [ney of Centralia were guests of! i'  Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney .-/.2  Mrs. Ed Carney attended a bri- " '] "--: _. dal shower at the home of Mrs. { , ,. ] li Sjohm of Upper Skokomish, in \\;<,-',/  honor of Mrs. R,,de W Homand t/ "1 t][[ (nee Mihh'ed Dugger). The newly ',. .__  married couple are building a new ................................................  ...........................................  .................................. , ...... .  ................... -..4 r ........................................................................ [TOWN TEAM RALLIES TO VICr0RY DiMaqqio 0 TOP PROTECTION tASTING BEAUTY You can't beat SWP for smart good :looks, lasfi ng protection, hish qgali¢,/, 4tll 'round performance and down. tight ecoOoYay. No wonder tt's Ammi- ¢.a J moss widely used house polar. :SH|RWIN-WILLIAMS cwa $6ao snip WNF I GAL HOUSE PAINt , GAL • b4 ( I w SLL  $3.7,) I ,l.,c wRY;;.5";. ]I' ,,v ........ 2 Li_J. i i m H. i i i  li| J. L. CAITO H00DW00E home on Hillcrest. t M,'. and Mrs. S. E. Griggs spent the week in Puyallup with Mrs Grigg's sister and brother-in-law, Mr., and Mrs W. L. Frmklin. They were accompanied home by i Mrs, Franklin, hut all will return to Puyallup to assist with the ber- ry harvest at the Franklin home. The Lower Skokomish ball team will play at CushIan Sunday. Fred Hanson (nd Mabel Johns attended a show in Shelton Wed- nesday evening. The Enitai mill was re-opened Monday after a long" shutdown. Fred Hanson and Mabel Johns drove to Hoodaport 'Friday eve- ning on a business trip and {o make some grocery deliveries. ": "" ......... "-'--i ..... nlen ill Y;:i]{D1qa, dllring the .Yccent winter. TEEN-AGE CLUB At Delight Park EVERY EVENING 5-I0 P.M. Monday thru Friday SEASON TICKETS $3.00 Plus Tax _ 1 317 Railroad Phone 48 .............. • ,|1111, v"r ....... __ , ,, ,,,. INTERESTING HISTORY OF ORIGIN OF ELK IIERDS RELEASED BY GAME DEPARTMENT Elk scn.ons for 19,19 are betng i project was financed by local sub- studted by game department per-, scription. The plant was made in sea]el and game commission mere- February, 1913, just below the bcrs as a rcmflt of the recent elk mouth of the Rattlesnake Creek t count and the agreement reached on the west side of the Nachesl by stockmen, farmers and sports- River. It consisted of 42 cows (2 OVER PORT TOWNSEND CUBS, 9-8 Fighting back from five-run deficits twice during the ball game, the American Legion sponsored Shelton I.)ggers hung up their second victory in two starts against Port Townsend here Satur- day night, 9 to 8, undqr the Loop Field lights in a wild, 'shaggy ex- hibition of the national pastime. All hut one run on each side were scored in the third and fourth innings, with Shelton emerging from the carnage with an 8 to 7 bulge in the tally-making. The visiting Cubs broke the ice by tagging Jack Stewart for five hits and four runs in the third and rang up another trio in the fourth on four more hits, although all were unearned. The Legiomh'es retaliated with three in theW half of the third When George Snyder led off with l a solid single to left which was bobbled into three sacks, Stewart followed with a clean poke over first base, Bill Taylor walked, Ray Creek gained a life on a miscue at second base, and Wayne Clary singled. Five more runs in the bottom of the fourth put,Shelton ahead by a run. Buck Armstrong started it with a smoking one-sack drive to right, Milt Clothier beat out an infield tap, and Snyder was safe when the pitcher failed to handle his sacrife bunt, filling €he bases. Stewart Whacked his second straight safety, into center, and two runs tallied, Taylor singled ome another, and the final pair crossed when Clary's hopper across the bag got through the Cubs third baseman. The visitors tied it in the sixth after Tony Nelson relieved Stew- ab r h e • l 2 1 5 4 1 0 2 d 0 0 1 4 0 2 0 4 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 4 0 0 5 2 1 9 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 10 27 Pt. Townsend ab r h o a • Norwood, If .... 