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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
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/% t, 1965 ry Special 14 Transistor -- Tone Control -- Long Lasting This Sale Only $34' SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chr{strnastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Page ].7 frHarstine ,Will NotBe aken Out For Servicing This By Liz Allison ItARSTINE ..... The inlportant news on Hal'stir, e this wel~k is that the Ferry will run aL least until after Labor Day. It will not be lnzt up in July for the usual repairs as recently reported in this cohunn. Commissioner Martin All- seth g~ve permission for this statement to be made. He qualified it by saying, "Ferry will nln un- less" son~ething nnfol•seen happens before Labor Day." If Hustnte II can stand running constantly back and forth the rest of the Stllnmer, it. will be a mirac'le. Let's just hopa the termitcs don't take over. This alnlOuncenaent seelns a, wise one in view of accolnodating ev- eryone who comes to the island. It: has, in the past, been most an- noying to have the ferry off dur- ing the spring or summer months. Let's hope and pray this plan in- dicates something more substan- tial will become a reality in the near futdre. It is a waste of our nloney to pour more into an ob- viously doomed and unsafe ship. Next in importance are the low tides this month. Mark your cal- e, ndu's and consult, your' tide ta- bles. Jime 28-29 are" low but the lowest in the year is June 30 at 1:07 p.m. Take your shovel, rake and hoe, baskets and buckets, be on the low tide for this is a fun and work time. It's most interest-: ing to see the little bay creatures uncovered on the low tides. As fe¢ work, kill with a hamlner the snail mid gather in yore' basket the sand collars, the" snails eggs. Ga- tiler or Mll the star fish with hot lirne. The snails and star fish are the worst enemy of the clams and with hot lime is effective, but dan- gerous wiLh children around, and ()lie must wear gloves. The star- fish can be gathered and Placed on a sunny roof to dry. When dry tack up f()r ornaments. Froln E(t Snell of the Shclton Hardware we lea.llaed that star fish retain their color if boiled in sea water. Some people add to the water a little formaldehyde. The large sunbnrst. type of s'tarr fish can be shaped into basket-form. Mrs. Snell sent lne her directions for presel•ving star fi3h as follows. "l.]ave star fish in position you want them finished. Boil about 20 minutes. Dry on wire racks in sun for sever- al 'days. Scrape suckers off when thor(;ughly dried". In the Pieior- ia.I Review, Seattle Post-Intelli- gcncer fro" Jan. 17, page 13, is an article telling how to make star fish jewelry. Star fish are wonderful fertil- izer, worl¢ theln in your garden anywhere. Between the rows of grapes they do Inuch good. Digging a goeduck will also be a favorite activity during the late June tides for th()se who own tide- hulds. Just to walk along thc low tidt'~s and hick is tun. On Briseoe point SOlltti end of Harstine can be seen the mos~ concentrated and varied aea life. It is easy to rake in edi- ble crabs from beneath the sea weed or fl•om under the edges of big bolders there. Greetings! To all you San Fran- cisco Bay area Harstine Island property owners who take l~e Jom'nal to read what's cookin' on Harstine! Too bad yofl all cannot II • By Dona, O'Neil The g~lest speaker was Chct Dora- Beach Chlbhousc to a party pre- was tcaching everyonc else how pared f(,r them and their "tcach- to hula. The swivel hipped Lion ers by the parents of the gradual- was a member of the Hood CanM Lions Club a~d he was in charge ot the dinner and prograln for the evening to "Honor the Seniors" that were graduating from this area. Willimn Wolfe went all out for his Hawaiian tl~elne Not only did he give hula lessons, but he pres- ented each senior with an orchid let which had