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day, J '
Page Six . summon-Mason COUNTY JOURNAD ThursdayL'June 24'. A- -
V.F.W. Auxiliary
Hears Convention Reports
The V.F.W. Auxiliary held a;
regular meeting Friday, June 18:
Shelton Garden Club
Will Elect Director
If the inclement weather clears
by Monday, members of the Shel-
Bridal Shower Honors
Miss Rule Ashbaugh
Miss Rule Ashbaugh, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Ashbaugh
Hoodsport Girl
Married June 14
Stored Pressure
Cookers Needed
Community Cl ,1
At Grapeview
at the Memorial Hall at which! ton Garden Club will meet for a and a July
bride-elect, was, com- . ' 31'
time the three delegates to thei . I picnic lunch at Kneeland Park at
plimented with a bridal shower By Yvonne Bartels Pressure cookers are in
greatI The Community Club 15 hHECOLO __
State Convention, Eula Martin,l LILLIAN WARREN: 50016173 Editor PHONE
1‘” 1 o‘clock. Otherwise regular busi- Monday evening when Mrs. Rolla
Hoodsport, June 22—Mlss Betty demand this year. More people .their
regular meeting ‘ “'5
Betty VVelch and Mable Nelson;
gave their reports. '
One of the
interesting high-l
lights to the Shelton Auxiliary ati
the Yakima convention was the!
credit given for their participa-
tion in the followin activities: ‘ , , . Frank Hueston, Mrs. Doris Soule
, . A ~ ' visits,
hospital, rehabilnatign national l 121C100; "(1: t3? tfiome $9
.prisldvi?€g :fdi‘firshtgfrflggg celved a letter recently from Mrs.
Mrs. Rose Margaret Smithy Mrs: fielated. The young couple were not be a
limiting factor. By pro- their regular meeting ‘
home legislature Angericanism 1 rs' .' m 60 W1 f‘. .' t. Imec
1. th 1 lg rd of Frank Fisher of Port Angeles, ‘ Heime Hilderman’
Mrs‘ Charles attended by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce per processmg, and espec1ally
af— nesday at the spocmersi Igl
i . , theo, Justice of Peace, 0 how ing. cal tea in e We y ga ens Pagel,
brother and sister-in-law of ter the canned food is opened, it
essay, community ,activities, pub-
licity, cottage gifts and war ser-;
Bea Gray was appointed to re-
present the Auxiliary at the Red
Cross board. It was voted to hold
one meeting each month this July
and August on the first meeting
date of each month.
P. E. 0. Hears l
Convention Reports
. rznutr can lug.
Robert Little Weds
Tacoma Girl Saturday
Robert C. Little and Mrs. Helen
Paulson, both _of Tacoma, were
married Saturday evening at 9:
The couple were attended by
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Briggs.
The bride wore a blue crepe
floor length gown studded with.
silver colored stars and a corsage
of gardenias. They repeated their,
vows before the fireplace, decor-'
ated to form the altar with a
bowl of pink roses flanked on:
either side with three lighted tap- ‘
ers. Large masses of roses, tapers ;
and mock orange blossoms were‘
Music Study Club Closes
Season with Musical Tea
Wednesday, June 16, the Shel—
;ton Music Study Club climaxed
their very successful year under
Mrs. Donovan Palmer.
The fragrance of spring flow-
ers and a canopy of evergreens
formed the background for the en-
‘joyable program during the tea
The sextette composed of Ber-
nice Stewart, Vivian Mattson, Jo-
.sephine Dickey, Dorothy Aitkens,
Caroline Lentz and Ann Eacrett,
accompanied by Mrs. Palmer,
Tom Rowe.
ness meeting will be held at the
Memorial Hall at 2 p. m. For the
picnic each member is to bring
her own lunch but the Club will
Mrs. Marcus Rodgers, president
of the Shelton Garden Club re-
furnish the tea, cream and sugar.
Halbert entertained for her.
