June 24, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 24, 1965 |
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Percy M Pio
6017 S.E. 8Gth Ave
Portland, Ore
First Tra[ie
Line At Rew
24 Published in "Christina'_down, U.S.A.". Shelt:on, Washington 22 Pages--3 Sections
!24, 1965 Entered ~*s see,rod class m~dtcr at the p ,*st office al Shelton, Washh)ghm, 98584
trotter Av.( ,,f ~lal'ch 8. 1879. 1-'ill) liMmd weekly at 227 West C~,ta. 10 Cents Per Copy
~: National Bank
Nonday night
teL to draw
s new building
Harold Dahi-
the Blue
Third and
his arehi-
[ last May
1% has not
the bank
Will entail
of two-
rental bust-
so two
can be
this point,
nine years
artme~t of
in 1952,
Four years
office be-
son in the
15 and
by tWo
trains in
the De-
Under con-
the de-
&hod Beard Considers
The diqlute between the Shel-
ton School Board and Supt. 1-~oberL
Quiggle in which the board re-
quested Quiggle's re,dgnntion by
June 30 saw no major develop-
menls during the past week.
School Board members said
they are still considering what
their next action will he, but, have
(',(lille tO no final conehlsion.
Prosecutina" After icy. t3yron Me-
Cianahan clarified his position in
the problem after a story in the
Daily Olympian and in a~l Associ-
ated' Press release quoted him as
saying he did ]tot believe the school
board had sufficient grounds for
dismissing the superintendent•
noL have sufficient knowledge of
the facts in the rnatter to make a
decision as to whether the board
has grounds for dismissal or not.
Hc also said his office will not
make an investigation of the mat-
ter and that he asked the school
board to secure other legal corm-
ell for any action they wish to take.
P at Approved By
Comfiy Commission
The Mason CoHnty Commission
Monday approved the plat of
Twanoh Falls after a hearing at
which no one appeared to protest•
The commission set 2 p.m July
19 as the date for a hearing on the
proposed plat of Lady Lake re.
quested by Sit Kclstrup.
A hearing on a request for a
water franchise for Shorecreast
Beach Estates Second Addition b5
Lawrence Bedell was set for 11:30
a.m. July 19.
]A letter from Mrs. S. S. Hughes
reporting numerous boating viola-
(ions on Maggie Lake was turned
over to the Sheriff.
In ProWem
"I was never contacted by either
the school board or the superin-
tendent in the matter and my le-
gal advice w ts not sought," Mc-
Cianahan said.
Ouiggle Suggests
Discussion O[
"!] e follo%Vl I'll' S!-L4 rein t~nt \V;IS
issued by SheIton School Distliet
Superintendent, Rohert Quiggle,
explaining his posiLioa m~d his re-
jectiton of a request from the
School Board that he resign the
position he assumed last July 1•
"When I came here a year ago,
we were faced with a school staff
whose morale was low and a bud-
get barely able to meet the basic
needs of the students of the school
"I feel that under the circum-
stances we have accomplished
much during the past year and
that the work done during this
year will bear fruit in the future.
"At this time, the Board of Di-
rectors has not advised me of the
specific grounds for requesting my
resignation. I have been advised
by my attorney that until these
grounds are specified by the Boayd,
i should not publicly enter into a
dispute concerning the operations
of the school district with the
Board of Directors.
"I frankly feel that a calm and
dispassionate discussion• of o,u'
mutual problents between me and
the Board of Directors would be
of henefit to both of us. I am
ready at any time to meet with
the Board of Directors to try to
City Rejects
~id On R
$treet Work
The Sh':qton City Commission
vo~e,t Ttl.,?sd;ly to reject the sm.,le-*~
bid it reeeiveed on tile K Stz'ee',
improvcnter,t proje.:'l;.... ,:
The one bid, t ece, ived from ,Jtym,~
pie Oil and WoDd. for $60.269.70,'
w~s 11 per cent sbovc the esLi~
112ate (~f Cil.y Supervzsor Pat Byrne
of $5.1,286.75.
The bid rejection was on Byrne's
FOCOH1 nlelldation.
qhc (-ity phms to hard surface
%lid insL;)ll colin,role ellrb and Rill~
Ler on K Street from Highway
101 to the city limits under its
arterial street pr:,gram. An LID
has been formed by property own-
ers on the street for tlzeir share
of the coat of the work.
