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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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gage Two Dairy Farmers Must Maintain High Production Level to Avoid Shortage This country will face a critical milk shortage. this fall and winter RMIA THEATRE Tonite Only Preston Foster, Brenda sumd anew SJeUIJBJ KJIep ssoiun now to maintain high production levels, according to Wm. Auld, “Dairy farmers in this area have done a real job in helping to meet the war-time demand for said, “but the world needs more :produce.” Although some are handicapped by shortage of labor or inadequate facilities to increase materially iincreased milk production,” Auld‘ l milkvall the milk that we can' ' News Brevities From Dewatto By Mrs. P. W. Nance Dewatto, June 22gAccording to the calendar this is our first day of summer. To date we have had out here every summer. Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Clin- ninghani and son Kenny of Ar- cata, Calif., are visiting Kennetli’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham this week. They have also made short visits with their uncles, Monroe and Nance. l i I l l l lAmericawwent into effect across Wheeler 1 the nation without loss of income [to dairy farmer, creamery or dis- , Mr. George Milbourn was a bus- I tributor, the Office of Price Ad- ;SHELTON-MA‘SON COUNTY JOURNAL} Ration News (Continued from Page One) the new type of coupons about June 15. SAVE COVERS Save the COVers of your old “A” books for these must accom- BUTTER PRICES ROLL BACK The. retail price Of butter rolled back from 5 to Go a pound effec- tive June 10. The new lower pricesfla sub- stantial saving to every family in '1 WHAT bill: READERS '1 l RESOLUTION WHEREAS: reports here on the. West Coast are to the effect that; tration camps throughout the Un— ited States are being, or have been, released, upon proof of their loyalty and patriotism, to return to their former places of abode and occupation, and WHEREAS: we believe no me- thod or standards whereby the claimed American patriotism of these people can be judged or THINK II Applications for the new auto- mobile driver’s licenses, due for Jrenewal July 31, now are being partment of Licenses which has installed new photographic equip- ment which will greatly speed up issuance of the approximately 800,000 operator’s licenses which will be turned out. I War workers in a number of lthe larger plants will find the process made convenient for them lState Patrol Now Taking Applications l T y. For Drivers Licenses; No Examination as the application for operator’s permits will be taken right inl the plants. For instance a force' spot. Similar arrangements have been completed with the Boeing Company, Seattle—Tacoma, Lake Washington and Kaiser shipyards, by Thomas A. Swayze, License De- partment director. Generally, other motorists wiiil have to apply to the Patrol. Sup- plementing the Patrol and War plant facilities branch agents are hiirsdfly, June 24, .1 will not be given an exa " The last legislature autlio director of licenses to giVB inations only at such 136 he might deem necessary; persons whose records * need for examination. . Heretofore the law has ed examination of everyO, , Am secretaI'Y'tl’E‘aSUTCr 0f the SOUth' an abnormal amount of rain, but Pally your application