been flown in from the islands. Hawaiian must(" was played lhroughout the evening and it of course accompalaied the hula lessons. Speaker for the evening was State Rep. Paul Conner from Port Angeles. Conner gave a very in- teresting talk to tl~e seniors con- cerning tbeil'-service to their coun- try and connnunity. Seniors at- tiending the dinner were Anne Brevig, Kathy Gray, Rusty Bas- kin, Rally Province, Louise Jas- per, Trudie Tweed, Janice Blake, Virginia Cmnnb, Carolyn Schwab, Larry Spaulding, Seth Coles Max- ing Tozier, Lualme Kilbourne, Jerry Wright, Rodney Matye, San- dy Lyman, Guests for the eve- ning were :Mrs. Virginia Wallin, Mrs. Ruth Wiilis of Kansas City, Me., and :Mr. and :Mrs. Vernon Stanum of San Jose, Calif. Also included on the guest list wits Lion Ja~mire from erring. JOINING IN another g'radua- tion celebration were 47 ninth grade students of Hood Canal Jr, ling class. The ninth grade present- ed their adviser, Mr. Brymlt, with a gift of money to be used for dcvelopnmnt of the new tennis COHI't. FATHER'S 1)AY brought many guests to Hoodsport last weekend, only a few of which are nlentioned now. Mr. and Mrs. Ted I~lrgess from Gold Beach visited the Jack Grubb family here in Hoodsport Suuday nightl. The inen a'L eric time had worked together in the For- estry. Mr. and Mrs. Jiln Shumate had their family heine for the Fa- thefts Day weekcnd and overnight. Their d'mghter Janie went back to summer school to attend both sessions. She will then be able to graduate next June. :Mrs. Laura Aseleson and her lnothcr, Mrs. Mary Main took a recent trip away from heine. Mrs. Aseleson traveled to Kilnberly, B. C., with the E. L. Main family froln Port Angeles. Mrs. Maine went along to Ellensburg to visit her son Norman Main and his wife. Their destiny in Kemberly was the Aubrey Winger family. They spent a week on their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIntyre their grandchildren staying with them for a summer vacation. Their grandson Frank III is 16 and their granddaughter Vicki is 12. Rose Milo's granddaughter and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frint were also wedding guests this weekend. They traveled to Albany, Ore., for the wedding of his cousin Harvey Smith to Donna Marie Opsal a.t the St. Mary's Catholic church. After Lhe wedding the guests at:- tended a reception at the Alpen- hof Restanrant in Albany. In closing, a word to nlenlbei's, of the Garden Club. There will be no meeting as is regularly sched- tiled for July 1. That lnee~{ing has been postponed nntil Jnly 15. :Members will be notified "as to where the next meeting will be held. ::iiii:~!%i:)~;)~/i:ii!i!{ili:ii[! High at the gym in thc Hoodsport their two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- School. The processional for the err Dunham fronl California liave occasion was played by Mrs. Kin- been here for sevcral days and hey, the fh~g Sahlte led by Jack ~ave also paid a visit to Seaside, Slnith and the Invocation by Rev. uregon zor~ wee~ ~nere they will Wesley Gaines. The Junior Highvisit :Mrs. 19tmham's parents. Af- :: ............................... Girls Chorals entertained with two ter that they will return to Hoods- }iliiii:.iiiiiii:.ili!ii]i]:::,:::i::i selections accompanied by Don port. ::ili:::ii:::::i!i!i::i::iiii::iiiiiii! i~~ Bearden at the piano. Donna Reed Mrs Rule Dickinson Mrs Brew- iiiiiii!::i::ii::!::iii!):iii~ ~)i~ sang a ,~oio and the boys qnartet er and Mr and Mrs William Gil- ::#:!::::i::i:.:.i::i!i . o d 1 d ~ ell . " " " ,. ~iF~ili::ili!;!{ili ~Ni'?:!~i~i~'~:~" ~.,:~...,x,,~ (J hn Slette ah Jo y Ca l~pb bert aid ~ tccent VlSlt to the ........................ :.:.:.,:,x..