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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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V» ,J _ 2 he 24, y 1m“ 4’ . ~~-_ _._ "I, ,, 1L4 View y Club is neeting uly 7 at women ‘ “ Ew MARKETS WERE NEEDED. MT»: ’ : membe ' W .- WV (43.“ 35b gem: U IEIVEYEARS EARLIER(i636)GOVERNOR zeting l _. p u _ I WlNTHROPS SON JOHN AND THOMAS MAY- }Ooners. l . W. > .. , HEWOF BOSTON HAD SENTA'TINV SLOOP l dham , r, . f! TOTRADE WITH BERMUDA. IT WAS A I i . 0 g , -, SMALL VENTURE BUT PROVED To NEW | f we _ gag; ENGLANDERS THAT THERE WASA MAR- “:ng _‘ r, l ‘ .5 KET IN THE WEST iNDiEs. /,/ i In June. TRADE DEVELOPED. COLONIAL «W 2:24;?“ 2 l i the i: " BROUGHT BACK SUGAR AND MO- “‘sm'mu/ =1 i this w sES IN such QUANTITIES THAT THIS I I joined t i TRY'S SHIPPERS BEGAN EXPORT- , THE TROPICAL PRODUCTS TQ AM— zr from ‘ RDAM.¢OPENHAOEN AND OTHER Guard d PEAN pop-r5. ton. would like the Ob - , :5. r. 194?. tY Cl .Ur/lercfian tflfarl'ne ' L THE WEST INDIES TRADE ECOLONTES HAD COUNTED ON lNCREASlNG NLI MBERSOF lMMl ANTs TO PURCHASE SUPPLIES or: FlSH,DRl ED MEATAND LUMBER. I .E ENGLISH CIVILWAR OF 164! TEMPORARlLY HALTED lMMlG RA- nvited . i .0)! AND THUS PRECIPITATED AN ECONOMIC CRISIS HERE. , s{THE COLONlES NOT ON LY GOT ‘Q‘THEIR HOME-GROWN ‘SURPLUS l in. SIM/LIIsz AMERICA/V5 we»: mm; Ell/£0 mr/xfmlmfl/co/flomr/MI mm WMID WAR // BED/(5007'. BUTJfi/P 0P- TRA-DE ROUTES ‘" THE WORLD“ 59/! 70.?5' mum Y/PEV/JfD mm: mm:- ,VP'l t ‘5UDDENLY FOUND THEMSELVES .. lNATiNO ONE OF THE MOST mor- : ' r FAMOUS WESTINDIES r l; .E WAS BORN . ’"232‘mwgzazfirzmecm Precly Dust— , , I ‘ r Brl , . ,, “mg of addditional thous— su'ts instructors to meet un- lel‘i 'f Y0 nlied wartime demands for dfy .90 of first aid, functional ean'"9 , 3, water safety and acci- 3 Pf_ d" I"fevention instructions will Pefsplrat: 1, }ed on by the Red Cross at "m'ng t Onal aquatic schools dur- DUS fab” , summer months, it was their _° I today by A. L. Schafer, 50 'm "' Area manager of Red re wearlfl. ; 9'51 illg the importance of ' iilning courses to the arm— ; es and the civilian popu- l '1‘ Mr. Schafer urges all Red IAU ‘ Phapters, community groups " 31‘ organizations to lend LEA V eglflnport to this phase of the 'e 88 ' °Pt by sending to the Red il)llools as many individuals '. e. . , ereplace those now serving tarmed forces and to en- . tehe‘ home front army of ‘ a9? instructors to the need- 11{me proportions, the Red , W111 be obliged to qualify iaal thousands,” Mr. Schaf- ,_ “The national aquatic ,‘ Conducted each year at 2 Camp, school and resort ' S In every section of the h are ideally suited for ‘,_ .rPOSe," he pointed out. by the Red Cross on a ,18, they provide 10 days ,, seful activity in vacation . dlngs. Under the guidance 2 at? instructors the individ- “ ... ending these schools are of 11} the knowledge and i ~.. first aid, swimming, life ,, dIVing, boating, canoeing me and farm accident pre- h, «H 1 About Our— ,2 3 3'8 In Uncle I Sam’s Services I ‘, financed from Page One) ,.. l'tS that he enjoys this 0f the service known as no N T. er than Air Patrol” very , , )4, .116 flys a few days a ' n the blimps that guard { Ilne hunting enemy subs v htrest of the time he is D Shift repairing motors. , , N°nald McDonald, station- '«- orth Carolina, was home be days last week to visit rats, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ;,Jaj¥1aldrip, son of Mr. and 1, ii “‘68 Waldrip, was accept- ,z. 6 Navy and will leave \ .4 for training. ‘ 033156 Bloomfield of Camp furl 1f., arrived home on his ‘ Mekongh to visit .his wife old baby son. I. Q, \‘» - ’i D STALEY ~ hag}! LEAVE vi. tr: Staley was home on . June 9 to June 18 _, in A l‘my-Navy general hos- »‘ p I‘kansas. He will return Forrest Tenn., on the Dltal train. abonohugh, son of Mrs. ans- Moore, has just re- ; . Aappomtment to the U. S. ,3 Cademy at Annapolis, rat t‘g’as in his sophomore -= at 6 University of Cali- i v.1 Los Angeles, majoring ‘ent Selence, when the ap- lyemlé Was received. He is r,e1t~°W Of Mr. and Mrs. W. ,I] 0»: and the grandson of l nee Lee Shelton. V I V The , on :eTe expecting him up .i, ,to Vacation when he was I‘eport to Annapolis. .. ,, . . l .. '3. ORTHINGTON - , pg, 3 GRADUATE . .tte - i First Class Carl i "been .11, U.S.N., of_Shelton, . ng‘aduated from the In- ,b: Riapons Course, Weapons , h 3 Range Battlaion, at *I». '4 Le‘J arine Corps Base at [i hat-ewe, N. C. i . .i, y, 1°11 Came after six weeks : “and he has been trained u f? 0f_ the bayonet, hand- mecfiztlng, and instruction ht nics, maintenance and s of infantry