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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 1,.q %., SCS OFFICIAL VISIT---The Ken Frank tree farm Forester with the SCS, looking over Frank's pole at Cranberry Lake was one of the places visitedpeeling operati(~n. The SCS officials were visiting by State Soil Conservation officials during a visit forest study plots from Bellingham to Vancouver here last week. Shown here, left to right, are during their visit. Also in the group was Bob OI- erie Krauter, State Conservationist with the SCS; son, SCS Forester from Spokane. Frank, and Norris Quam, Western Washingtton arge By Norm:l Taylor KAMIIA~ItE Fat.her's Day' Wa.s et.~l(~|ii'!d ill VIAI'iOIlN \\rays ill Ol11' eOITllllllllil.y. 'Phe \vl~athe|' V~'ItH very eooperaLiv/, which Kave added ple;imlre [~ family I'etllliOllS ;111(I l)i1'nic ,",lylc dinners, Oim of the la1'?lvsl f:indly rcuniolu~ was held ~'t1 Lhe]lolno olMF• :lad .Mrs, .h,rlmw Illu ko,. The families brought tlmir li(md:ls, alld after the IradHin1~:iI 11inne1,, enjoyed :Ul :ill mnom~ of ri(linQ4 ar(nuul the (:OllllI•FV~id(,, I)l'e,~el]l \Vl!l'e M F. alld Mrs. ,iiLV (ll'(!ellllt) illld t%vtl girls, MI'. :llld MI'N. l);Ihl Avery and s(m, l\II', alld Mrs. Ch('slcl' Avery wit]l dallghlt,/'s, JMr. HIll[ ~,~l'S. Jim Col- tills ~tnd two h(lys, MI'. ;illd M)'s. J'lmt,s Avery wilh lhre~ .~;(ms, Mr. fllld ~.rflS. V~TH]'Fel/ Avorv :tlld l\vrl children, M]'. and Mrs. \Vcnlhql Slat amt tw=l children, Mr. and 7Mrs. l,o(m Avery wiLh ,~tm. all Iff CIlympia, and M)'. and Mrs. lhlll Avery ;llld s~ul of Yakim:l, A SlIl'p~is;,~ vi.~iI by (!hh,f (,~)lmr- leF M:tslt,r lls'i'oll I.~i'(I If) llw h(iiYIO fit" his 11;11'i!111,4, Ml'. :lil(I Mi's. A] Lord livlq' lh+~ Welfland- child, David Clavton who was b~l'n March 10. ' The James 1-)mlghorty family ILl'= rived hen1(, ell S,rnday e, veninff af- Legal Publieat;ions l;.l~,A. I,'1'iI lll'll i~.1, ./ll lillliell | ililI Nll'l ICE Ill" IIEAIIINII tIN AI'I'I,I( ,~'I'ION I'1t1~ I:I~ANI'II~41,] IN TIIb', IU.VI"I'EI: (~1,': 'l'lu' :ll)lllic:lli~,li ~d ilu' I~nil,,d ~laD,:~ (if Ahit'l'il;l J'lll' :l fi:ill('hiY, t' tl~ ( IJll ~'ll'lll t. I'll~'l:ill' :illll lll;iilil~ihl iiii1' ill Ili~I'~'I'h'('t l'iC I)l~v(~'l' I i':l liF Ill i:t~4 il ~ li lin-s H1"111,-454. IIVP" :llld ill. Hi Cl , IlLiCit' I'1,'('11"1¢' I"'WI'I' (l';lii::li,i:4$il~l/ lilt :liid Illlllll Ill" hl'i~'lil~llD'l" cit,v:cril-,d ell(lilly lll~lll~4 Ill lllil'[ I, IIl~t [hl=ll,iil ill ]\1H~:t ill ('Ill Ill\ tiV:lF[l111~ I lilt, lill" ;I l,,'ri,M ill ill'l)' Vt';il'~. NIl\V. T 111t.'l(h]l,'( ) I 11!], N~ IT1 ( '1,', I~ llE1(ICl;Y I~IVIqN lh;il il h,'HillIU, \vii[ I,,' h,'hl ,,Jl ~mid ;llqflil:ali~,n I,) Ill1' llllill'd Ill ('it:lilly ( h IIIIlill~Sl' II11'1>7 ill .