June 23, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 23, 2011 |
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The Shelton High School classThe class is extending their re- music from 5:30 to midnight. A 101. Classmates and friends will to bring memorabilia they would
of 1966 is planning their 45th union invitation to include family cash bar is available in the room gather at the outdoor patio any- like to share at the memory table.
reunion on Saturday, August 6, members of the classmates as well with ATM's conveniently located time after 5:30 p.m. for no-host Copies of materials and photos are
at the Little Creek Casino and as others school friends who at- throughout the casino, beverages, burgers or a full course suggested, as the return of origi-
Resort in Shelton. The doors of tended Shelton High School in the The cost for the evening is $45 meal. There will also be a round of nals can't be guaranteed. The
the Sa'Heh~Na'Mish banquet mid 60's. Former Irene S. Reed per person. Those interested in at- golf planned for Friday afternoon class will be providing sign-up
room will open at 5:30 for check and Shelton High School staff tending can mail their checks or or Saturday morning if there's sheets for anyone interested in
in and socializing. The first floor and teachers are also encouraged money orders by July 1 to: Sl~elton enough interest. The course will meeting once a month for dinner
room opens to a spacious outdoor to attend. The evening will fea- Class of'66, PO box 1640, Shelton, be determined at a later date, de- or lunch. There will also be a sug-
patio where classmates will fur- ture a prime rib and chicken buf- WA. 98584. pending on whether or not the new gestion box for ideas for the 50th
ther enjoy renewing the friend- fet that will include red potatoes, There will be an additional golf course at the casino resort is reunion in 2016. For more infor-
ships of many who attended Shel- seasonal vegetables, green salad, gathering on Friday night, August open to the public; those who are mation, please call Bob Dodge at
ton High School in the mid 60's. rolls, dessert and coffee. Dinner 5, at Taylor Station, formerly Tay- interested should contact Duane 426-6700 or 229-2539 or email
The committee urges everyone to will be served around 7:30. Back- lor Town, located one mile north Fagergren 239-3366. your comments or questions to:
come early and stay late. stage Pass will provide classic rock of Little Creek casino on highway Schoolmates are encouraged SheltonClass66@aol.com.
Shelton student
receives Oil Can
Henry's scholarship
With graduation quickly approaching and college
on the near horizon, some local high school seniors
received welcome news this week. In its second year,
the Oil Can Henry's Scholarship program awarded
88 $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school stu-
dents in the communities it serves in Arizona, Cali-
fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Niccole Jablonski, from Capital High School, won
the scholarship that was awarded by the Oil Can
Henry's center in Sheiton 2919 Olympic Highway N.
"We were thoroughly impressed by the strength
of this year's applicants and feel fortunate to be able
to provide assistance in their education," said Chris
Shepanek, CEO of Oil Can Henry's. "We are espe-
cially proud that this sizable scholarship fund goes
back into every commtmity we serve -- with each
winner being a local neighbor to an Oil Can Henry's
Scholarship winners were selected on the ba-
sis of academic record, leadership, participation
in school and community activities, work experi-
ence and an essay submission. The 300-word es-
says focused on the topic: what trust means to
me. Trust is a key component of Oil Can Henry's
core values, so it made sense to incorporate trust
into the essay topics.
Courtesy photo
Pictured from left to right, back row: Teacher Carla
Tranum, School Director Margarete Dohring; second
row, Kaylee Reber, Andrew Moore; front row, Ethan
Roberts, Addie Kunkel. This is Mt. Olive's first year
for a school and is taking enrollment for Kindergarten
and 1st grade for the school year 2011-2012.
Olympic College
Shelton announces
schedule for summer
quarter 2Oll
There is still time to register for Summer Quar-
ter. Summer 2011 classes begin Tuesday, July 5
through Thursday, Aug. 25 at Olympic College
Shelton. Summer classes include core offerings
such as English, math, computer and business
management classes to name a few. In addition
there will be several Continuing Education (CE)
classes held during the summer weekends such
as Coastal Navigation, The Art of Wine Tasting,
and Flagging Certification.