weapons. VI quilt time: it (.Tl’lace a Want-Ad in the YOUR RED CROSS REPORTER i pays to with damp cloth just before cook- PUIPT/i’Dl/fff 7'0 [DA/[iA/M’A TEflA/A/[W/YAR- MET! ANDI‘M/i’lfolEFTfka/YDEDeYfl/E i W/f/IDA’A WAI. OFBEll/GERENT V55 51-28 . ] COPYRIGHT/943 .LMCLMRKE. +|s vention. They also receive com- petent instructor training and are qualified to conduct courses in these subjects in their own com- munities and to participate in the vital wartime activities of the Red | Cross.” Emphasis in the schools this year will be placed on qualifica- tion of instructors in the new functional swimming and water safety training course which is being used with spectacular suc— cess in training members of the armed forces and is now being extended to include the pre-induc— tion age group and all civilians subject to military or war service. The skills taught in the aquatic schools are based upon the demon- strated needs of modern war- fare in which troops must be transported overseas, are some- times obliged to swim great dis— tances or remain afloat for long periods of time, and are frequent- ly called upon to negotiate bodies of water with full equipment. Dates and locations of Red Cross aquatic schools in Pacific area are: Four Seasons Aquatic School, Lake Washington, June. 20-July 1; Como Springs, Mor— gan, Utah, June 20-July 1; Elsi- nore Military Academy, Elsinore, Calif., June 20-July 1. Persons interested in the pos-‘ sibility of other equatic schools in the Pacific area, communicate with the Director, First Aid, Wa- ter Safety and Accident Preven— tion, American Red Cross, Pacific Area, Civic Auditorium, Larkin and Grove Streets, San Francisco, Calif. Write News Thatfi Soldier Wants . Men in .the Armed Services would rather read about what their families are doing, in the letters they get from home, than any other kind of news, the Office of War Information said after a survey among men in the service at home and overseas and in co— operation with the Special Service Division of the Army Service Forces. , Men from fighting fronts in Af- rica and the Southwest Pacific reported how mail from home—'— the right kind Of mail'is one of the most vital factors in building and sustaining morale. At one station overseas, 111 men, representatives of enlisted men in the station, were asked “What kind of things do you like to read about in your letters from home ?” An examination of an- swers showed: (A) Soldiers like,to receive let- ters about their families, includ- ing information concerning the following: 1. How the family is getting along economically. 2. That the family is doing ev- erything possible to aid the war effort. 3. That the family is anxious for the boy’s return. . 4. That the family is “okay and busy." (B) Soldiers like to hear news about their friends, especially those in the service. Information in this category includes: 1. Girls he knows (if they are single). 2. News about friends at home. 3. Changes in social relations (who is marrying whom). '4. Past events, places he used to go, and the community’s “night life.” Five hundred Red Cross sol- diers field kit bags were packed and sent to Seattle Monday eve- ning. One hundred more are to be sent out as soon as additional supplies arrive. Lots of knitting and sewing to be done! * * * Not only are Europe’s forests destroyed but mills and equip- ment are burned and wrecked by artillery, bombs and tanks. American wood is in Britain’s Wellington bombers that for two years have carried huge bomb loads over Nazi-held Europe. Cover fresh meat loosely. Wipe ing. If ground, store in extra c001 place and cook soon. Throw your SCRAP into the fight. ' LEGAL PUBLICATIONS i No. 4247 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ida Dorothy Ortun, Plaintiff, —vs.~— Thomas Ortun, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO: The said Thomas Ortun, Defend- ant. You are hereby summoned to ap— pear within 60 days after the date of first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within 60 days after the 13th day of May, 1943, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court and answer the Com- plaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the under~ signed attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stated.and in case of your failure so to do, ,judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court. The object of this action is that Plaintiff attempts to seek a divorce from you upon the grounds of non-support, desertion and abandon- ment and to have adjudicated and decreed certain lands in Section 29, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, to be Plaintiff’s sole and sep- arate property. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for Plaintiff, Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Bldg, Shelton, Mason ounty, Washington. (Post office and office address.) 5-113-20-27»-6-3-10-17-24—7t. National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by| the Forest Supervisor, Box 187,) to and' Olympia, Washington, up not later than 10:00 A. M., July ‘26, 1943, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing about .60 acres within the SW14 Sec. 16, T. 21 N., R. 8 W., W. M., Humptulips Working Circle, East Humptulips Block, Wishkah wa- tershed, Olympic National Forest, I Washington, estimated to be 300,- 000 feet B.M., more or less of Douglas-fir, 1,000,000 feet B.M., more or less of Sitka spruce, 200,- 000 feet B.M., more or less of Western redcedar and an unesti- mated amount of Western hem- lock and other species. No bid of less than $8.85 per M feet for Douglas-fir, $9.80 per M feet for Sitka spruce, $5.85 per ,M feet for Western redcedar and $2.50 per M feet for Western hemlock and other species will be considered. In addition to the prices bid for stumpage a cooperative deposit of $.30 per M feet B.M., to cover cost of tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand improvement work and $.30 per M feet B.M., to cover cost of brush disposal, on the area cut over, for the total cut of tim- ber under the terms of the agree- ment, will be required. $13,000.00 must accompany each bid to be applied on the purchase price, re- funded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to re- ject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted full in- formation concerning the timber, the cOnditions of sale, and the submission of bids should be ob- tained from the Forest SuperviSOr, Post Office Building, aympia Washington. " 6-24—7-8—2t. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS MAY, 1943 May 3, 1943 Board met in regular session. Pres- ent were V. E. Paul. chairman. H. R. Dickinson and R. Trenckmann, com- missioners, and Harry Deyette, Clerk of the Board. ‘ Claims allowed. Remittance in the amount of $8.00: Was received from Carl Roessell for equipment rental and turned over to the Treasurer for the credit of Road District No. 2. Remittance in the amount of $3.00 was received from C. L. Rood for equipment rental and turned over to the Treasurer for credit of Road Dis- trict No. 1. Auditor's count of Treasurer's cash as of April 1, 1943, was examined and approved. Notice of application for Transfer of License from Charles and Leno e Pusey 'to Thomas Kennedy. at Pee - Inn Tavern, received and filed. Letter from Regional Chief, gov- ernment employment, in re employ- rnleriit of term workers received and ie . . This being the time set for hear- mg on Emergency for Sheriff's Office and no one appearing to object, it was. moved and seconded that the fol- low1ng resolution declaring be ap- proved. Carried. Resolution granting emergency ap- propriation. Board adjourned. May 5, 1943 Board met. All were present. Clalms allowed. Committee from Red Cross appear- ed in re financial help from County for building of a float to be used on Island Lake for Red Cross swimming classes. Upon, advice of the Pros. Attorney that this could not properly be called {in emergency, and, there being noth- mg blidgeted for this purpose the Board 0011101 not 1e 11 rant re u for financial help. ga y g q eSt Board adjourned. May 10, 1943 Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. Remittance in the amount of $6.00 was. received from Albert Frank for equipment rental and turned over to Treasurer for, credit of Road District| NO. 1. Board adjourned. May 17, 1943 Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. In the matter. of Division of Forest Reserve Fund. it was moved and sec- onded that the following resolution be apfirovedi. Carried. eso u ion re ' ' Reserve mom‘jy- apportioning Forest The f0110W1ng communication was received from H Club. oodsport CommerCial Letter re favoring closin Finch Creek to fisherman OVEr age fit 16. Action on the above communication was deferred until a later date. It was moved and seconded that contract be entered with Henry Goebel to lease for five years the Gravel Pit g‘i’vgxi‘tfi 11, Sec. 1, Twp. 19, R. 4-, . . . or use ' ' Carried. V of Road District 2. It was moved and seconded that the friggiwmg resolution be approved. Car- Resolution re ap orti received from sale {if £3335. moneys In the matter of sale of Lenora Johnson House, appraisal of same hav- ing heretofore been placed at $2000.00, ' same having been advertised and offer- ed for sal received: a and no bid having been It was moved and seconded that the former motion placing valuation at $2000.00 be rescmded and that valua- tion be placed at $1200.00 with same terms, that same be advert‘ e 'd that Sheriff be ordered to slglldsgr’he according to law. Carried. ' Board adjourned t ' - day, June 1‘ 1943. 