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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pae 14 SH,TON-MAS0N COUNTY JouRiAL |: : ........ := - 7" ............. -- ...... - ...... - ' j ................. : ................. , RATES I 25 words or less (mlnln*um [ charge) 75c single insertion, $1.25 I ['two insertions, $1,50 tllree inset- [ I minimum charge an each notice. -- , | Card of Thanks, $1.00; original : o---- ..... - ' ..... ]poetry 50c per inch; classified dis- ; vwv.t,wvvvvv v,r,vvvv-vv-v .v'vrrrvwvvv vwvwvvvvvvv,vv play rates on request4. , , , Advertisements. steep.ted over Classlfled Slrlee LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT FOR SALE scrlbers, Cash should accompan all other orders or payment mae . ' I FURNISHED APARTMENTS' one and lt 1 five 5 a  DAY OR NIGHT guaranteed service on LOST: lades black purse contain ng .......................... w  n . , ) d ys of th, first two bedroom units now available at .... Inse-'lon *- sa ............ ' , home or auto radios. Free estimates money and valuable papers Finder  ..... t .... • a,,., ,, lwr IOR SALI 14 f )t flat botlo n boat , |t,, An tr- -r- -€ n, ,,n nmy keep money but mail me the , , _ ,,_ w th  4. ou I ad m tot. Iu- 1K% '- ,, "'" ';n$  ', ....... prices. Free pickup and delivery, papers Mrs F A Dawley Gray- . . ........ o-__r'P.X.9- quire Martin Goetsch, Route 2 (Har-  ary. ..... a, w.en ..... ng ,a neces- Closed Friday evenings and Satur, stone Hotel'Seutn Wash' F---l:tE--NT-i--m'o(n--cabins. The stine Island). 6-23--7-7 days, or leave work at Kilhner Elec- 6-9-28 Pines, Mountain View. L5-19tfn ' ,b' PIIONE I00 tric. BURGESON RADIO SERVICE manure, Skokomish top soil, tractor • , 1221 Franklin, near Loop Field. Note L'f)ST:h--, female, 8 months -#-6i.'-RENTi 35r0om Ret'eiC FOR" SALE-Chickell-te-rtiiiZers'co' new phone No, 845-W. 5-0-tfm old. Reward. Write Box 840, Rt, .enees required. No objection to plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-2Atfn child. Phone Olympia 5786 after 8 p,m. , . $, v qwv w4wr v.q,wr ,q.q w,.v vev qw.qv.4p , , Classified Service ; .PLOWING, BLADING, cmpxt,g, exca- vating, harrowlngwith IrO.Ct()l". (?all , Phllllp tIardle, Route 1, Box /37, phone 766J1.. 3-10tfn I IIII IIIII II II _ II Stoves and " Furnaces V A C 1.4UM CLEANED Phone 576-W 820 Cedar St. I I I I I , II for ..... IMMEDIATE CASH LOANS '' SEE !/ EDDY ' "" BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton. Wash. LAWNMOWERS Sharpened - Adjusted JIM MOORE .... 1627 Summit Drive ' 6 - 16 - t fn JJ[ IIIIIIII I I I I I I: Title Insurance---Abstracts---Escrows { SHELTON-BELL : Abstract& Title Co.. I. 119 S, 4th (Bell Bldg.) Simlton, Wn. :! . ,,: PHONE 65 :: /  Mason County agent for Puget Sound Title Insurance Corn- . ,., pany of Seattle i , . ,: .:. ",* , .;r , .... , Member ' .'":!' Wa;hlng{0n Land Title Asa's. AmeriCan Title As#n. ! : I : . [ [ I I nHH Your Headquarters FOR EMERSON Radio and Television 5-19-tfn I I i i i II I[ I Reliable, Expertly Prepare PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical Assn Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drag Store d & Railroad Phone 89 ' Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Haulea Away Quick Servlce 1714 East 9th. Olympia Phone 3486 or 7026 1-15--tin. i ii -- SIGNS Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shelton 21 3-17-tfn I IIII I I IU I I KIMBEL OIL CO. lCHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery  " PHONE 465"W H J .......................................................... 