Guests included Mrs. Arnold
Stoehr, Mrs. Harvey Robertson,
Mrs. Hal Olstead, Mrs. Gus Graf,
Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Herbert Angle,
Hrs. Herbert Dickinson, Mrs.
direCtor 0f the Olympic Penin‘ Walton, Mrs. Lytle Johnson, Jean,
sula Division of the Washington]
May and Laura Ashbaugh, Mrs.
State Federation of Garden Clubs jGeorge Ashbaugh, Mrs, Halbert,
for the past ten years, saying
that she felt the Shelton Garden‘
Club should have the honor of
electing the Peninsula director
for the coming year, from their
membership, because the beautifi-l
cation of Railroad Avenue won the
prize for the outstanding project-
for the state last year. The elec-
land Gerhardt, Mrs. William Nob-
lett and Mrs. Vivian Morgan.
From Chicago
Douglas Buttdorff of Chicago,is
spending his vacation between
quarters at Northwestern Medi-
cal School, with his cousin, Mrs.
R. E. Duckham and Mr. Duck
Jacqueline and Rolla, and the
guest of honor.
Miss Ashbaugh received many
lovely gifts and refreshments
lwere served from an all white
table. Pretty white bell flowers
I and white tapers formed the flor-
al centerpiece.
Mrs. John L. Dotson
Dayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Dayton of Hoodsport, and
{Terrence Pagel, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. Pagel of Chehalis, were
married Monday, June 14 at 1:00
in the afternoon at the home of
the Rev. R. W. Maulden, who of-
the groom.
The bride wore a tailored suit
of powder blue and matching hat
'with‘ Navy blue accessories. Her
icorsage was made up of creamy
gardenias and pink rose buds. Her
attendant wore a suit of Navy
iblue with white accessories and
[had a corsage of a single gar-
Following the ceremony the
will be canning this year than
has been the case for a long time.
Although the pressure cooker
canning non-acid foods people
must remember that this should
is made perfectly safe.
Many people have
cookers stored away and are not
using them because they are
afraid to use them or for some
reason do not like to use them.
Those who may have such cook-
ers could be of great service by
selling them to
would use the equipment. County
Agent Okerstrom would appre-
someone who 1,
method is the safest method of}
Spooner home July 7 at
the evening. All women i'
community are invited all N
to attend.
Although three members ,
4-H Clothing
the others
tor, Bernice Needham, W. E;
We have two new defe » v i
Inga Sund, who :‘
Club are 's
gathe. ‘
from high school in June, ‘ THE TRADE
work at once in the of
Bremerton. Then this ‘~
SEs m sucn
Frances Okonek joined til NTRY'S $Hl
. shifters.
A large number from ‘1
tended the Coast Guard ao
PEAN poi:
Saturday in Shelton.
Members of Chapter 8., P.E.O. ' ‘gave a group of numbers, “Ven—
tion will be held Monday so mem-. coupe left for a short honeymoon ciate
having all unused pressure Mrs. Hansen would like ,(
met at the home of Mrs Laura placed on each Side of the Center dueers
Stream," “The spirit FIOW- bers are urged to attend. . lEntertains
Monday and have now made their home COOkerS reported to his Office SO
volunteers for the Obs
Murphy on Monday to hear re_ arrangement. 1 er,” “Piper From Over the
Way” Bring that victory garden prob- Mrs John L, Dotson was host- in
Hoodsport, they may be put in hands of post. 3.
ports of the convention attended' Mr. Little, a pipefitter in the and
“I’ll see You Again.” lem With you to the meeting also, ess to a
dozen friends of Mrs. On Wednesday, Mrs. Terrence P6150115 Who COUld use
by Mrs. Murphy. } Seattle-Tacoma shipyards, is well Margaret Ferwerda gave
two {1 round table diSCUSSiOD Will give lFrank Hueston Monday evening Pagel
was honored With a surprise _____ f '
known in Shelton through his ex— enjoyable marches by Sousa on JUSt the
remedy you are looking when she entertained in her hon- bridal Shower given
at the home “—
From Tacoma tensive work with Red Cross first i her accordion Mrs, Ruth
Heuston for" or. The wishing tree was the high- of MTS. Alex Bartels-
F 0110Wihg attle in reference to LOWEH’S lOih‘ ’(l i ‘
.Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hopkins, aid classes while a local resident ‘ sang
the two ever beautiful num— Mrs Mauri K. , light of the evening
furnishing the dessert luncheon, games were ing his father. Who iS nOW
Work-l \ \f
Richard and Paul of Tacoma, vis- lemployed by Rayonier Incorpor- bets,
“Who Is Silvia” and “At Enthrtainedcen :1“) much entertainment as
did games Played- Then the guest. of honor ing on the Al'Cah- highway i
\ ff \ "’
lied his “1911116? MFS- Belle ,Hopv ated. Dawning." Mrs. Bird
Dotson, Mrs. Mrs Man” 61?. d d h of table tennis, was presented with a
lovely cof— Last week J. C, Meme] shingied, ""- .