for new many Japanese now being held i accepmd by offices of the VWash- of WAVES will be put on the job four years. Young people ‘5 west Washington Production Cre- one good thing it has elimihatnd “A” books which will be issued in filocation centers and concem ington State Patrol. The licenses at the Puget Sound Navy Yard ers applying for first lice ‘ 4.3;. Idlt Association. the fire hazard, which is a worry after June 21, Will be issued by the State Dc- , and applications taken on the those who have licenses . other states which do not! an examination recogl1i v adequate in Washington, examined. A brand new“ common-sense questions ing have been Worked this purpose. Those who; v amined also will be given . ough driving test on the l . . . . . ~ i d and . . . ~ I 4 J0 vce the size of their herdsY these re. mess ViSItor in Bremerton toda . mlnlStTaUOn announced prove , - , 11 1‘ ts bein bonded in various commun- If you WlSh t0 59“ you r) ducers, in the opinion of the IECA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore glf 011 higher grades 0f bUttel‘» thXZEEJiEngB'Sea vgiitgggorégfiigz Sigmulingi‘xéthhghghfofced itiesg to expedite the procedure, to Ten—Journal Want'A .1 “LITTLE TOKYO Iofficial, can, through the use ofiHOUY were dinner SUBStS Of Mr- I the rou'haCk 15 5C a Pouhd; 0h born or goreigr’l born have and be maintained with the utmost and in communities throughout " U S A temporary pasture crOpS, supple- amid/I Mrs. P. W. Nance Sunday. 110%“ gradesi 160 afllllouhg- h. t retain an inseparable ’attachment vigor and without any reiaxation the state busirtiess houses andl hillL .. . . . ,mentai feel, and better baianced rs. Louis Pfundt of Union,l 01‘ examp 6, e as mg 0n . . stores will accep the applications ‘. l -- f rations, keep their cows in heav- spent a few days with her mo- l housewife Who has been paying for the empemfr and the lgperiial WIEESTTIFUERYTHER RESOLVED A list of these will be announced I "" i “at: ier Production over a longer per- ther, Mrs. Nora Betz. Louis ' 570 a POUhd for tOP grade, hOW govemmhnt 0 JaPan’ h» ere y that all Japs be kept in concen: as soon as bonding is completed “GREAT-59L“ Friday - Saturday iod of time. Pfundt left for the fishing banks will pay only 52c. If she buys conshtutmg dual 0"“wa 1" 90‘“ nation, camps 0,. war relocation No Examination ‘ .cmNA (one “For those wh h last Friday. a lower grade, where she former- tl'ary ‘40 the laws 0f the Uhlted nt rs .n much the same man_ Every driver except persons in COFFEEAND . . ave a .Souhd, .l aid 56 the rice now will bc-Statesv and Ce 6 1 . . ‘- i Proportioned correc hams for credlt and ca t Mr. and Mrs. Law, Mr, and Mrs, y p c p , _ I. A I. n 1. 0 the military serVices must renew w“, “ i . . n mam am i l . 50 1 ' WHEREAS: we as Citizens and he as_ me 103 p is ners are . i .. r LE OUl TARZAN production through Increased feed lwm' OBheh' 0f Port orChaldi C or 655' now being treated in Japan and ms hoense and pay the $2 fee. A 01 ii mix ESE AND ” and for those who have facilities, 1 visited with Monroe Nance Sun- OREGON-WASHINGTON COAL taxpayers, feel it not only an 1111- BE IT FURTHER RESOL'VED majority of those applying, how- ' 3‘“ prope y , . ohR "Eh ’ day the 13th. PRODUCTION DROPS safe DOhCyi bUt a complete revel“ ever, for renewal of licenses now1 gives you better cop‘s Johnny Weissmiieller, Frances