0 meet again Tues BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. MA WASHINGTONSON COUNTY, V. E. . Attest: PAUL. Chairman HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the—Board. , 3-24.41; . SHELTON-MASON Franchise Application No. 713849.“ " NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Application. of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, a corpora- tion, for a franchise to construct, op- erate and maintain a telephone and telegraph line along and upon a por- tion of Secondary State Highway No. 14-A, in Mason County. Washington. l WHEREAS, ’DHE PACIFIC TELE- PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COM-j PANY, a corporation. has, under the provisions of Chapter 53. Laws 01' 1937, filed with the Director of High— ways of the State of Washington an application for a franchise to con- struct, operate and maintain a tele— phone and telegraph line upon and, along a portion of Secondary State Highway No. 14—A in Mason County. Washington, for a pcriod of twenty- l'ive (25) years. at the following des- ignated points, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south— , easterly side of Secondary State» Highway No. 14—A, as now located} and of record in the office 01' the" Director of Highways at Olympia, Washington, said point being on the northerly corporate limits of the, City of Shelton in the Southeast 1,4 of Section 17. Township 20 North,‘ Range 3 West, W.M.; thence in northeasterly direction along the southeasterly side of said highway‘ to a point opposite approximately Highway Engineer‘s Station 625 00 in the Southeast 14 20, Township 22 North, West. W.M.; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a hearing will be held on said. application by the Director of Highways of the State of Washing— ton at his office in the Transporta- tion Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 3rd day of August, 1943, at 10 o‘clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be held. I Dated at Olympia, Washington, this 8th day of June, 1943. BURWELL BANTZ. Director of Highways 6424—7-1-8-3t. of Section Range 1 No. 1478 NOTICE OF HEARING ACCOUNT AND REPORT PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of Raleigh W. Blankenship, also known as R. W. Blankenship, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That Albert Blankenship, the Admin: istrator of the above entitled estate, has rendered and presented for set— tlement to and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County and state his final account and report and petition for distribution as such administrator, and that Saturday. July 17, 1943, at the hour of 11:00 o’clock A.M., at the Court Room of our Superior Court at Shelton" in said county has been duly appomted by our Superior Courtior the settle— ment of the final account at Which time the court is asked to settle such report, distribute the property to the heirs or persons entitled to the, same, and discharge the administrator‘and his bondsmen. D VF OF FINAL AND WITNESS the Honorable WRIGHT, Judge of the said Superior Court and the Seal of the said court affixed this 19th day of June, '1943. ESTHER ROLES. Acting County Clerk and , Clerk of the Superior Court. R. W. MILLER, , ' Bremerton Trust Savings Building Bremerton, Washington , Attorney for the Administrator. (SEAL) 6-24——7-1-8—-3t. ' N0. 1444 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of John A. Peebles. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Chas. R. Lewis, Exe- cutor of the Estate of John A. Peebles, Deceased. will on or after the 6th day of July, 1943, offer for sale atl private sale all of the right, title, claim. equity, and said deceased, in ‘and to the follow-i ing described real property situated in Mason County, Washington, to-wit: Lots 1 to 5 in Block 8 together with vacated portions of Sherwood .Avenue, adjoining the same, and Lots 2 to 5 inclusive, Block 9, all in the town of Allyn, Mason County, Washington, excepting public roads, if any. All bids or offers must be in writ— ing; may be left at Suite 1, Lumber— men’s Building, Shelton, Washington, delivered to the undersigned, per- sonally, or may be filed