2, Bellevue, Wash, D6-16-30 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and recapped. Oil stoves and fm'naces vacuum FOUND: spaniel dog. Owner identify cleaned. Free estimates, Phone. 8486 and pay ° this ad. Inquire Clyde days, 7026 evenings. Olympia, Wash. White, 1.03 Cota, 6-23 P3-24tfn.  vv,. ,w iFSSA:I(': di'; ;;& iiV£ REAL ESTATE tlons. Expert work. Machine made ,,,rwwr,,',,w,--,,,rm button ioles, 10 a.m• to 5 p,m., 408, Cots Street. S2-24tfn FOR SALE: 15 acres of land on high- FIJ(o-i}s'"SANDJD-an-d-R:E'INIS--H way four miles from Shelton (Day- New hardwood floors installed, old ton Road) $1,000, $500 down. write or now homes, J. A. Schlange Box or phone 14F22. Rose Phillips, P.O, 28, Belfair. I'hono Belfatr 5-3931. Box 424, 6-23-30 7-17-47tfn. Thursday evenings at S l).m, at Wo- man's Club Bldg,, 10th & Washing- ton, Olympia, Wash, 3-17tfn. garden service, Phone 941-W or Box H, Journal. H3-31tfn. E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper Hang- ing, Spray Painting PHONE I00 or write me, Star Route, AIIyn FOR SALE: imuse and one acre of ground, six rooms with nook, bath, also toilet upstairs, electric hot wa- ter tank, eli furnace, $5,000, Phone 903W. M6-23-30 "i'0R- "XEE i'" iof6 -- k-t ÷i on Hammcrsly Inlet, close in. No clearing or road building, Just bring your lumber and start building. Will sell all or part to one party. Phone 601, K6-16tfn k-SALE: 4 view lots at Blrc--'an-'d 10th St. Phone 601. K6-16tfn. FOR SALE: new slx-room modern home, Radiant heat, hardwood floor- ing throughout, fireplace, garage at(ached, Located on 116 x 75' cor- ner lot In Northcliff Schultz Addi- tion. Call 1000 during the day, 851- W evenings. S5-5tfn. l]j.lh kiTATE Seattle North end Lake Washington i v,,,vvv.,,v,vv",---:_'-_-- .... waterfront property (6 room house ........  150 ft, frontage) to trade for Hood ,,},, ...,  , • _ Canal house -Might consider water- r , *¢/,t!: tU flCl't',S, 2-DC(n'OOIll log front or view nroperty near Shelton hi)us('. Mustly ftn'ntshed, l.,ol" barn. Csll llntn. d 1 11r,' t'l It'kt'lI oIISo fcoct,d, fruit (hi'c(; ....................................... i c-w: and chickens. New tractor, I FOR--dALE: 4-room house on Hlll- gardeu iHantt,d. Gaod soil, Year[ crest, all floor furnace and range. I( ''und well, Ou, W. Kohler Fivst l fireplace, some furniture, basement 1 r,,ad to left on Lynch Road, " I has one room and garage. Wlll 6-16-23 / sacrifice. Phone 943W, ask for .- Mrs. Edwards. 616-30 't.)l:t SAI)E} MaJ'niand on Salt water, %Vest of Steamhoat Island near Ar- cedis. 600 ft. depth to road, prett trees view, g.od soil, 108 ft, along shore. Splendid fishing. $1575, terms Including oyster land frontln • on Oyster Bay. Charles Seiners Crpevlc.w. Phone 871-J-1 5-12 tfr ladroom home, completely furnished, electric range and hot weter heater, garage, f.ur blocks from ' high school. Write Box P, C-O Journal. P4-21tfn. HOME? Build It Yourself 8 Lots in Olympic View Addition Reasonable Price Reasonable Terms Sewers Installed and Paid For. Water to the Alley. Inquire at 1419 Mason St. or Phone 58-1 P-5'12-tfn Ill I I I  ,' i/ WATERFRONT 100 feet frontage, low bank, excellent view, 0-room modern home with fireplace. Living room and bar room finished in knotty cedar. Kitchen