Gifford stands ready to finance their -needs,” Auld said. "Loans to buy [feed can be repaid on a monthly basis from milk or cream checks. to increase their herds, the PCAi , There is still some logging op- ;eration in this valley. Davidson I& Son are getting out logs per lschedule. They bring their crew lof about 18 men from Vaughn Coal production of Washington, mines has dropped more than 50 per cent during the past three weeks and coal imports a still greater percentage, it‘ was an- that sal in the prosecution of the war to an early end, now THERE- FORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Lieut. 'Gen. John L. DeWitt, who has ithat copies of this resolution be sent to Secretary of War Simp— son, congressmen of the state of lWashington, and the State Fed- l eration of Labor; also copies to be valid and in effect until July 31 Say It IV CONCRETf ‘ t- Sunday - Monday Tuesday .flg‘f; afsrfdége iaftgril age and Long Branch every day_ nounced today by J. H. Gatewood, ' i£1}?IllOllS‘EI‘ateCl all Of the qualifica- .Senédfo as]: iB'PéSg‘VP Locals 1 4:“, a] a. e 0 ' Bob Lo 11 ' _ administrative aid solid Fuel Ad- tlons of an excellent militar 1“ . e a e 0 as lhg 0h for They Bring Comfort l l pay extra labor, buy machinery, {fie loggisgebf’ois groinogf apgl'ft ministration for War commander and has gained mg their concurrence. Also copies be and Happiness } T‘: John Steinbeck’s $232331” rlzlrlllsyvabtiéy areé Orchard. g Gatewood announced the decline merited the respect and com- sent L005“ 353 10f Eleotnoal Unj FUNERAL DESIGNS AND 3' CONCRETE. TALL,ouR 5. “THE MOON IS meadows, pay taxe: and othrér‘ Frank Elms, who has been in coal supplies for the Pacific dence of the people of the West gate?“ a Pen ers Unlon 0f I-IOSPITAL BOUQUETS PRODUCTS {minimum seasonal costs which may be working att Port Orchard for the Nortlhwest inthclonnectioh yvithothe Cfoaglt, 2e retliaiged as Cgmwmaréder Signed Dollvel'ed anyWheI‘e, anytlme l mist-MD CAI 5 read out V I. _ governmen housing pro'ect; has regu ar mon y repor or re- 0 e our rmy an es ern ’ I Seventh St. Bridge, ~ mac,”- DOWN iing Loans 3%: ca: Bengfgtafilegd finished his work over there and gen and Washington of the SolidlDefense Command, and ggflioggll‘lgb 161 Phone 129 SH Sir Cedric Hardwick, Lee for purchasing additional cows.” 15 now: Working for BOb LOOhey- Fuels Admlmstratlon for May’ . BE IT FURTHER .BESOLVED’ IBPS &PMW She'm" Hardware Bldg' Cobb, Henry Travers Mr. Auld said an eight-pointI Dahd Sh°emaker of P0“ 01“ The heport revealed that the .de' ".1 the event that mlhtary “6065‘ (SEAL) ‘ ' ' ' Phone 232 270—w . aim/warn program to guide farmers in their chard and sons have begun ham- cline in both production and 1m-:Slty should cause the transfer of , h, “Ia/7H efforts for greater and more effi_ mg fort}l Datvidgoiih Loglging Co, porfiagions hadK occured during thei —_ _ , __..__ __ .. _ cient milk roduction - “h ers an 9 Pi ‘3 00-, OWII- pas 9‘” wee 5' . , " i. ' v I a. l. i . Wedneiiday ThuTSday nounced bg the Warhfiogggn 2:; ed and managed by Al Tillman, is Theaverage coal production for i I ‘ racing? of ministration and the Dairy In_ about through here, ithe mines of Washington is 45,000 . “71 wee Stan Laurel, Ollvel' Hardy dustry Committee. This programl Mr' V' F- SearCh 0f Mahhette tons a Week Gatewoo‘i reported‘ a ’(ios'mo' ‘ emphasizes adequate pasture sup- was a business ViSitor at the Durihg the paSt three weEkS‘pro‘ ‘ L mmhteo A-HAUNTING iplemental feeds when pastures be- ; NficeFfaim Suh'day- ghetmh has been less than 27,000 s ,9 come short, liber 1 ' 1'. 