in the officei of the clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Ma— son County at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. The above described premises willl be sold for cash or for cash and! credit. subject to the ratification, ap- proval. and confirmation of the above entitled court and at least 10 per cent ofthe ount.of.the bid must ac- company aid bid, in cash or certified check. e The undersigned hereby reserves' , the right to reject any and all bids. , Dated this 14th day of June, 1943. I CHAS. R. LEWIS, , Executor of the Estate of John A. Peebles, Deceased, Suite 1, Lumber-men's Build- ing, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 6-17-24--7-1—3t. No. 1589 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Christopher P. Grindrod, Deceased. Notice is hereby iven that the un- dersugned, Alice . Grindrod has been appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Christopher P. Grindrod, Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said Estate or the said Deceased are hereby required to serve the same duly verified in dupli- cate with the necessary vouchers at- tached upon the undersigned Execu- trix or her Attorney of record, Chas, R. ' Lewis at Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Building. Shelton, Mason County, Washington, the same being desig- nated as the place for the transaction of business of the Estate, and file such claims together with proof of service with the clerk of the above entitled Court, within six months after the date of the first publication of this noti_ce, to—wit: June 17, 1943, or ‘sald claims shall be forever barred. Date of first publciation, June 17, 1943. ALICE M. GRINDROD, , Executrix of the Estate of Christopher P. Grindrod, Deceased. CHAS. R. LEWIS, , Attorney for said Estate, ' Suite 1, Lumbermen's Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington . 6-17—24—7—1-8—4t No. 4250 , SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON Ida Mae Lutzke, Plaintiff —vs.— William A. Lutzke, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to the saitd WILLIAM A. LUTZKE, Defend- an : . You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to—wit. within sixty (60) days after the 27th day of May, 1943, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff. and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will . be rendered a ainst you according to the demand 0 the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. ‘ - That the cause of action herein is for divorce on the grounds of aban- donment. H. H. SCHLEE, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post, Office Address: Harrison Building, Bremerton, Washin ton. , Date of first pu lication, May 27, 1943. , 5—27--6—3-~10—17.24--7—1—-6t . VF— WANTED: permanent housekeep— 4 p. m. WANTED: sewing machine, must WANTED: lawn mowing i WANTED : COUNTY J OURN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 Words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 500 per inch; classxfied display ,rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first at the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 100 will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 ii I l ' "Wanted , “MAM er, two adults to cook for. In- quire Journal or call 320J after P6-24--7-1—2t , be in good running order. State. make, price, electric or foot 1 pedal. Writc Route 1, Box 235A, Shelton. J6-24—1t. ? and Odd Donald Hansen, 1224 jobs. 6-24—1t. Olympic Highway. day bed or studio couch, also kerosene oven. Mrs. Frank Salisbury, 530 com St._ 6-24fi1t. WANTED, TIE LOGS: fir and WANTED: housekeeper and com- WANTED: i WANTED: refrigerator or ice box, WANTED: about 150 feet electric interest of the: J. W. Churchill, Mat- 6-24—-7-8~3t. cedar. lock Route. panion for 13 year old girl. Write Route 4, Box 335A, Olym- pia, Wash. CG-24—-7-873t. enamel wood range. cash. Cleave Robinson, 6-24--7-8~3t. ‘ Will pay 1119 Cota St. family size. Peter Thomason, . Route 1, Box 178, Elma, Wash. ' 6-17-24—2t. I wiring. Used O.K. Also bottle: capper. Write Star Route 2,| Box 35, Shelton, Wash.F6-17——3_t WANTED1‘ woman to do lighti housework, cook for two adults. Good pay. Mrs. Hans Bergeson, 1325 Railroad Ave. 6-17-24—2t. WANTED: girl or woman to as- sist with housework and care! of one child. No laundry. Home! nights. Call 486J after 5 p. m. S6-17tfn WANTED: someone to cut 50 ricks of wood. Drag sawandi machine furnished. Dewey Ben- l nett, Shelton Valley. 