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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Skelton Washin Page 15 !i,i L¸ L !:?/::("/ Of FinestQ TRUCKS & TRACTORS Service on those hard-to-get parts VE MACHINE Head Valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaecd Fitting . Pistons Expanded Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed Lines for Industrial Equipment Kits St. : Phone 426-3351 • C Ghrislian Science Services Are Set }-low (Arch individual discovers the "king(lore of heaven" is the underlying thclnc of a Bible Le;.;- son on "Ghristian Science," Which will be read at Christian Science clnu'ehes on Sunday. From "Science and Health with Key to tile Scriptures" by Mary Bat(or Eddy will be read: "Tile :great mi)acle, to human sense, is (tivine Love, and the STand nec- essity of existence is to gain the truc idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven m man" (p. 560). Included in the Bible readings will be a verse from Habakkuk 12:14): "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters covet' tile sea." They Really Get Results Journal Want Ads Contessa $14.99 Handbags to Match White Lustre at $12.99 Town & C0unt Shoes T NEW SUMMER FROSTING, i LUSTRE CANOY KID !er's Shoe Dept. From The m COUNTY BI~ILI)ING PERMITS Bull(ling pernuts approved by the Mason County Ccmmisslon on Monday were to E. E. Jac, kson, wood cabin, $1,000; Marvin Cour. ney, wood residence, $4,500; Edna Jonnson, addition to trailer Court, $10,000; Charles Gans, wood gal'- age, $500; Harry Elnflund, Yard patio, $200; Oscar Stensag~i., wood residence, $10,000; T. teay Bracy, wood residence, $16,000 and C..E. Buxton, move cabin, $250. =i4 * * FEI{RY RECEIPTS, Receipts from the Harstihe Is- land Ferry for the week euding June 19 were $264, the Mason County Engineer's offic~ reported. CITY BUILDING PEI{MITS Building per~nts approved by the city of Shelton luring the past week were Henry Steenson, patio and tool shed, $160; l~.obert hereon, add to garage,~ $1,000 and Martin Langan, garage, $1,300. :~: :i: $ MASON COUNTY JUSTICE ............ CouI T Appearing on tim docket in Ma- son Gounty Justice court before 3udge Glenn Correa during the ~ast week were: WASII. STATE PATROL Leo J. Rosellini Jr., speeding, $12 forfeit; H. W. O~und, over width toad, $12 forfeit; Donald Grimm, defective equipment, $12 forfeit; Marie Story, failure to y~teld right-of-way, $12 forfeit; Merman Hudson, defective equip- ment, $12 forfeit; Earl Deyette, over width load, $24: forfeit; Ron- ald J. Peter~on, no operator's lic- ense, $12 forfeit; Inez Brown, dri- ving while intoxicated, $110 fine, 10 days in jail, license suspended 60 days, no operator's license on person, driving while license sus- aended, $110 fine, 10 days in jail, heense suspended 60 days; Edith Stuart, expired operator's licease, $7 forfeit; Donald M. Johnson, speeding, $22 forfeit; William Kytta, failure to yield right-of-way, $12 forfeit; Theodore DePoe, no valid operator's license, $12 forfeit; Lee C. Cook, following too close, $12 forfeit; Louis Dud- ra, speeding, $12 forfeit; Raymond C. Johns, defective equipment, $12 forfeit; Jerald Mallory, traffic signal violation, $12 forfeit; Verla Gamber, speeding, $12 forfeit; Sharon McKimson, specding, $12 foYfeit; Stilhnan Brown, failure to yield right-of-way, $12 forfeit; James T. Griffin, minor in possesion of beer, $50 forfeit; Theodore Pulsi- fer Jr., no operator's license, $12 forfeit; A. Roy Dunn Jr., illegal consumption of beer, $50 forfeit; Duane Deeds, lninor ill possesion of beer, $50 fine, suspended; Dan- iel Nieman, minor in possession of beet', $50 fine, suspended; Christopher Sutherland, minor in possession (if and consuming iiq- 'of and consuming liquor, $50 flue suspended $4 costs. SHERIFF'S OFFICE James C. Davis, allowing un- licensed driver to operate motor vehicle, $62.50 fine, l0 days in jail, suspended; Gary L. Johnson no operator's license on person, no arteriel stop, $17 forfeit. $ * * GAME AND FISHERIES Howard Anderson, sahnon fish- ing with two poles, $29 forfeit; Linda Fletcher, fishing game fish without a license, $25 fm~'eit. SltELTON POLICE COURT Appearing in Shelton Police Court before Judge Rolla Halbert Monday night were Gary D. Brown, negligent driving, $29 fine, $2.50 costs, $6.50 suspended; James Dozaa'k, speeding, no valid oprator's license, $24 fine, $2.50 costs; Georgia K. McGowan, driv- ing alone on a learner's permit, $27 forfeit; Lawrence Carey J drunkeness, five days in jail, $2.50 costs; James