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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS Prepared by: Date: June 17, 20ll Detective Wlllllam Adam Bullcdl#: 11-/.8 The Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing the Iblinwing information pm-smmt to RCW 4.24&Lq@ and the Washington Stale gw~¢m¢ Court decision in ~. whic h authorizes law ¢nforccrncnt agencies to inform the publlc of, sex offcaid~s rnlcsc wh¢~ in discretion of the agency, the release o finfornmtico will enhance !~hlic safety and ~tien. The individual who appears on this notificatinu has be~n convicted of. sex offense that requires n~i~ with the SIg~ ff's ~ in the county of their resident. Further, Iheir previnus cnminal history, places them in a classification Ievnl which r¢fl¢~s tha [m~¢ntlnl to re- oflend. This sex offender has served the sentence impos~ on him by the courts and has advls~ the Ma~n County Sheriff's Office 11111 he will be living in the location below. H E IS NOT WAWIfED BY 'ale POLICE AT THIS TIM[.. ~ NOTIFICATION [$ NOT INTENDED TO INCILEAgE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PURLIC 18 A SAFER PUBUC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office has no legnl~ulhority to direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless omm oedm'ed mstrictioJts exist, this offender is constitutionally ~ to live wherever he choose~, Sex offenders have always lived in our communlties, but it wasn't until passage of the Community Prod-finn Act of 1990 (wh/ch ma,dat~sexq~etMerregi,~l~Jli,njthatiswenfofccmentevenkncwwherethaywcmliving. In many c&~s. law enforoemem is now abk to share that inlbrmation ~ith you. Citizen alms¢ of this inlbrmation to threaten, intimidate or harass reEl.toted sex offenders will no{ he tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end law enforccment's ability to do co~lmunlty notifications. We helicve the only p¢~on who wins if community notification ends is ff~ sex offender, since sex offenders derive thair power through s¢~vcy. If you have any iaformmflnn l~lardlnlg g~,u'l~flt erlminml ~"thrll~" of thht or any talker nff~d~r, nlmme nab 91 t. For other sex offender information, • ERNEST ARTHUR KAYLOR WHITE MALE - DOB: 05108172 - 5'-06" - 160 LBS. RED HAIR & BLUE EYES Ernest KAYLOR has recently moved to Mason County and registered as Trunsient/Homeless. KAYLOR is required to rogistor sex offender due to a 0 l/16/2009 conviction of Rape of a Child 3rd Degree, Mason County Superior Court cause # 08-1-00452-0. This conviction stems from KAYLOR at age 36. raping a 15 year old girl. Due to these factors, he is considered a HIGH RISK. KAYLOR is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. KAYLOR has niven his status within Mason County as: Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA Sheriff - Casey Salisbury mmmma*mmammwmm SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Date: June 17, 2011 Frepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 11-29 The Mason County She~riff's Omce is releasing tile fi)llowing thl~nnadon pumamt ~) RCW 4.24.$~0 and live Washington Stale Supn~m© Court decision in ~, which authorizes law entbrcement agencies to inform the public of, sex offenders release ~A~"a; in the discretion of the agency, the release of information will entrance public safety and protection. The individual who appuars on this notification has been convicted of, sex o ffelts¢ that requires regisu'ati~l with the Sheriff's Offio~ in the courtly of their rcsidctlc¢. Further, Ih¢ir previous criminal history plm:¢s them in a classificatitm level which tim potential to r~- ofl~nd. This .sex offender has served the sentence imposed on him by the comts and has advised the M&son County Sheriff's Office that he will be living m the k~=ation helow. HE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THlS TIME. THL~; NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR. RATHER. IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAEER PUBLIC. The Mason Colmty SherifFs Office has no legal authority to direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless coati ofdcr~l restrictions ex,st, this offender is constitutionally flee to live wherever he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communilics, but it wasn't until passage of Ihe Commtmity Prctection A¢I of 1990 ¢ WhiCh mam~ute~ssexoffenderregi~tr~i~m)tha~aw~nf~r~cment~v~nknewwh¢T¢th¢ywerc~iving. In mlmy ~. law enf~¢nt is now able to share that inn)tin,finn with you. Citizen abuse of this thlinmation to threaten, ictimidatc or harass registtTed Sex offeaidms will not be tuleraled. Further. such abu~ could potentially end law enforcemenrs abilily to do community nctltleations. We b¢li~.'e the only persm who wins if commuthty notification ends is the sex offender, since sex offenders d~riv¢ their power Iheough s¢crm.