~.o..,,..,~ -~ Don Bearden and Herb Baze)sang homes of Mr, ~md Mrs. Ernest i~i:~::~::~i~i?i:iii ~~ two nunlbers. Salutatorian speech Wurl and Mr. and Mrs, Harry " ....................................................... ... was made by Yvonne Van LaanenBrown of Wesley Gardens. The TAILORED OF CAREFREE*CORFAMC~! You'll and the Valedictorian speech by Wurls trod the l~rowns retnrned love its low stacked classic looks . . . i~'e the Don Bearden. The athletic award part of the way honle with their " . was presented to Dave Rose byguests and they all ]lad dinner to- miraculous way mellow Corfam stays fresh and new- Bill Bryant MIwic awards werc gether tt Pearls Restaurant in I~leln~ W;n~¢ |~n ;n ,.,n ;neF--" c--,. I:-t~, __J • " r "' * .... ¢ ovv,~,,,ll, .,.ir...~. C,,~..,,o ,,, ~.,., i,,o/Ulllo /~1~ I1~111 lIJIIU presented to 57vonne Vau La'lnen, Purdy. ,~ .... h - -- ... ,. ... . ... Dmula Reed,and Don Bearden .by Thisweekend was noL only a tlexlale. Ana Ked I.rOSS onoes ramous tit makes IRIS Chff Coultel Home l~conomlcs ) eas rfe t for r i, "" • ' " time f( r fathers bnt also a t~ime y-care fashion pe c you active life! a~alcls ~ (lep~esent~d to Judy fol • ," v ~ " . " '• : , • , yo mg bridegroonis. Mr. and TRAVl:lt~n l~ ol~ Deyette0y MIss Gaylc Callanan , .~ ..--v,.,~ ,-,~x -, ' • "•" • ' " •Mrs. Ar~',hie Calahan attended the Dclbelq~Weston of the Alnerican\v-~-,...-~ ......... ,, • .... ~eAl(llIl,(}[ t~df)l•MeIv[0|'l'lS, X~I"IO ]S Legion presented the boy's citizen- , s " - ,,...m. . ~. m . ..... • ' • the , on of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Mor- ..... 7 .... ship award to Don Bearden Mrs • ..... ['IV, Mr. and Mrs. Bell Morris once llllllll n l kAtl ilttnt Alchle Calahan of the Alnellcan , -~ ," ' "" "" • . .,•" ",;o~,ncd the Hoodsport; Cale here nt Illlil~'l;I ~ tlllUl; MSpL[] Atlxihal} pl(scntcd the gnl s CIL • " "," '~*" , ' ' " .... Hoodsport I?he bride Rosclie Nel- n izenshll)., award to Donna Reed. ,son i':s a g'Tadlmte' ' of" the" Unl'ver- Managed & Ooerated_ by_ Mr. Crumb presented the schol- sity of Washington. The wedding Christensen's for 8ho~ arship awards to Don Beardcn and ] to()k place Saturday afternoon in . Bremerton Yvonne Van Laancn. Five students I Tacoma. The home wedding was were aw~ilded celtiflcates as a le followed bv a l~(e lion fol close *D Petal rrode a , " ' " ' ~ * " " [ : " • " " ~ ; P " " " " ~ i~ u 'l m rk for ils poromer'c lhoe upper material sult of grades front the National I friends ~nd relatives Mrs Morris ~ • • . • . , , , , " ...... Thls proouct hos no connection whatever with The American hational Red Cross Education Development tests. 'lhe twill teach school and her new hns- ~auu.~, ~,~ ~,u~} five were John Slettedahl, Yvonnelband, George, will soon be part ~-.~\ ~ Van Laanen, Tom Williams, Don[of the staff at Klopenstein's Mens ~ .~ Bearden, and Leslie La Bissolliere. Store ill Northgate, neat• Seattle. .i it3rd A NIVERSAR' I,- C( ITINUES Miller's Big Anniversary Celebration Contillues With New ]telns Being Added Each Week. II, uge Savings Cmi Be Enjoyed In Each Department Just By Shopping At Miller's in Sheiton. Famous N me Brands At Low Low Prices During This Month Long Celebration. SAVE UP TO'/, OR MORE ,)14 FAMOUS BRANDS MERGHANDISE LADIES I LADIES SHIFTS o........ ~3.99 I CAPRI SETS...... ~i .99 Reg. $8.98 J Reg. $10.98 QUILTED i BEDSPREADS q8.88 I " " "" " |illlll Tltilllr/! Ill o h, o.a, I izes ou e, Quecn, King, I Regular to $34.98 J 3 Styles 1 Reg. $3.98 SEERSUCKER | DRESSES. . . . . . . ~8 99 / a [] I i IITU IH~Tl~ $ Jlll0~, $12.95 i o ,o . . . , . . BATHROOM "i 100%~" Cotton Pile A~iil !~ ~J AA / 2 PIECE Reg. $3.98 K ilII /It II / a PIECE Reg. $4,98 uvn-.--u , o , , , • • • • i • J ARDAGE $9 lack, Yellow, White p , , Reg. $5.98 • m [] II [] [] m G.F.. ELECTRIC | 4 Patterns lltoARU ctocKs "3 88/ "-,o,,o, illM M Ill • , " ,J , a. Guarantee. i j, ~ ,.., Reg. $4.95 . The 631d Custoluer Recorded OilEach Cits]l i .ill II Register Will leeceive A Free Gdt. 'Ihe Count ] ~ Subsidia,'v of P I%1 i4i.~i, ,e c.. Sta,rts Thursday Morning And Will Continue / " ................ -- . rd & RAILROAD E ch Day Until Each Gift Is Awarded. / / 'Always Shop Miller's in Shelton First"