T. Brown, drunken- hess, $50 forfeit; David Ewart, no valid operator's license, $15 for- feit; Everett Hurst, failure to ob- tain dog license, $22.50 fine and $2.50 costs; Norman Temple, fail- ure to obtain dog license, $22.50 fine and $2.50 costs. $ $ $ SHELTON POLICE A station wagon driven by l~rs. Margaret Wurm, Union, crashed through the bakery window at Stewart's Foodliner Saturday af- ternoon. The driver, who had just obtained her learner's pin,nit, told officers she missed the brake and hit the accelerator on the vehicle as slle palled np ill front of the store. Passengers in the vehtcl¢ were Mary Bueschel, Union, War- ren Wurm and JeAnne Wurm A.rea Attend , Grang C0nventm SPORTo IEN s , , ... .... . Best Friend LOST L~;r(~ fl Cl.~kelading Ihe bll~tll?gaYau°~H~.lljk,laL:l.dTtill(ev ][~:ee;, Slate Grange Convention at l'as.both three (Ju]ie's bivti~dav was eo ()vet' the June 5 and 6 weekend SaturdaT). Besides the l,~rc'elnan,~ was Mrs. Ina Kind)el and he~r fa- and the' Tony Kreifels ,Jr., guests ther, Pop I{utledge, of Sh(qton were. Me. an'~! Mrs. Tony Kreifels Yalley. While in rased they vis-Sr. and daughters Sheila and Chef ited with his son and her brother, yl of Arcadia, and Mr. and Louis Carl Rutledge, and also visited in 'Kreifels and children, Jeri Ann. Yakima with his daughter and herShervl, TerLy, Lon, and Steven of ~[~ sister, Hazel Stears. Mrs. Kimbel Bren'ierton. "Louis is Mrs. Free- took Hazel with her to bowl at the man's brother. Grange bowling tonrnament She , - " bad In ,~nrr] tn ' - '] he ...... , la ..... ~,.. t.. dhtn t place m the. tou!nament, come to Shelton in July fin" a fam- ~Ol) mutte(lge remained tn l~aseeily reunion but since they were ~or a visit with Carl. all here, tlley and Mr. tn{d Mrs. David Miltenbergcr aLLen(ted the State 4-H Conference at Pulhnan week from the. 14th to the 19th. He was sponsored liy the i I.\V.A. Union, Local 38. David is the soil of Mr. and M'rs. Joe Mil- tenberger, Shelton Valley, and is one of this year's graduates. Gary Miltenberger is attending the Natural Resource Management Camp at the Hemlock Ranger Sta- tion at Carson. He left June 20 and is expected tlonae Saturday. Gary, 15, was sponsored by Simp- son Timber Co., and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miltenberger. We've learned of tile gradua- tion of another of our girls. Wilma McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bolduc, Lost Lake, was graduated from Federal Veay High School last Thursday. All the rela- tives went to the graduation and then heht a family reunion. Wilma is married to AI McMillian, who works for Western Airlines. After the graduation and family visit, AI and Wilm, a flew to Miami for the weekend. BOB AND BUI) liUSS arrived home by car June 14 from Calif- ornia. Bud's wife, Linda, had come by plane. After visiting a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hus% Bud and Linda left June None of them suffered any injur- 21 for their home in San Mated. ies. Two women in tile store, Mrs. Bob has bees discharged from Mary Ann Shaw and Mrs. Barb- the Navy so remained here. He ara Strickland, suffered minor in- laas been in Viet Nam. juries. Saturday night and Sunday A sheriff's ear driven by Deputy !guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Bar- James German and a car driven iieknlan were his uncle and wit'e, by Mrs. Beatrice Cole collided at i Mr. and Mrs. Art Wood of Sumner. Seventh and Alder Street. i Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph The PUD 3 warehouse was bro- N. Hohnes, Shelton Valley, Satur- ken into Sunday night and about day, were his mother, Mrs. Holmes 2,500 pounds of copper wire stolen, of Chehalis, his aunts, Mrs. Hilma A padlock on tile gate was cut 1 )~ )( 1 i u nd • " . Pete's( a from 1: tansy v~] 'a, a to gain entrance. A pickup truel(Mrs. Yanlis, Chehalis," and his un- was taken to trm~sport the wire ele, Gunnar Halgren, Contrails away. Tile pickup, minus the wire MRS. LEONAI{I) T. CochrmFs was recovered Monday. nephew and funily /VIr. and Mrs. Mrs. Matson reported gas stolen. Dale Tihbits and' children, Billy Jim Hartky reported that his and Sally, from Burien, din- car was. hit from behind by. a Hen- nor omms~s.. ,~n(l .snent the:, (ta, 3.,. Sun- da a'ldden by Pat and Nancy dav witll tile Cochrans Brooks. Nancy Brooks suffered a Mrs. Ron Frecman's brother and cut foot. family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Krie- Ralph DePoe reported someon.e fels Jr. and children, Ma'rk and lemnved the o]1 plug hem his ((t os ~ M~sa :. • ." '. .