kins and his brothers and Sisters ' _ , \Viniecki and Mrs palmer formed
' 1 ‘3 msey an avg ' Refreshments were served from fee table as a
joint gift from the ’the roof of h- h t - t- i,
over the Week end Miss Bonnie.Jean Clutty . . . . ter Ann of Fernadina,
Florida, - ls ome Ju_s 1n lmel
' I . a trio in Singing the lovely Geana . . . a long table beautifully
appomted group- Those Present other than to av01d the “l t "
—- will Marry July 7th Bra S h b r ..H t ., Were entertamed at various
soc1a1 with a lace cloth and a lar e the guest of honor and th h t a e
Sprmg rams S-THE C01
, Miss Bonnie Jean Chitty daugh_, nucom num e‘ eah’ease events during
their two day Stay. _ g e os- we re havmg. ,QF
. and When You re in Love. bowl of roses on a mirror com- ess were Laura
Asleson Gloria . . < THEIR HC
ter of Mrs, A_ J_ Chitt and the . . . 1n Shelton last Wednesda and - -’ -
~’ , Naomi Home has sold her re- 5
Y y Mrs. Wmleckl and Mrs. Dotson y phmented With 1ighted white ta- Van
Laanen and Olga Johnson co- . UDDENLYF
late Lnited states Marsha A, J. followed with two duets . . Thursday. . . h
t cently completed home to an eld- 1N ,
. , givmg I . pers With blue bird bases. OS esses, and Ruth Handly, Bet-
H O M E Chitty, a former Shelton news- the well known “Gypsy Love Can”
WGdheSday evening Mr. and ty Goodpaster Lorraine Pagel erly copple from New
York' He "‘ “5 TRADE
paper man, will be married July , and the “Nine Cyclock Sandman"
Mrs- WinStOH Scott held open Returns to Home Jessie Wyers Marion Jarvis and
has retlred from his business and “’ '
L O A N 7 in Annie Wright Seminary to The , ' house With many of Mrs.
Kinsey's ,th b -d i . Wishes to settle down on beauti-. , ' 1,
'- . .FAMOUS‘
, program “as brought to a f . . , Mrs. Rose Jones returned to her e
1‘1 e S mother and Sister. Mrs. i it
S Ralph Stanley Brindley, son of grand finale with Betty Jean Rev_ fhehds
loaning to renew their home at Pom; Townsend Monday IR. E. Dayton and
Marcelline. ful H.00d Canal' They plan to v ’ DE WAS E
Mrs. Ralph Brindley, also of Ta- eh of Olympia at the piano Skilh
géehdsmpi :hd ThurSday Mhs~ after visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Last
Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, move 1” Jilly 15‘: l" '1 , 10%,23
coma" fully playing compositions by M y 831:: en 61‘ alned for her
as did Almaden for a few weeks, Wallace Hansen became the proud Mrs. Home
has 3150 501d the
Convenient Terms Miss Chitty is the mece of Cap- 'McDowell, Mendelssom
and Cho- Ger; gen]: Bmymng and Mrs Week end guests of Mr. and parents of
twin boys, Oliver and 01“ M111" Fewer“ and PlanS ‘0
Italn and Mrs. Fred Chitty of pin. Miss Revell recently won a es fge “r
ee w were .hOSteSS‘ Mrs. Almaden were her brother- William. One twin
