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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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....... " SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURN.L Thursday, Iage,..,,l 6,__ ...............  .... ........................ "&apos;:""': '' ...................................... --- Belfair ................................................. Residents iiL-EB-IAR tlREEK Y Walter L. Marble Icl, r,:s,,nti,=,,o A ti I VFW BURSTS FORTH WITH ACTIVITY CANN /{ETIgOPOIATAN LIF C ve n . . ., ,s,.,N(:, (..,,PN,. Art d C ,It • By Della Goetcb name, flowing across the proper- Life a.nd Personal Accident ell ,one ayes up to the first of May this ty. ' and ]leall.h lnsurarw.e By Dollie Parsons [ year, the little settlement known Since the down payment of $200 1904 Stevens Phone 854 The Nnol Curtis V.F.W. Auxi[- as ar Creek in the extreme was made just a month ago, club iary held Its regular meeting June northeastern part of Mason coun- members, armed with tools, have :; ........................................................................................... 7::t'hBefairschtith18tyandnthedBremertn-Be-gatheredatthegrundsevery FOOD nwmhers present. Memorial ser- fair highway, was going its quiet week end to clear aml prepare a x, iccs were hel(t. Frances IAndsey and nlore or less uneventful way, spot for the club house, tentative '" KIMBEL ,,.s initiated rote the organization, the residents divkling their poll-plans for which have ah'eady been (::i[ ' : Mr. and Mrs. Marion Newkirk ileal and social support between drawn by Ralph Greg'esen, drafts- ' 't  i'Hlnum. They drove over in their chard, Shelton and Belfair. the building chairman, Miles How- l () GIN( ' ' a :(:l X n,,w car. But just six weeks ago notices ell. Women members have been Mr. and Mrs. Gordon err of were posted calling the people to- present at these week end work ..._.._.,.: ,.:.,,,., o., ...e,o visit.,g ir.nds gethor to talk about forming a sessions and have served lunches  Jr][ ft ][.. ' i and relatives in 13elfair last week. :community club. to their industrious men folk. "l'hr,e members of the V.F.W. ItESI'ONSE AS enthusiastic On June 12 a carnival was held post and *'iv(, of the Auxiliary and first steps were take,, to el-on the grounds with many booths Y0U'II Fi d Every Available Item Bearing the Proud S& W . members visited the Shelton post ect officers and an exectative board for games, lunch counters, band n and auxiliary June 13. Those who with Bud Hender named as pres- stand, loud speakers and all other , : , • drove ,w,q' were Mr. and Mrs. ident; Mark McDonald, vice presi- fixings. P,'oceeds from this event 0 Displ F id y & Saturday at the L M  odcrl| EqiiiJllil(lll, .lease 13rain, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. dent; Opal Morse, secretary; and added a substantial sum to the n ay r a , . l'arson., Bill DcMicro, Molly Men- William Harsted, treasurer. A. F. club treasury. Entertainment fez .... Operated By grain, Ruthcda I)cderman and Ritzen is chairman of the exeeu- tures were a talk on "Community q Mrs. Wcnz. tire hoard, and other members are Spirit" by Senator Jack Rogers, STOCI [JP NOW AT THESE LOW PRICES--ECONOMI r BEGINS WITI-I I,]xpcrieneed 5ion H¢,h,n and Lorraine Coltenair of V. E. Hender, Mrs. M. Lafferty, assisted by Master of Ceremonies lLiverton, Wyo., left Friday for Harnton Bland, E. Holbrook and Denny Givens, a Bremerton busi- l,',,l l.ongvicw where they will visit Mrs. J. Rollins. nessman, a group of vocal duet CORN G ears 39* '_.. :! @ LAND CLEARING rehttives before returning home. The objects of the club are to ! by the young son and daughter ................ .,,llSl G DEkI TIN .' • Tiwy sl)ent ten days visiting with buy land and build a club house of Mr." and Mrs. Bill Everist, a ............. m. St ,.,,,' PEAS L'a*  @ BULL. DOZING their aunt and uncle, Mr. and to be used as a meeting place for= 20-minute act by Mr. and Mrs. CABBAGE "- .... ' .... Mrs. H. L. Parsons. the club and other organizations,, Shirley, amateur magicians, and !, O DITCHING Polly Paulsnn left Wednesday to provide play grounds and other instrumental music by Bill Everist " few southern California to visit recreational facilities for the chil-and his western band. d'*.14-OUNCE BOTTLE .N,NO -'.x¢AT- ,*,,,dsandrelativos ZUCHINNI SQUASH ..... lb. 8* o#w CATSUP.//FRO,T. No. 1TA,L T,N 19€ '/. ' O 13ULKHEADING CANTALOUPES ......... lb. 7* v.tCOCKTAIL .... 2S* REO KIDNEY - NO. 2 TIN CALAVOS ..... , ...... 2 for 29* ___BEANS ..., .... 21€ ,! LETTUCE. 3 for 10 € OVEN BAKED- 28-OZ. TIN ............. ,J BAKED BEANS 29¢ • PILEDRIVERS For 1,and or W:ltcr (I DUMP TRUCKS 1,'r Hire PILING AND LOGS For Sale t'HON F.' 601 Shelton I,O.O.F. No, 62 Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. llAI2, Visiting Members will be Cordially Welcomed TII()MAS J. WATTS, Jr., N.G. Tb,,mas C. M)'er, Secretary Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 Meets 2nd & Fourth Fridays };EULAH HELSER, N.G. IIEI3EN COLE, Secretary dren, to promote community spirit, ! i to work for good roads, sanitation, ; ;wild life and fores't conservation and beautification of roadsides, I and to assist in the solution of community problems. TltE COMMITTEE made Jr-: rangements for the purchase of as wooded, five-acre tract on the Bear Creek-Dewatto road and ap- proximately 300 feet west of the old Belfair road. This site has much in the way of native advan- tages, such as extensive level areas for buildings and play grounds, beautiful shade trees and its own natural water supply, with delightful little Bear Creek, from which the comnnmity takes its ................................................................................................................................................. Large Delegation GREATER WEIGHT GAINS THAN ON PREVIOUS FORMULAS Attends Women's Meet In Everett Mason cotmty was represented by a large delegation of commun- ity leaders at the state meeting of the Federation of" Women's Clubs held in Everett last week. Among those making the jour- ney to Everett were the Mesdames Kenneth Bitney, Hoodsport; Ben Drake, Shelton; Edward Cokelet, Jerry Kieszling, Cecil Clark, Dolph Edmiston and Carl Robertson, BeN fair; and Mrs. Gertrude Hayes, Union. Mrs. J. L. Blair Buck of-Vir- ginia, national president, told the delegates that international mem- bership now stands at eight mil- lion and that the general federa- LAST FRIDAY evening the reg- ular semi-monthly meeting of the Bear Creek Commtinity