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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;194,€) TO C I,Ai M,'-; OI" TIlE F( )It Shelton 166 R. LEWIS LAW Bank " 8helton BPRIN G Services EYStema Phone 565 NO'I'I ( I<" Oa and after this date, Juno 23, 19.19, I will n)l he r(,sponsil)le for any i,I s ('()i ' .o )%" :l vii , ¢)th(,i, IhaH IIL','Spl f. " " I;'ll ANK SYLVIA LEGAL "PUBLICATIONS -'qv v v v v v v ,qP. v'v v ,v v qf' v v v',F v v v v p" ]8tale )f Mar- ('liilRO Nit. i:llf; NOTI(T, OF SIIFIII|"F', ALE GIVIN that OF ItFAI, I.,'rATI,: mintod I Under General I':,'('alien the [ IN TIlE StIlqqRI()[¢ ('()ITW[" ()to TIIE STATE Ole WASIt 1N(;TON FOR that all MASON COUNTY the said Al)('rdp(qt IPcderal Sa','ins & Lian are hereby { Association, a corporati()n, Plaintiff duly veri-  .... vs. .... vouch(,rs at- Guy S Stephens and Daisy D. Slop- liens, huM)and and "**.'if,', l)efendants. Under and hy .vir|tlo ()f a Kenoral" 119 South ex(,(:ulion issued olll qd' anti tlnd(,r lho Shelton. seal of the Sll])cri()r ('ourt t)f ill,' Stall' lh(! sanie of Wltsllingion, in and for said ('.,)t nly, for the on lhe 24th day of May, 19.t9, Ill)on of the said a judgment render0d in said Court as togeiher on the 13th day of May, 194(.), in favor the cl-q'k of Aberdeen ['ederal Savings anti Lollil 2OUrt" within 6 Associati.n and against (lily S. St(q)- of the first hens and Daisy D. Stcphms. hnshaod June and wife, jtdgnwnt debtors, for the Ilot served sum of $3,0.t6,76 Dollars, t()getllor with bart'c(l, att )rn !y's fees, interest, (.'(:,SLS :lad in- creased costs, anti to llic: directed and delivered, I did on the 25th day of • May, 19|9, h,vy Ul)On all the right, title and interest .f said judgment St. debtors in and to the ft)lloqng de- st:ribed property to satisfy said judg- ment, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SEj) of tlt(' Sotitheast Quarter (SE!d I) of Set'- FINAL lion':U, *township 19 N[)rtll, Range I, ETI- 6 West of tim Willametle Meridian, FOR excepting therefrom pul)llc road BUTION rights-of-way. E NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE ,IS OF THE I:tlCREBY GIVION, That on Saturday IN ANI) the 2rid day of July, 1949, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described iprtil)orty, or Combined Es- so nluch thereof as nlay DO neee.rsary and Minnie L. to satisfy said judgment, together with • attorney's fees, interest, ('.()sis and in- that creased costs, in all amounting to the of the sum of $3,351.0l Dollars, his final Said sail" will take l)lace ,11 the east I 11€) 11 Se t i dour of Ilia Cotlrt Itouse at Shelton tlie estate in said County and State, and will be Conrt is at publk: auction, for ('ash in band to 2ount and the highest and best bidder. of the I)ated at Shelton, Wasb., tiffs 25th administra- day of May, 1949. " IOY ROESSEL, VEN, that Shcrif of said County. of said 6-2-9-16-23--4t. the 27th will be Nil 5256 said final SUMMONS FOR PUIII,ICATION Fri= IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE at 10 STATE OF' WASHINGTON FOR Court MASON COUNTY Court Jeanette Darlene Streams, Plaintiff, on. --% S,-- , , 1949. Robert V, Streams. Defendant. [ THE STATE OF WAStIINGTON h) l Court the said Robert V. Streams, Defend  shlng- ant: I " You are hereby summoned to ap- I pea" w thin ill) davs aflor the ('late of e. tile first pul)ltcati')n oi' this summons, [ to-wit: within 00 days after the 16th 8"2-9-16-234t. day of June. 1949 and defend the abox;e entitled action tn the above [ [(i OF entitled c¢)urt and answer the an/tqld- I ed t ) H)la nt of the Plaiatiff and serve TI()N a copy of your answer Ul)()n the un-[ n of Mason de.s gned attorney for Plaintiff a| meet Tues. his office below stated and in case 1 hour of 9 of your failure so to do judgment l office of will bc rendered against you accord-I the Court ing to the demands of the amended l n for the complaint, which has been filed with I saessments the Clerk of the said court. The ob-[ Y and will ject of this action is to secure a dl- le to time yore€ by Plaintiff from you as De- fondant upon the grounds of not- [ SUl)P(wt, desertion and abandonnwnt I and for restoration of Plaintiff's re,rid- ] (!n nalne, ! IDa CI:IAS. R. LEWIS. [ Attorney for Plaintiff Bell Building, 119 South Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, 6-16-23-30i7-7-14-21-28--7t, NO. 2040 NOTICE OF IIEARIN(; FINAL RFPORT AND PETII'ION .. Panel FOR DISTRIBUTION right to ac- N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE bids. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter (if the Estate of Mar- gret Martin Deceased. CE 1S HEREBY GIVEN: that lglit,. ,Adudnistratrix of the Cf:'gt M-artin, dceea, h. filed iu the office of the Cqerk t)f C , abort, entitled court, her final report and pt,tition for distribution, asking the .court to settle said report, to distribute the l)roperty to the persons thereunto entitled, and to discharge. € said Admini.tratrix; and that said re- port and petition will lie heard on the 8th day of July, 19-19, at the hour of 10 "o'clock a,m, on said day at the court house in Shelton, %Vashlngton. Dated this 3rd day ol; June, 1949. (SEAL) HARRY. I:)EYETTE. Clerk of said Court. By DORISANN MOREHOUSE, Deputy. 