weighed but deVOte fun tlme how to her “well - ‘
i gyrhpia in?) and Mrs. Claude ischolarship to the Whitman Con- afte
r4311; oral. tea. party during the 111.12,“, Lewis Gables and friend of
3(11124poundsdwhile the other weigh- near Toledo. I We Keep From
an on o lo ering. servation, . ' , Minneapolis. 6 poun $- All went well
until -
Reasonable Rates Bfindley is at Fort Shh Okla_ The long tea table was
cleverly a] erhle grivmg along Hood Can- the following Monday when little
' homa, attending officer candidate appointed with large crocheted J h
urs ay morpmg With Mrs' Return from Gonege William passed away'
Sincerest OP ' and 00101. Brlg ' '
. AY Ischool. Miss Chitty was graduated leaves and a low bowl of spring 5:
n Bgnneth’ Ehzabeth and SIP Mrs. Carol Jean Hatcher and sympathies are
extended by all EN ON SUNDAY' —adv' . . in “mg of a
from Annie Wright Seminary and flowers centered the table. Mrs. thn an
Mrs‘ scott and Karen, Miss Billie KumP returned from their many friends~
smart Sprmg su'ts- wou of Instrum
has been attending Barnard Coh Albert Smith of Olympia, Mrs_ A. theyvgalled
at Alderbrook Inn and studies at Cottey Couege, Neva- Mr. and Mrs. William
Morris, newer . . . longer, If ya .gnted way-1
lege. .Columbia University. E. Middlebrooks, Mrs. August
Wickogkgifdhggé‘é- £4115- ghiford da, Missouri, last week. long time
reSidentS 0f HOOdSPOI‘t, eirggflenillfiandih); 1?; 0f fl“
- rrive '
Mason County Savmgs Will Visit Son , Eggsschggghggd ecgfjéis t3;
Alexandria, Virginia, to visit r123 Guests From Olympia
$2352???Siith§o§l°§§°fi§i°tf§ Puts .the . f°r°°5 9".
d" ‘ hell/133i}:
& Loan Association f. Nim'f flaw E- valley left the I services.
pafintsk. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes had make their home in the little
deter'orat'"9 petsp'zalfe ', led on by
i(hrstooViSitehllli‘eek fig Toled‘o, 1(1311- spme 30 Odd guests were
Served hong‘rséd inseyt anthnn were also ‘ as their guests for the
dance Sat- house next to the hotel. Mr. and foutliléwthfout harmlrlfgbri
hléonal aqu
Title Insurance Bldg. who is red sotrl eorge a ey, I durmg the. tea hour
with six Brown, lgues s a Mrs. Robert urday evening, Miss Jean A, Mrs.
Kenneth Dillenburg and S - Ing-t e o Precious _a h summeI
g a ua ing from ship I guests commg from the Olympia S unChBOH Wednesday.
Frank of McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. daughter MICke)’. Who have resid- or?
°°’ "ital" the" .° , i ced tOday
Storekeeper SChOOl- Music Study Club, Mrs. Albert w,C,T_U Schedule M. W.
Hjelm and George Hanna- ed at the hotel since their mar- br'ghtness
' ' ' 5° mi," . Area F
Smith, Mrs. Vina Cole, Mrs. Lilly July 2 Meet,“ ford of Olympia. The
hosts serv- riage have moved to the cottage A" Makes "°‘"
that Y” are 1”” 'e .