has complete built-ins including table• Wired for else. range. Will trade for equitable Shel- ton property• 40-acre farm with 15 cleared, 4 miles from city center, 6- room modern Items, family of chard, chicken house, 2,000- hen capacity. Some Iarm ma- chinery. Priced $7000.00 terms. JAMES B. TROVATO REAL ESTATI 124 E. Grove Phone DayQg08 - Eve. 537-R. I I I I [ FOR SALE: two bedroom home in good location, one block from shop- .ping center, close to School, largo lawn, shade trees and flowers, fenc- ed. $4650 or completely" furnished. $5650. Everything new. arge refrig- erator, electric range, automatic washer, Phone 468. F6-16 FOR-S'E:'t'o room. horneT--in: terlor in knotty cedar, on tot ap- proximately )x20 feet. $1700. L.'B. White, Routd 3, Box 13. phone 772M. 6-2-16 F()R SALE: by owner, moder 6-room, home, utility, double garage, work shop, four lot& all fenced. Arcadia road Just outside city limits. Phone 76RI, after 4:30. VS-ltfn. I I I ZINTHEO'S VALUES NEARLY NEW attractive home on Mt. View, 5 rooms, bath and large utility room, automatic elec- tric tank, laundry trays; hard- wood floors, plastered, fireplace, Venetian blinds; corner lot, fenced; eligible for G.I. or' F.H.A. loan. Priced at $9000. FULLY EQUIPPED cabinet shop for $3700, on terms. ANGLESID HOME of 4 S and bath; wired or range, auto- marie hot water tank, laundry trays; one corner and one inside lot all cleared, 120x100 ft. Should I sell quickly at $4250, on terms• FIVE ROOM; 2NO ATTIC in this modern home on corner lot on Hillcrest; cement basement, oil burning furnace, laundry trays; hardwood" floors, fireplace; room for two cars. Only $8000, reason- able terms. 40 ACRES, 3 cleared, 3-room house and large porch, maclalne shop 20x40 ft., well and elec. pump; 100 M. ft. of fir and cedar; creek bottom soil; 6 miles N.E. of Shel- ton. All for $3800 on terms, 8-ROOM HOME at Union over- looklng Hood Canal; large fire- place; fruit trees, shrubs; corner lot. ' NEARLY NEW 4-ROOM modern on East Elllnor; hardwood floors, automatlo electric tank; linen clos- ............................................. at; large lot; a buy at $5650, very FOR SALE easy terms. NEW HOME Living room and dinette, kit- ciaen and service room, 2 bed- rooms, unfinished attic. ,Over . 2 acres. $7700, FttA approved. Terms. SECOND IIOUSE EAST . OF' SAEGER'S STORE On Arcadia Road For Sale Sign in Front Yard E6-23-tfn | I[ 80-ACRE FARM 5'/,) miles from city center. 40 acrcn cleared, 2600 feet of highway frontage. Year r- ound creek. Twelve head of sLoci( whictt includes register- ed Jersey btl. New Farmall cub tractor. 60,000 feet sec- ond growth timber. Family or- chard. Large garden plot all planted, Eight-room modern home with fruit cellar and one stove. Includes farm machin- ery, one pig, 22 geese and 20 chickens, This is an excellent buy at $12,000, terms. Phone days 908, evenings 537R. If no answer phone 14F-11. JAMES B. TROVATO REAL ESTATE I L II $ $ $ FOUR-ROOM MODERN house on large plot just outside city limits; furnace in basement; good cohdi- tion; fruit, berries and garden, $8,000. $ $ $ M. C. ZINTHEO Title Insurance Bldg. PJaon 157 Shelton, Wash. I J II FOR SALE, Completely furnished two-bed- room modern home--centrally located---e x c e I I e n t view of town. Furnlshlng included, electric range, refrigerator, el- ectric hot water tank, laundry trays, dining room set, livlng room furniture, bedroom sets and excellent floor coverings throughout. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Priced .at $8,500. PHONE 427J i il I L6-2-23 II . | SEE OUR NEW HOMES ON ANGLESIDE - 12TH AND TURNER DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. }'HONE 899 Builders of Shelton's Finest Homes 4-14-tfn ..... i i i m _ . B6-9-23 FOR RENT: two bedroom unfurnished apartment and garage, also 3-room apt, and bath j)artly furnlshed. Phone 693W mornings or even ngs. D6-16tfn. one mile north of Hoodsport, $25 per month. Inqulre Dusty Rhodes Resort. Phone Hoodsport 15-W-11. 3-10tfn. COLD STORAGE BOXE for rent: Phone 922. Mr. View Lockers, Star Route 1, Box -B. 3-24tfn Journal Office. 4-21tfn completely furnished on Island Lake about 2 miles frojn town, 2% acres. 50feet waterfront Phone 908. Ask for Mr. Sister. 6-16-23 FOR RENT: unfurnished apartment, three rooms and shower bath, $35 per month, water and lights in- cluded. Phone 763J5. H6-16 ment. 706 Cots. P6-23. B'()ARD AND ROOM: 129 East Rau- road Ave. Old aged gentlmen wel- come. 06-23--7-7 I I FOR RENT 1 3-room apt., furnished. 1 3-room apt., unfurnished. Space formerly used by Elaine's Beauty Salon. Cameron Hotel Phone 513 6-23-1t APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hflco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Floo Polish- Ster|lng Electric portable hand Sanders eavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone 56 2-10-tfn WANTED -qqvvq 5wvv vvvv vv vv qv 8,  SALESMAN WANTED: for Rawleigh business which Just became avail- able." Good opportunity for wllilng worker. Write Rawleigns, Dept. 202, • Oakland 20, CalLfornta. 6-23-30 of all kinds. Any odd Job, large or small. Also 'otottller plowing.i Call , -W. CS,31tfn stumpage. Write Daniel and Flet- cher Lgglxtg Co., P.O. Box 85, Olal- Is, Wash. 11-4tfn. WAIPrED: dead steeR, prompt free, eourteotm service. Phone us COllt. Elma 121-J. Grays Harbor Render- l nJa" Ins. Z-tfn, age children In my homc. Some housework. Phone 720M. U6-16-30 X-qZ---iii--/6.-biiE-ii-oKx= change cattle o£ any klnd. J. Clark, Box 232, Elms, Wash. 2-17tfn. phone 728. M6-9-23 WANT A RELIABLE BABY SITTER? Phone 671W. H6-23--7-14 deners, Will also take odd jobs, Phone 81R or 692W. $6-23 "WIDOW' WILL SI(A"R-] r modern home with reliable middle aged couple for light work and care of senti-invalid. _ nq ul_r.e 113.1 1. _!.!r oa.d ,_:_____ _C_-23_t f _' WILL DO LAUNDRY in my home. Phone 376W. M6-23--7-7 W'A'-IT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm. Olympia, Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn I _ ii LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid COSELMAN MILL CO. R'D 3, SheRon. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East of Hlllcrest To the "Sign" Mimmlleous 'qp'V  V qP V VVV  P'V VV V V V t  NEED A BABY SITTER? Reliable high school girls. Night or day. Phone 206W or 543M. H6.16tfn Profit to 100% on $1 "Leader" as- sortment, personal greetings, 50 for $1 Up. New plastlcs, many others. "Leader" on approval. Free imprint- ed samples. STYLART. 1310 Santee, Dept. 24, Lea AnNeles 55, Calif. 6-23 to give, to good homes. Mrs. Patricia De,air. Slar Rt. 2. Box 10. On Slaughter House Road. D-23 FOR SALE FOR SALE: new Thor washing ma- chine, deluxe, used three thnes. Pitons 915W, B6-23 tres. Ir good condition. Cheap. 