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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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“WM_ML_ A.._A4_... 1- A,“ _,. ,1-.. 1 1V 1‘__.r*_1 ___1__ ~H*,R,‘.-- :. :iu y, June 24 , SHELTON=MASON COUNTYAJOURNAL‘ vera " "“ The Wee ist lumber [.1 “reeksl feet or 1 aVerage- p 50,251,000 55,000. W 1 were P b.f. (103 1942 ave . )0; sin is of 1943: n, 3,076, . le—3,781.31 533,632.0v r ._ weeks Q,t )llowsz‘ f y . lomestic ’. . ort, 70,9 unfilled ‘ l,623,009. ' gross ' ‘ equiremsg. r were stry pict, ~ ry into be wary stry is I} f materl ead of U"? 3:11:35 ",3 TO THE EMPLOYEES of the SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY: ses and “I . . Hintxiifis The month of June this year marks the 48th anniversary of the S1mpson Log- I .‘ . u n . :unitioflfi glng Company. Since the day that Mr. Sol Simpson conce1ved the idea and formed 3h landm' the company down to the present t1me many perSons have contr1buted to the progress any more . . . . . pecial t, of the company and the commumty. Many are still With us. These folks have built £35830;- our communities, the farms, the homes, the local governments, and have by their loy- no pros a'lty, energy and personality added much 1n the bu11d1ng of the orgamzatmn thatis iXmgergter ‘ today contributing so mater1ally to the war effort. 107 SAVED . . . ' . . . . . o ' git 131%? So much 15 being sa1d these days of d1sloya1ty, susp1clon, selfishness, and so Now OR 100% easing W little of those associations and ac‘t1v1t1es from which have been born the confidence TAKEN BY THE Iii-111mb. and feelings of fr1endsh1p and good w111. It IS therefore most reassurlng to contem- AXIS LnER! log supp1 4, plate the loyalty and fr1endsh1p of a group of employees each one of whom has played p I V lgg‘fifimm gig" I" Era“ his or her 1nd1v1dual part in the commumty of interest that has been built. . Bl” WAR Bonus, giggle I GREEN In checking through our records we find those listed below have been associated .Cti‘agn‘l’lk " “ ' ' with us for five years or more. We take thls occas10n to salute not only these em- $1943, " ployees but all our employees, and express to all of you our confidence that working -—" , together we will continue to play our full part in the progress of these commun1t1es. Successii Working together we are doing our part to hasten the end ofthis dreadful war. asidentia y an act . 13‘ C. H. Kre1enbaum $1323 ' Executive Vice President , president SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY of state. tr ‘ generaléf: cretarieS . e were; 45 Years John Aspholm Lee Carlson Wm. Sandholm John Eliason Ben Peckham Ann Cary Earl A. Jordan Thomas L. Skillman lercehasé J. W. 'Grisdale Charles Dahlman Wener Carlson Chalmer Saeger Norman Ellison Andrew Peterson Charles Chester Ted Kelberg Halley “DICK” Smmfi last. ed ’ 40-44 Years E. J. Damman Glen R. Chase Max Schmidt Edward Erickson Francis Peterson Wm. O. Costello Ole Kjonaas Harold Srnyth rgamze Joel Anderson Guy E. DeRosier Don H. Clark Archie Slade Clyde Farrar Seivert Peterson Ed. Cormier A. E. Klasell Isaac Stenberg William Kronquist O. D. Durand George Clifton Waldermar Snickerson Frank Fentiman Ed. M. Petty H. J. Crooks William Kuhr Eugene Storey 35-39 Years Victor Ellison A. J. Connor James Spencer William Fentiman Robert Ramin Jacob Dampf Roy Lanmng Roy Tanner William Backlund Earl Fortnum R. W. Cumming Ed. Stackhouse Frank Fly Wm. G. Reed* Esther Daniels Clarence Latham Jesse F. Thomas V ‘ 1, Ed. Elliott Norman Hulbert A. H. Daniels 0. M. Steen Earl Ford Ned Rucker Wm. Dewey Daniels Lewis Layton Victor Tooley * . . , Joe W. Gill Purl Jemison Ed. Decker Andrew Stevenson Erik Forsberg Floyd Savage Vern Davidson Richard Leadbetter Milburn Townsend ' ,5 Andrew Nordling J. A. Johnson L. W. Deffinbaugh Allen Strine Percy H. Funk Frank Schroeder John Drebick Neil Lee Newton Townsend Horace W. Skelsey William Starr E. A. Stewart Frank Wandell 30-40 Years Gust Berg Robert C. Callow Warren Earle J. C. Forrest Joe Gronlund Don Hansen Guy Hutchinson Thomas Kelley Percy Latham . Alex Miller C. E. Runacres Landon Weston 25-29 Years Ben Banner A. L. Butler Eugene Dorman J. W. Durand Charles Elson Daniel Emerson A.le Hulbert Richard? Karns C. C. 