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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY OF MR. AND MRS. DON HANSEN TO BE CELEBRATED WITH AN OPEN HOUSE IN MATLOCK HALL JUNE 27 FIFTY YEARS OF MARRIAGE will be hon,ered June 27 when the children of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hansen sponsor an Open House from 1-4 p.m. in the Matlock Grange hall on the oooasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mrs. Kenneth Gribble, Mat- lock, and Lawrence Hansen, Lake Nahwatzel, will host the event. The Hansens were married June 30, 1915 in Shelton and have lived in Deckerville all their 50 years of marriage. Before his retirement Mr. Hansen worked 46 years for the Simpson Timber Co. as a locomotive engineer. Mrs. Hansen has been active in the Order of Eastern Star and Mr. Hahsen in the Odd Fellows. Both have more than 50 years membership in their lodge, Although Mrs. Hansen is 75 and he Is 81 they both keep busy. Mrs, Hansen crochets during her spare time and Mr. Hansen keeps busy with his gardening and handyman Jobs about the place. They have one grandson. They b,oth are looking forward to greeting their many friends Sunday, The family hase requested no gifts. There will be a wishing well. MAKING PLANS FOR SUMMER WEDDING MR. AND MRS. HARVEY W. UTTER take pleasure in announcing the engagement and fortlmcoming wedding plans of their daughter, Dolores Jean t,o Terry B. Laber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Laber. An August wedding is being planned by the couple. Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's of- fice this past week were: Larry G. Thompson, 18, Brem- erich and Debra McCarty, 15, Bremerton. Ronald G. Shipley, 24, Aberdeen, and Esther Johnson, 23, Aberdeen. Charles Smith, 22, Allyn and Margaret Davis, 39, Belfair. Donald Yeck, 18, Shelton, and Judy Stephens, 15, Shelton. ATTEND INDIAN PO~,V-WOW IN LA GRANDE, ORE. Mr'. and Mrs. Eh'oy Nelson and their grandchildren. Janet and Gary, returned Monday from La- Grands, Ore.. where they attended a pew-wow of the nation's Indian tribes. Entertainment enjoyed by the 'Nelsons included trii)al d~mces, cyafIs, a corol.ftl] parade and a buffalo barbecue. NEW ARRIVALS Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bent, 4111 Railroad avenue, a boy, June 18. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bernert, 2115 Island Lake Drive, a girl, June 22. Clinic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kennedy, 120 Kneeland street, a boy, June 18. ll llii KllP WgSHInGTon GRiBI i!!:!!!!iii~ii There are lots of different places to put your money, but there's no better place to save than Seattle.First National Bank. Here are five down-to-earth reasons: :Reason One: Higll Interest ScattIe-First National Bank now offers six month savings certificates that pay percent interest. Regular SEAFIRST savings accounts pay 4 percent. This is an exceptionally high return for a guaranteed savings investment backed by the state's largest bank. :Reason Two: Convenience It's simpler, eas|er and faster to have your savings where you also have your checking account and where you can borrow money any purpose. Seattle-First is a full-servlce com- mercial bank--the one kind of bank that offers aU types of financial services under one roof. Reason Three: Safety Washington's pioneer state. wide bank, Seattle.First has assets of over one billion dollars. Our bank is a member of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, lleason Four: Ylexlbglt7 $eattle.1;' rst offers y011 Several different types of savings accounts; Want hlgk interest on a substantial sum of money? Our Savings Certificates are the answer, Want to put sav- ing on a regular basis? Open an Automatic Savings account and let us transfer a predetermined amount each month from your checking to your savings, •. automatically. Want to save for Christmas, a vacation or other special requirements? Open one of our spe- cial "Club" accounts. You see? Seattle-First has a savings plan-to meet your particular need, your own special situation. :Reason Five: Leverage As a savings customer of Seattle-First