The eom)mssion authorized the
Public V¢orks Department to ne-
goUate a contract for tile project
if possible, within the engineer's
estimate, Byrne said that he would
rccommend that if a contract
could not be negotiated, tile 1)rej-
ect be held over for another year.
"A REPEAT CALL for bids
wouhl appear to he unfruitful at
this time because of the high level
of activity of conu'aetors in this
area," Byrne said,
Tim commission held over for
another week action on a street
vacation rquested by Merve Set-
tle on properly which he Ires sold
to Mt• Olive ,Lutheran Church as
a site for a new church building.
The city approved the vacation
ot streets on the. condition that
Settle provide right-of-way for a
street in a different location. Set-
t~e, appearing st the Tuesday
meetiug, said he had a quit claim
deed for the part of the proposed
new street which he owned, brit.
that invesligatum h')d revealed
that his properl.y did not extend.
resolve any differences they fcel i
UO\V exist.
"My fundameut;d purpose this
p:tst year has been to secure the
best possible education for the
students of the district. I believe
the Board has had the same pro'-
pose. I firmly believe thai worMng
{ogethor we'c}lll
achieve this goal
and I am ready to do so.
Coming In
At noon yesterday generous
contributors had placed a total of
$1,989.78 in the trust account at
the Seattle-First National Bank
for the Bud Franl(lin Kidney
Numerous additional p l e d g e s
voted by various organizations in
the community will swell that fig-
ure substantially when the checks
are reccived.
Two of these organizations
kllown to have made pledges a:re
the America.n Legion and 40 & 8,
each with $250 contributtinns.
Others which haven't been identi-
fied yet have ,alSo pledged dons-
HELP IS ALSO being sought
from the Teamsters Union of
V, rashingt0n, to which Franklin
belonged before he was compelled
Lo quit Ills job at the Kitsap-Ma-
non Dairy plant in Shelton.
The immediate need is $10,000
to cover costs of kidney machine
treatments at the Seattle Kidney
Center until such time as the Vet-
crane Administration installs a
kidney machine at the VA hos°
, ,t
IMPORTANT DETAIL- Bill Holliday, engineer
for Shetton Mobile Homes, and Dick Lauritzen,
r, cpresentatjve of the Lennox Industries, Inc., heat-
all the way to Phmeer Way, lack-
ing" abo)K 20 feet. The proposed Hood Ganai Lions To
street for whi~'b Ihe cit.y is to get
right-of-way ox nd .om Sell Light Bulbs
\Vyandott( to I)ioneer
The colnnfi,~:dOlh)rs agreed to
withhold fro'thor act.ion nntil they
could ('onsult with City Attorney
John I?.agtln, \\ho was IIOL present
at the meeting.
Fest ©e Expe©ts .,
To Be Moving SOon ....
The Shelton Post Offi..e is ex-
pected to move bask into its new-
ly-remedeled and expanded build-
ing some time soon.
Postmaster Jack Gray said he
had received word from Postal of-
fie.ials in Seattle that a technician
to direct the move wotdd be in
Shelton this vet,ok, but. as of
Wednesday morning, he had not
The move will be made. Gray
said, as soon as the technician ar-
pital in Seattle. Franklin is eligible
to receive tile treatment as a vet,
ing supply specialists, work on a mobile home heat-
ing system.
eight-week progr:nn is hoped for
again this stln]nlel', lnonies havc
oeen appropriated to take care of
, day for the first of the city'S sum- only six Weeks of classes• Funds
called upon. mcr recreatioa swim ckb~t~s, .,,,~,.~;[~([ a two-x\,e~k exk~nsio~v. Luu~L
nnds rats~d in the project wilt [ Four qualified and eX~e0i~d~'~lc from 'the p~ibllc dortolt's,,
be used for various comnumity ac- in,~tructors, plus. tlool owhel,;~ui~ ],,, a~,,'., m~ ~,~ .,.. .... J T¢~f..'~.u~,.~.s
t.i',,l.ies, with a major one being ager Ix, e Kiefer will
] Shelton's learn-to-swinl program, ]'2~,,~, ~a'~n n'~ ~" ~no~ ,,~,,~ ,[,;,:i~
the assistance in the construction . , - ......... -~v t- ..... , ~ ....... te ..........
wh|ch 1S dcmgned for sv~rlnlnlCl'S fhe e0n~l) etion of the DrOKTaITI, He
of a teunis eom't at Hood Canal . ~ , ' ' -- - --. •
lnd non S\\lnnnelS 6 to 16 yell ) o
I: ..... • ~ '~'; has designai.ed Monday evenings
Junior High,
The Mason County Democrat
Central Committee will meet at
8 p.m. tnday in the Court House.