'Mea‘d Thomas, Rowe Reginéld Sykes. Joe ToWnsend Charles P. Waters 21m. Yeahs A. D." Adams M. D. Adams James Lenehan R. W. Luther Eli McCulloch H. E. Munson Eli Penovich ’ R. R. Phillips Clarence Quinn Roy Rector Harvey Robertson J. G. Rucker H. J. Rogers W. H. Snelgrove Dingeman Tack Clyde Townsend Geor e 'Walters Ler Wiley 15-19._Years E. Virgil Adams Herman Ahern A. W. Aronsen Preston Armstrong L. G. Bare Lee Becker Steve Bednarski A. Y. Bennett L. C. Berry Earl Bishop Ira Blackwell Aubrey Blockberger EIL. Brassfield Herb. Brehymeyer W. H. Brown Harry T. Calkins Guy A. Call James T. Dunbar Arthur Edgley Fred Elson John Forsman A. L. Glenn Jim Harrison S. A. Hatcher Joe Hill Lloyd Johnson’l‘ Phil A. Johnson A. D. Killmer George Koch C. H. Kreienbaum Andrew Krise Bertha J.Lent Ed. A. Lewis Charles Lisk Fred Lord C. W. Lundquist Walter Lynn Fred Martinson Roy Meek Ed. Nelson Hal Noble Oscar Noll L. L. Osborne W. L. Osborne Dave Price H. O. “Bud” Puhn J. W. Rayson Emma B. Richert Lewis Russell D. H. Ryan Don Sackrider Kelsey Tanner J. H. Tate F. E. Temple John Terho Joe Tice Chester Valley Ellis Wells Ed. Whaley 10-14 Years Jack Ambrose Olaf Anderson Wm. Eric Backlund Perry Baker G. Alf. Becker George Bell Reuben Bell Frank Bennett Ed. Bloomquist Peter Bolling Leonard Booth Chas. Borst Ross Bozarth Roy Brumbaugh Roy A. Burkland* John Carlson A. M. Carpenter Wm. Cartwright William Conley John B.‘ Cormier Ivyl Daniels Charles Dale A. H. Davis Roy Davis George L. Drake Adrian Francken Wm. R. Grant J. H..Gray Ben C. Gunter Wm. Gunter Reinold Gustafson H. L. Hadsell A. E. Hillier C. H. Hillrnan J. R. Howell George Hunt Clarence Huntley E. C. Hutson Gust Jensen Roy T. Johnson* Victor B. King Archie Kidd John Kneeland Henry Lamb Fred Lambert Ed. Larson Wm. Latham* Wm. L. LeDrew Pete LeGall Earl Levett Floyd Lord Hans Lund Art. B. Mackey James B. Mahaffey Ray McClaflin Elroy Nelson W. E. Noblett F. E. Ogden’“ Ed. Osterberg On Military Leave Tom Sergeant Harry Shelton R. S. Silva Geo. B. Smith Clarence Springer Fred Springer Martin Stevens Ralph D. Stockwell Dan Strankrnan Ernest G. Thiels Howard Townsend Howard Valentine Archie Vaughn Clyde White Edgar White Chas. A. Williams Chas. W. Winslow“ Alfred Zaugg 5-9 Years Raymond Amos* Alfred J. Anderson Paul Armstrong* Gus Backlund John Backlund Lester Baker Harry Bergeson Lawrence Bernert'i‘ Loyd Bina Leo Bishopi‘ Delmar C. Borden Herb Bowman Roy Bowman Pat Burke Harvard Calkins A. W. Drummond Angus Dufour Ivan Dumovich Louis A. Duncan Moses Dunkelberger Ernest Edgren John Edminston* George Egenes Delbert Elson Eugene D. Elson* Lewis F. Elson* Jack L. Farr Adolph W. ~Frank* Albert Frank Oliver Fry Wayne Fry W. O. Galloway John Gaede Ralph R. Godden Alex Gouley Truman Glick’“ M. D. Haberkorn Betty M. Hansen Henry A. Hansen Joe C. Hansen Lawrence Hansen* Melvin Haydeen Rudolph M. Holmes* J. Herbert Holland John Hovi Vane Hunter Walter D. Jensen Andrew Johnson Chas. W. Johnson Lionel C. Leman Marvin J. Leman Vernon Lord- Clarence M. Lund Jens C. Lund Niels C. Land George Mahdney Frank Mako John Mallory Robert Marshall William Maxwell Oscar Miklethun* Arthur Morris A. G. Nehring Herman Ohman Engmer Oien Carl Olson E. F. Patterson Ralph Prante Leland Price Wm.W. Pringle Alfred C. Rasmussen Shelley F. Reed* J. L. Replinger T. Chas. Rowe Vera Rowe Chas. E. Runacres, Jr.