Williams, Mrs. Robert Owens and The Womeng Chat. T ed refreshments at their
home fol- near Millo’s grocery. °°"se""'"9
Paste's' “Slog the
Miss RevElL ance Union will holld 1%; ' emper- lowing the dance,
We’re all sorry to hear that ' framing C0
The Music Study Club has giv- 13,1. monthly meetin elrt rng‘t' I
Lowell Jarvis was in an accident N M I“ 988 and t
en a collection of records to the day July 2 at the hg neXf Mrl- On
Vacation on his motorcycle Sunday and now gir- SCha
JUST RECEIVED Camp and Hospital Committee for L. Hack Potluckorgg 0. Its-
Miss Mary Louis Daniels is home walks with a limp, due to a badly BROTHERS
STEAM LAU .ofhaptersi C
h the day room and the proceeds be served at 6-30 m 1231181: {V111 on a two
weeks vacation from du- bruised hip. No bones broken, ' & DRY A
"s er orgal
NE N from the Musical Tea will go to ested women are Iinvited Iii/[en
ties at the Tacoma General Hos- though, and soon he will be back Phone 334
123 So. 2nd Ph 88 thpport to
W I E T PurChase new records for the day details will appear i e 01:9
pital with her mother, Mrs. Wal- to normal. Last week Mrs. Sid one sort by
room. papeh n nex w eks ter Daniels. [Jarvis and Lowell motored to Se- , ~
89110018 as
MI'S. Winiecki expresses her ap- --'
-————-—--—— .. Ime-
- preciation to all who contributed Marsha Dianne Livermore ereplace t,
to the successful afternoon. Celebrates Fourth Birthday “firmed f‘
p Daughter for Ming Wg-sleihfgurth birthday anniversa ‘1 teereinrégfil:
Word was received last week sha Dianngccliliilg‘mggg tldtlilevMfir.
artline pro
I of the arrival of a baby daughter first birthday art T 3:1 6 er will be 0
in Corvallis, Oregon, to Major and p y’ ues ay at hal thous.
Mrs. J. E. Mills on June 10th. Mrs. Id‘ “The
Mills, is the daughter of Mr. and ‘. Conduct
Mrs. A. F. Boylan of Shelton. 2 Camp.
We hope to have same checked Visit at Matlock figure}? Simmons Mildred
Dam- . l . $113323
. Mrs. George Koch and Mrs. W. LOLrlli’se IggkleB itmmons’ Fannie
and ready to offer by the time you L. Hunter and children George rie
Dammgi’i 1°} y wan-0'” Kar' ted by th
. and Patty Hunter and new baby and Barba ’s aren MlChaelson asis’ they
read this ad Karlee Gene, were visiting friends m ands' ‘ I OSeful ac
‘ Thursday in Matlock. Mrs. ‘John Cormier expedings. Ul
Entertains Club - r instru
From Seattle .i :, alto
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haskins and thyfiehfitfls cofmhler entertamed ed
Jacqueline and Mrs. Donna Mur- at her home M0 d er bridge 01.111) . l‘
M first a]
Phy and daughter Patty of Seat- Mrs J A on ay evem?g W‘th i g' divin
tle spent the week end with Mrs. club' ' Tower guest 0f the home
Haskin‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. onors went to Mrs- RO‘
waist and tailored {ash-
ions. Sizes 3 to 6, ,7 to 14.
styles—any kind of skirt you could want! Pleated
or gored styles in plain colors or prints that are as,
colorful as the tropics. Size
24:. to 30.
Girl Seout Troop 4
Schedules Meeting
Members of Girl Scout Troop
4 and their leader, Mrs. Claude
Rhodes will
Scout Little House on July
o‘clock. The girls are also asked
to turn in their card money.
meet at the Girl!
1 at
MVERTISIIM mm: “:0 m mar:
~k *' iv
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Kermit Livermore.
Her guests included Joan Had-
sell, Gloria Day, Jean Hadsell,
ham. Mr. Buttdorff became well ((3
known in Shelton, while he was "lemunue‘i f!
employed at McConkey‘s Pharm- ‘ ports tha
acy. Bob Grub accompanied him "" of the
BE COOL. ‘4 here from Chicago. .elii than
9 fl s
\g Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt k in
BE COMFORTABLE! h: Entertain Sunday “that hill: n?