1 6-17-—7-1—-3t. % i not o've‘ritwd’ burners. Alvin Ander- [WANTEDz kerosene stove, 6-17~-24—. WANTED: women to open oy- sters. Prefer one with car. Phone 10F21. L6—17--7-1——3t WANTED: women to work at Mason County Steam Laundry. . ' 6-10-24—3t. WANTED: men to work in vital defense industry. Certificate of availability is necessary. Shelton Concrete Products. Seventh St.l Bridge. 4-15tfn. WANTED: cottonwood bolt cut- ters in the Skokomish Valley.i Highest wages paid. Address: Washington Excelsior and Mfg. C0,, 871 Othello St.‘, Seattle. 4-1—tfn. . gen, Route 2, Box 16913, , Ir NOTICE or SALE or STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ' on Tuesday, the 6th tin of Jul . 1943, y y commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of} the »main entrance door of the County Court House in the city of- Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washing- ton by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state tide lands, together with the imp- provements situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to wit: NOTE-z—No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to be- come such, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. 10611 All tide lands of the second class owned by the State of Washington lying below the line of mean low tide in front of lot 1 and part of lot 2, section 10, township 23 north, range 3 west, W. M., measured along the government meander line as follows: Beginning at the meander corner on the north line of said section 10, thence along said meander line S 49 degrees W 8.00 chains, S 28 degrees W 14.80 chains, S 34 degrees 30’ 'W 4.00 chains and S 11 degrees 45’ W 1.00 chain. to the terminal point of this description, with a frontage of 27.80 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $139.00 Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stat- ed and. upon the terms and conditions followmg: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he. be not the owner of the improvements, must forthWith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the appraised value of the improve- ments, as above stated. One-tenth of the purchase price must, be paid an- nually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum per annum: Provided, That any purchaser may make, full payment of principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed“ The purchaser of land contain- ing timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removrng any such timber or mater- lals Without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, un- til_ the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals andfossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap— ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 312-of the Session Laws of, 192’", relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same. JACK TAYLOR, Commissioner of Public Lands. By FRANK YATES, Ass’t. Commissioner. 6-310-17-24- 7-1—5t The fresher a vegetable when it is used, the better the taste, the less the waste, and the more vita- mins retained. mvvvvvvvvv Real Estate | l . .—.——_————-——-———— JOURN AL W VVVVV. M -“MWWM‘M‘A A. FOR SALE: 5—room modern house except heat. 1827 Summit Drive, Hillcrest. L6-24—1t. FOR SALE: 6 room house and three lots. Insid city limits, close to mills. water. Write P. O. Box 432, Shelton. Price reas- onable. M6-24--7-8—3t. FOR SALE: good income prop- erty close to town consisting of 3 modern cottages. Price $2500, terms. Inquire Box R, Journal. 56-24--7-8—3t. FOR SALE: cabin, priced reas- able. May be moved on skids. Call. 216J5X evenings. , J6—24--7-8—3t. FOR SALE: 41/2 acres, 221 ft. waterfront, beautiful view, good soil, dairy goats, Anglo-Nubian, yearlings. Pansy plants, cent apiece. Marigolds, Mullin, Dill. Hoessl, Rt. 2, Box 280, Shelton. 6-17-—7-1—«—3t. FOR SALE: 3 room modern house near Bordeaux school. Call 184W for further informa- tion. C6-17tfn. FOR SALE: Otis Michael’s and: N.W. Matlock, 120 acres im- proved. Part cash, balance terms. Stella Michaels, 945 Brooks, McMinnville, Oregon. 6-17—-7-1—3t. WANT TO TRADE 20 acres, Well improved, near Shelton for trac- tor and equipment or truck. In- quire or write Box L., Journal. L6-10-24—3t. FOR SALE: about 8 acres and practically new house 28 x 32, large rooms. Electricity, barn, chicken house. Good fertile ground with year around creek. miles north of Shelton (in Bremerton highway. For fur- ther information inquire Tony Fonzo at Tony’s Place. ' BG-3-24—4t. ____t__________....