Also, early registration is underway now for
Fall Quarter, which begins Monday, September
Call 432-5400 or stop by the campus located at
937 W. Alpine Way in Shelton for more informa-
tion about Summer or Fall Quarter classes.
Summer office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday thru Thursday, and closed Fridays, from
June 27 to Aug. 26.
Before the start of Summer Quarter, the cam-
pus will be closed June 20 to 24 and before the
start of Fall Quarter from Aug. 29 to Sept. 2. For
advising and registration assistance during the
campus closure dates, please contact 1-800-259-
t 0 I L DIST. CO
• IJ
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We are pleased to welcome
Dr. Stephen K Edwards, DMD to our
office on a fulltime basis
Come see why everyone is smiting!
To our Forest Festival Committee Members, I want to thank you all for your hard work this
year. Without you this event would not happen. And to think it has happened for 67 years
in a row. I hope it survives to celebrate 100 years• And with my retiring, I want you all to
know I am just a phone call away if you need help. Its just time for me to spend more time
with my family. Thank You!!! -- Debi Harvey, President
Mason County Forest Festival Sponsors for the 2011 Event
Green Diamond Resource Co. JX Construction ProBuild of Shelton & Hoodsport
Manke Lumber Co. Snell Crane Service Marianos Jewelry Store
Simpson Timber Company McFarland Cascade Wittenberg, CPA
Gillis Auto Center, Inc. Senior News Transmissions Plus
94.5 ROXY Alyeska Cedar Works, Inc. Squaxin Island Child Development Center
The Shopper's Weekly Btack Star Steven H. Bowers, DDS, PS
Port of Shelton Anytime Fitness of Shelton : Kellie Binder
AAA Septic Pumping & Potty Rentals Aipme Way Retirement Apartments Tozier Brothers, Inc.
Digital Printing Balance Day Spa Teresa & Jeff Gunter
Shelton Life CFM Autobody Correne Beaudoin
Roosters Restaurant Castro Automotive Linda Glover
City of Shelton & Mason County Coffee News Darrick Freeman
Mason County Journal Cut Rate Auto Parts Blaine & DeAnn Maples
KMAS Radio 1030 Heritage Bank Nick Earsley
Cooper Studios Extreme Auto Body Dane Marbut
Gateway Rental and Steve Boothe Cary's Tire and Repair Cathy Jones
Shelton Fire Department David A. Thacher, DDS Don Monger
McCarty & Assoc. Jerry's Drive-In Tina Nance
Olympic Physicians Kitsap Sings, LLC Dwight McKay
Centennial Hospital Guild Hackney Family Dentistry Candace Meacham
Shelton City Parks Department Edward Jones & Janis Byrd Martin Nelson
Diamond Excavating Lynch Creek Floral Rachel Sprouffske
Christmas Town Kiwanis Oil Can Henry's Cecil Staples
City of Shelton Public Works Dept. Les Schwab Tire Center Cameron Olinger
Hood Canal Lions Club Habitat for Humanity Gary Orr
Shelton Kiwanis Mitchell Lumber Metanie & Mike Willig
Shelton Rotary Our Community Credit Union Mike Rose
Phyllis & Duane Guenther Memorial Mary Kay Cosmetics-Marlo Brown Beau Systma
Grooming by Georgia Lakeside Industries Steve Petty
Bonnie Porter Shelton Inn Dusty Watts
Skookum Rotary Peninsula Credit Union Hotli Kimmel
Equestriennes of Mason County Dr. Brian Oleson, DDS Sam Valley
Morning Star Uons Club Little Creek Casino Resort John Tarrant, Grand Marshall
Matt Hinkle and His Football Players Voiture 135, 40 et 8
Christmas Village - Barbara Ingraham Treasures Thrift Store
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 23, 2011