June 23, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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The third annual skin cancer one dies of melanoma in the United risk of developing melarloma, years. For this reason she hosts a prizes for division winners and a
awareness golf tournament ben- States. Melanoma strikes people For 10 years IdaMae Ryen's life Skin Cancer Awareness Charitydonation. Cost is $115 per person.
efiting the Melanoma Research of all ages, all races, all economic has been full of screenings every Golf Tournament and all proceeds For more information e-mail
Foundation (MRF) will be held on levels and both sexes. It is one of three to four months for melano- are donated toward Melanoma Re- skincancer4golf@aol.com. Player
July 9, at LakeLand Village Golf the fastest growing cancers in the ma. When first diagnosed she was 'search. The four-person scramble participation, merchandise or
and Country Club in Allyn. United States and worldwide. One told that she that it"was a real pos- tournament includes: range balls, financial support of any size is
Every hour of every day, some- in 50 Americans has the lifetime sibilit3P she would be dead in two tee prize, green fees, barbecue, greatly and humbly appi'eciated.
Relay for Life celebrates 11 years in Shelton
The Relay for Life of those suffering with can- Rd. Teams are at the track friends gather at the track.
Shelton is celebrating its cer. This event will be on for 24 hours walking for This 24-hour event raises
11th year - raising aware- June 24 and 25 at Shelton those lost and for those still money to help find a cure
ness, funding research,High School Track located fighting. Entertainment, for cancer. Come join the
and improving lives of at 3737 Shelton Springsfood, and great family and celebration.
United Way prepares for annual meeting
United Way of Mason County Law changes and elect additional that are introduced at the meeting,
has scheduled its Annual Meeting directors. Included on the agenda, according to Jeannie Gruber, Exec-
from 12 to 1:30 p,m. on Monday, United Way plans to ask members utive Director.
July 18 at the Alpine Way Retire- to approve the new mission state- For more information and to
ment Apartments, located at 900 ment, to "Mobilize the power of our RSVP, please contact United Way
Alpine Way in Shelton. Lunch will local community to help our neigh- at 329 West Railroad Avenue, Suite
be served and the meeting is open to bors in need and advance the corn- 204, Shelton, WA 98584; call 426-
the public, mon good." Anyone who has donated 4999 email at uway@hctc.com. Ad-
United Way's Board of Directors $10 or more to United Way of Ma- ditional information may also be ob-
plans to host the meetitig, at which son County since August 2010 is tained by referring to United Way's
donors will hear an annual report considered a member and is eligible web site www.unitedwaymasonco.
on use ,of donations, approve By- to vote for new directors and topics org.
St. David's Episcopal Church extends a warm "Thank you" for the many gifts of
financial and volunteer support given for our June 10th "Save the'Parish Hall"
event. We raised nearly $30,000!
Contributions came from over 190 ticket holders as well as St. Edward's
Catholic Church and Youth Group, Faith Lutheran Church, Shelton Presbyterian
Church, Shelton Methodist Church, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Shelton Baptist
Church, Gayle Weston, Richard LeMieux, Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel, Suzanne
Olson, Matthew Melendez Blegen and McGavick Winery.
Additional financial support is still needed to save 1926 Parish Hall building
and meet The Simpsor :Famih/Fund's Matching Grant deadline.
Call St. David's at (360) 426-8472 for further information.
2011 Ford F250 Super
Duty Crew Cab 4x2
6.2 Ltr. Vii, 6 spd Auto,
Lariat pkg., Tube steps, more
emb Obcoum =,sm
Price: 41.790
i~x~e soo
*FMCC Bonus Cmh 1,000
Promo CMh 1000
** Military 500
Fb~I Price $38,790
$5,$00. No second stid~rs
, sheltm~;WA (NO) 42~5S8S
. www/,gi, Ilisautocenter.com
United Way's fall
fund drive kick off
golf tournament
United Way of Mason County will kick off its 2011
Fundraising Campaign with a Golf Tournament on Sat-
urday, August 27 at the Lakeland Village Golf Course
in Allyn. Shotgun start time is at 11 a.m. and includes a
4-person scramble. The $100 per person participation fee
includes golf, tee prizes, and a BBQ following the event.
All net proceeds will go to forward the mission of United
Way of Mason County to "Mobilize the power of our local
community to help our neighbors in need and advance the
common good."
For 45 years, United Way of Mason County has worked
to build and sustain the health of our community by pro-
viding financial support to health and human service
agencies. Each agency works toward increasing an indi-
vidual's access to education, income, and health, the basic
building blocks of a good life. In addition to grant making
we are impacting the health of our community with our
own initiatives and efforts, including financial literacy, as-
set building, WIN 211, prescription discounts, and agency
partnership support and training. By creating opportuni-
ties for a better life for all, we advance the common good of
Mason County. Live United means being part of the mis-
sion to create lasting changes.
To register, please send checks payable to UWMC to
Barb Dunbar, c/o GDRCo, PO Box 9001, Shelton, WA
98584 before August 1. For additional information regard-
ing cart reservation contact call 427-4749 or contact Barb
at bdunbar@greendiamond.com.
Full Day Kindergarten & Grade 1
¢c'ombme(h'hz~/ (LIMIT 12)
*Washington State Approved School
427-3165 schoolmolc@comcast.net
Visit www.masoncounty.com
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Mlssot~"i Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m
Oartstlan Education ................. 9:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship ............... ll:OO am.
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427 3165
www.molc.ctsmemberconnect.n e
Grace Baptist Church
... for the faith of the ~os~l
Times of Services:
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ......11 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p.m.
At~te Gn~ BI~. on ~te Imp l~l.
Contact us:
Mailing address:
PO Box 1025, Shelton, WA 98584
Fhone: (360) 462-1611
E-mail: past0r@gbcshdt0n;org
KM~4~ 1030
~d,~ 0:30. lO:OOae
I e
SmhvMeruialBibleSt~ 9~tat 7Z$1tlilmdA~
Traditional Service .... ;
Children and Adult r Ioh~ll 9 AM • childcare both services
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 23, 2011
Christ Lutheran Church
3701 NE Northshore Road * Belfair, WA 98528-9434
(360) 275-3354
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.
Childcare: 36 275 499
St. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
New Community
Church of Union
~ Sunday Gatherings
(All ate u,t,lco~ne. )
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
Shdton United Methodist Church