~lli:~lHl ('lHllilV. in llit, .~il.l;~lqi (hilllil.v : Ihqli'l Ill,liSt. ;il ~htq{iHI. ~V;l:-'hill1-1(ill, oil lli~. l{llhlilt)' ill .luly, 1965. ~ll II o c[,,ck ;l.}li. Th," h~l h P,\' ill g dl,:4crib,,d l'f H ii 1ill tll' lIO1'[it~li~ lli~'i'~'~d lift* lilt' llll+'7 I'~'l't'i'i't'll [tl ill)l.J\ l" ; "1"1i~ ~tir\cy lilip ~H' 1hi' Ihmni,\'ilh' I b iw,..r ..\ d llliil i: t I'a t i(lll' s ,~h,,lllqi- Kil - "q :~ l) Nit. :1 11";tllSlli ISSillII 1i lit' ('1 i):4Sq':7 I I ;lCt•~ ; 3Sll-l{-IA--Thw ('l'lilt>rliliC ill Masllli (?otlilly l~nul No. l(ill :l[ III'A !~tlr\l'y slallilll II)tl5 I ill. It i11 Ihl' I~%VlI~'~W!I id" ~l'cth>li 7, '[c>wii.~hilI 211 .'~t>l'lh. I{iiligl' :1 Wl't4t. ~lVilhllil¢lll! M,.rilli:ill. Mllslill {'OIIIiLV. ~V;l~|lilltg{llll. ils shiiwil i,]l (ll'aWilil~ No. 1'301111 DTM-I). "1 Sh-N--IC--Tlu' cl,lilt,:'11nt, llr M;l~llll eli(lilly N-. 1i;4 :11 t11'A sli:'vILv .~;lulillli lll'l't .i tl,q.~, ill Ihl' NlC.I i~WIl ~' ~'cL ii , 'I'll Wit:4 h ill ;111 Sill'1 h, ILalIIU' "t \V,'sl Will;Ihi,qll' ~|+'l'idiail, M Sill| I- !' iI-U I I \' %t~tv iI Fh i I) g II ta. ;1:4 ~I h I i '~' | I I )It I'l~W IIg .Nlo. 1',t111112 I)TM-]). [.('1' a iYlOllth's vaeatilni visitinv relalives ill New .JerstLV, Nm'th Carolina alld Maryhlnd. Mrs. erie BHlI111~tIIII drove down from Everetl Tuesday to pi(;k up grandchildren, Candy and Teddy Jacoi)solI aIld Lake lhelii home with her ill ~pend a week. Sandhi Rietdorf and Steve Need- ham are spending the summer in Koltiak working. Sunday visitors in the Robert SwearingeI1 and T, A, Tibbits holnes weie Mr. and Mrs. Darreti Swearingen and childrell and Mrs. Rose Demlis of Taconla.. Peter Buechel of Tacoma was home fin' the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1,'ritz Bue- chel. SUNDAY GUESTS speuding the d~y with the Ed Pear~m family were her p&rents, Ml'. and Mrs. A. "I'. SwiharL of Blaine and her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. [)ave MeGinnis of Seattle. Evening drop-in callers were Mr, anli Mrs. John Sileox and children, Shelton, ,Johll and Donna Auderson and childl>eil motored to Longview on Friday evening and spent the night wiLh he, r allnt, Mrs. Gladys Pain- to(. Donay Howard stayed Si~tur(tay overnight with tim Bin Browns. Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rlltherford were Mr. and Mrs. JerL'Y Malcom. of Olympia,. Mrs. Seal.) CIm~bs 3Aid Mallriee Poarsoll visited ~il.lldil.y in Union with Mrs. Alia Lanib and Mr. an(I 1V2r,~. Gale Joiinson. t{coelit evening eallel's in tim Ned ,J~icobson ilom0 were Mr'. and 17It's. Al TiIpper li.rld Allen and Mrs. Atlclle lJIl]lller of Lake Nah- 3Sh-i{-llll---ThP c*,nlcrlhu' ,11 M:is(lll (~l)lnily l{o~u| Nil. 11;2 lit 1'1'•% sllr\'l,.~ slliti~il 11112 l- 71.J, in ttu' S}ViiNlql~ of ~i'i'l ii)ll 1. Towiishi]) 211 Norlh, I[ililpl! ~1 Wusl, V~ilililliI'lll' Mt'rhliltii. Mii~l I1 (Tl~lll l\'. Wa.~liillKl~n, :i~ 14h~lwli dr;iwinl4 Nil. "130103 1)TM-I), 3~li-1{-17A--Thl! i>enil'rlin~' ~d' ~ln~m (+1 ii ily "~41~ d No. 162 at 111>7%. ~lll(V~'fV slaliun If) ~' 1tlt.,1 ill llil' NW iSl!~ i Ill' St,ulloll 5, 'I,)wnship 20 Nllr/h, {:111~1, ,'1 Wesl, Willain~'lh' Merhlian, ~V]liSOl! (?.ill lly, Wllsllh11." loi1, a.q .qhll%V I1 lill drawinff No, ]31)10:1 DTM-I). ;INh_i{.LIIA__Thl. c(,ntl,l,lilit~ .f Mas.m (Jo!.lnly It,lad Nil. lli~ :11 FIPA surv*'y slllAlon 1195 } 26.1i. t}w N~:,SVCLI ,d S~'[!tioli 31, Towlishil) 21 5[,~rlh, l(iil!-(' 3 Wesl. Wilhulu'tie M.rhlii~i, Mli~;ilii (~(lllIll V W11.qh i Ilgl( Jn. :is s] l¢i~Vll I)P dr W 11~ No l',/fllJK,~ 11']'I%1-I). 3~h-N-;ll|l--Eiicroachial£ ill1 llw r If I{ (If W,'ly (if II 1%I;lSOll (~ /l Ltv l{(I;t(l (,I)" posile BPA SllI'\'i'y StltliOIl" 12117 - 50 tl} 1215 "t" 511. lit!lit" (hi' I*i!lllol' (,I So('- thin il.I, T(i',vn.~hil~ 21 N(irl h. IDlill41' 3 Wosl, "~VillIlln{'tll' M~'ridhln, ~4:lS(,ll (~OlIlll.v. WllshillglIHI. (IS sh( iV¢ll (111 drliwhiK 5hL 1311105 DTM-I)• ,.l~h_K_lliA__li]ilcroachillg' .li the riRhl f W ly }' I' 1%1 .lq)n (3 (lilly l{(Itl(I ()IP Imsit' HPA sl rvov slalhm" 15911 -]- ll5 151f~ -l- 14(, n {hi' ~l/2~t{li of ~oc- ti(m 3, T.wnshil) 2 Nm'lh, l~.anw 2 Wesl. V¢ilhlni('llt' M,wi(I hill, Mnm,ii (~Ollllty, %gashingh m, as sh o~.v II i111 drawinff Nil. l,*l(illB DTM-I). 3Sh-l{-50B--Tho ct.nilu'linl, (it" Mab'l)n (Jl)tllit,v t?.:,ad Nil. 190 al 1)I>/A SI~IT\'PY star .n 1111"/ -4 4G.2. in llw EI,,:SW i "f '~(,('li{in ',{, ToWlIshil) 21 N(n'th, l~:lllg'! o We.q(, ~rilhllnolii° Ml!ri(lian. Ma.