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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ--Publishei] in "Chrtstmasfown, U.fJ.A.", Shelton, Washin g ® O | • • • | r ' ..... i¸ ..... :,/ : i; (:= (!ii ....... ....... ¸¸,11 ,~ "i?,~ ~ ! :< il¸ : ( ! ' ! CURIOUS COW---There was standing room only for the cows as :i they were waiting to get milked in the rear of the milking parlor at Stan Johnson's Dairy last week when this Journal photograph i ~ i was snapped. Johnson milks his 200 Holsteins twice daily at his i i . farm in Skokomish Valley. ~ ..~ .... at the Stan Johnson Dai|-y in loins the automatic milker with a bulk storaae * * * * DAIRY FARM LAYOUT---Stan John~3n took this the center-rear is located Johnson's "old" rest sl~ed . Uows are mdkecl" twine -each ;fa__nk ..n _hi ............ e n~* ,.nnm where th~ mi'u :=-~,,=~. ..... . resting and being milked.. , cm )ties. I the tank's contents into picture of his dairy farm layout from atop his new and at the far right, his two "old" silos. The ,,~Ced "hands', of the automatt c coo ed There itt s ~ cked un once a da- ~,,, a miI~ The cows are fed m Johnson's ] a milk taJ~k truck which stops at 65-foot high air-tight silo (he was the only one Mason County dawy farmer has added a 150-stall = s milking parlor A nine linetank t'~uck and taken to the ~lairvz "~ "" "kitchen" where an automatic I the farm once daily. The tanker brave enough to climb up there). At the left isindividual rest shed which he calls his "cow motel" H - " ,~ ~ , , , "" feeder transports the feed from a I then takes the milk to the dairy Johnson's "kitchen" or feeder shed. The milking (not shown) to the left of his "kitchen" as well as i I NTON Drive" program sponsored by the and corn are grown His farm, wagon and puts it in front of the where it. is homogenized pasteur- parlor at the Johnson Dairy in Skokomish Valley'is a new glass-lined steel silo from which point John- e~lcv .... I ......... " . ...... " .... animals I ized and bottled for consumer use. shown in front center with the cows assemblin son took this photo. -, -,~.ani- ullion uil L;ompany ot L;alilorni~ the Iirst on tile lezc wiLn a DlUe " . . , g 1~ ~r ~ ..... [ ............ , . The cows get UP from their rest ] Usually about a day elapses from behind the parlor as milking time drew near. I ~t ,- o,,~ nan- I anu the wasnington wairy r'rod- I silo, is 3no mira west of the George areas to feed'"rob'abl- six or seven I the time of the cow's milking to * * * ':' , ry of the rood- I ucts Commission. The o d t h e r I Adams Hatcitery on the Skoko- times a day ''~ JohnsOn said 'Stan[ the time that' the product is de- with with the regular open silo. tire while attempting to cut do~xm I the Stan chores was ta H nt r refer t h~s n z t shed a a hve~ed o~ put on the market, ,lon ~an e costs and maintain ~:,east [' ' '.: l e u e Brothers Imish Valley Road. Johnson ex- ' "s o ~" ew "es • " s I' ~" " Its capacity is about 250 tons of. g " g :' ~" "' I . ' ~ ~nelton in Dairy Farm, which held its open plained that his fa~m's capacity "cow motel." The "motel" is madel Johnson said. "haylage" which is roughage dried peak efficiency in anindustry ] ~ - . I house June 12-13. I will be 300 milking cows and up of 150 individual housing stalls j IN THE .PARLOR Johnson alsoto a 40 per cent moisture content I where product prices ht~vc re- [ IJ~ . , =~ 3n's farm will I TO REMAIN a comnetitnr in I"once with 300 head it will beconstrucLed individually "so thet keeps individual health, breeding or 450 tons of shelled corn. Rcgu: I mained nearly the same for many I ubh , eats while o eratm costs , te p c this [ the nresent day ~onornv~ ~h ...... about a 24-hour-a-day oneration." co~s won't bother each" other." I and production records for each lar roughage has about an 80 per Y "," p ' g ,, -have [ ~ II|||:~=-~||||l~j~l[|l|ll I~ aYv~rOna noon I has greatly exp"an¢ted h"isoper'at~on [ Johnson says he ires- tried to Twice each day the cows stand [ cow. In order to produce enough cent moisture content, while, that I !net.eased with the rest or tne [ ~ . . s ~-*~ veen the [ i~ recent years. Nine years ago at I "develot) the whole farm around in line at the milking parlor. A/miu~, cows must have a calf once : storeu in the new mm m umea ana i e~u~,o-ty. ~ .... I ~ ' a~ o~serval ~ , a eai he said f 1 Ill Jt£ ap eals ~naL~om moo to tl~. _.7' "aceI age 21 Stun started with 20 cows t optimum efficiency' with the ob- pipe line ~ams from each auto-[ Y ", ". !'controlled to cut that tgu '.e ,,. P .... :" . I tl~ uv~tms m on r ~ r, half because cows eat mote ~ryet Y~ mu t sucn a mmpm ptoc(ss , '.=!.= I W,ll, ~ It I! II S - E R !;( : :: I -. .o.., e: Model LW-550 = '= ' " , , " 2V=" ' q r 2 ii HOTPl )iN'lr W 9 P.M. HOTP, OH! IT li I I - -, --, - DALLY REG. $219.9o THURS.- FRI.- SAT. ~ I ju,t ~.~.z,.=, ~;o,:;~,ioo on DlreCtprmew.a. Factory 7 U IIAUL -- SAVE EVEN MORE! UI LE GUARANTEE • tl.r. Commercial Tr msrnissio" FINANGIHG U IlAUL -- SAVE EVEN MOREl ALL PORCELAIN DRUM • 3 HEAT OUBLE GUARANXEE W.T. i i e i SALE * DIRECT SItipMENT Wp2SHER/DRYER SALE * DIRECT SHIPMENT--WASHER/DRYER SALE :k- DIRECT SHIPMENT--WASHER / DRYER