__- 'FOR SALE: 5 acres with water- front, tidelands, timber and cabin. Spring, 1/2 acre cleared. Widow, must sell. See Walter A. Magoon, Shelton, Wash. 6-24—7-1—2t. lFOR SALE: house to be moved, 3 rooms and bath, hot water plumbing system, electric wir- ing. $750.00. Phone 217R4. D——4-15tfn. FOR SALE: house, 4 rooms and bath with hot water plumbing and electric wiring. Good gar- den space. $1,000. Located in Upper Skokomish Valley, phone 217R4. D—4-22tfn. FOR SALE 2—room home with fireplace and wired for electric range, elec— tric hot water heater. Garage attached. Excellent g a r d e n ,i 1%; block of fine building sites, creek runs through property, paved on two sides. This prop- erty will make excellent invest- ment for building of home and is well located in the center of Shelton. All must be sold to- gether. A good investment at $3150.00. :1: =1: 5—room modern home on Hood Canal. Two bedrooms, wired for electric range, artesian well, electric pump. Oysters on beach, waterfront property, $3750.00. * =l< =l< * 65 acres, about 41/2 miles from Shelton, osme timber, lots of wood, also 4 room house, good tract. Paved on two sides. Also‘ ___.____————— Page Seven NT ADS WWVT' Classified Service AAA‘ALAMAAAAA AAAA:>A‘A‘ Everything For Your Garden 1 Seeds, Bedding Plants, Fertil- izer, Vigoro Tablets, Insect Powders, Sprays, etc. Your Dog will like our Dog Food!! FORREST’S Flowers and Gifts SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE: Schedule your riding parties for afternoons or Sundays. Clar- ence Wivell, 11/2 miles from town, Shelton Valley. Old Lor- raine Dairy Farm. 6-22--7-15—~4t. MASON c o U N T Y MOTORS ‘ OPEN ON SUNDAY. —adv. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Pianos, band instruments, rec- ords, sheet music, tuning and repairing. Messingale Music Co. 105 W. Heron St.,.Aberdeen Phone Ab. 3025 FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE For Rent FOR RENT: two room unfurn- ished cabin. Close in to work.. Mrs. Walter Lipscy, Route 3, East Dickinson. Phone 1981. 6-24—1t. _____.____'_—— TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. Partly furnished, hot wa— ter and shower, $20 month, Lo- cated on Camp 3 road in Upper Skokomish Valley. Transporta- tion to Bremerton available. Phone 217R4. D6—24tfn. FOR RENT: 4 room house un- furnished except for range. I 1962 Summit Drive. M6-24—1t. FOR RENT OR SALE: Clipper Cove furnished home, room, 5 bedrooms, kitchen, elec- tric and wood ranges. Inner spring mattress. I. P. Callison, Union, Wash. 6-17--7-1—-3t. ' FREE RENT: furnished house in exchange for board and room couple, without children prefer- red. Phone 122R mornings be- fore 9:30 or write PO. Box 37 for appointment. W. 113 marble. 6-10-24—3t. FOR RENT: unfurnished modern 2 room cabins with hot and cold water connections, stove, shower, located Allyn, Wash. Will furnish if desired. Contact Kirk Company, Box 106 Allyn. 6-3-24—4t. FOR RENT: furnished modern du- plex, 2 rooms, hot and cold water connections, stove, show- er, located Allyn, Wash. Con- tact Kirk Company, Box 106, Allyn. TWO and FOUR ROOM houses for rent. $30 and $35 per mo. Bert Davis, Lilliwaup. 5-6tf. l I--- l l pole barn. Some cleared. $1575! Terms, $375 down. Plenty _of wood for years. See Herb Angle today. price. 3 ‘1 131/4 acres of land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000 cash. II: t * $ * acre of good land with two room house, electric lights and city water. Excellent view prop- erty. $1,000, terms $200 down. . * * it 1 HERBERT G. ANGLE I Used Cars FOR SALE: trailer ouse, 16 feet, good condition, 200'. T. J. Leiske, Upper Skokomish Val- ley at Standard School place. No calls on Saturdays. 6-10-24—3t. 1931 Nash sedan, FOR SALE: excellent condition. $150 cash. . J. H. Quartier, Vance Creek bridge, Skokomish Valley. ‘ 6-24—1t. ,NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone but myself. J. W. MCKENZIE 6-17--7-1—3t. No. 1582 , NOTICE TO CREDITOBS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON . IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Ole G. Haarberg, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Ole G. Haarberg, de- ceased. All persons having claims against said decedent or his Estate are ‘hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, upon the under- signed Adminlstratrix or her attorney of record, Anthony M. Arntson, at the address hereinafter stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: within six months after the 17th day of June, 1943, or they shall be forever barred. INGA WALLE, Administratrix ANTHONY M. ARNTSON, Atty. for Administratrix, Office and P. 0. Address, 1520 Puget Sound Bank Building. Tacoma. Pierce County,.Wash. 6-17-24—7-1-8—4t. FOR RENT: furnished .modern cottages, 2 rms. and bath. Rent $40.00 month. Lights, water, gas cooking, oil heat, included. Lil- liwaup Motel, Lilliwaup, Wash. 5-274-27—1M Lost and Found REWARD for return of( purple cloth belt lost Monday after- noon between City Hall and Peninsula Garage. Please leave at Journal office. BG-24—1t. LOST: wallet containing birth certificate and other papers, be- longingto Archie T. LeCompte. Finder please leave at the Pas- time, Second & Cota. Reward. I 6-24—1t. 