~mn (-~O1.1111 y, W:lshingl()ll, ;IS sh(IWll tin drnwing Nil, 13011,.t I)TM-1). (,. NOLAN MAS()N, ('lllnll y Audihlr I;/24 7/1-8 2t (!liufle No. 88~3 NOTICE (IF ~llEIIII"F'~ NAI.I'; OI lillllb4 1,1' !.II~4 ]11 ili;l~ llhlllill 1hclii liv p;t5 iliF. Ih~' [~ MAS(I.',' CI)I!N'I'Y. IN I'lU)l:A']'lq 1:1 I11,' ]\l;itt~'l' tll 1lit' I,]st;dl,~ ill' ('lAl;'l"()l(I) It, "~VA'I" :llld M:\I{(HTlqI~,- l'rb] E. WAY. lh,v,:l~t,lt. N()T]('E 1S ]It'H{]'H>Y (HVEN lh:ll I:I,'ll y }VII( Id:l:'d, in hi'l" ( :i|)~il'ily Ilyi aiti]li:lislr~llrix ,~l' |Ill' :I1),~V" ('sl:llo~i, will s,'ll ~itpllhlic :ilii,lifili I'~,1' cash Ill" (hi' ],1 ~1 tl't'lllSl ;i\':lil:ib[i', COFIlIill '. tl '~I: tl!I, llllU,in~t ill ilit, ;lliovi' ~'M:il.~: ',vhich h~ sl.,cific:il $" I i'qi'l' led [IS f(i]lil'~V.~1. Trilel 7, llhwk 1, ll%':llkl'r 1'ark "rr111.1~i~ Iol,iill,ll ill ~tlilblill ('Oillily, %\' il~ilii n KI o11. TIw s'll,' will lie h,'hl :ll lh,' front Ih.H" of 11i1' ~l:i~l(ill (~lltllli%" ('llllilhl~llso in Shl'lhm, Wiishili~41111i (~ll (hi' 2nit d:lY ,lI" .li11.v. 191i5, Ill Iit:1111 A,.~l. DATI0]I) 14 JIIn('. |91;5. 11ETTY W()() 1 )A 111 ) A(hniniMralrix ]V~,stl'l' & ]",,sh,r A1|ol'lloys lilld ('o{lllSl'hil'S 50] S,'(!III'ily 141111(1big I)lyiul)ia, V~,'li.~li. !l~,h(i2 ti/17-7,t 7/I 21 NOTI('IC OF VI'A'I'I';I{ I{l(;llT A]'I'I,I('ATION N(}, 1!111112 STA'I'lil ()F WASIilN(IT()N. ()lC't,'l(;l,] ()lo S/IPEI{V1S(II~ ()b' WA'I'EI~L II.E- S()1TIU!ES. 1) ~Jl' (?~m~l'rva'- tirol.() ~l~ll)i . TAKE NI )'I'I(?E : Thai I)t'll:lrl liuqll ,if lCish,'ril's ,11" ()lvnLI)i l. Wa.~'hinl:t(m .n Jura, 3, 19G5, lih.d alqdica|hm ['.r I.'rmil 1oili\'('rl the lltlhlic V(al*'l'S Ill tIinghalu (':',,iq:. ll'ibll(ary of I+]:1~11 ICllrk ~al.~oll l~i\lw. hi the IlIlllilllll of 9,11 ,ql~l:illl(l-ft~i'l, slih- flu,| Io exi:dhll4 ri;:.lil~. C~lilililiOilT1V i!;#.l;] i .V(2:I i" 1',11 Ih,' ll:li'l)#J,~' lIF t'isil l:ldlh'r llltel'alilqi ; lh:tt thl, al)lH'Nxi- Iiilt|l' I)tlillt, ~11' div~,r.~,il,ll is l~Jl,:lit.iI wilh- in NW!I of N\Vll ill S,.ciil,u 11 Tiiwn- .'thilI 19 N., l~alig~' I;~.V• V\',M., in Masoll (*ill l y Al`iy oiljoclilln:; lilll~:l h,' ilI'Clilllllllil- iml by a Iwo dollar 1$2.iif)) I'l,cl)rdhig fl!(! :lilll filed with the ~llilc ~lilll'i'vis- ill' or Walcr l~,stilil'l.~,s wilhili Ihh'ly (30) (lays l'roni Jtl].v 1. 