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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)i : Tr X.,TON'M'A 0N COUNTY ,T01/RNAL--Public.heal in "Chrri. tmastown, U.,q.A.", Shelton, Washington Page Dancing on The Water After 9 p.m, 3:, %.i¸, RUBBER 6,70x15 tube-type $ FOR, 7,S0x14 or 6.70x15 tubeless FOR 8.00x14 tubeless PRICES O!NG with 3-T NYL 0 N TUFSYN 6.50x13 tubeless 8.25 x14 tubeless BBER FOR 8.55 x14 tubeless PLUS TAX AND TWO TRADE.IN HAUB.ELLI$OPt CO. Front & Grove lgth & Pacific Ave. 5th & E Main SHELTON TACOMA PUYALLuP SINCE 1920 TIRES ALIGNMENT RECAPPING TRUCK SERVICE I iof Olyn|pia. MR. AND MRS. HUBERT 13ez- ley and Tina of Eugene, Qre., eall- ,t,~qd ,on the James Hiekson fami,ly , | 8tulday. . Alberta Evers, daughter of Mr. ! and Mrs. Wayne Ewws, was boner guest Jtlne .I in her l)ltren{:-V heine al a pre-birthday dinner [o eele- , braLe l~er fifieentk whleh i)eellri+ed 0n Saturday. GuesLs were Mr. and Mrs. TFUllltln Meyers of Melbourne. who brought with them Mrs. Grace Smith of l)cs Moines. Mrs. E. S. Evers of Satsop spenl '~ few days with thc Evers. and Pare Holman of Shelton was Sat- urday gnest of Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper of Shelton presented grandparents, Mrs. William Scott of Hoodsl)ort, George Harper of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk wi£h a n~exv grandson, James Scott who was horn ,]line 3, He weighed in :it a husky eiaht ponnds rind nine ollnees. Cltarl[e Brawn attained his 12tll birthday June 10 and had grand+ mother. Mrs. Alma Baker in to en- I jOy birthday cake with him-and others of the family. Barbara Brown left Monday Io~ spend Lhe week at Pullm'm and attend the slate 4-H Conference. Peggy Bloomfield graduated from Irene S. Reed High school and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and sister, Darlene, at- tended. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield held a snrprtse party for Peggy. There was a love- ly sheet cake decorated with red THE OYSTER HOUSE RESTAURANT 3 miles We~~pf.t.~ir ori Hood Canal We Take Pride in Our HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES We specialize in a wide variety of homec~ked meals. Serving--Breakfast- I_U:,c:~ --- Dinner Seafoods +-- Steaks --- C,i,i:!~on, etc. IIOOI)SPORT MARINA &, COFFEE BAR • Attention Fishermen and Early Risers Open 6 a.m. for Breakfast - Luncheon Special Daily • Elec. Elevator Launching- Any Tide • Bait --- Tackle -- Gas -- Storage Phone 877-5362 Bob & June Fredrlckson owners Next to Aquarium MILLO'S DINER On Hood Canal near PoLlatch on Hwy 101 near power house LUNCH -- DINNER ...... Oar Speciall y • BREASTED CHICKEN Ifinger-li(~kiIl' Kood) We feature SEAFOOD, too! Phone 877-9788 .... Take-Out OrderM WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGI, lZ.~ Mile South of Union on Beautiful Hood Canal ,Open 1) a.m. i l0 pro. LUNCHES -- DINNERS -- BANQUETS Featuring: Steaks, Seafoods and Southern Fried Chicken Try Our Fabulous Home Baked Pies TIMBER'S RESTAURANT =.i ):%. ',, 4,¸. , /th Featuring Flavor Crisp Chicken Home Made Pastries and Bread Open 6 - 10 Daily Courteous Servioe and G~od Coffee Monlesano Dairy Day I ~ ,or Ord,,s To Go Ca,, ,.>6-:,,+I++ Is Set For June 26 ";fI~E-'S--ItEL--TO---N--]iO-+E-I:--" MONTESANO---+The 1965 Wash- i ................ Dining Cuisine +at Its Best ing'ton State Dairy Princess, Specializing in whose identity will n()t be known PRIME RIB OF BEEF until Friday, will make her first Open 6-10 weekdays public appearance, following ker 6-.12 Friday & Saturday Seattle coronution, at the eighth Dancing to Lh, c Music Fri. & Sat. Nights annual Montesano D a i r y Day Satut day ~" Escorted by Grays Harbor Dairy TAYLOR-TOWNE CAFE Princess Ronl~ine Caroline Darrin On Highway, i01 6 mil~ s().of Sl~'elton Railroad of the Wishkah Valley and her court, the State'Princess will have a place of honor in the Dairy Day parade starting at 1:30 p.m. Sat- urday afternoon. F eatured will be the 21st Army Band fronl Fort Lewis, the Bhie Angels drum and bugle corps and the l{eith High- landers Pipe Band, both f;rom Se- attlc. Tile Simpson Timber Company 751h anniversary float, a. prize winner in the Forest Festival Paul Bunyan parade, will be an out- standing feature of the Montesano Dairy Day parade. State Director of Agriculture Don Moos and Assistant Director Cameron Adams will review the parade with Lhe dairy princesses. A dozen, or. more, floats prepared by farm youth groups will be join- ed by other units representing Granges, civic organizations and nearby communities, well over 50 units in all. A beef barbecue, prepared by the Grays Harbor Cattlemen's As- sociation, will be a new feature, using a beef animal from the prize Polled Shorthorn herd of J. W. Bennett, recently named Grays Harbor Cattleman of the Year. The day's events will conclude with a. ~treet squal~ dance. • Thursday Special --8-oz. New York Cut Steak $1.75 • Delicious Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams -- Fresh From Bay • Davey Crocketts for the small fry Every Day 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Phone 426-8501 MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 olympic Highway North on Mountain View BREAKFAST- LUNCH -- DINNER Special Dinners Daily -- Frted Clams -- Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime . WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! GOOD COFFEE Open Sunday during the Summer LAKE.CUS AN_RESORT Seafood, Chicken, Char-Broiled Steaks ~.=. '~ "~ Prepared to perfection by our own chef ~ Cocktails in the Liars' Den Banquets--Parties ~ Phone 877-5388 for reservations \' ~'~ Open 6-10 p.m. Daily--Closed Monday ~ .... Sunday 1-6 p.m. Tex Payton TIIE PIZZA GARDEN 114 2nd Italian Foods • Home Made Pizzas Oioon Tuesday through Thursday -- 3 to 10 p.m. Friday & Saturday --- 3 p.m. to 12 midnight Food Orders to Go --- Call 426-8011