803 Cots St. R6-3 -''R- ]ALE now tlru July Semi-gloss enamel reg. $5.15, on sale for $4.79 at Htllcrest Hardware. - .liIpAi RI meclkanleaf lia}:s- -6; nut}u your own treeer; Griswold electric griddle with 220 volt 18 x 24 top needs' one switch; 1943 Ford 6 truk, 4-wheel drive, front end wich, cracked block, sell as Is $300; two-flame 2.burner gas atones, very reasonable: 200 cedar fence ,osts, 30c each. J. A, Lystad, Route Box 283B, Sllelton. 6-28 UM-'il! now thru July -'. ,h cord. r,,g. $2.25, now $1,50 at .Hill- crest Hardware. I I II Illl I USED FURNITURE 1 Bed Davenport .................. $49•50 2 Rockers (like new) .................... $29.50 & $39.50 1 Day.bed ................................ $19.95 1 Washer ................................ $24.50 1 Comp. Lea. Chair ............ $49.50 1 Simmons Chair ................ $29.50 1 Matching Chair and Rocker .......................... $14.95 ca, 1 Oil Range (all enamel) $89.50 1 Elect. Apt. size Range .... $69.50 1 Domestic Furnace, 2 Bbls. and copper tubing ............ $50.00 1 IES Lamp & shade ........ $16.95 O!en Furniture Co. _321 Railroad Phone 102 I Illll ELECTROLUX SALS, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelton 650 125 Cota  Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tfn I NICE FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere in U.S. 3-10-tfn Is there a man of any persuasion, But who can say on any occasion; "I know Coselman's will always make good, And do  square deal a, always one should." Besides lower prices prevail as a result of Coelman's "mill to consumer" marketing pol- icy. 2x4 $4S, good ................ $49.50 2x4 $4S ............................ $30.00 2x6 $4S, good ................ $49.50 2" Dimension Shorts good $20 Selected knotty cedar panel- ing v Jointed .............. 12½€ Surfaced lumber in all sizes and quality in fir and cedar. Fir logs custom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivered, about 2 cords. R.F.D, 3,, Shelton, 2 miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign•" COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-I Evenings USED CARS FOR SALE: 1946 Chevrolet Fletmas- t,r 4-door sedan. One owner ear. A real buy at the price. Phone 759-J. G6-9tfn I I 3 SUPER SPECIALS Down Payment 1947 Plymouth Sedan ..... .$295 1940 Char. Coach .............. $195 1938 Ford Coupe .................. $95 And 20 Othcrs to Choose From Clark-Myk'ut Motors 822 So. First St., Shelton See Harold Adams MISKELLA SUPPLY MOVED TO 416 LEGION WAY Oylmpia, Wash. Your "BEST BET" for REFRIG]gRATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-t£n SUMMER SALE now thru July 2. All fishing tackle 10% off. ca.q sales only. Hillcrest Iardwarc• est priced on nmrket, $139.5(I. See it at E. A. Carr Eleetrie, Title Insur- ance Bldg. R6-2tfn. FOIt SALE: Dr),, old growth fir wood, not slab woo(I, any length. One. load or a hundred. Prompt de- livery, C. R. (Cliff) Bordcn, Phone 216-J-3 or Dick Borden, 1028" Rail- road. 5-26-tfn masters at Eells& Valley Appliance Cenler. 6-2tfn. : MEk- -A-E if--n-- -t- •;;6K-J ul - 2: IAlneh kits with %'/i'tllIlel bottles, reg- ular $2,75 value, sale price $2.49 at • Hiilcrest Hardware. tivc windmills and bird houses. Mrs. At Chase Jefferson and Lee. 405R. • 6-9-23 3i:t--B, f,E :---36": 46--Crig.-$55:-G'--D. Ellis, at. 3, Box 170. Phone 960R3. 