19G5. VVitm'~s lily halld ~tlld .l"fichll Sf!;ll Ibis l,llh day of .ltliilL 19G5. M, (L WA[,KEI~ Sllltt' S1111,!l'visltr i,f ti~,':llt'l" II,,s,ml'c,,s. (;,'21 7/1 21 Nil. 81128 NI'31MONS ilY I'I'III.I('A'I'It)N 1N 'l'|lE SIHqqf(IOt~ C()IIHT t)10 Tlll~ STATIq (If," W 4S[IINCT()N 1,'( ) 1'~ MAN( I.N (It)liNTY ) EI(MA MAI'] WIll(lilT. l l:tinlifr vS. AI,VtS 1... WltlIIIIT I,', u n The' St:it'(/I tl¥1iSi lll4tlill 10 Ilil' s;lili AI~VH'; E. %VHI(IIIT, l)i'll'lid~llil: an/1 M 's; .t ohert Ward (if day evening in the. Baptist church sai,l i,,dg:n,.,,t, h,-wil: Y./, a,,' I,,.,',,h.v , ........... 1,,.1 t .... llll,,a,' Ot'I.O1]. %% 11110 131ey "~vel'e 111o1'o lney q~h''~1oo111's f_tl .... )..¢ ....... i+l.. .4 11" (t | lnd in l ~ Ii I IJ ~n~ withiilsixly itlll) days ltl'{l!. Ih, d:lll! ? " ~DI "" • ....... " ~ e t~ ~ ¢lLliel' t L'£'~t;l'lllel.I Llle ~ < # '-' ...... ,~, (ll~l- l)llhlil::t eli (if 1his rlro.,eto ball)Oa Ille ~oa Vvorld , .', '_ . • I,'1" (NP-] ,~) ('if Ihe S(Itlllimtst (itlil.[Ol• llr timI'il'.~t SIllll- liililltl, t ' wil, wililin. :41.~Iy ( J) (l~iV.q a'lh+t Tijllana, ~[(,xieo0 t]lorollghly 7~;.~l~ilzny aSSlSLeq Dy ]%ev..Jllgello "J'SEwnS I'i)ip Oftwi ntySt'cli('n'))) N,ilm1°' nil . IV),. ,f ,,, lh , 2. ih (I,' ,3 ,I ~l n , 19h~') ,t'idl ..... h' I, It*tllt40 ' - it• tt\( 'lltlllt,ii |il)n ill (ltll'lDt , i ' enjoying then' trip.. . . Maid of ilonor wits R'Jidtln Sore- three (3) Wes| W.M., II:t 't ' I I' ,%",, \., ,hiI,d .,t • , : i I 'in, w,' ~..Jllfll all q .IJin.ltTe ;'~prlngor, aria me a.nd bridesmaids were Linda lio.~(,ril~od ~s fl,llows: I~EOINNINd ill,, (' ni'i'ilni" ,,I Ill,' i)laultirf, 't l i.nelr COllSlnI 1~111112 I'10%% are, sl)elll; BaTlner and Anllg Marie I~iske :tl II 110int on tl~e NOl'th side ,it' lhl~ ~ ,i'~'( (( 11.%" I'V(illl' ; IIS\VI'I" 1 ),l three (tay~ lasl; week with their F[owel" ~il'l was a cousia T'mlnl~ Coullly lh,i}d 172 f, mt in lu S )uth- i i," ul~i'''''~h-:n''d alt'm'n,'.v :it hi ..... lib ,~ westerly (|ll'fq'tll~II fl'(,lll 1lit! W '.~ t .qow sl:lt,~ll ; lind ill i':isl' of .vi lip gl'alldnlo[her Mrs L IP Cool{ in .... ~. of o .... ,~ • "-- ' < • '[ st(If! (d' tlle O]ynillle ttilzhw;ly a. hi- faihl'l'st, 19 (hi, udl;in,'nt will h,! .... . •~_ '" "_ ". '1. Valte~v u ~eaLLle, ring Dearer aisu 1~i~ilol~_l;esano. fl'ney.wen~, el,ira alg- a COllSill, Bret Ferris of Olympia. t.ioneated oll%ta'vili,,l(;' Countylglg' al R.adllt" {nti,l'ser-in tim (l/':na ~ ' l: ..... t' 'ed affalnStln (,1 I hlui ,Y°U acc,li'dll114wlu,.it,) th,:uls glll~" al.lCi ail. gol;.tnelr llmle... • BesL nlall Was Robert' i bl'other, Nol th' IS( (lliarh,i (NF,, .... ,, ,, t,~,~ ~t'~i~ltn~!ih'd wilh thai t!h'rk ,if mli,t Slln(la,y lAle Sprnlg'ertl vlskeei Bn CI_ SOll|h 'fiSt ( Illll'|['l' (,ql[l" 1' I ..e ,, , ,~ • ( . ) • • I/ I/ ~.HlOn rph.