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Continued from page A-1
was a privilege to meet so
many dedicated and caring
The program is free
and the rewards from
partidpating are ton-fold.
I encourage the citizens of
Mason County to sign up for
future academy sessions and
learn the truths about law
enforcement. You might be
surprised; as I was, to learn
that things are not always
the way the media views
them. To get to the truth of
a matter, one needs to be
In closing, I would just like
to send kudos to everyone
who was involved in this
wonderful training.
Cheryl Dunning
libelous rant
Editor, the Journal
The letter to the editor,
June 16, entitled "Facts
versus Spin," was a very
confusing, disjointed and,
to say the least, inaccurate
libelous rant. Fortunately, on
the cover, Journal reporter
Natalie Johnson, did a great
job of portraying the facts so
that we could wade through
the mud that Port of Shelton
employee, Teresa Rebo, spun.
Just to clear things up, the
term "Mason Area Fair" was
selected by necessity. When
Mason County eliminated the
Fair from its budget (after
101 years) the Mason Area
Fair Association (a non-profit
comprised of the former
building superintendents)
worked tirelessly with the
USDA and local businesses
to present a fair that
maintained "status" with
Washington State. The word
"county" had to be changed
when the county commission
no longer oversaw operations.
The term "area" serves
a larger purpose and can
welcome youths from
neighboring counties. In
order to participate at the
State level, youths must
attend a pre-qualifying
fair. There are still qualifying
places reserved at State for
Mason Area Fair kids.
The 2010 Fair was an
amazing feat of volunteerism,
faith and community support.
Whether it was encouraging
words, in-kind contributions
or funding, in just seven short
weeks our community should
be very proud of what they
It also taught us
something. There are a lot of
good people here. Individuals
that make the battle
worthwhile when those
propelled by less than stellar
motivations nip at your heels.
John and I are taken
aback at the tone of
Rebo's letter. Although
she vehemently claims
that this is "not about the
Sansens," she uses our name
no less than thirteen times.
Odd, especially since the
contract she takes issue with
was with a corporate entity
and there was no need for
personal slams.
The disturbing element
is the "spin" involved in this
accusation. This isn't just the
mutterings of a disgruntled
employee. Strings are being
pulled in the background. An
out-going port commissioner
assisting an employee to
do a trumped-up "whistle
blower" claim against the
organization he was elected
to protect, a developer who
serves his own motives in
"just happening" to discover
in county records a letter that
only pert commissioners were
party to. Follow the strings
and ask the puppet-master
why he makes our port
elected official and servant
No, I am not so naive as
to believe this attack is about
the fair. However, it doesn't
help much when all these
axe-grinders use the Fair as
their soapbox.
We have a Fair to put
on. Our books are shared
with the Mason Area
Fair Association, not port
secretaries. We had a
contract with the port of
Shelton for a three day
fair. Did we get a deal? If
you ask us, it should have
been less. We suggested a
dollar at the time. This is a
fair, people! Yet, if we must
look at numbers, compare our
contract with other renters
in 2010. Perhaps what is not
being said is more important.
We are all about fair. July
29-31. Bring entries. Bring
your family. Catch a Rodeo.
Get sick on the Starship
2000. If you feel particularly
moved, sponsor an event.
Teresa's right about one
thing. We do believe in kids.
We have a responsibility to
do all we can to make the
place where we raise our
kids better. Not just to set an
example but also because, as
trite as it seems, every little
bit does make a difference.
This fair represents a
century old tradition in
Mason County. It doesn't
belong to the Port of Shelton.
It doesn't belong to the
Hansens. It belongs to
anyone and everyone who
participates, contributes or
who has participated. Does
Teresa realize that the
families in Mason County
built those very buildings
she claims for the pert? Now
who's being selfish?
Make tracks to the Mason
Area Fair.
Rachel and John Hansen
Why do
some get to
have more
than 350
Editor, the Journal
Some of the letters get
awfully long. Last week one
letter, on something about
fair ground rental, exceeded
everythimg. You may ask if I
counted the words? Well, no.
In fact I didn't bother to read
But, I randomly chose four
scattered segments, each
containing ten lines with a
counted average of 39 words,
or 3.9 words per line. In the
total of 35 inches of column
length, containing 22 ten line
segments of 39 words each;
there were 858 words in the
You may ask, "Who
cares. Well, nobody, I guess.
But it seems tiresomely
contradictory to your
requested 350 word limit.
