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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The play '%Vho's on First" has four veteran actors Barbara Hubbard, Fred Burgdorf, Mike Plomski and Karla Lortz and one newcomer Scott Newman, who plays the disembodied voice that grants our unintended wishes when we rub a magic lamp in the play. The play is a dark comedy that involves a rubber chicken used in various ways in different scenes. The four actors use a variety of accents - such as hillbilly, English, mobster and Japanese - as they are put in a new situation by the disembodied voice in every scene. The three performances are at 8 p.m. June 24, 25 and at 3 p.m. on June 26 at the Harstine Island Community Hall Tickets are $8 and the play has adult content. Tickets can be purchased at the door or Olympic Bakery and Jarrell's Cove Marina. Call 427-5318 for more information. Courtesy pho;o Barbara Hubbard and Fred Burgdorf holding the lamp that causes a lot of trouble in the play. Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mason General Hospital Foun- dation Golf Tournament at Lakeland Village Golf Course, 200 E Old RanCh Rd, Allyn. Mason General Hospital Foundation will host its annual quality- care open tournament and awards dinner. Funds raised will help to pur- chase much needed equip- ment for Public Hospital District No. 1. 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Business Builder Work- shop at Grove Street Pub, 233 S First St., Shelton. Join us for a presentation by Tony Beauchaine on TASC's Section 105 medi- cal reimbursement pro- grams. These strategies may help small-business owners save thousands of tax dollars. SUB BIDS REQUESTED Saturday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Mason County Republicans 35th Dist. Reagan Centennial celebration and fundraiser with featured speaker Kir- by Wilber, WSRP Chair- man at Lakeland Village Community Ctr., 470 E Country club Dr., Allyn. 1-6 p.m., Art and Wine at the Haven fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of North Mason and Faith in Action of West Sound is scheduled at the Haven in Allyn. Tickets are $15, if purchased in advance by calling 277-0636. Tickets at the door are $18. 1:30-2:30 p.m., Shel- ton Timberland Library presents Heart and Soul of Mexico, for all ages. Mariachi Mexico presents a total cultural experi- ence with regional musi- cal ~rach[ions of Mexico, traditional instruments, Spanish language, and fun facts. The show is packed with music, audience in- teraction, authentic cos- tumes, and humor. This Summer Reading event is part of a Timberland Regional Library district- wide program. For more information call 426-1362. 1:30--4 p.m., Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Summer Reading kick-off, for children and teens. Stop by the library, listen to mariachi music, enjoy cool crafts and sign up for Summer Reading. This Summer Reading event is part of a Timber- land Regional Library dis- trict wide program. For more information call 426- 1362. Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Mason County Historical Society Car Show downtown Shel- ton on 5th and Railroad. This event is sponsored by Yesteryear Car Club of Shelton. Open to all makes and models of antiques, classic cars, rods and mo- tor. Registration fee is $10 minimum donation. All proceeds go to the Histori- cal Society. Judging starts at 10 a.m. 9:30 a.m., Help support the flower baskets at the Flower Dough. Proceeds from this bake sale benefit the beautification fund. If you are able to donate a baked good, deliver it to Sage Book Store on Rail- road, downtown Shelton, by 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 26. Any baked good will be appreciated and sold. 3 p.m., Special board meeting of the Olympic College 'Board of Trust- ees on Sunday June 26 through Tuesday June 28, at the Governance Insti- tute for Student Success sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at 3600 Suncadia Trail, Cle Elum, WA 98922 Monday 1 p.m., The Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library will meet. The Friends of the Library raise funds to help the li- brary with programs, fur- nishings and other items outside of the regular budget. The organization has helped the commu- nity with hundreds of pro- grams, events and items for the library. For more information, call 426- 1362. 5:30-7 p.m., Thur- ston Mason RSN Mental Health Advisory Board meeting will be held at Shelton Civic Center, 525 W. Cota St. 6 p.m., Mason Coun- ty Optimist Club. Meets secaiid ~I~d fsurth Man- day, Taylor Town Station Restaurant. 