5 I I 1 0 I, Black, c .......... 5 1 2 6 I 0 Roffler, ss-p .... 5 ] 3 0 1 0 Zewiski, lb-ss 4 0 0 3 0 0 Kloekers, cf .... 4 0 i 2 0 0 Anderson, rf .... 4 0 1 0 0 1 McCullen, 3b .. 5 2 1 3 3 1 Shearer, 2b ...... 4 1 1 7 0 1 Blevins, p-lb .. 4 2 2 1 1 1 Totals ............ 40 8 12 24 6 5 Shelton a Taylor, cf ........ 1 0 Nak, 2b ............ 2 0 Creek, ss-3b .... 0 0 Clary, 3b-as .... 2 3 Dickinson, If .... 0 0 Armstrong, rf 3 0 O Clothier, lb ...... 2 0 0 Brown, lb ........ 2 1 0 Snyder, c ........ 3 1 1 Stewart, p ........ 2 1 0 Nelson, p ........ 2 0 0 Totals .......... 34 8 4 Score By Innings Port Townsend .... 004 301 000-- 8 Hits .................... 015 302 00112 Bhelton .................. 003 501 00x 9 Hits .................... 003 312 10x--10 SUMMARY: 3-base hit--Arm- strong. 2-base hit .... McCullen, Blevlns. Sacrifice hits - Creel(, Snyder. Runs batted in--Stew- art 3, Clary 3, Taylor, Blevins 3, Norwood 2. Struck out---Stewart 4, Nelson 4, Blevins 3, Roffler 7. Walks--Stewart 1 Nelson. 3, Blev- ins 1, Roffler 1. Hit batters-- Armstrong by Blevins, Blevins Nelson. Fnnings 4, Blevins 4.. Winning pitcher Nelson. Laing pitcherRoffler. ]Rail Junction Marldng the successful com- pletion o-f the first tramscon- CONGRATULATIOM6, STORAGE WEDDED BLISJ / =, TANKS GET OIL FROM Us',. PLEASE HARKTOTHIS. I so TO 1000 GALLONS 7  --N-- For New OII Burner l I nstallatiols and 3 years old)rmd 8 bulls (1 and art, but the Loggers rapped the 2 years old). I winning marker ()vet' in the sixth "Little was heard of the elk, when George Na.k walked, moved which readily readjusted them-I along on Creeks sacrifice, and selves to the new environment. * * checked in as Clary singled, The Rattlesnake Game Reserve,[ Hitting honors fox" the Loggers containing approximately 110,000 went to Buck Armstrong, who was acres, was created in 1922 to pro- on the sacks four times in four tect this herd. It included prin- trips, getting three hits, one a cipally summer range. "Reports of herd increases and more damage to hay stacks and fences encouraged the game com- mission to allow the hunting of bull elk in 1927. * * * "Early in the 1930's elk dam- age increased to the stage where many complaints were made. * '* *" The report then explains the steady increases in the elk popu-! tinental railway was the junction of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific in 1869 O For Efficient, Prompt ,, Courteous Service • Depend Upon . ....................................... L..I ,- ............. _. ....... '___ ........... The game department elk cen- sus indicatcs there will be 6,638 elk in the Yakima area by next fall, with a total of 8,911 in Yak- ima and Kittitas counties. The kill in the Yakima area, to bring the population down to the figure which was agreed on, will havL to be 3,683. Tile Colockmn elk herd was counted at 1,857, with the natural increase bringing the total by fall to 2,228. Burton Lauckhart, chief of the department's game management division, estimates there'are 14,000 elk in Eastern Washington at pres- ent and 18,000 in western Wash- triple, and being hit. Clary drove in three runs with two hits and Stewart dittoed. It was an interesting if some- what loosely played tilt, with plen- ty of actkm packed into the nine innings At the present time the town team has no more games on its schedule, Acting Manager Jess Phillips reports, hut expects to line up some opposition shortly. The box score: Planning A Trip? We save you all the incon- venlence of routing and tioketing, on Plane, R.R. or Steamship. No Service Charge World-Wide Connections CaB Olympia Travel Service ely. 6228 OLYMPIAN HOTEl., III(OEA--RETTER--gRkNDER THAN !P/ER BEFORE An Illpslnl Ep(h in the WoHd's Geatest Ihowl How Creating n NEW ERA IN TENTED AMUSEMENTS with Iattlms ld Ww|tUs f4mm imi l u III lii €1 TUESDAY. JUNE 28 AT SHELTON Next TO White Spot -- Mt, View ington Recently published by the Wildlife Management Institute of Washington, D. C.. was a