'LOST: light green zipper bag containing ration cards and glasses. Return to Journal of- fice. W6-24--7-8—3t. WILL PERSON who took the Wrong umbrella, from Hienie Eats, black silk With clear glass handle and tips, bring it to the Journal office and receive re- ward. It was treasured as a gift. B6-17--7-1—3t. 'LOST: brown zipper wallet. Con- tains valuable papers and cards. Lost on Wednesday near Pig- mon‘s. Albert Stephens, Mason Hotel. 6-17-24—2t. LOST: small brown purse' con- taining-much needed cash in J. C. Penney Store June 10. Anna Dorcey, 125 Fourth Street. 6-17-~7-1—3t. FOUND: one 16 ft. flat bottomed life boat on beach at my resi- dence near Belfair, Wn., four lock boat, no locks, no oars. Dark maroon color. Owner may have same by proving owner- ship and paying all costs and maintenance. Peter N e l s o n, Star Route 2, Belfair, -Wash. 6-10-24—3t. To keep berries, cherries, and grapes tiptop, stOre in a shallow tray in a cold place. Wash just be- bore using. The natural sugar in dried fruits keeps them from molding easily. Store them in a tight bag' or jar in a cool place. Watch in warm weather for worms or weevils. FOR SALE: 6 weeks old V VV 'V mv'vvvwmmwv'vm’ For Sale AA‘AAAALA“. red Cocker Spaniel pups. Males $10. Mrs. Bert Rau, Kamilchc, phone 9F12. 6—24fi7—14—2t. FOR SALE: buffet, 6 chairs, din- FOR SALE: one dump 5-6-30—1M FOR l [FOR SALE: dining table, chairs, l l 6-3-24—4t. l l l a ! ning room table $50. Chest of drawers $15. Small book case $5. End table $2. A11 in good condition. New chenille spread, twin size $3.50. Inquire 810 Cota ——afternoons. L6—24~ ~1t. bed, fits any pickup model. Can be load- ed and.unloaded by one man. $120. Inquire Journal. F6-24tf. FOR SALE: Fourth of July heavy dressed fryers, 2 to 4 pounds, 60c per lb. delivered within city limits. Friday 2nd. Phone 288 or write ‘Martin Otto, Route 1, Shelton. 6—24--7-1i~2t. FOR SALE: day bed and break- fast set. Call 39-M. R6—24‘1t. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Sim— mons bed, mattress and spring. Norman Westlund, Route 2, across from Shelton Meat and Ice plant. Phone 241W. 6—24—1t SALEzmone fresh- cow: Ax— chie Lemke, Dayton. Phone 14- F35. 6-24—11; set of bunk beds, card table, bassinet stand, mattress, kit- chen cabinet, work table. H. C. Johnson, Island Lake. 6-24—1'it. FOR SALE: upright piano and bench and used washing ma- chine. J. A. Shafer, Route Box 235, Shelton (Shelton V ley). 6—24--7—8— t. FOR SALE: Windsor range, en- ameled. Good condition. $501!). Frank L. Smith, Star Route :1, Box 45, Shelton. 6-24—Elt. SAILBOAT FOR SALE: 18-fobt Sea Gull class, V—bottom, Maf- coni rigged, Genoa jib, good condition. Now near Union. $235. Write PO. Box 61. - A6-24u7-8—3‘t FOR SALE: two accordians, '8 bass, on hand. New band and orchestra instruments. Lessons given on strings, reeds, brass, piano. In Shelton every Tuesday at Foursquare Church on Hill- crest. Home address, Prof. Mc- Ghee, Union. Phone Union 388. 6-17--7-1—3t. living FOR SALE: 8-year old saddle horse. Cheap. Dewey Bennett, Shelton Valley. 6-10-24——3t. FOR SALE: one box carpenter tools. $50. Lester Smith, Rise. 2, Box 219. 6-10-24—3t. FOR SALE: saw logs and good , piling. Six miles west of Shel- ton on Matlock Road. F. _J. Vogel. 6—10—24—3t. FOR SALE: kitchen table and four chairs. Practically new. Phone 581J. Mac6-8—24—3t. FOR SALE: young Jersey and Guernsey cows. Just fresh and coming fresh. Dewey Bennett; Box 234, Route 1, Shelton Val- ley. 5-27tfn FOR SALE: Skokomish soil. Oliv- er E. Johnson, Star Rt. 1, Box 50. 4-29~—7-29—3M FOR SALE: Fairbanks Morse 1%, hp. electric motor and booster pump with starting equipment, switches, conduit, etc. Frank Nosworthy, Union. Phone Union 221. 5-13tfn. "vvmww v-o vvarvvvvvvv' PROFESSIONAL CARDS vmwmvv Charles T. Wright LAWYER Phone 337 Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton e. INSURANCE HERBERT G. ; ANGLE Office‘ at Angle Building ——_—§-— ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems l 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME: Licensed Embalmers ‘ W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant? Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115