6-16-30 FOR SALE: dining reran set: iai:g{ buffet, ,able and four chairs, walnut finish. Also kitchen table and four chairs. All in good condition. ]eau- tJful jewelled wrist watch, very reas- onai}h,. Phone 219M. $6-23-30 OiL--ST0fE-SERVICE: (:leaning, parts and repair, Pjone 61-J. B6-16tfn. Ga;dcn hose remnants, reg. 13c foot, sale price 12c at Hillcrest Hardware. IIII NEW APPLIANCES AT ' PRICE SAVINGS 4000-watt Thermador heater, reg- ular price $90.80, will sell for $69.50. 3000-watt Thermador heater, reg- ular price $85.00, will sell for $64.50. Bathroom heater, regularly priced at $29.95, will sell for" $20.00. Fan circulating wall-type bath- room heater, regularly priced at $29.95, will sell for $20.00. Western Parts and Machine Company 218 N. 1st Phone 126 6-23--7-14-4t LOOK FOLKS, IT'S MILL WOOD Many prudent ones who lost out last Fall, account mill closing down for the winter are now ordering their win- ter's supply. Quick delivery now, $11.00 load. About 2 cords, slabs, edgings, planer ends. COSELMAN MILL CO. Arcadia Road East to the Sign Phone 867-R-1 FOR SALE ity at tow c(t,'t. For }nt'ol'lllail(n write P.O. Sex 26, Gig t{arbor. Wn. A6-23--7-7 _.l:ange. P}]Oll(, 681%V.. .............. M6::23 F()R SAI,E: one gray saddle horse, 7 years old. W,igh: ab[mt 1150. Star at. 2, Nox (;6. $6-23--7-7 EASY SPINDRIE} WASltFB. Very fit),,(] Colldi{ion. Nearly new. A real ._ buy at $69. Ph(ne 806. T6-23tfn. FOR SALE: registered Poll Hereford bulls. One, two, three year olds. Phone 76.t 1.1. R6-23-30 "SUMMER SALI' n0w tlii:u-Juiy 2. Paint thinner 50c gallon while it lasts. Bring container: H illcrest Hardware. 'LOO}t 0%/ERINGS: tile or linoleum, installed or lay It yourself. Easy terms. 3 years to pay. Lawton Lum- ber, 420 S. First t., phone 56. 3-3tfn. IIORNET I'OWI,]R CttAIN SAWS sales, paris and service. Kimbel Mo- tors, 707 S. Fir,st Strcet, Slelton. 5-19tfn. F6ff-SALEi 6 year (,l Jersey cow with calf. Phone 87JR2 or inquil*c K. E. Cronquist, GralJeview. 6-16-30 ]1ardwa re. FOR SALE : $30. Phone FOR SALE : er. Used only new. Will take after 6 :( FOg-' £ALE: l)OSlS, Phone Union FOR J-2. FOR wood stove,, Inquire at ternoons PIANO Must repossesS. eordion studio& Seatlle, FOR SALE : or crate. Phone (Olympic' FOR SALE : equipped. Angeles. FOR SALE: s and hot water tank. Would exchange Lawrence for trash burner. Phone 706M after and Nava ._4_ p.m, B6-16-23 fiths, four FOR SAiTE :-'i]:i:sh g)at;h-iiiil- inqu{re North at First Street Grocery, 833 Soutia FOR-SALE: First St., Shelton. I'hone 982. 8-9-23 Garden hoes, reg. $1.98. sale $1,75. Garden rakes. ,xtra heavy, r,g. $2.35. sale $2.10 at Hiilcrcst }lard- Ware• SAVINGS FOR YOU ON THESE HOME APPLIANCES 1 8-cu. ft. Hot)oint refrigerator, slightly scratched, reg. $229,75, SPECIAL ........................ $219.75 1 Launderall demonstrator, Reg. $309,95 .................. SALE $199.95 1 Oil Range, regular $189.95, SpEcIAL ........................ $139.95 1 Ironrite floor model, Regular $204.95 ................ SALE $189.95 USED OIL HEATERS--- Take your pick .................... $25 USED WASHERS, $19.50 to $60 1 Combination wood-electric range, very good condition ........ $59.95 1 wood range ........................ $49.95 SPRED washable paint, Regular $1.27 .................... SALE 98¢ qt. EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd St. Phone 334 6-23-1t 30-gallon. heater. quire A. L. pie. ]vOR SAL]: for auto and Mill SUMMER Portable CHICKS ANY BREED "# U.S. Also key pours, MILL $:0.1 Delivered Our Wood D or Better Entai Phone USED FOR SALE: 1941 Hudson four-door FOR SALE: 1,y original owner, rote, sedan, good condition throughout. 