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Mason County 4-H is again hosting a free summer
day camp at CHOICE High School in Shelton. Fund-
ed by a Schools' Out Washington "Feed Your Brain"
grant, 4-H Summer Day camp runs from 10 a.m. to
3:30 p.m. on July 11 to August 4. It is open to all ma-
son County youth enrolled in second through sixth
grades for the 2011 to 2012 school years and is not
intended for kindergarteners or children enrolled in
other daycare or day camp programs for the summer.
4-H Day Campers play games, make crafts, build
friendships, learn nutrition and literacy skills and
above all have fun. Campers go on field trips around
the county, including parks, swimming pools and li-
braries. In addition, all day campers receive a new
book to read and keep each week. Free lunch and
snacks are provided by the Shelton School District's
Summer Feeding program.
Registration forms are available online, at Bor-
deaux, Mt. View and Evergreen Elementary, or at the
WSU Extension office at 303 N. Forth St., Shelton.
Hurry. Registrations are due by July 1 and spots are
filling up fast.
For more information visit wsu.edu/masordyouth/
youth/pages/4-Hcamps or contact Kathy Fuller at 427-
9670 ext. 681.
Honorable return of local missionary
"It was the best two con-
secutive years of my life so
far," says Samuel Densley
regarding his recent expe-
rience as a full-time mis-
sionary for the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints in the Las Vegas Ne-
vada Mission. The mission's
geographical boundaries in-
clude the eastern side of the
state of Nevada, plus small
portions of Arizona and Cal-
Densley became a Dis-
trict Leader within his mis-
sion with a district usually
comprised of fonr to six mis-
sionaries. He later became
a Zone Leader over a zone
of about four districts. In
these positions he was able
to motivate and train other
missionaries and track data
for the mission.
When asked what was
most surprising about being
a missionary, Densley re-
marked on how nonstop the
effort was. "Before I went on
my mission I knew I would
Courtesy photo
Samuel Densley, along with another LDS
missionary toured part of the county on the
mission trip.
be busy and I knew all the experience was dealing with
commitments involved, but people. He enjoyed the di-
I didn't realize how continu- versity of the people he met
ous it would be. We would and says that he really grew
wake up, study, teach les- to love talking with people
sons, give service, meet peo- and listening to them. The
pie until 9 p.m. each day, down side was spending
then go to bed and wake up constant time with the occa-
and do it all again." sional companion that had
He said that the best and a "challenging" personality.
worst part of the mission Densley admits learning to
find a "Christ-like" way of
adjusting to many situa-
tions, which as part of the
growing experience of the
"I appreciate many
things about my mission
experience. Most especially,
I am more aware of others
now and more focused on
the direction my life is go-
Densley is a 2008 gradu-
ate of Shelton High School
where he was the marching
band drum major, percus-
sionist, co-director of "Night
of Musical Theater 2008"
and a member of the Na-
tional Honor Society.
He is also a Seminary
graduate and an Eagle
Scout. Prior to his mis-
sion he attended Southern
Virginia University play-
ing varsity soccer and par-
ticipating in the concert
band. He will be attending
Brigham Young University-
Idaho in the fall where he
will study business.
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City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes
vaccine, wormer, spay/neuter plus $10
city license.
New dogs are brought in all the
time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter
at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs may be
viewed at shelton.potfinder.com.
The hours are Monday through
Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shel-
ter is closed Saturday and Sunday.
Current listings:
Pit Bull, female, six years old.
Labrador Retriever mix, one year
old .....
Pit Bull, female, five months old.
Pit Bull mix, female, two years old.
Kitten Rescue
Jon is ready for a forever home of
his own. This energetic young kitten
is looking for a special family that will
give the love, warmth and safety that
this playful kitten needs and deserves.
He would like if one of his friends
• Compaq .HP,
• .Blackberry
• Cas/o .Dell
opalm & MORE
The Washington State Department of
Ecology, Water Quality Program is
currently planning its permit workload for
the coming year (July 1,2011, through
June 30, 2012). We will be making permit
decisions for wastewater discharges in
your community. Permits help protect
water quality by setting limits on the
anmunt of pollution that may be
discharged into lakes, rivers, marine
waters, and groundwater. In addition,
permits define monitoring, reporting, and
other requirements. The facilities listed
below will have permitting decisions made
this year. The permits have been ranked in
order of the environmental benefit to be
gained from permit reissuance. A.tentative
decision on which permits to issue, renew,
and which to reauthorize under the existing permit
is presented in the tbllowing lists.
Further Information:
lfyou want to comment on any permits, you can be placed on an e-mailing list
for a specific facility to receive a copy when available, or to be placed on the
OEPARTMENT or general e-mailing list, please contact:
ECOLOGY Industrial Permits, Sherri Oreenup atsherri.greenupOecy.wa.gov
State of Washington Municipal Permits, Carey Cholski at carey.cholskiOecy.wa.gov
TDD: 360-407-6306 or write P.O. Box 47775. Olympia, WA 98504-7775
You can also go to our websitewww.ecy.wa.govlprogramrdwq/permita/soulhest permitt.html to
view individual permits.
New Permits to be Issued:
Domestic Wastewater Facilities (Municipal):
• M~son County/Beithir "
• Crab Fresh
Permits to be Reissued:
could come too. Jon wants to share
a lifetime of kitty cuddling, napping
and kitty-play. Jon will bring years
of enjoyment and companionship to
the right home. For information on
Jon and other indoor only kitties call
584-0594 or leave a message at 426-
Adopt-A-Pet Dog of the Week
Meet Bosley and Dillon. Bosley is a
seven year-old Australian Shepherd]
English Springer Spaniel mix who
was adopted from us a year ago but re-
turned when his elderly human com-
panion ended up in a nursing home.
He is a very sweet boy and would be a
great addition to a family looking for a
more mature dog. He gets along well
with other dogs and is ok with cats and
children as well. Dillon is a six year-
old Basset Hound]Australian Shep-
herd mix. He is a great little: guy that
loves everyone and everything. Both
dogs are house trained, walk well on a
leash and know their basic obedience
commands. If you have been looking
for a dog that just wants a safe, loving
home and not a great deal of exercise,
please consider meeting either one of
these great dogs. To set up an appoint-
ment please call 432-3091 or visit our
website adoptapet-wa.org
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Time 'To Sag 3 are ell
Larry Harper's friends, relatives and acquaintances are invited to attend a
Memorial Service on June 25 at 1 p.m. at the Mormon Church. The address
is 1200 Connection St., Shelton. His family hopes you will find time to join
them in a celebration of his life. He enjoyed everyone and was quick to offer
help to anyone who needed it.
The most dangerous thing you could say to Larry was "such and such a
person needs help." He would be off to help them without waiting to see if
anyone else was coming.
He never sought recognition for anything; he was grateful and honored to be
in a position where he could be of assistance.
Three times he was elected to be the commander of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and served the Vets honorable and faithfully. Even after completing his
time as commander he served the VFW any way he could until the end.
Larry and Peggy raised a family here in Shelton. He worked for and retired
from Simpson and served the community and the Cemetery board among
many other accomplishments AND never asked for more than a smile or
friendly greeting in return.
Please jo'mus in a farewell and final salute.
Thank You
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 23, 2011