1‘1 Z, manager Of the Brem- 0115- , WE _ I roughages’ 400 to asoofifigllfigs 3: i erton branch of the Union Oil Co., MILEAGE RATIONING hay a month per COW, at least was a business visitor in the De- USED CAR RATIONS—RUIBS ‘ 21/, tons of silage per COW, ba1_ i watto Valley Monday. under which the purchaser of 3. fl_ 1 T111?“ Uigon tail truck broke an iised ca: mayc qualify tfor a: gaso- v . , Just m ,y/ //// if; a axe on ay e 14th and is stiu 1 inc ra ion 0 opera e i eVen 'WW\W\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\\“llllllllllmlllll’ll”.////////////M/.fl/ ////fl/ iparked out here for lack of parts though he is unable to get a tire . e § \\ g. to_ repair it. Mr. Thompson, the i inspection record from the prev- v W i \ / I driver, had to hitch hike to Brem- ious owner, have been provided in (O \ , a” erton. He said it was mostly hik- Amendment 34 to Ration Order . /I \\ / , ing 'and “0 boy were his dogs l—A, effective June 21. Under the| .3, . barking,” when he got home Mon. new procedure, if the buyer is un- i ' OLD day night- able to present the tire inspection‘ V . he must 20th CENTURY HAS THE, LOWEST CEILING PRICES IN TOWN. o , o: \“llllllllllll"HUI/l/I/l/II/l/IMW 1? Most of the fathers must have gone fishing ‘on Fathers’ Day. The cars started passing at early l dawn, the lakes and streams were I ever was issued for the vehicle, (1) No tire inspection record stock is priced according to the new 0. P. A. community price list unde Whipped to a froth, but no one or, ' 9 ' l Kentucky straight Bourbon Whiskey ifioggeia‘tlo :eportt their success. t (2)3313 buyer has beeiihunable COlllmIl 4 _' Wthh IS you odO‘llt have to you know ‘ a t ' e een oo ired, mis- 0 ge e record from e pre- . ‘ Egngfbgiligigirysgf,g $2,132 lggliiebgggeggfd igggry to stop tvioust owner after diligent at-’ no other store has lower ceiling prices on these items. Come in and 111 of Our , - l . emp . . . ,, g: r 11 . __ . . . . , ‘ 3331;; gggifgfgzggzgggpg, l 1H“ thygggrgnygy 6122331336 111$; spect the new government price lists In our store. EASY PARKING to The , Old Sunny Brook. A new supply l‘lg en Flower Pots . . . l . . will arrive before long! Brightly colored flower ots with Prlate gaSOhne ratlon and a new .8101] T, . p inspection record for the car V I plants give a festive air to the house, The tie_in of the inspeétion _————_—_—~ 9'I \\\ \\i ll// *Our disiilleries 1 Ford! and tgrafe duriilhg Spl‘ling and record with the issuancexof gaso- ‘ . "‘ chdrAl’K KMEBFUL/ :IlchendsasPd gr; Isummer. un up e od pots line rations, gives the board an. I . llr ers t, — : a; '0" “23°11” .around the housei WaSh, dry and opportunity to examine the rec- T t M t i \r "I, "8 § pluriiolsefs, This I then paint with two coats of enamel. 0rd and take appropriate action H: , I y s to :‘ Here I: / éNAME” \ i”,"o'fuk°iei‘l'§'5: ' I —-—. —-———~— in case tires have been improperly. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY a , 7/ [III \\ \\\ stocks. . w... " § 3 ahcted r3303; anf eiiht weeks’ mounted on the vehicle. ,. in: rgrOV / . . 