State Rep. Charles Savage will
be the speaker for the program.
Pl'eeinct connnitteenlen are urged
to conic.
old. Randi Tuaon. who diYected as his swim program (lonation
the program in 1964. returns as
prnlgram he:~d for ]965 and her
fom'th year of swim tutelage. Of
the two other program helpers,
I,ynne St(wens will be back for
her third year and Coralle Ander-
son for her second•
• xliending as the prograln endetl
last SUl~lnler. Randi said. Eight
weeks of classes were held last
year after .~ special two-week ex-
tcnsion was pnl. into effect when
sufficient funds were raised by
Sta.rLing M o n d a y, t)our-!ong
classes will be run Monday through
Friday from 9 a.m. Lo 4 p.m. at
the pool Instrnction for non-swim-
mers. beginners and advanced be-
ginners will start at, 9. 1.0 and 1]
a.m. and 1 and 2 p.m. daily Inter-
mediates will swim ft'ollt 12-I p.m,
Swimmers and junior life saver~
wit() are at least. 12 years old and
have pa,~:~ed their swimmers' test
will have the pool from 3-4 p.nt.
Although it is not part of the
Public ....... ~ donations, ...................... Although ~m rcgula,r snmmer recreation pr()-
gram. Randi plans u) set UP sen-
ior life..,~aving c'msses "'probably
two evenings each \\-(,el(," she said,
Those persons who are interested
in senior life-saving classes are
asked to contact her or Lc Kiefer
aL the pool soon so that a schedule
Five members of a Tacoma faln-
ily C.~eaped serious injury when
their 30-foot cabin cruiser explod-
ed bow(sen Squaxin and Harstine
Islands Sunday afternoon.
Two of the children of the Gary
Hershey family were adnlitted to
St. Peter Hospital in Olympia for
nlay be sct up.
'l~hose students wishing to pat'-
ticipate in the regular summer
recreation swiL.~ classes numt bring
their swimming cards (if you have
then1) as well as a, par,;r:ts' per-
miss}on ~lip Which is included at
the end of this article. Both the
cards and permi,,~sion slip should
be turued in a.t the pool on the
first day or ";lasses.
Mrs, George MagnotL will han-
dle l;us transportation to end from
lhe Aicport
Although the original tar[,'ot
da'e of .hme I was missed slight-
ly, the first two Sh~.lton Mobile
Home units were completed this
\VCC!( ;ll lime for a de2]er show-
inK today a~ its SheKon au'port
}lail~ ;Li' alto.
It. O. "Red" Rowe, owner and
iTI;l)t;tget' o[' t]te ;IL'\V Shelton enter-
prm., :~:dd Friday lhat lie expect-
ed about 50 deMe)'s fl'om l~',q.,~]linK-
ton. O:'ego'u Idal~o. Alaska and
British Co!arabia 1¢) a'ctend the
showing at the airport 1his rnorlt-
mg and a bnffet dinner this aft-
ernoou Dt the Timbers' Bestau-
On di:~play at the dealer gather-
ing were to" hi. the first t.wi) trail-
ors manufacture,1 by tlte Sh.elh:)n
firm, which began operaL)cm m
lat.e April, The show int:]udes a
'small" one of 12.-by-50-((~,:.t. which
V,'a,',~ n:,lnLifaCttlrcd ('~;pecially for
the display and will bc ~l~e smallest.
trailer constructed a,~ the faet~u'y,
and a 12-by-60-feot trailer, which
will be the st~:!ndard size built al:
the Sllelton factory.
RO~.VE SAID THAT produclion
has ],)c21% slow(!d lhtls faF L'I *.:~(~
af delvys in building ~mteria! sr-
:via!s and b('C,q,l?lio ~,i~ll )SO~I 'Ill:l-
eer Co. hss not c,,-mqp]cu.ly v:w,ut-
ed the hangar where the mrnufae-
taring is taking place. Si)npson
had used the hangar for storage of
insulating hoard for the past sev-
9ral yea.rs and tmLil the ShelLon
Port Co,lll',~i:.ospttal- hem'. [Ilo, w,t~re he was prevmusly in
)day TIIEIII, ARRIVAL on the ects ..... '
ized. Mr. Hershey and Mike were The permission slip (clip ou/~: /ti~e mobile home sales field.