-y. If vnu have any information reeardin~ eurr~nl trim;nil =etl~it~ Df thi~ or ~lV other offemehrr, n]mlum ~11 911. For other sex offender information, -F ', DAVID JOHN CULLERTON WHITE MALE - DOB: 05/21162 - 5' 10"-!72 LBS. BROWN HAIR & HAZEL EYES David Cullerton has rccendy become homeless and is required to register as a sex offender for Rape of a Child 2~ dearth, Mason County Superior County cau~ # 96-1-0311-5. This conviction stems from Cullerton sexually aasaultin&a 13 year old neighbor boy. Due_to these thctors he is considered a HIGH RISK. CuHerton is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Offie¢ as a Lard 3 This is the highest level given to a ,~x Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-ofl'~nd. David Cullerton has L, iven his location within Mason TransientfHomeless within Shelton, WA I. Tell Them What You're Going to Tell Them. 3. Tell Them What You Told Them. Advertise in the Journal and you'll reach more Mason County opinion leaders than any other media available.Aff0rdably. By NATALIE JOHNSON websitd, banners, ads, etc," Dobson said. "This is mailed to 35,000 households." The Port of Shelton Commission voted All three commissioners voted for the Tuesday to support the Mason Area Fair sponsorship. with a $5,000 "Gold" sponsorship. "Well I'm very pleased to have the op- This will be the second year that the portunity to both market the port and port gives such a donation to the fair. support the fair," Commissioner Jay Hupp Port Executive Director John Dobsonsaid. said that the sponsorship is a marketing The total amount Northwest Event Or- opportunity for the port. ganizers will pay for the use of the fair- "It basically puts the Port of Shelton's ground according to its 2011 rental agree- name on all marketing materials, posters, ment with the port is $10,703.50. Boy hit by a car while riding bicycle By KEVAN MOORE A 14-year-old Grape- view boy was seriously in- jured Tuesday when he was struck by a car while riding a bicycle. Mason County Sheriffs Office deputies received the report at about 4 p.m. An hicle could not stop in time investigation disclosed that to avoid the collision. The a 2011 Toyota Prius driven boy was not wearing a hel- by Seattle resident Laura A. met and was airlifted to Rasulo-Holt, 49, was travel- Harborview Medical Center ling westbound in the 600 in Seattle. block of East Mason Benson Byrd said that speed and Road when a bicycle operat- alcohol were not factors in ed by the boy came out of a the collision. Byrd said that driveway without stopping, an update on the boy's con- Chief Deputy Dean Byrd dition was not available on said that Rasulo-Holt's ve- Wednesday. 2011 Ford F150 Super Cab 4x4 5.0 Itr, 6 spd Auto, 4WD, XLT Package, Sidesteps, morel Vin I FTFX1EF3BFA27380 MSRP 37,870 Gillin Discount 2000 Sale Ih'lce 35,870 Rebate 1000 I~l~C Bonus Ca=h 1000 XLT I~nu~ Cuh 1000 Proton Cub 1000 * **Military 500 ,~ Final ~ 1~14,3~70 S~¢e ,l~J~0 • no ~_~o~d sL/cker . M41y not Qualify for ~111 Ineen~. See dealer for details. O~4e it t~is price. Ad ends 6f2~/1 1. shelton WA (360) 426-SEd15 II SALE EVENT - Friday, Satur- EVERYTHING MUST go. House- day, Sunday. Kamilche exit, 1/2 wares-linens, boys' clothes mile east on Old Olympic Hwy. size 7-10, women's size 13-15. Generatons of collectibles, toys Clothes 50¢ or $2 a bag. Shoes, (including old wind-up), elec- beds with frames, antiques man- tronics, 500 Ibs. sports cards, gle, desk, bookshelves. 51 SE Christmas, pottery (including Spring Pl. Turn left at Washing- Roseville). Tools, jewelry, quality ton Home Center on Hwy. 101. clothes. Sporting goods (includ- 3rd road on Right. Saturday only, ing fishing, pool cues and golf). 9 a.m.