Bob Hoit
How much
did the
failed Adage
deal cost
Editor, the Journal
Ask a simple question; do
not expect a simple answer.
No answers are forthcoming
from Mason County elected
I recently spoke
before Mason County
Commissioners and Port
of Shelton Commissioners/
Executive Director John
Dobson. I respectfully
requested the total dollar
amount of public funds each
entity spent on the failed
Adage biomaso incinerator
What did Adage cost
taxpayers? Mason County
board clerk responded,
What do think about a county sales tax
or mental health and chemical
Darlene Knight
Brian Weza
Rinett Hays
Shannon Klasell
"I think it's needed. I"It's probably good "I think it's a positive "I think it's a good thing
think it would benefit the because it's obviously a thing. My biggest if it gets used for direct
services." big issue for this county." concern is the mental service programs, but
health - they've made so not if it's just going to
many cutbacks." planning."
"There ... are no records the inabillity of these two the dilemma of exceedingtwelve months of washing
... to ... show the specific industries to stay belowthe proscribed chemicalschemicals into the Bay
dollar amount spent ... on the standards set by theflowing from their plants really make sense?
Adage." Apparently there Department of Ecology into Oakland Bay. RatherHow about fining them
is no accountability for the regarding the chemical than give these businesses, for every day they are out
time invested on Adage by content of the waste water another twelve months of compliance? Perhaps
personnel employed by the these industries allow to to comply, or to bring that would be a greater
commissioners, prosecutor, flow into Oakland Bay. themselves below the incentive to them to come
the Departments of The purpose of these standards established byup with a solution than
Community Development, notices was to advise the Ecology, I suggest that simply allowing them
Building or Public Works. public that these companies Ecology enforce their another twelve months to
County commissioners are seeking an additional standards, fail to find a solution, at
have no idea how many twelve month extension Simpson and Olympic the end of which time they
dollars they blew on Adage. (beyond the initial twelve Panel have already had an can request another twelve
I received no response months they have alreadyadditional twelve monthsmonth extension.
from Port of Shelton had) to come up with an of washing these chemicals, Katherine Price
Commissioners/Executive appropriate plan which with their waste water, into Shelton
Director/staff. will result in them not Oakland Bay.
I did, however, received exceeding the standards If they do not have a
an astonishing three-page established by the solution which will bring
letter from one of the Department of Ecology. them into compliance
numerous Port attorneys, It strikes me that theseal~er twelve months of
Mr. Charles "Skip" Houser, businesses have had studying the problem,
HI. The document, printed twelve months to solve does giving them another
on expensive stationery, was #~+++i~iiii~+ii~i==~i~, ~i; ~i~!'~'i' "+;~:+; i ii!:!!~i~i'~i~!i~i'~ ;!~i~~~lk
sent in duplicate via first l~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ......... ~ ~+~ ~+~ ~' ~+'+~+ " ~i++~+~+~]~:-.~I '+l
class, certified mail. My exact i ~,~!~+' ~;;~=~:~=' , ~ .......... ................. ...... i~ ....... %~ ~ ......
amount ofp iic funds spent :
on ... all aspects of the Adage ................... ' a
application." I just want to + ...........
know how much the failed
Adage deal cost taxpayers.
Skip didn't get it. He
wrote "I am seeking.., an
identifiable record..." and
"unfortunately, your request
does not designate a... record
..." He asked for "... further
clarification..." Houser cited
a variety of RCW's/WAC's,
case law and Washington
Supreme Court decisions
explaining why he/Port of
Shelton could not answer my
simple question.
How much money did Skip
charge taxpayers to send a
letter that said nothing?
The Economic
Development Council, the
main driver of the Adage
project, receives almost 90
percent of their operating
funds from taxpayer
subsidies. EDC is not in any
way accountable to those of
us who foot the bill.
The last eighteen months
in our collective dvic life have
been an eye-opening time for
citizens. I am proud of each
member of our community
who came together to
organize, mobilize and stand
together to oppose the very
real threat posed by Adage.
Our work is not done. Our
community is strong.
Citizens must remain
vigilant and hold elected/
appointed officials
accountable for their actions.
Theresa Jacobson
Editor, the Journal
Public notices were
published in the Journal
recently by Simpson
Timber Company (May 26
and June 2) and Olympic
Panel Products (June 2 and
June 9) in connection with
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- Thursda June
23, 2011 -