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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Chiropractor Rental Service , [ • Offiee Now Ope,, [ I Almost ything y here I • 323 Franklin Street I | Bulldozers LOaders - Pumps ] Phone 426-8060 i | Fold, ing Banquet Tables | & Chairs, HospRal Beds, Etc. | J.L. DEBBAN, D.C. | !LEW RENTS I 9no.n 2.s olo,ed Thurs I 2216 E. 4th, Olympia 357. 731! Classing Service ------i Restat rant : I • Wc,,k y Service to Sholton I I we Feature ] I • J antto,. Servi,: I I TALIAN FOODS l | • Ruk - Upholstery Cleaning | I Hour~: 3-10 p.m. Week days | | Complete Line of Supplies I | 3~12 p.m. Fri. & Sat. | I DON'S JANITOR SERVICE I I T~E PIZZA GARDEN | j2103 E. 4th, Olympia 352-13671 [ 114 2nd Ph. 426-8011_1 __12 • SHELTOI --MASON COUNTY ' JOURNAL-" Published in ¢'Chr tmasfown Shelt°n' ,! Day W th G l b ,Matlook Family Has th' '! | a erlne, ,.... . . . ,0u , u ~(~t~'Ait~(evlf~W ...... .~ a. tr, a r cu ~amm ~nd leisurely expio,~d the The. Henz'y Kruizes, ,spenL the'. proa d- by the No, th" M son 0o.- i vie.ors from spokane ' b --" ,.~ ng athers in Grapeview Oregon coast, pausing when their weekend in Kent ms the glz(.*st oflso]idated School District in rel0ver Week.nd ,,,A,n HIvae 11'1,,, this Fathers' Day was, undoubted. I interest was caught. Sunday night the Henry Kr~izes, Jr. girds to the financing of their new ] u III'lMIUS~lp i B II |~lW~ Ill~| ly, Walter Eckert who had a busy / was spent at Long Beach and by Mrs Dan Williams (the former high school facilities. Shall we, I B_v Dora Hearing .......................... weekend of it. Visiting with Mrs. ! noon Monday, tFley were onceLinda' "Gilbert) cnose' to .... cemnrate ' am ~- non-hi-~'s,~ d"~trict~,~ , winch has~ i MATTOCK -- MI. and Mrs.. BY mP(~. HAVouthsi~n~=~HA Mrs,, 'tony l'.riexem and family ann Eekert at the Shelton Manor Sat- again hack in Grapeview. her coming of age Sunday by lc°ntributed to District No. 309/Walter Rudolf ot Spokane spent .~ SOUTH.SIDE--S . .~ de School|visiting the Kriefels Saturday u,'day, they commemorated their[ Also back in Grapeview, just c home to ra eview withI (Shelton) for capital outlay am-[ a couple of days witil the latter s ~oa.ra nero a specz~ z,,.~.g ~ay] ~vPnin~, w,,,. Mr .... ] ~, ~ 'roll husband Dan to spend the weekend[ ounting to approxunately $24,000, I smter, Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Brad- z~. a~.w~uch hmet}~e I ellmlnary [ ............ 61st wedding ahniversary. Upon ]in time for Fathers' Day were oming G p . " • • ~ • • ~ )z .... e....~ _e.'e .............. "s .... returning to Grapeview that eve-IMrs Howard Somers with sons ,,,~h +~,~ ¢,~n,o ~.~, ,,~,~ ~,= o~,~lwithin the vast tbrec years be/berry mmget ~or the x~oo anct 1966 [ ~aus anu ~amny oz ~uyaimp. Sails~ Ar~ivin~-'~:riday evening, lexpected to assume t.he financial] Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier scho~ year m the ~motj.nt .of/ Sflve~ Stars .rune 27 will prac- ning, dinner with grandson Bob Do;( and brand ~ew U S C G En- • ................ " - ' -" - a • • " " , • and family awaited him, in honor lsign L.~urie They craved home ~,,,,~= ~,-,~ ~o,'~,~n~h ...... t .~,t I burden of aooroximately $49,080 ] were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. ,~.oz,uzz.z~ was auopte(L rnm in-[ Lice for the Oakville Parade at m.d~xr ~h~,~ln~ ~nd Rtmd~v both|for less than five students trend-/ and Mzs. James Rossmmer of . . . P [ 2 p.m. at Hap Bzacvs field and , oft~he~c~s~n.And ffa(mfly m.ex-lThursday evening-after a hurried .... Y ..................... ~" ...... " -- " " a • • crones a o er cent increase in , .. • ' 7. :Y . " an, or spen( drive from Washington, e-~,=~'t'~"t~i~-l"ue-k-'a't-fish"tn~ lingNorth Mason High School: ThelShelton. Later in the evening they ~eacnera saaaries. Teachers con- would like to have all attend for )~,] ~atur~ay and Sunday with Bob JD C, and, with' o~1~, three days 5a-~,s~s~'mo~'-n'~as-t~h\~-o-n-Iv cat(,.~]County Conumttee for School Dis-lcalled on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ross- tracts were_sit, ca ana ozzered to|the practice. All tickets on the )~ an,t Shirley were Shirley's mother J of' "nrecious "leave;' remaining, ~ t~ a~, h,,t ~t didn't ~em to ~ trict Organization has called a| miler 0£ Olympia. mose. teachers, reu~rmng- next [ Appaloosa are to be turned in after ' ' and step-dad, Mr. and Mrs. Dick |Laurie managed to "squeeze in" dull"t~he'ir~enJ-o~ment: For-a corn-Ihearing to ascertain the feeling oft Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradberry .year: *.rnrce teachers, .