1‘83 perio ore res ening, and GASOLINE RATIONING EN,‘ —————- l ‘ , NationalDist.Prod.Corp.,N-Y- ' 90-4Proof § 1 raising lSolves witclli less milk am; .erRCEMENTS—In opA’s crach‘. " t , 3 k WHITE POTATOES _____________________ __ 1b. 4.12 I I‘ A M .-; \\\\\y\ ‘ \\\\ more ome-mixe or approve down on gasoline rationin re u- l .. _ //////////, //////////////llllllllllllllllllllllll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ [calf mea,s_ muons violations, a totalgof gm) 1‘0 01' ening . . . . . . p g. . ¢ Shafter White good size 5" cca —-——-———~— ' criminal prosecutious have been i l ‘- ' instituted. or these, 93 have been “ Pork Roast . . . . . . . . . 35¢ LETTUCE "T --------------------- lb~ Com” against filling station operators, exclusive of several hundred ad- Arm cut—7 points per lb. Fresh, local, solid of Gerir. Jumble Pack—14 Blue points Cream Style Corn 20-oz. 13¢ Del Monte—14 Blue points Salad Ve etables" 19-oz. 17¢ AWS Column i (Continued from Page One) Libby’s~—25 Blue points Fruit Cocktail ...... .. 16-oz. 16¢ Libby‘s-15 Blue points Grapefruit Juice... 47-oz. 27¢ Overland—8 Red points Snack Lunch Meat 12-oz. 42! Spiced Lunch—5 Red points Chili Con Came... 11-oz. hour arm bands: Mrs. Ida Lundquist, Ruth Ja- cobson, Raymond Anderson, Lynn ‘ The Factory 2M ,, . gilfiitlrgtiis'fathearings tin which ‘Armourrs Pure L a r d 2 k ¢ CANTALOUPES """"""""""""" " lb“ 1 ' lrlt Of '- ion 0 era ors i ordered to suspend psales of £22? r R d oints er 1b p g. ------------------------------------ lb- 1 Rel gne ftortfierioids hanging from 30 e p p Texas_firm red °°ket B0 aYS o e. “ ura ion of the war.” ' ' ' — i ‘The other 416 cases involved on, Giant Dill Pickles . . . . . . .. 2 for 53¢ CELERY ........................................ .. lb. 1 stones ’ gurfihase or gift of gasoline ration Utah type, crisp , , 00 s or coupons. ' i ' ,, , L295: Egg BOOK 111 White Cloud Shortening. 4-le. 84¢ WATERMELON ____________________________ _. lb. ' , ATIONS FOR _ , ~ BOOK III—To avoid the necessity 5 Red poms per 1b Whole 01‘ half of repeated contacts at local r * ' v ' lIJIoIardf 1by lage apglicants for Book ' i k i , i as een ecided that l t \ ,,.,,,..,.. 3-1)., .. CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED FRUITS MEATS-FISH ¥ , oar s e ore ugust 1, —-——— ———-———- B ' o o o i.” . The Fan" _. , , 3333:,th 13251 2:23:33, 5:311:33. Diced Beets ........ .. 19-oz. 10¢ Mandarin Oranges 11-oz. 10¢ Tuna Fish ........ .. 7-0z. _, 1 One of the important functions of a bank 15 to applications to the State Man Whitetag—lO Blue points No points Tuna in solid—4 Red points A lend money-and there are many Purposes for ‘ Seeggergliggg fifth“ Office willy Whl. Green Beans 19-oz. 17¢ Pears ____________________ __ 29-02. 23¢ Tuna Fish ______________ 7‘”. u- .2 u , “ b . ,, y SHOE; ggnstructlons- 1 Rock Dell Fancy—14 Blue points Rosedale—13 Blue points Luxury, solid—4 Red points . a Which bank loans are Proper- ahd g°°d “mess Shoe stamp 18 fime valid' String Beans 19-0z 10¢ Peaches 28-02 26¢ Crab Meat 6V'0Z —both for the borrower and the bank. agilgbgf 3t10 tI'lfmaiilidvtalid through Clipper—14 Blue points Del Monte;-2-THB1-uenpO-ints Century—no 2 , i e va 1 i ' - , . _ z ing only 11 days iongg; Eiggdggti Libby Peas .......... .. 20-041. 14¢ Cranberry Sauce. 16-0z. 17¢ Pioneer Clams ...... .. 7-oz. 2 0 . 1 of stamp 17, ‘ Fancy 2 sieve—16 Blue points West Peak—8.Blue points No points . \ O 0 I 'i Lakota'Peas ...... .. 