62 SE Lynch Road. Tuesday 12--1 p.m., North Ma- son Kiwanis meeting in Belfair Community Bap- tist Church basement. The point of contact for North Mason Kiwanis is Del Morton 275-2523. Wednesday 1-6 p.m., Support Group for Chronic Pain and Other Invisible dis- abilities please call for 2011 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 5.7 Ltr, Auto, Sit pkg, Tube steps, Tow pkg. & more 1D?RU 1GT38S$70831 MSRP 40,805 Giilis Discount 2,500 Sale Price 38,305 Rebate 2,750 Sale Price 38,305 Ally Finance Bonus Cash 1,000 SLT Bonus Cash 1,000 Final Price $33,555 SAVE BIG! May not qulllfy for sll incentives. See dealer for details One at this price Ad ends 6~28/I 1. Shelton WA (360) 426-5585 www.qillisautocenter, com meeting schedule and fur- ther information at 426- 0900. We offer something every week, alternating weeks we have regular meetings at the hospital or local coffee get together on opposite weeks every Wednesday. June 30 2-3:30 p.m., Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Ice Cream and Books for teens. Eat ice cream, talk about books you like and hear about more books. Refreshments pro- vided by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Li- brary. This Summer Read- ing event is part of a Tim- berland Regional Library district-wide program. For more information, call' 426-1362. 4 p.m., The monthly board meeting of the Ma- son Conservation District has been rescheduled and will be held at the District office in Shelton. 6-9 p.m., Mason Area Fair fundraiser. Doors open with live jazz. Loca- tion is the VFW Memorial Hall, behind the post of- rice in Shelton. All funds raised will be distributed by the Mason Area Fair. Tickets $15 per adult and $5 per kid. Create your masterpiece and enter it in the Fair, July 29-31. Tickets available by call- ing Rachel Hansen at 427- 5599. 7-8:30 p.m., Prostate Cancer Awareness and support group for men and significant others meets in the Skokomish Room, at Mason General Hospital. Contact Bill at 426-2486 for more information. See Our 1st-Run Green lantern Dally 2:10, 4:30, 6:S0pm Additional Shows Fd-Sal 9:05pro [] CARS 2 Dally 2:15, 4:35, 7:009m Additional Shows Frl-Sat 9:15pm [] 6124 - 6128 6/29 - 6/30 On Independence Day weekend, take a drive up Highway 101 to the gateway of the Olympic Peninsula to Celebrate Hoodsport Washington. The Hoodsport Community Events Association and area merchants are pleased to announce the upcoming 26th annual Celebrate Hoodsport Independence Day event. This two-day event, sponsored by the Lucky Dog Casino, features a street fair with more than 50 vendors, live auction and a fireworks display at the Hoodsport Marina. Make your plans "today to stroll through the street fair to see all the merchants displaying a variety of art, crafts, jewelry, wood carvings, dream catchers, gourmet sausages, leather goods, clothing, kettle corn and more. Events Schedule Saturday Street fair 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Hood Canal Kiwanis annual Pancake Breakfast 7 - 11 a.m.; Hoodsport Library Book Sale 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Model T Pub and Eatery's Live Auction begins at 2 p.m. The Hood Canal Kiwanis Annual Pancake Breakfast will be held at the Hood Canal Community Church. The cost for this event is $5. Live broadcasts from 96.5FM The Sound and sister station 1240AM KGY will take place during the event. Sunday Street fair 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.; fireworks display begins at 10 p.m. Hoodsport Community Events will be selling raffle tickets at the Hoodsport hardware store for prizes, including electronics, vacation packages, gift bags and much more. Event t-shirts will also be available for purchase. Winners will be announced and notified on July 6. Winners do not need to be present to win. Mason County Transit will provide transportation to the events. Pick- up locations include Shelton Civic Center, Shelton Kneeland Plaza, Hood Canal School, Twin Totems, Glen Ayr Resort, The Tides Restaurant, the Lake Cushman maintenance shop and Lake Cushman store. For more information about transportation, contact Mason County Transit at 427- 5033 or visit Celebrate Hoodsport events will be announced on Comcast cable channels, 96.5FM The Sound, 1240AM KGY, 94.5FM Roxy Radio, 1030AM KMAS and more. For more information about Celebrate Hoodsport 2011 events, please visit Mason General Hospital Bid Package #MGH-6.A: Decorative Metal Railings Bid Package #MGH-6.B: RFI and EM Shielding Bid Package #MGH-6.C: Seismic Joint Cover Assemblies Bid Package #MGH-6.D: Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation Bid Package #MGH-6.E: Firestopping Bid Package #MGH-6.F: Stucco Bid Package #MGH-6.G: Equipment Supports BIDS DUE: July 19, 2011 at 12:00pm HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Bid Phone: (206) 286-6697 - Fax: (206) 286-7523 1505 Westlake Ave N, Suite 500 - Seattle, WA 98109 - LIC # HOFFMCC164NC We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontractin~l Opportunities - Internet http:l/ ¢ pOVV14TOWI4 ilS¢/GROV 740 I.IW 1 u31¢ Tickets Available at: Grove Street Brewhouse O First & Grove. Sage Book Store @ 116 W. Railroad Ave., Lynch Creek Rora/@ 331 W. Railroad Ave., r.J qm gMii .41, W. Railroad Ave.. Bill 8usacca DDS@ 1525 Olympic Highway North Sponsored by McCarty & Assoc. A Marketing Firm I Mike Olsen Construction I Bill 8usacca DDS Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 23,2011 - Page B-3 |