~ack East Coast. the students will spend W
~ay. about five days in New York and~ _._ i~ ~ ~._,.~ . treated for bm'ns and released. " " " " " " /
~rs Hershey W'" ..... ' • -' ~.m...=.......................~...=.==..~,...=.=--=.'.----=--====......
~,v* .... ,. ¢~,.~ ul/lnjure(i, i |
g~stlfive clays in WashingLon, D.C. In [~ngTrllCTRo
ride,, ' ..... ' ,, . =: ............. --,,--~- WITNESSES SAID the boat m .
''~ 1 " ' ' I ~ I
, •, wasmngton, an the At" stuaents tl:e 'Crac raaek' eemed to ex- : SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM
nap- from th, oughout the country will The State Parks and Recreation plode, throwing debris hltn the air i i
'erv-lgather. COnllnission this week announce(!
Mazit will boald a shi) in New that two p]oiects in Mason COlin- MEltS" ~w,~ ...... AI, WOOI,DRIDGE and then catch on fire. The Her- ~ ~,r ..... Ao.e ......... ,
..... '" t " " ~ "~d ! -- ---**l(.Jt~kl~U .... I ~'~'"t ........................................................ ~ ..... I
yore [ York which will take. her home. ty llave been let on contrac~ a-. I ..... slley famuy all junlped into the , ........ ,
,tile). I Commenting on her stay in that a third has been conlplcted. ~ !u.~o n)~g-tna~e Shclton resi(lents which will be one of the largest wate,', afterv]the expo,uon, ,and werc~ ' | A('t(u" " " t ss "!
this ShelL(!n, she said she would like. Major improvements wil! P?.l _al~?\.(~ml~el~ll, lens .l~Iercantile enl- bnilding nlaterial, supply opera- picked npx 'thin ntinutes by other i "~' '~ ......................................................................................................... 1
It() thank everyone here for the nmde in Potlatch State Park t,. 2{tu' vvln~'al,d and Alltions in Soutltern Califorrlta. M~wv bolts. • m I
With I friendliness shown her and hopes Hood Canal. I ~v.°,P2(n.u~ge' . left this week for ] left for California Sunday and will Tlley wereel.aken, to Squaxin Is-. II,Tclct)h°ne ...................................................................................................... ]
land for em .rgency firsl:, aid and J, , m
Wll C1 ( st WaS UalllOl nla Wile I e th
' l I that next year's student will have " -, au t.'s Set'vice, GorJ , '~ I -i'i-;--' ...~ "- ey will assume \v()rk at the I.tnnberm~m's Met'-
then Lt~nsf(~zed to a b(!tt wht tT ) ( n
nero . . ,._~" ............... has awarded a c(ntract for the con-[!lo,n~ u~.~ \~ltn a new L M store lcanlite branch store in Freentont, ' " " ""' :~ c 1]~ .YtC )f Swim ter. .......................................................................................
i.._/ ;t~ rex~arum~ t~ yeu' a~ ~ne ,, . • ' "" ' ,, -"~B'l" ~ln jllstin Ca ;¢ -" "
Vats [ ,__ . L ' S~*l'~'~ C ttOl~ Ot 18 trailer s1Les, ~.~ I . . .' ' ' ~ _"., Which is schcd- [ Calif,, m~t.il the store opens in Tus- look them to the Olympia Port | |
fol n,tcl • L)ic[Ly uleo lo (!pen Jlll , ~- ~ ~ ,
' ] ' • plete with water and elec' ' [ _,, ., . • 5 lo. Itin 3uly 1,) His wif(. Gertrude Ilas dock and a waiting nmbula.nce,i Parent's Signature ......................................................................................
~t'u(1- "I would like tn come back if I15 tcnt sites and t 'slier sanita]'Yl '! n(~ i~ ustm L.M, Whicl~ is to be trcmain'ed in Shelton, but p]mls to 'Ihc boat burned to thewater ! |
the ~ . . ,' -,' 1 ' ,' '. ' ' " rk C0SL[! Dinl(nng materi~ - - - I ' ' ' '
(:ve~ ha\e the nlone3 , she satd. ( unpm~ st,ttmn aLethc pa 22'"] will' be u,,dt ..... 1 t tl supllly sto)'e, ] join him in California in Scptcnlo hne and ihen san~. , ~. m
~.2............................ of thc mprovement,~ will be $ " " .... " ..............................................