* Eileen C. Runacres Chas. Sackrider Emil Sampson Virdon Savage V. A. Satterthwaite Raymond Scott Max Schmidt, Jr._* W. E. Vail Ralph Valentine Tate Van Norman Dick Wapper Clifford 7- Sylvester Way . Lee Wells* Henry Welsh Clyde Weston* Chas. Wilkinson Axel Willadson Homer Willsfl‘ Ira V. Yule Retired Robert Allen, John Beveridge Harold K. Blake Frank E. Brown Andrew Carlson F. A. Corbett Henry P. DaVis Horace M. Dunbar Amos B. Fordyce James Frew John H. Johnston John illmer D. L. awson Patrick Lee Thomas Peckham Judson Quartier Albert P. Saeger Wm. L. Sargison Douglas Shelton Eli Willey YEARS SERVICE 40 15 3O 30 30 15 1‘) 40 28 21 33 10 15 20 15 17 30 36 15 16 Employee The Henry McCleary Timber Company Now A Part Of Our OrganizatiOn Shelton, washinan Theodore 'E. Winslow H. G. Sherwood Albert W. Clau'ghton Cluade A. Warner Oral J. Mercer John Palms Chas. Butts, Rae La‘nning Clarence W. Madsen B. McGeilgliey Edith Stenquist Arthur P. Leonard Leon J. NovOtne Eber ‘C. Furister Sol F. Gustafson H. W. Forbes Paul D. Case Curtis Hutson Roy W. Sheldon Lasley D. warner Carey K. Crawford Fred Lanning Cody Bosler Carl W. Roser SIMPSON lOGGING COMP SHELTON—McCLEARY W. S. Rawding 33 John E. Arnett 20. John King 14 V ~ A. . Boylan 8 Franco Birindelli 31 Julian M. Thornton 20 John .Trober 13 29. WmLL. Simmons 8 John G. Papadymas 31 Otis Trueblood 20 Emil A.D‘ierick 13 26 Gus’Avouris 7 Edward G. Southgate 31 Ben Davis McKay 19 Dan G. Hartough 13 26 Dewey K. Blacker 7 John Peters _ 30 Lee Wallace 19 Robert H. Clark 12 24 Floyd Anderson 7 Guiseppi Tincani 30 Lars Frenstad 19 H. L. Francisco 12 20 Emil Johnson 7 Mike E. Thomas 30 Earle Bland 19 Berthena A. Smith 12 18 Helen N. Bryant 6. Lloyd M.Haskell 28 James W. Graves 19 L. W. Moore 11 16 Harry C. Powell 6, Albert 1. Larson 28 Lewis M. Ator 18 Irwin F.Cox 10 17 Morrance L. Workman 6 John Kivernitis 27 C. R. Robbins 18 Lee A. Wills 10 17 Hugh D. McKay 5 Fred Goodpaster , 26 Elmer L.Cole 18 Sam D. Wolfe . 10 16 Ronald Starr 5 Cilloni Guido 26 Christ Christodulon 17 Angus L. McPhee 9 16. Claude. H. Rhodes 5 Richard Winslow 24 John G. Bettin 17 Melvin Buchanan 9 16 Li'C. MCCOWan 5 Oscar Adams . 24 A. K. Anderson 16 R. B. Robbins 8 14 Don McCuiston 5 ISidOr Croci 23 John FLTumblson 16 Celestine Fannucci 14 Earl D. W. Sheldon 5 Georgios Chunos 23 Claude Hollis 16 Ivan Taylor 8 12 Rolland E. Duckham 5 Leo Rafa 23 O. F. Duncan 16 Sidney Graves 10 William Seller 22 J.W.Ewba_nks 16 Harvey H. McClure 8 10 McCleary, Washington M. Veroni 22 Pietro V.Forni1i 15 James Smith ' 8 10 George Townsend 38 Attilio Montermini 21 Lloyd Baker ~ 15 Geo. A. Allshouse 8 9 Harry Edison 36 J. '1‘. Hunt 21 Kenneth L. Stuck 15 C. C. Evans 8 Boyd Teagle 34 Offie Downs 21 M. E.Wolfe 14 Glen W. Southwick 8 Dave Schwarck Edw. P. Haskell Ollie E. Hinman Adelmo Baldi John D. Price Emmet B. Zinn Frank G. Boucher Harry W. Matthews Livy D. Robbins Ralph Roser Adelmo Montermini E. G. Colson Clarence S. Cook Wm. G. F. Wolfe Phillip Harry Motz John H. Buchanan Fabian Crane R. B. Breidenback John R. Johnson Fred Karst dauqaummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Melvin Van Orman James R. Reynolds Zack Whinery Edgar Crane Henry C. Bussard Hughie Odle Donald G. Nelson Leonard L. Fisher James R Beals Ewell C. Einert Alfred G. Eygabroad Byron G. Richardson WalesB. Dorrah Francis Welty Harold Kirby' Lucian E. Black Leslie A. Reynolds Irvin E. Sheets Perry A. Wiseman. L. B. White Fred Studer Vernon Hill Cleo Cle ons Herbert . Marshall Y mammqaaaqqaqngaqquduq Roy Thomas? WallacE G. Moody Isreal. . Roser A. K. McCampbeu Floyd Kerr Howard B. Capper Bin-l E. Sherum Walter/E. Johannes Lela D. Boling Jemes R. Welty Joseph E.C olson Elmer. J. Brockway E. 1?. Bell ‘ Wm. A. McKnight H. H. Haszard Howard L. Brockway J. C. Raphael Jesse Miller Herman Afrank Philip Behrend menuummmmmmmmaaammavaaammm c" granny -,;.‘ a. A. ..