6-9-16-23--3t, ...................... , NIL 2098 NOTICF, TO CRIIDITORS TO PRESENT ANI) Fli, F CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THe= STATE OF WASltINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN I'ROBATE In tile Matter of th(, Eslate (,f Wil- lldg. liam Deyette, Deeeam,d, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Harry Deyette has been appointed and. tlas qualified as Executor of the Will and of tbe estate of William Deyette, Deceased. and that all persons having claims against the said Deceased or tim said estate are herehy required to serve the name, duly verified with EE the necessary vouchers attached upon I the undersigned Executor or his at- torney nf record at the law off ce of Chas. R. Lewis. 119 South Fourth Street. Bell Building. Shelton, Mason County. Washington. the same being designated as the place for the trans- action of the business of tile said estate, anti file such claims to,ether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled court within 6 months after the dal of the fir;t publication of this notice, to-wit: June LAW 23, 1949, or all claims not s0 served St, and filed shall he forever barred. HARRY DEYETTE, Executor. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate Bell Building, 119 South Foqrth St. Shelton, Mason County, Washington 8-23-30--7-7-14--4t, ' ' NO. 20- NO'rICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOIl THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Doran. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William Gordon Fargher. xecutor of the estate of Mary Eltzaheth Doran has filed In the office of the Clerk of said cgurt his Final Report and Peti- tion'for Distribution, asking the 'Court to settle said reporl, distribute tile property to the persons thereto en- titled and to discharge said William Gordon Fargher, an executor, and that said report and petition will be beard on the 22 day of July. 1949 at 10 A.M.. t the court room of the Probate De- partment of said Court, at which time and place an:,' person interested in said estate may appear and file ob- jections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 18 day of June, 1949. G. (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of said Court. By DORIsANN MOREHOUSE, ltlldlng Crippen and Flynu, Attorneys Deputy' • , 710 Rust Bldg., Tacoma. 6-23--1t. Wash, •  v v ,v qv ,w ,v , ,,w 'v r v 'v 'u v Y ,v ,v ,v ,v v v v w FOH. SPENCER T,'()UN1)ATI()NS an(l Stl ) )OI'lS, 1'}|OOO 79,q-J for ;Ip )oint- nlOlll el' ('all :IL I.IIG StlmlnJl 1)l'ivtt, !);t fn, ........... I1! .... PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, IIot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearkngen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton 12-9tin & =/. :/<'. .qHEL'PON-MASON I" WE REPAIR ll makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES . Expertly and Reasonably L I into BEffglt v ,v v ,, ,w v v,. v v v ,qv v ,v ,v ,q' v v f vv v' •r 'P"v Classified Service IqH,:S('I{I1)Tt()N SICI{VI('II.-n iil<'di- val c()llh'tl('t>L ohl age IISSI(:ilI('(. ill' dhcct witll )'(ill i)n .vllill' it(,(.l()l" r)llllq'. Pll, ) /s DFtlg ll)l'l+, l'ilqld alill l{ltilr():ld. I- t'll "HEMSTfTCIIINtli i0e yaro. also bUl- tonholing. Mrs. lllls Wells. 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Areadla and BoundaYy Streets.) 9-!-1 r ..... SICWIN(; MACtIIN1 i: I{EI'AII{ EXPEI{T WOI{I. Roaslm:lh],' i.I ::i_,,,:;. EStillla( 's lnade hi y(iLll' ]IIID!C by H (.ourt(,otl:q |)(,)fried (?nl])h)y,'. NI, ()})- lii4ation. Lear(, ('sll¢ al 'l'h,' ,J(,urnal ill Sh(.lh)n. Phone 100. SIN(II']P, SEWING MACIIINIq ¢'(I. 5]() E. Ith Av('. t)lv 1 ) : II I Illll I Illll Illl DILLENBURG BROS. Modern Equipment Operated by o EXPERIENCED MEN F(ir BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING LOGGING HAULING Phone 667-J 6-16-30-3t State Farm Mtttual. Automobile Insurance Collision Coverage On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualified Applicants Rates, se/v'ide for Poiic:/Holders Transfers Now A:¢ailable at BOB ERVIN MOTORS 633 South First Street Pho.e 673 ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITYWIRING 'T' " CRAIG P. ELIOT o • • , , , REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDED Engineer - Electrical - Contractor P.U.D. Wareho:u.qe.Bldg. - K St. - Mountain View P. O. Box 158 - Shelton Phone 788 EXPERT 00CETYLENE WELDING AND ARC With the Latest Type Equipment FAST, EFFICIEN'I , REASONABLE SERVICE o BOAT, UTILITY, AND STOCK TRAILERS FOR RENT OR SALE , O AL'S WELDING SHOP MT. VIEW PHONE 826 ...... 2 Bleks North of Needhm Food center " COI)NTY 3OURNAL i , , i ii .... T • .. 0 I--- Ar TXt • ......... , hreatens Lite 0f • i - Young Seedlings '] 'Fht exten(hd dry st.('l exler- # tented this sp)'ing in western \\;Vilshiull'lc*n an(I Oi'e,oll if.: thl'eal- , . ............. :* ............................... t"l,inv tl, c survivnl (if i,v(q' th'ee "oveest00 Retu niillion sccdlirigs sol (tui I)y the tit \\;Vey(w|laCllSel' '['ilYlbt)r (;()l'llp;iny, i .,, l<\