.. - ~ ~-" he manag'e;uent of Ibm,. The, Maritime Commissionand ~'T227-..-T".'~'_-?'2~'~-~Y-~';'_~T:-T.-T'.27Z.L2:222~527- II52-Tj.2"~2...~2,-2S.ZjZ.':2222"LTy..... ~-"
~ - - " " I .ne, r ' • " .
' " ........ 210. , ( ,tll(t IO] Inel Shelton rcqldent ] %Vooldridge cain( to the tun1- the Coast Gnard answered thc call, -~- ................. ~-.
c parK, ancl nllSlIlessnlan ~ ' '
, ~ -~ Also at Pothtteh Stat' _ I ..... " . , '//. C I~owe, Jr 'bernlen's Mercantile office staff 111 another boating fire Sunday, a~i~ tl01jt~ &~qPlt'a[m~
.. lie ARTICLE w B Davis Co, olynlpianas l w~ltg'a,~(~, Who has "reside(i in a 15-foot outboard caught fire on o~ xa~x~ ~t~.L~t-..~,-,.~
from Brenlerton 16 years ago,
"~ " ' • ntract Sheiton since 1931
~O~Jxvr~...~-- --,,~ ............. been awarded a $17,129 co I. r Lumbc~ and llas \vorked and since then has served his corn- Mason I,ake, sending Dr. Hugh~%~ ~[ a ~v~r f~g-VlT~Tr|vT~r~ ~ll~lTID~.rID 1:~ /k'~Tl[2*
~'1['~, ~~][~W~'][' ][~2:l~L'~l14k for a comfort station. . .° . L'men's Mere'mille he[e munity in wtrions fields• He was Jones and Ins wife and daughter ~t)~.~l ~tl2~U£~ ~JUIJ~JLJ~ ~ *~"*w~.L ~zltX~lt~
! r ld A~'s0ClttL ]m, nlole tlldl] '= ' "
b ~ RC bnlson, Bob q'ts at o, " " ..', : '. 2,) years, has hcen a. Shell,on School Board nlenlber into the water to escape the ...... ~, l[~,.,r.r,,,,)..a,
" I~l~ p n ~ • " , awarded very active mShel ....
S I U~UEE es, Olymp~ have. b('en'i"ati°nt- ofl re, its an(1 proie~ts .n ,,t4°Jls'c{vm aI- for nine years, trcasnrer of the fla,liles. ~ND 11 ~ It t)Itll~
(~t0ry on Thl= m_~,,,*~ & conLl'aCt Ior tne tnves t~' , ....... a l,,,,~ ~!.,|,',,(,t] ..~." ,:'.'' [~]l(.,ll,()n lie Be(] CI'OS.£ ill Masou Co|mty and Mrs. Jones suffere(I bm'ns on (Story on This Pagc)
' - ...... =~; !lomcstic water at Sqllaxill 1~"* I':';~:.,:";.,;.": 'Y~ ~ttWanis Chlb iwes- has been trcasurcr of the Metlm- he,' a|lkle.
~.1 ,t ].)..1_ ] I//UlII, ~,G.llltl)er of ~!)l '"
.... a,.e t ar~. nnler(:o pres- dis( church in Shelton since 1955•Deputy Sheriff 13ill 13t!oth, wh(|
Tile con pleted p "oJ " .^,,, I
, " coti~ tl~e idenl,. Mas~m (% u't ~ ~ , , ,
;. "" "r--,'-~ .... " ' y Caltcer ~o- Hc Was a.lso falher ad'\iser for \v~|s palrolliltg tile lake .at the
• 1Cl't:~t" C,C~ t' e~,,,enL 1¢ ', . ' • • " , lhlle, towed the dalnage(I ooat lo
co,, tr,,ctlou ol t,vo new c,,,,,a,,o,__,l ,,..,. o. -,, ,,os', .,6,.i and cha,,- the Ba,,,bo,v O,r,s in Shelton. ' NA¥1ONAL
, atT~ l llal BO ,
BANK b,,a la,,,tehin ramps , ..... '-'fo,,,(i' " " " ard.isWoold,'idgo aud t,is ,,ire, Ma,'.,,, sh ,'e and i,,,.estigated the acci-
Sales of U. S. Savings Bond~ in
Mason Couuty during l~I'ay wcre
P'b,I,c. $6,671, L. A. Carlson, volunteer
savings bond chairman, .~aid this
week. ~ ___
)- ::