~t~s: Marjor-i the practice June 27. The next . S..hwankm and.spending from Fri-la little sunbathing, water-skiing hinatinn ~'~th'~R' Day-Birthday I our voters as to whether or not] spent Tuesday down at Ocean m .xme, ~ars. re ari ~v,o2.~gomery~meeting of the Silver Stars willWhen a ~0~ oay until Monoay with little Lori ] and visiting--al~ took his dad for ": .................. " o a vote . , an(] Mr. ueorge ~uce wm not be • • ........ ; droner, Carl, Pat and children/thin ~ssue be brought t , ' I Shiners. .......... • ..... ~,,.~ ~ ~,,,*,,~ae for tl ...... I be at Znn L~ghtbodys July 6. _ z. ~t.l~ Ea.crett were her cousins from]an aerial view'of ~Grapeview via were joined for dinner by Pat'sI All interested taxpayers in Dis-| 2ar. and Mrs. Frank ~iensKi o| ....... 2"J~ ~.'~" ...... ?'7,r pi:~ ..... t i Visitors of Mr and Mrs Fred a pnarn u, : Shelton, Deanna Davidson and Kel- ~rented Piver Cub--before report ...... ;,:_ 77 .............,.~.,, , ........ ~ ,~ ........ ]ew) nlease | Wiskah were Sm~(lay visitors at .yea~'. ~rs. xu!e_an~ ~v~ .. Ke will Sh ('k for Father's Da wel'e Mr b dd.'he ] blJl! _ Iol~s, um n. r. ~t,,.a,,~ ,*,,,, ~,,- I~Z'u~ ,~,,. ,,-, ~-~,,~,., .... ,:_ |,, ~ ,r , ~. be teaching at Mt Vmw Elemen- ] "-" -- • Y .... ' P ;;i ly Coleman. ling for euty at Coast Guard Head- day evening, Dan and Linda re- I note: A hearing will be neia at/~.e~ va.ey .ome. ~ .. t.',.,~ ,,.,~.,,~ ;.. ol.-..~ an~ ~.., / ann ~ars. ~'ayne Stuck of He- , ........ ,el To make the evening complete, ]quarters in Seattle Monday. tulmed to Ellensburg and C W S C [the North Mason High School | .mrs. uz. valley, Mrs. ~am uig-, ~[(nt:o'--"='- ""'~"u-~e~];in"~' ~s' ]quiam Mr. and Mrs. Carrel Stuck ,vmte.t~?: Mr' Eckertt.)ho!~ed Atom. and El'el Fathers' Day was a family "get Most impressive is the reeordIJune 30 Wednesday, at 8 pm,,|gm, Mrs. William Avery and Mrs. teach~n~"e~o ~Sewr~e,~h~rs ~r°m/and son of Hoquiam Mr. and :~,a wn? were vmitmg with son Ken ltogether,' for the ~qomers family that Dan has made for himself|providing an opportunity for dis-~ N.oelan Avery attended a baby ~.: .... .~. ~o .... ~!~. ,Z nave~Jrs A1 Atkison ",nd d'mghter of The tar! !!:, :', at this colle e At a ban uet giv- cussion on this im ortant subject, snower ~or Mrs Graham Dundas .co. ~rco, ~'s. ~.e~o~:~ ~. rap-] I-]oq~fi'tm Mrs I~ave 'Pr'ttt'qnd ~ ' ~:te ' d''~°' g~" ' q , [ " P at tl hone o M • . pas wm teach tne U~il'o g,'a(~e and . , , • . .... oeszg~ a a n(z ~ami~y ~t Long Beach, Calif., tat Lake Lucerne with Grandma J _ ~.]e z . f is. Jack AveIy Mr J~m~~ "~,-, ........ nl leac~. ,~ I children of Hoqumm, Mr. and Mrs.. -,---~ t~$ and thus, he. was able to complete ]and Grandpa Opdal as hosts and en by the Ellensburg Lions Club, ~-~- the family circle. ]Liz Somcrs arriving to join them ~)nving over ~rom Tacoma Sun- lifter four days in Spokane attend° day with Mrs. Carrie Worden ling the International Order of were Mrs. Eckert:'s sister and bro- ~Rainbow's Grand Assembly. |her, M~ss I~omse Naehtseheim/ Laurie and clesam&te "Skip" anq Frank ~ampton, who made/Onstad, who is incidentally a for- note of the Eckerts' anniversary |mer Shelton studeat~ were sched- by visiting with both Walt and ]uled to ~ep~rt 3]~n~,' Th'esday via Augu?ta. ]United Airlines for New York Th(: Bob Eacretts' plans were/City where they will board their t,) ie::,ve for home Tnesday morn-["home" for the next five months, b,~, in as mueh as Eke and Anne | the ~cebreaker :Northwind. The were (hm home that evening. For-~Northwind is presumably sched- tmmtely, the we~therman was|uled to attempt the first Ameri- qoite alfa.blc most of the time |can eastward passage through the (!ur!n/~" their stay here und, n,, |Arctic Ocean fzom the Atlantic do,~m, mu'tur(.d their enthusia,~m |to the Pacific, returning to Seattle '. : " - -" ~- " --~" Was ! Porte,- said citizens w ~ ' 62- t berry - ~ " g ' ~.." ' e / ' " " " ' " Emerge fi,v a vi:,it: pbmne(! io begi,i Ju]; 4 |late next fall. : cr:::;ee2m~a~°rd~aX~W~a;~iie'~ w:;; |years and ova,', ]ivinF, in a rural | M~'. and Mrs.Bob Turner and lwcsident. A motion Wa~ai~;~de to/ tleMswaeZ~¢iiz~'Ir~• I~r¢¢,:t GS[lb~:k~ ~_~,:;- Fifth & Frankl'! , LiRa Hm E(q