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. W att en- i' e r
BE WELL DRESSED! \ ‘ gertaintedca group or frienyas sin- "g
. . ,; ay 3 amp Shangri-La on Is- °n
You can be three, and land Lake. The occasion was a “Northldcg
“Ye {honey mm the bar, birthday anniversary for Mrs, days 1:
Sainnf you shop Penneyls ‘ Anna Wyatt and Miss Doris Ab- rents. Mr
for all Your summer ap- 'elsen of Tacoma. . ‘nald- .
pare] needs! Those present were Mr- and Jwaldrip
! Mrs. Arthur Abelsen and daugh- ‘ 101» es W’a“
thr Irene of Tacoma, Sgt. Har- ‘ "l the Nail
dln_of Fort Lewis, Guy Call, Vir- ‘ fay for tr.
glnla. Anne and David Wyatt and ' Pete Blc
lthe honored guests Mrs. Wyatt ,calif-y an
{and Miss Abelsen. We rlough
l. . . . e
{Vii/iItlng in Salt Lake City ‘ k 01d ba
iss Barbara Durand left last I
i 4" 1 Thursday for Salt Lake City ' 011),, 8LT];
p, p n , where she will visit relatives and glam St 1-
.» .. I her fiance, Allen J. LaBissoniere. " tfimm Jail:
,' '. gigolin of Moose Will . emeAArimy'
. v o ingo Party __ . l 4.- :1 ans.
5 . . The Women of the Moose will IHE trouble today is—all “bottle- and
every day. Read the ads—like break- ‘ ngiforre
‘_ ,_ H g hold another Bingo party this Fri- . " . , . m
I V. K o ‘ Sggtevemitlgsat thet Moose Hall ;' necks” aren’t
glass. 1ng bOttleneCkSl 1t 5 an Old Amencan cus" i $037011;
" ._,. ‘ mg a P. m. o raise more ‘ ““ ii N
H , funds for their nurses’ training tom—a particularly good one now.
, , . _ , . . - v -‘ o
I: . ghgypéhogfisczsrfi. Will be given Lack of tin, scrap metal,
greases and fats > ' -. 1:“ €me
7. . __ . . ., u a
. d?- 525 Twh, Sister ,5 I are bottlenecks to production. Advertising ,
. I I Mald of “ODS”. b - g o t a ‘ J {has
/ QA onghfedfglslrowmg lpafagraph Was 0 p p. If U]
error as week in the v“ OS
. wedding story of Miss Nedra Op- u - u Preparedfor " ~ I ‘31
. pelt and Winston Inslee_ Finding a house may be your {lop-E: Was
Miss Nita Oppelt. twin sister of bottleneck toda . 0r bu in anew : ‘
llell W °f
29 , the bride was maid of honor and . y y g "l 13101?“ and
r s . L and o wore a gown of blue with a fitted Pair Of ShOeS- 01' how
to fit Your . ‘ ei’ ence 1
Cool Summer Styles. taffeta bodice and full net skirt family's
nutrition needs to the oh?“ 8
. . She carried a bou uet, sha l'k. . ed vaca“
G I R Ls s H E ER Practical styles . . . frothy ones, too! ChOOSe from the
bride’s of ygllow roslzaedbilid: ‘ ‘ new “point” system of
rationing. - y- ' ' to rep"
COTTON FROCKS fluffy sheers that are so dressy or bright prints that figd
YeikOW afreamerS- Matron of 6mm“: cammmumhm WORT;
‘ ‘ . nor. rs. ilson L. Hard w ' . I
I - . Yr wore . . tbrou I) adverttsm v o
98 go everywhere. Styles for every occasmn and every filmflal' gown
of pink and car- Advertismg breaks those bottlenecks, too 1"?ng GR;
0 costume. Sizes 32 to 40. bled a “wallet 0f deep pink rose . . . '
r” " h gton Fl
I u s and pink streamers of satin. y-rlght 1n the pages of this paper.
All 111 - t Mr. and_ Mrs. Kimbel h I llvgiapons
e pretty prln 5 any V Entertain Saturday “II- slfle Rl
young miss could thh Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimbel en- i" Man
for . . . and all with trlm- 1 .98 .98 i tertalned for a group of out-of- ,
mings to set her eyes a and town “lends, Preceding the Coast \le 1011 ca]
sparkle and her cheeks P 1 . 1 . f ' .1 d Guard Aux1llary dance
aslow! Princess, basque opu ar dirndls or your c assm avorlte tal ore