- Randy, zrriv•from C .'h ~." , pmkup, letting all of the off dlam ~- leI ont' " Co2if. June Io to atitend the tu)" ~ "- ." al of Ma's, KreifeI s brother who • ~rs.,. B. P. Hariwell: reported.. ~ _.adh been killed in Canada fmda.~g a Pomeraman P.ekmgese Friday. tile Kreifels visited at dog m the Safeway paikmg lot ,~ • ' " " • ' " tile I reeman lmme to honor the Mrs. Clovis Rodgers reported uor, $50 fine, I0 days in jail; Daniel Mann, minor in possession a reddish-blonde Pomeranian dog missing. Sherry Taylor reported another car bumped hers from the rear as she was going up Hillcrest The manager of the Tradewell Store reported he had caught two teenage girls shoplifting. J. I. Hennington reportcd some- one threw a beer bottle through the window of his car. Guy Ross reported a window shot out of his home witlt a bb- Rot] Freeman and chihh'en, Ronica, Tony, Teresa, Nieky, Ronnie, Sus- ie, Julie, and Ka,ren all went oul ;to tile home of the Tony Krei- fels Sr., Saturday for the reuni(m. , The Beverly I~eig'hts Sewing (2hlb will meet at: the home of Janet Barren, Thursday, June 24. Rufus and Dorothy Cuzick, Ro- land axtd Darlene Cuzick and chil- £ ' " ' h-en, Caz'ohne, Terrze, and C'~rl HOMELITE SUPER XL DIRECT DRIVE CHAIN SAW Melvin and Jane Cuzick and feur 30% F~sterCuttin~ nmnih-old daughter, Charhme, aml Mrs. Reba Tibbits and girls, Aud- rey, Donna and Robin had a picnic Hunters and fishermen will Sunday at Ma,~.'~n Lake. VISITING WITll Mr. aad Mrs. Axcl Willadson, Shelton Valley, for two weeks are their three daugh- ters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stoltenow and Barbar8 and Sheila, from Litchfield, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Page and Lar- ry and Stev-m, from Livernmre, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loomis and Judith and baby from Concord, Calif. If you have some alder hrush that you want to clear out, and you don't want the stumps to st)rout again, try cutting it in July. Tnis idea. was passed along to us by a man in Olympia and it has worked for its. have more time for their favor- ite sport wMn they have the new Homelite Super XL... world's lightest direct drive chain saw with super power. 0nly 13 Ibs,, 12 oz., less bar and chain but will fell trees up to 4 feet in diameter, ivlakes quick work of cutting firewood and lumber for shelters and cabins. Have a free demon. stration today. SAE6ER MI}IOR USE YOUR PENNEY J~.. WAYS RRST QUALITY CHARGE CARD aO gun. . - _ G~n'trude Pauley reportca an aeriel broken off her car. Ron err reported a battmT tak- E en fronl his car. Bill Valley reported someone dug up a rose bush at a home he o.ns. SIIERIFF'S OFI"ICE AItRESTS Booked at the Mason County ~ 0" Sheriff's office during the past "" [il Week was Russell Rodgers, drunk in pubhe, failure to yield Lo a ~ l~ motor vcl~icle~ • • ~ I~ SI IERIFI~"S OFFICE ~t 1Norman Anderson reported a battery stolen. Paul Hintz reported a license stolen from a trailer ]louse. ,, , R. E. Edwards reported Iris ] home broken into and the control~ ] from an outboard motor taken and [ the place messed up. [ Dave Hutsell reported a cabin ~,o,,o,,.,,o Townc aft* " hA1 Boylc rcportcd a boat takcn r rlnce " • ore Lhc (lock at Twanoh State l ~"'" ' underwea, ;| Mrs. George Thompson reporte [ someone taking oysters fz~nz pri-[ ( vate property. [ The tilcft of a pic:nic basket was } 3 for Lawrence Berndt reported twoI • I • " saws and a sander taken. / ' board motor taken. / • A'SHIRTS !i l"ll{ ]' 1;'E ]:AR*TM E N T / any The Shelton Fire Dcpartment| answered a call to the home or/ BRIEFS H. A. Elliott, 226 S. Seventh St.,] Sunday when the resident of tlac|@ BOXERS property left while lm had a pot/ -....-~_ l~]jL~;?)~yt~(~,;~,r~70~ast ~l~:;~|l~.~tOfmcatmeat,burnedeookingdry~.On the, stove. '].'l,c |[ Fine quality combed pima cotton underwear con, fort; 9" s 50'/, more suctlon-with Co__ er ~SUPER|OR COUI{T -" at an extra-low price. Construction features in- get 6, 9, ;;Inf°{ccmcnts At this low price / clude heat-resistant waistbands, full cut for are optional extras. New Cases • .... ~ Dcpartmcnt of Public Assist- reciprocal support action. This Sale0nly aaee against Dorothy~ Pinkernlan, Adjast Departnlent, Credi~ Bur- ean htc,, against Beverly Eddy, debt. Mr. aud ]~{rs. M. J. WhiLchurch R o, against Nina Dean, quiet title. ~, V~l,CUUln All tlOovers -- ranchised tIoove r Dealer --Also Carry ' -a ,s and Belts Whitney Oldsmobile Co. agatust for All Hoovers Harold Hamilton, debt. i. ..:'/' Appliance Department i "i ;71 ~t /!i