report on the management of the Yakima elk herd as made by Lanckhart and Glenn E Mitchell of the US Forest Service at Portland In this report, the two said, "Of all the big game iu the Pacific Northwest, elk are consid- ered the problem children because of their bold and aggressive for- aging habits and their tendency to find and occupy new ranges. "History and a few weathered relics bear witness to the early lation, with the steady accompany- ing growth in need to obtain more range fox' the animals. The range situation reached a climax last winter, when the heavy snows drove the elk into orciards and farm areas and led to the agreement by which the Yakima herd would be reduced and the understanding that other herds h Eastern,Washington also would have to be curtailed. It is interesting how the 42 cows and 8 bulls brought to the Yakima area in 1913 have increased to so many thousand elk only 36 year DON'S SPORT AND CYCLE SHOP OBicycle Repairs @Lawnmowers Sharpened OSporting Equipment OKeys Made HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES existence of elk in the Yakima later. Fishermen know... "It's a Case of Enjoyment" \\; OLYMP * "It's the ]Valet" A BREWING CO.-. OLYMPIA, WA| Rivet' drainage on the east slope .................................. of the Cascade Mountains in Cen- The nrlncial of jet propulsion 223 Cots Street Phone 243 tral Wasldngton Just what spec- wa. unter.too" d 2c,00 years ago by ies existed there or exactly wn m Hero, an Alexandrian philisopher. the last animal disappearedts.un-I ------" ......  --: ' " :L _ -- --'-- _-- L kn°wn" It is kn°wn' h°wevei: that ' ' Veterans Corner this occurred before the arrival ,,fj iF --.---i tbe i'irst white settlers. I m. ', .:,.€' m-- F "Recognizing the opportunity for I  =jm_ reestablishing all elk herd in this[ ::::? iliV area, tim local sportsmen prevailcd :: ;::: 9n the county game commission to # '49 CHRYSLERS & PLyM 4 Now On Display at i! ! T: KIMBEL MOTORS _ l! Complete Richfield Oil Prod GAS, 01k LUBE SERVD! Complete Automotive Body & Fender and Car Painting South 1st at Mill St. Augmenting Our Former Service= 0f !l] " • e' " ' @ # !t Repairing and Rebmldi00 Cars -- Trucks- Tract00 Heavy Logging Equlp000000- GREASING - WASHING - POI::' Pick-up and Delivery ServiCe REFRIGERA By International-Harvester 'AC'TOR" APPROVED Chrysler. Plymouth - SALES -PARTS - SERVIC Phone {$t import some Rock." Mountain el from the north Yellowstone edna- ' Yoti Directory Of Veterans Doing Business ' In Mason County ,. .... try neat" Gardiner, Montana. The I'A('IFI(! COAST LEAfIUE IV. L. Pet. *GBI, Hollywood .... 54: 32 .628 ...... SEATTLE .... 49 38 .563 5L. San Diego .... 43 41 .512 10 Oakland ......... 43 42 .506 10/ Sacramento .... 40 42 .488 12 Portland ........ 37 45 .45] 15 San Francisco 38 47 .447 15% Los Angeles .... 34 51 .400 19V ltow ,erles Ended Wonl Wou SEATTLE 5J San Francisco 2 Portland 61 Los Angeles 1 Oakland 5i San Diego 2 Hollywood 4i Sacramento 3 .Games This V(,ek SEATTLE at Los Angeles Portland at San Francisco Oakland at Sacramento Hollywood at San Diego CIRCUS TO: B,E, HERE 'TUESDAY Replete with all new features and bright new equipment, Seal Bros. Circus will pitch its tents on the Mt. View prairie next to the White Spot here next Tuesday, bringing to this city a circus which offers two hours of entertainment. Seal Bros. Circus and animal exhibi- tion aims to please both young and old alike with all the music, glamour, sawdust and spangles typical .of the "Big Top." Seal Bros. Circus have gathered a sLar-tudded circus program which includes featm'ed artists from European circuses as well as many well known American cir- cus perfonners Among the many features will be the aerial ballets performed by .?;]amourous .irls high in the top of the tent-beautiful and highly trained liberty horses tratnc(| and presented hy Bud . Anderson, known throughout tim show world for his incomparable training of fine horses trained and perform- ins ponies in difficult drill r(h- tines; the