Club was held at Walt Bishop's barn. After opening services of display of the flag and pledge of allegiance, fi- nal payment of $500 was made on the land, A. F. Ritzen presenting the club's check to Ted Kindred. This was the highlight of the eve- ning and brough loud and enthus- iastic applause from the assembly. The rest of the business session was given to reading and discuss- ing the proposed constitution. At the close of the meeting lunch was served, followed by a social hour. Bi-'Annual Party Celebrated June 15 The Friendship Club met June 15 at the Southside contmunity hall for a birthday party to honor those members whose birthdays come during the first six months of the year. A skit following the theme, go- ing to a birthday party, started the evening. Those taking part in this were Mrs. Gertrude Rains Mrs..lnla Hurst, Mrs. Murriel Grat', Mrs. 'Gladys Robertson, and Mrs. Alice $totsbery. It was spon- sored by Mrs. Lawrie Hill• Mrs. Eathel Mitchell and Mrs. Gladys Roberson decorated the table by usineach month. For January they used Old Fattlcr Time and the New Year's Baby. February was a Valentine throne and March featured St. Patrick's Lion is recognized as a power on Day. Easter was used for April, the local and national levels, and the May Pole carried out the At a banquet honoring the na- May scheme, The traditional June tional president a representative bride and bridegroom completed of each district in the state fed- the decorations. ' L eration presented Mrs. Buck with During the hmcheon, original a gift symbolic of the county they poems about the honored guests represented and gave a short de- weT read to them by the enter- . }lcre's proof tle ncw Larro Calf Builder sc'ti-tion of "h-it "- : ...... " - ' - ; ....... p t e • parucalar local- taining memoers waD conlposcQ is better than ever. In tbeding tests at amonnan wm,,nm tty. Mrs Dolph Edmiston said that them. • Larro Research Farm it produced ll 2f?[ DU|IOI'K "Mason county is truly a land tie- Cootie was played with prizes .... . ,. ..... , ....... , .....  II .-,, .... mi signed by nature Ior graceful ltv going to M]s Stollie Butlm and  r ¢ L it C r XV('ILkIII "IIIIS see h,oYt; Cltat/ k J  - ' ' ' ' " "" ,  urea ing' from the southern fingers of Mrs Hazel Batnhill than prcviou,' formulas In 'ddition, t arro I.  .) ' . ..... " " ' ...... ll',.",m'_.,,'J¢' * uget ouna azong tne sparkling Besides twenty-one members and ( df F;udd(  saves ,talk protects cahcs sh , ":'  : r ''h'" '' ' " " " " ...... ' '" ]k'' " ores of Hood Canal through the five children three guests were from nutritional scours. ,,==INIII="IIII  grandeur of the Olympic moun- present. They wez'e Mrs. Ada Iet I are get, )our c fists off to  good I  IILI.I,t  I rains, there is beauty everywhere. Hurst, Mrs. "Catherine Brown, ;,/ : :. ......  'v : ; ': ,  NIL It is a region of clelightful eli- Oakland, Calif and Mrs Hazel :: $art. l::ollow the Larro Calf Plan devel- [" /. mate, pretty homes and pleasant Barnhill of Tacoma. ' o'ed b) General Mills scient st living backed by a seetue econ The next meeting will be held r:r. r=r mCOaITMII O1Tly of timber, oystm raising and at the home of Ms Finn Phflh s = ,- t= ta ............... T ' ' ' . '. ' ' 'p .. " . agrz .ulture. on July 6, unless the weather is _ 111.