-4 p.m. C6/23 First sale ever. J6/23 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST RIVERSIDE ESPRESSO is now needed for small Hoodsport taking resumes for a part-time family clinic. Part-time, 2-3 days barista. Experience required, weekly. Experience preferred. Please apply in person before 360-877-0372. H6/23-30 noon.332 South 1st St., Shelton. ONE BEDROOM furnished R6/23-30 apartment. $800 monthly in- 1 BEDROOM duplex close to cludes utilities. Unit located in ..... "Sl~dltor~', on bus line, w:s-g pal; Union, non-smoking. Call 360- i,.~Lp~ts ok extra rant, ca~ 898,8101. K6/23 = available, deposit ' r~llN~ SATURDAY BLOWOUT .garage $620 monthly. 360-426-2015. sale. 142 E. Strong Rd., off Pick- #611202. E6/23tfn ering Rd. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Every- thing goes. Lots of great stuff. $6/23 Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS Date: June 16, 2011 Prepared by: Detective Willtam Adam Balktin#: 11-2"/ The Mason Cotalty Sheriff's ninon i~ releasing the followh~g in formation pul~uant to RC'W 4.24~g50 a~d the Washington Stale Sup~me Court decision in ~ which aathorlzcs law enlbr~ement aa~cics to inform dw pablic of a sex offenders release ~hen; in II1¢ discretion of the agency, the rde~se of inibnnatio~ will enhance public safcty aJgt Ftotection. The indiqdual who appaars on this notification has b~n onto'toted of a sex offense that rcq aims registration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their residence. Fu.,lher. their prc~ious criminal histcrO" places them in a cl&ssificadon level which rcfl¢cLs the potential to re- oflbnd. This sex offender has served the senteile¢ impost~d on him by the courts and has advL~'d the Mason County Sheriff's Oflle¢ that he will be living in the location below. HE IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO iNCREASE FEA R~ RATHE R~ IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER [71IBLIC. The Mason Cotasy Sheriff's Office has no legal authority to dlrecl where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless court ordered testr/ctions exist, this offender is constitutionally free to live wherever be ebeoscs, Sex offenders have always lived in our e~nnraunities, but it wasn't until passage orth¢ Community Protection Act of 1990 (which man&#e.ssexqllb~lerregistratkmllhatlawcnthreemcntevenkn¢~be-retheywereliving. In many cases, law enlbrcement is now able to sham that inlbrmathm -¢,,a h you. Citizen abus~ of Ibis in fomlathm k~ threaten, inlimidatc or hat registered sex ofli:nders will nol ha tolerated. Further. such abuse could po~ntially grad taw cnfi~rcemcnt's ability m do e~n'nm unity nofifications. We believe the only p¢~on who wins l£communitv notification ends is the sex offender, alnc~ sex offenders der/ve their power through sex¢¢cy. If van have nay infermsfin= reeardhr~ eurren! cHmhr II aeUvttv mf thi~ or any atber offender= nleluae ~l1911. For other sex offender information, ~ff, l~./././././././././.~ ,..O,.~s~L~_A~.~.~. JAMES LLOYI} GENTRY WHITE MALE-DOB: 04102154 - 5'-10"-215 LBS. BROWN HAiR & HAZEL EYES James GENTRY has recently becdme homeless within the north end of Masam County and is now registering as Transient/Homeless. GENTRY is required to register as a oO~nder due to a conviction on 05/29/1997 to Communication with a Minor for hnmoml Purposes, Kitsap County Superior Court cause #96-1-00226-.5. This conviction stems from GENTRY at age 43, sexually -- assaulting a known 14 year old gift on numerous six month period. Due to the above conviction, GENTRY is assessed as a log, risk, but due to his new transient status, he is considered s high risk. GENTRY is assessed by the Mason County Sherifffs Office as a level 1 sex offender, but due to his transient] homeless status, he is now risked as a Level 3 ~x Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offcnder. meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. GENTRY has eiven his status within Mason County as: TransientfHomeless within Belfair, WA Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 23, 2011 [ r ' "1 Shelton-MasonI1m,,C°unty I n I' a one year subscription = D ltl , : ma,led to the ,ollow, ng address: : ~:: .......... ~ '~ ~ I ~.~.~i ~ IName:-'~--'~', I Addms:-- l I City: ~ State: Zip: l I Your #I Mason County News Source Since 1886 l n I Mail: PO Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Main offices: 227 W. Cot, St., Shelton I /ll - I J I , 0 $51 in Washington State PO Box 430 , I Phone: (360)426-4412 I ~I~,~1~ @~ I O $61out of state Shelton, WA98584 I I Satelliteoffice:NMChamberBldg, I..: "" - L.,,el--uestlons? Call 360.426.4412 [Your Parents