1946 nmdel Fol'd ('on','ertible. Dl'ivt,i1 Radio, heater, overdrive. Priced to sell at $750. Phone 427J. I6-2-23 less than 20,000 miles. Fully equip- i'ORSALE:-(it{b, i9 Fo-rd--V:8-CO-U'po. pel. New tir,!s. Call lnol/n{ngs 820, Good paint and tires, $225. Call afternoons 530. G6.9-23 I 949M. J6-9-23 WE FINANCE on bank terms, Up to F-(SFtsL-E--J940-E)-ei]iX6.-'i£g'r-d-h_'ll(t/r 24 months to pay at Bob Ervin Me- sedan, excellent condition, clean, tors, 633 South First Street, Shelton,  good upholstery, good rubber, low Phone 673, 5-5tfn mileage, original owner, $725. Phone ..................... 332M. R6-23 FOR SALE: '29 Dodge sedan,-'moio'(.! FOR SALE: 1936 Oldsmobile coup{;, a good looking car' in good condi- tion, new paint, $325. Phone 468. F6-2 B?OR SALE: '34 Plymouth Coupe. G.eod transportation. $175.00 cash. Phone Hoodsport 8. C 5-26 tfn IIIII III I FOR PACKARD CAR AND MARINE MOTORS FOR radio David 4 p.m. (Army). excellent trailer for 665M. See Your Packard Dealer Frank Thorp Motors Packard Sales and Service PHONE 6558 222 No. Capitol Way OLYMPIA Quality Used Cars Guaranteed Used Cars & Trucks By Kimbel Motors 1941 Ford Sedan, 4-door .......  ............. $885 New finish, new seat covers, radio and heater.  1940 Plymouth Sedan, 4-door ............ $735 New finish, heater. 1940" Plymouth Sedan, 4-door ........ :... $675 Heater. 1941 Ford Sedan 2-Door .... . ................. $825 Heater, New Paint. 1946 Hudson Super Six 2-Door ..... .$1250 Radto, Heater, Seat Covers, lots of Extras, new rubber 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan, 4-door .......... $825 Radio and Heater. 1934 Plymouth Coupe. as is $125 Running Condition " ........... 1947 FORD LOGGING TRUCK ........ $2550 Complete with bunks and cab guard, ready for the road. 5-speed main transratssion, 3-speed auxiliary transmission, heavy duty Clark rear-end, 9:00 tires. e a4 Ton P*cku 1 1947 Dodg " " p ................ $ 185 A-1 Condition 1942 International "Metro" ................ $1200 (Large Panel) A-1 Condltion IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New International i, "6 a.d l-Ton Panels and Piokups KIMBEL MOTORS 1st & Mill Phone 601 feet good. 19tl 6 h,p. Mercury outboard, paint, good condition. Phone ttoodsport 38- Cook J-t evenings. J6-23-30 mile north ...................................... : ]5Wll. FOR SALE: '411. Hudson c(mpe, nee0s body work, $-425. '39 Re(, Spved De- FOR finery, $350. Frank's S('rvic. Lake (hg0 nlilcs, Newatzcl. Star at. 2, Sh,dt,)n, 6-23 $1295. Phone 441. OUR PRICES ARE 1947 Frazer heater & overdrive 1946 DeSoto, R. & H., auto. driv0i 1941 Chrysler Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan " 1937 Buick, runs good 1941 Hudson Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 Chevrolet Coupe OLYMPIC MOTOR First'&. Mill Sts. USED TERMS AND 1946 Ford Super Deluxe 5-paSS. : Heater, low milage. 1942 Chevrolet Sedan Motor, paint, upholstery 1940 Ford Sedan Radio and Heater. 1941 Dodge Sedan New Paint 1936 Ford Sedan Radio and Heater :: 1936 Plymouth, as is - runs ..'.." AL HUERBY PHONE 16 5TH GOOD USED 1947 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio - Heater - Columbia Axle 1935 FORD COACH, Good Motor MODEL A FORD ....... L ................................ 7" REPOSSESSED 193S FORD 2-door, R & Anderson Motor Phone 52 1