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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 23, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 23, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L~ i~.~lI. L li.atllmlmlll~l~mml~'iir"ns~'mu'~lwtl"ur"ut'~ju'qlrmmr :.ur-,,r'-mr.,~ Leonel Romon Espino Leonel Romon Espino was born June 10, 2011 at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Jenna Renee Espino and Edwin Alexander Espino of Olympia. He weighed seven pounds and 10 ounces. Mathew Bruce Pagel Mathew Bruce Pagel was born June 9, 2011 at Cap- ital Medical Center in Olympia to Misty Marie Pagel and Josh Gordon Pagel of Shelton. He weighed six pounds and 12 ounces and was 19 inches long. Fred and Kelley Crabtree celebrate Fred and Kelley Crabtree score. They also like to tent celebrated their 25th wed- camp, elk hunt and spend ding anniversary on the June lots of time with their family 21. and friends. Fred and Kelley reside They have two children, in Dayton on a farm where Jessica Crabtree who lives in they raise chickens, pigs and Dayton and Cassie Crabtree cows. Fred is a mechanic at who lives at home. Fred and Gillis Auto Center, where he Kelley have one granddaugh- has worked for the past eight ter, Paisley. They celebrated years. Kelley is the Executive their anniversary with a Director of Maple Glen As- Redneck BBQ party with all sisted Living where she has of their friends and family worked for 11 years. Fred attending, given by Kelley's enjoys coaching girls' softball mother, Peggy and their two and Kelley enjoys keeping daughters. 5 years I I I I I I I i I I l ROOFING SYSTEM" Present this coupon at time of appointment. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 6/30/11 www.The Roof Do.cto m *Minimum 1500 square feet of roofing space required to quality, for discount. ...... =. ~ == ~= .= == .. m m m -- m -- m == =- =- -- -- -- -- == I= B0 M! Windows &, DOors up to. $1,500 rd ilci q iified window oemk Ymt~ Shelton Roof Doctor =¢Rml ..,t,.. Lane ! i ii I il II •1' •, •¸ I '1' •' III I'll ' I , , r Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 23, 201 Simmons Continued from page B-1 Shelton and Jana Larson (Jeff Sorrini) of Auburn; brother Vernon Simmons of Portland, Ore.; stepchildren Todd, Mischa and Dana Ashbom; 11 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded h3 death by his parents, son George Jr. "Chip;" Simmons, daugh- ter Kay Marie Simmons, brother Robert Simmons and great-grandson Brody Simmons. Memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. on July 9 at the Skokomish Community Church, Skokomish Valley Rd., located at 3011 West Skokomish Valley in Shel- ton. Marion ZimmerscMed Marion Jeane (Jellis) Morton Zimmerschied, 86, died Sunday, June 12, 2011. She was a resident of Mason County for 44 years. She was born August 17, 1924 to Mary (May) Gilsdorf and John E. Jellis in Wino- ha, Minn. She and her two sisters Mildred and Marjorie were born in the same house as their father; the girls grew up in Winona and she grad- uated from Winona Senior High School in 1942. The family shared that ~urlng the war years she worked her way through Wi- nona State Teachers College at a drug store as a soda jerk. One day a tall, Tex- an soldier Zimmerscheid came in and on im- pulse; she invited him home to a fam- ily dinner. She married Sam Morton six months later on June 5, 1943. After her husband retired from the Army in 1968, the family settled in Mason NOMSG • WeM Vecjetable.Oil: :++ V+,We Make.As You Order ;! Mon-Sat 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. 3101 Olympic Hwy N. • Shelton ;(Exit Hwy 101,Wallace.Kneeland ] '. + & 0ymp c Hwy N.):] • / Wine &.Beer / Available . i ;+ Ask me about Accident Forgiveness. With other insurance companies, having an accident can mean your rates rise as much as 40% But with AIIstate's Accident Forgiveness, your rates won't go up at atl just because of an accident. Don't wait! Call me today. BOB BUHL (360) 427 5854 116 W RAILRD AVE#106 SHELTON Come and compare your current policy with one from Alhtite. Ygu're in~l+++d hat+tlm; Feature is optional and subject to terms and conditions. Sale Orivinti Bonus~ won't apply after an accident. In CA, you could still 10se the 20% Good Driver 0ldcounL Allstate tim and Casually ti1~lllm~ ~ml~ly: N0rthbrcok, IL. O 2010 Allstate Insurance Company County. Her first job was as a postal worker on a down- town route. It was that year that Mason County had one of the worst winters with lots of snowfall, so when she was offered a position at the Health department she took it. For the next 19 years, she served as the executive sec- retary deputy registrar for the Mason County Health Department, re ]rlng Jn 1992. In May of that year, Sam Morton died in a traffic accident. In 1996, she married Nor- man Zimmerschied, a long- time family friend. They had a wonderful time trav- eling to Europe, Hawaii and visiting family and friends around the country, the family shared. Her hobbies included hik- ing in the Olympics with friends, going to the ocean, writing short articles, bowl- ing at the Shelton bowl- ing alley, swimming before work at the high school and knitting all kinds of items for family such as sweaters, // blankets, hats and scarves. She did volunteer work for the American Red Cross as a Gray Lady and other or- ganizations. She was on the cradle roll for the Method- ist Church and' continued her membership throughout her life. Her family states that her grandchildren and great-grandchildren were her greatest joy. She is survived by her husb d, ChaPl+m Zimmerschied of Shelton; sister Marjorie Belk of Ba- ten Rouge, La.; son Michael Samuel John Morton (Bette) of La Center; step-daughter Lori Coss of Kennewick; grandchildren John Mor- ton of Welches, Ore, Brenda Morton of Hillsboro, Ore, Erinn Hubbard of Mukilteo; Jesse Morton of Centen- nial, Colo., Ethan and Kea- gan Morton of La Pine, Ore, Jeffery and Jessica Coss of Kennewick; seven great- grandchildren Piper, Gavin, Logan, Carson and Brandy Morton, Cade Cooke and Reece Hubbard. Her first husband, Samu- el B. Morton, sister Mildred Holden, sons Patrick W. E. Morton and Timothy D. J. Morton, preceded her in death. A memorial service was held on June 18 in Union. The family asks that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Community Services for the Blind and Partially-Sighted at 9709 Third Ave. NE 100, Seattle, WA 98115-2027. 2011 Dodge 1500 Q Cab 4x4 5.7 Ltr., Auto, Sit pkg, tube steps, more 107eU?GT7~S56703V MSRP 39,955 Gillls Discount 3,000 Sale Price 36,955 Rebate 2.750 Ally Fin bonus cash 1,000 SLT bonus cash 1,000 Final Price $32,245 Save $7,750 Mly not qualify f¢< ~l +ncent ~. See dee+r fe< details. One at this prme. Ad ends ~2~1 L Shelton WA (360) 426-5585 I