National Bank you're a preferred custom- er for our other services. We want your business -- all your business -- and we're out to earn it by giving you the very best service we can in every way wc can. :You're more than welcome at ~ i N " I Bank atlona DOUBLE RING CEREMONY FOR RITA UTTER - GORDON KLEIN JERRY DONAIqOK, the son of ,"¢!;. aqd IUis. James F:. Donl)}~oe, 6C3 Seattle EL., ShelLon, i~as been c I ¢. c t e ~'1 to Centurions i: ~ "~'s ";,:m:~'c honorary} at $,c- cattle Pacific College. Jerry, who i~ s;::h]ding the sumrne|" in southern C;'lifornia with a stu- dent spor{seted missionary out- reach team, is the newly elected 3reaidcnt of the junior class. Donahoe, a F alitic:d science ma-. jot, is a {963 graduate of Irene S. Reed High School, {ood 6ann[ School is Adopted 'Yhe Hood Canal School board aPI)roved a preliminary budget for the 1965-66 school year at a meet- inK recently. The budget includes money for an increase in salary of about five per cent for both certi- ficated and non-cerificated per- soanel, Three teachers from the district will not be back next .,,,ear. Mrs. Orabell Hoey is moving to Ahtska with her husband to te'~ch. Clifton Coulter, district music teacher, will continue his educa- tion. Mrs. Evelyn McKinney, primary teacher, will move to Oregon where her husband will continue his ed- tlcatioll. The school graduated a class of d7 al. comrnenccmellt exercises thi:s year. Student body officers named for the coming year arc Joe Camp-. bell, president; Rik Fredrickson, wee-president; Sandy Brovesky, secretary and Janet Viger, trea- SlU't~r, VAC TiOH TE VEL AOCIDEHT 1 ,BgFL HGE STOP AND GET TRAVEL ACCIDENT) POLICY BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON ANY TRIP. ! "~m? o',~','o ," °m'o ::~': MR. AND MRS. :Miss Rita Mae Utter, daughter of :Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Utter of Shelton, became the bride of Gordon G. Klein, son of Mrs. A1- vina Klein of Herreid, S.D., June 1.9 in the First Baptist church. Rev. E. C. Knautz performed the double ring ceremony. Pink, blue and yellow were nsed in the flow- ers, candles and ribbons. The bride's mother made her goxma of white slipper satin with an overdress of white chantilly lace. Her nylon tulle veil was caught to a crown of need pearls. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and pale yelh)w carna- tions with a corsage of a large white orchid. Her father gave her in marriage. i The bride's sister Dolores Utter {was her maid of honor. She wore a dress of blue peau de soire with an overdress of blue lace and car- ried pale blue gladiolus with blue and white streamers. The bridegroom,s cousin Miss [sine Klein and Mrs. Bessie All- :end, sister of the bride, were her bridesmaids. They were outfitted in costumes to match the maid of honor, one in yellow, the other in pink. Best man for the groom was Way. Ushers were David 13. Utter, t/tOther of the bride, and Mayer. Music was furnished by Herbert I-Iergert with Mrs. Edna Erwin as Mrs. Utter wore a pale blue linen dress with matching coat and a corsage of pink rosebuds and white carnations, Serving at the reception which followed in the church parh)rs were Mrs. Maxine Powell, Mrs. 3ean Miller and Mrs. Alta Utter, aunts of the bride, and Miss Jan Powell. At the gift table were Miss Cindy Jackson, Bill Miller" and Terry Laber. Miss Joyce Pew- ell took charge of the guest book. Upon their return from a honey- moon trip to South Dakota the newlyweds will be making their home in Everett where he is em- ployed by the Simpson Paper Mill. Mrs. Klein is a 1960 graduate of Bhelton High School and is em- ployed in the beauty salon at the Washington Athletic Club in Se- attle. EAGLES CARD PAI~TIES BEGIN NEW SERIES Vi Laugen and Jean Harrison took first and second place for the women at the June 12 Eagle Aux- iliarycard party with Ernest Stuck and Les Crossan winning men's honors. Pinochle was won by Ernest Stuck and Bertha John- 8012. Ser{es nn . ~i ere were Ernest STUCK and Mary Needham. The next series Will start this Saturday evening in. the airport hall, GORDON KLEIN e OU can ii:!!i:ii!¸ i;:i:if :(i!: ; i;¸