16-02. 10¢ Fruit Cocktail ...... .. 30-0z. 27¢ Pink Salmon ........ _- 16-0z. 1 _ . i. , . ., Roderick, Carl Portman B l Dinette—1 Blue points Libby’s—4 Blue points Morrell’s—4 Red points ‘ wk 3 bank ’ - l . . . . If You have huslhess trahSaCt‘f’hs for Wh . 51:11,??? HMFS- tAlma Nye, Mrs. i Tomatoes ____________ __ 29-oz. 14¢ Grape Juice ............ .. qts. 47¢ DeVIled Meat ...... __ 5l/2-oz. 11l loan would be helpful, come in and let us dlscuSS Vallel; Shier hafsinvalclilial’ireldee Silverdale‘u Blue poms ’ weICh’S—g Blue poms Libby’swz Red paints l CO s u, , it with you and find out what assistance we can Barker, Mia‘simuthei Jones, Curt Tomato Soup ........ _. 3 for 25¢ Pineapple Juice .... .. 18-0z. 15¢ Pigs Feet ............ -- 28-oz. Heathers, Vivia Jacobson, Lillian Ford, Dumont Portman, P. P. Hordwell, Lucille Rankin, Campbell’s 101/2-oz.—3 Blue points LOTS OF VARIETY Libby's—10 Blue points LOTS OF VARIETY!!! LOTS OF VARIETY ____________—___/ , FIRE CHIEF GRADE “A” LARGE MATCHES EGGS Western made They are Freshll .6boxctn...” 21¢ Doz. Morrell’s—B Red points. provide. H! 00' Hi Fred Briske, Warren B. Kingery, Clifford D. Ford, Eugene Nye: Mrs. Clara Reeve. 500—hour observer, Earl B. Bate- man. LIBBY’S TOMATO JUICE WAX PAPER 4 Blue poliits 125 ft. rolls 1 47-oz. can. . .. 22¢ 13¢ AIRTITE City Chief Observer Fred Hick- I son has released a list of the or- , ganizations that have been man- I Also this bank offers various services that you W. J. Kizzire, Mrs. Hazel Briske, 11th the .local observation post 5 ‘ ‘ may enjoy_Banking by Mail—transmission of :‘nrcfieég:SSSSEEZ’RO‘KStiioferg’fiii:§ FLOUR . . . . . . . . . . .. 49-le. $2.31 PANCAKE FLOUR. 9.8 lbs. 3« . ghso V money by Bank Draft (Bank Money Order) - I?VT..:C “23’s, Pgilzlrlgri Drifted snow PiCket if 3, . fibril: : Savings Accounts-facilitating purchase of War {,{Vfiferglggghfiglf 1:33,, ihlpwhiffi . . . . . . . . . . Z-le. I , 24-0Z, .‘ ignor’si Bonds. Ask about these and other special setvmes, ell Post No. 31, American Legion, Sunshine Krlspy 'Jo Jo ,. vi: float of -. Eras“assassinate SUGAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10—lbs. 63¢ M D TISSUE 3 for 2%? “323$ . erans 0f Foreignrwfrs. Sea ISIahdi Pm”e cane Recommended by doctor; . . . . ‘jwhen t] GOING TO SCHOOL ' Wt bei M. , . l CRISC ..............3-le 68 l/q‘i n 5" E no n 163.23.. at Roam: . ' ¢ PAPER NAPKINS -- - - 7 on: origami.warrant: CORN FLAKES 12¢ 8° it do“ . . . ‘ g o o o o c o a o o I I I , ‘ . L h B B n n c H iiii:arbiggogéicréfiarhecigféfg; Kellogg’s 1802. Bran Flakes FREE ‘ S ’ t plnt “egg: SHELTON,WASHINGTON I, V igyméogfiriti1232355023335: boifr .1 RIGHT To LIMIT QUANTITIES—SALE DAYs ALL WEEK, FRIDAY To FRIDAY 1 V' Effigy BUY ' i (the Seattle Air Defense / h, n . o. é~-‘- -> " “LOW Overhead” That?!“g ; ‘ A” I ~. I .‘ l as: , SEHTTLE-FIBST Illl IOMII. BflllK $351323; or valooicrtan L ~ ' f r” FOOD MARKE'r . IIigloo gfigl FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . . . 34 BANKING OFFICES The Neigfibgg' 05f Woodcraft r l Member Federal Reserve System . . . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. will meet with Georgia Hillman l on Thursday, July 1st. If the wea- ’- , ther permits the group will go to I “ PHONE 29 , i 130 W‘s Refreshm “i” be l— ‘ * served by the hostess,