=,= / Mason county has four clubs in unfavorable, in which ease the """ [']  |l# _ II '1/_ the general federation. In appre- group will meet at the hall. ::, J,i. gg elation of Mrs. Buck's visit they .... . ................... - - gave her a token symbolic of OUl '  1-/'-" a T T vf Established 1895 region, a bit of pottery with a | :] ,| |tJI Jl ,] ,I ]]VI ' :.. ........... branch of one of out" beauLiful v....J......L.,,,j;dL,111t..,:[,] cedar trees baked rote its surface ........................  ..........................................................  " The 4-H gloups' of ore' dmtimt'" "" m gave a box social last Saturday  EYES FR--M :",--,.mm  evening which proved to be quite  Cf 0 THSU Ig';rG]" a;rl ll,,c | asuccess. Proceeds are to be used 1 :-- ......  ' Pf-' ..... -'. _.7 , ,, o t r',u ,,t=ru I to hell) finance the summer vaca- I  I€. allllnl ",t </[ /" I xJlar¢ protect,v€, sc:entmt _  ;.... €. +... ,i Plasnc pearl nose pads  n | r T[ g0PLET[ 1 J ....... Pbysici*n&$ line  Cloquallnm grange will be host n " , ,.=,.  *-,m,a W .F'-'"-- and covered aulustaole temples ..... ..,all.lll to the Matloek rl" cr i  Llqg Ur IrlUUi) .b / v ! .m.m.,, --.,.ram lql T -nni..acr.,lmm .. ., an,e gavel I WALGIEIVI POUCTS L./[i | -InO'|lVi a'.',lT  meeting next Friday evening. I  |rl lfll a --J '  Y ,! t ,mmm ,, n  Mrs. Albert LeGault, Sr., has re- i-k "D'--::-" $ v liJl IPA nk,ndy OR=  cently returned from Eugene, ,,,,-.,,=,-, ,.-- . .23 , visitors at the Dan Olealy home n r _i..__.._ , i|, I WlflTttl/ASrLIN£ sllE¢ recently. : 1 . y¢n  [,k.x ] r==bam,. Lu,4-=uae=u .... 0 Mrs. Andrew Nelson was a re- : n • $|f'|41 Ilk | i |  cent visitor in Seattle. I  Inlan,s'oradult¢  | " ] -  l  Mrs. Thelma Loertscher will |-4 m,.,_ ' | I1 I  _ }  .... " have some interesting things to |  T € $ ]  | J"'H()rD, r, Ake, dl 1.1 • w'e_efl.,=,i."  report on her trip to the state l' lil/" "  ! "  i  n... v.. Vfg Ctl" I'[  _.l_n • convention. n  ii [, I  "[' vv ..... ": "--'. m [] TASLET$ • Mr. and Mrs. Garrold Burger II ' ; '" | d __ M,,,e,=o  "A s,lon • have moved from this community : I  [ i r ............ "1 " Am ,,, ' to Camp Grisdale where he is em- L C ployed. ! .2"., ,,.."% ! | £L£CTRI¢ 1,, "lk00al0000 " .ike Selinac and family expect i  Justrite k, i "--u Sdhl* FAN I -1,v- to move to Taconm soon as he has i %. z.€  /'e, . 1 , ""'-'-'! A, the beaches, inloker Eimer Laboki son of Geor,*e 1  [-g- "[ .. ¢ h ittlonary I rooms, public showers, and Buela, has 'been visiting hs | "Y l ' .:/  fan°hat'='i at tt.e pool'.., you may be relatives. He is expected home i _ !'" . €1t 7 4Pm _.i;;t;:', e.posed,..e.,iousa,he,o's soon. ! l ' | v', 1; .Y ing; rubber feet -€ rfOO At the first signs (skin Mr. and Mrs. Alin Presser were ! _ _S.0¢_ $ie , Yt |  [] I[ Extra h--v ....... a ^€, " 'rsckin* o€ peeling between vtsitors at the LeGault home Sun- II d' PHILLIPS' v [ . II " welle¢l'r. .... --- r the tos') consult your doctor day to visit Marie LeGault. Both 1  M!tWOF -  ........... mL.,,k___:_AA_ ',..a, l,,,,,atment girls are German bri(es. 1 t M'..MIA   "-\\;V'h'en he p;escribes, turn to Mrs. Russell and husband called |  """_""'"1)  ARISTOCRAT LunchPlates€ ....... cist for at the LeGault home Saturday I  :'i' 1 "Y l,o,.o,a .............  