Dckohl trio, presenting their outstanding juggling act; the Bantis, performing routines in the air and on the ground; Miss Bonnie Fuller presents her own contortion routines, unique and skillful; WiIhernina, the ponderous, perfotnng elep!mnt; Virginia Lynne, in feats of balancing; and with many other features too numerous to mention. The clowns will be on hand throughout lhe performance with their • laugh- provoking antics. On the coh)rful midway will be s the big aide show withmany in- teresting, entertaining and edu- cational features along with the popcorn, cotton candy, soft drinks, balloons and everything it takes to make a circus <complete, TW0. performances will be given at 2 and 8 pro, doOrs opening one hour earlier, SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Owner AUTO TRUCK FIRE Farmers Insurance Group PHONE 654 BIll Pearson, Dlstrlot Agent ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wirhg - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766-R-2 So. Olympic Highway = NUll IMt00l( = Gay Taylor -- Clint WlllOur AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothe Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merrltt Eells George Valley Phone 25.J Power Line, Construction Co. Jack Chisum, Mgr. Mt. View WHITE SPOT Jim Bleecker CLIFF WIVELL'8 TEXACO SERVICE 100% Voterans Complete Men's Appare) And Shoee MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson Employees Bill Pearson, Treas.-Mgr. SHELTON'g FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Product Bill Miller, OWner FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager Dewey Daniele PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 |, RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100% Veterans P.oNE 162 o. CI CAB Mel RObertson BOB ERVIN MOTORS t00% Ex.Servlcemen FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Glenn RoeNel VET'S DOIN'S Some 1300 paralyzed war veter- ans in the United States have been certified as eligible to receive fed- eral grants to help them acquire homes especially adapted for Wheel chair living, according to the Veterans Administration. The grants were authorized in an act passed last year by Con-  gress under which the VA defrays 50 percent of the cost of such i homes. Grants cannot exceed $10,- 000. Eligible to receive the grants are those veterans paralyzed due to service-connected injury or disease of the spinal cord which deprives them of the use of their legs and lower part of the body. The homes incorporate special features such as ramps, instead 0f steps, doorways wide enough to aeebmmodate a wheelchair, Special bathroom fixtures, and ex- ercise rooms equipped in accord- ance with the needs of the patient. Veterans who believe they are ligible-to receive a wheel chair housing grant should apply • di- rectly to the V.A. regional office In theh' home state. Appllcations Will be forwarded to Washington, Completo Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View " Phone 838 BANNER & BURNETT SHELL SERVICE. • 1st & Cots - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKE8 AND PASTRY SHER'S BANER Walt Sherr, Owner "Our Aim ls to Serve You" SERVICEMN'S MERCANTILE 407 South.lst John Hunter, Manager EATON ] AutomOl and P Vern and HAPP 320 Seal D.C., for approval. DUNOYIER'S TAXI PHONE 620 ?POp" Dunoyler EXPERT W DWIGHT MORRIS I .... • MEN'S WEAR I RAY'S CALL 6g? FOR Dick's City Delivery Dick Gardner, Opt. For Home Deliveries Call 26 BOB KOLAR Distributor of Kltsap Dairy Produota MiI - Cream - Butter UPHOLSTERING ,a LITERAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145 GORDON'S MEATS HOODSPORT Gordon Bayes, Owner DEN'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Grooeries- Meats UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Owner UNION 462 ' CRAIG P. ELIOT EIECTRICAL ENGINEER QualRy Wiring K Street - Mountain View P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN "Dlok Valley, Prop. u Cottages!  LILLIW Jack a"!, KILLM Licensed,• I 207 Cots !/ ,,,/:'i ¸¸ !