tnlS stores rnarm afternoon U   "'=.1  SWE£THIEART STRAWS 11 '€ -'"'- ........ 100 .liar, It lO a package   n I / ' ' ...... MISS ALGER NAMED | N |. : 3% D.D.T. Dlp :- ROLL FILM JOURNAL SOCIETY |  ()u: oo.,t, -"''"""  -llt , o,=,,, - -' EDITOR THIS WEEK :  .. .V " ' ' : RU|UM/IU , i iorlAL Frances Alger is taking over | , , DOLPN II1i:1" RflHR' |,J.l tle duties of Society Editor on '  '  ' "T =,,u,=,v. =v.-,,- ' o ' | t: hI(:LS t.N  L-f- ' n=V=LnpEo the J urnal thin week to replace il ON MANY /,rRelie/. Jtt pest,¢ingercontrol| PRINTED , ' s r of the zau R .... Ath etc'. V,t. ' tilus yearbook for Grays Harbor N ESTMAN 1€ College, during the past year. : i ...... - ..........  ........................  ..... sts During he]' senior year at Irene 1 ,DAUS REI:I{I(EIA[ID s. Reed tti,h School she headed m ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,t,Sl¢ the staff of thc Saghalie news- [ ..... . t) Ill .l.iTtllll* .,ll(l(JJtl.,li. lUa2 e paper First Aid Needs ATHLE[E'S FOOl SncieLy items may be rehtyed to Frances by phoning ShclLon 100 or by dropping in Lo chat with llcr. Deadline is Tuesday 5:30 p.m, for Thursday morning papers. Nervous Dogs seeing-eye dogs are loyal---and nervous. They are frequent suf- ferer from, ulcers. TOMATOES, lg. Beef Steak lb. 15' ONIONS & RADISHES 2 bchs. 5 ¢ 0RANGES ........ 5-lb. bag 49* California Jumbo WHOLE CUT WATERMELONS. ..... 41/ € - 5 ¢ ' Grape Juice ........ qt. jar 41 € 5-Loganade . ...... 12-oz. tin 21 ¢ 5- Saue:kraut Iui( e. 1', I-o: :. t in 13 ¢ Ripe Olives E,tra Large- NO,1 Ta,I Tin 33 ¢ 5€ Grape Juice 57' Sauerkraut Juice. 12-oz. tin It 3 ¢ "a}' Ripe 01ives ............ P,tted. NO. 1 +ALL 41 € ,%W Stuffed Olives . 5-oz. glass 53 € 5¢Marischino Cherries ,.oz. GLASS 3 1 € 5--Peaches S.oe Ye,,o c,in No. 2 tin 36 € Kadota Figs ..... No. 2 tin 31 € Seedless Raisins 15-oz. pkg. :119 ¢ Prunes Large Santa Clara ...... 2-L8. PKG. 52 ¢ --Spiced Apricots No. 2½ tin 4 € Mandarine Oranges. 11-oz. 19 ¢ --Peanut Butter .... l-lb. jar 43 ¢ 50range Marmalade 2-lb. jar 39 ¢` &W Golden Pop Corn 10-oz. tin 19 ¢ Cider Vinegar 50-Grain qt. jar 24 ¢ Shelled Almonds She.,ed ,.:oz.25 € Tomatoes, Cosmos .,.. No. 21tin 19 ¢ Butter Beans, Palmdale. 303-tin It9  Irish Potatoes, small fry. No. 2 tin It 7 ¢ Tuna, Palmdale Fancy solid pack 1/-flat" 43* Tuna,:entury Chunk=y,e ]/2-flat37* 2-LB. TIN t ,fltJ46-O U N C E TIN ,.APRICADE .... 39* . . _/VEGETABLE JUICE • 46-OZ. TIN ! r COCKTAIL .... 39' , "t' 12"OUNCE TIN . I • .,w PRUNE JUICE. 12' , Whole Kernel Corn No. 2! 5-Asparagus Grooo Po,.t No.2 5- Asparagus A,, Green pears 0. ,wPeas, 4-sieve. .... No. , .... -Peas" -S,:vo-No.oT,n 2j Satmrkraut ..... :N0. 2: "5--T m o Sauce .... 8 oz;m 5-,Cream Stylecorn picnfi:" H.q.ey, fancy sage ! "5Rice :ancy to.. Grai. ...... 2 • Oll go vernmerit /( :d graded either good or choice. '0. plete satisfaction is guaranteed. ;';l::iI  FANCY .LI, FRYERS .............. ,. I1 TM Grown and r n r sat0sfltd Grown and raised especially for our satisflt i1, MEAT LOAF ....... ..... '€ I-- PORKLIVER. ..... ? .... • "ns. - 7i: WEaNER S, ............. • jffi, Swell for picnics. (i WHITE FLAKE I,1"/ • CODFISH ....... lb. P LARGE OR SMALL , BOLOGNA ............. . PURE PORK 'If SAUSAGE ............. . Country Style. Established 1895