~l ii]()(?fillEt} O1' 'li II hl'r:'illi~ with Mr' and Mrs Fred Sprin~er u, ~.^_.~ ~i ............ lq Townshil)'0 N)rth i, ..... • 'l • . ..... o lvir. ilalti xvirl:l..i%lVln 1"llllDerL ano •, ' " .... - -,', , at llrlnnop. : wost, W.M.: runth.nce at rlghl un- f r it (1 v ~l'l:~ ~llw!~?l lira }:lrli~'.~ :lll~ne Donn~ elltertained ] ul 111 L NolthwtNt( 1 dltl I(I n 1~ l ( ~vtll'(~lll[llllll(i""; i,~t':-; i':'lll:| Thursday eve- u' '. "[ ' ~' ~" 3' i ' ! ',l" II ,11t tl'~,'llliIOIl[ (ill the I)al't (if Ihc ii,'l,'lilt- 1~..111111 IVII'S. !(rank Uoopel~ ning at; a rehearsal dinner aL f,.,l" tn,,n ..... Souihwl>sterly 1)aralh,l t}l ~; tld (~Ollllty I{ I ~" I spen~ (ne seei¢-en(l a.i l/OKeltino Hcine's Broiler for a PTOIlO of 17 wi '," '.• • ~ii'll,) fe~l an{. F (O (ILt,]NN'~'!RItI,,'A. ",~Tith their friends ~VII' and Mrs~i~.,'a~D ~,..~ . .~ ..7.'--..." =.."" "'" -,, -,~'-,--..t!l':n';':aS"~ll~::l:i~:~t'lY''i{'Ja'la!!:'!"^w"t!'" I ...... ' "" "" ~ ............m. JL, ~k. I'Ulllll aL- OfficI' 4tt,wlleY& ;,(,sl ~'lll!'''l'hlhllli .... Addr11" ~oi)0re_ . t~llnrllngilam_ .. oI... _Tae°ma' ~f~nded the weddin-s u~"r ~neu'+h"~ ...... ~uu-'~ saidht C~)unlYl ~fl~ oll}"li(l'~ai(l 50 f,~.t t. lhe B' l ~,ui (tili.g ....... ,2 lorl ave purenasea ToKe Pomtson, Eldon Todd Jr. June 12 to "; " "'" eoun,y Ib)ld 121 S,,utl I,., .... ,,:."S,t'.l tlll~nCI~ :Ni)rlnl,as|(.rly, ILlo]lg"sahl c,~ .~i0n W.l~il Ill4( it ,~184 ~h~°nB[~)7 h n ( l~l,lrlnoa~l rl$llI" , ....... I .... 7 h{ lit wa~ O/ 'q ill] MR.' AND MRS. B&RItl Bar- S ;rcaeh innu ..... t " !' , ~, ,~ ( I1 K S:iilt rlght-Ot'~'liY, ll,i foot, lnorl, or h,.% |o ....... -- No. :16,10 - ........ bOolU:ia=ioi7 Lle~[lghJcrs,tlVaslTr,e and with Rev. E, (2. Knautz officiating. hi)ill( of I)oKillnhlg. .~.l~,t('l," TO CIIEI)ITtIII,~ < 'B~ "[ ~ ' ' ' "'[ eric T.WO . brother-ill-l~tw~AtLendant8 werelv[r.Eldon'sall(| Mrs.SisterLow-alld . • ...... ,., -,. NOTICE 1S ......,, c~irt:>l,~Ri( it oOillUl, (.iF TIIlq davsat the.home of Mr. and Mrs. "NOW TIII~:RI+]I~OR~. .. ., ........ ) • ' H&tor I-II,]R~I,¥ I.;IV~IN, That on Friday tlm I~ t I , "' " r , • 'r arDollr• • ,, ~aard," -'{ ' t11~ V~ ASI[IN(IT()N I (It~. ~3 ' I. ', 'o at 10 r'c o 'k n STAT ~ (el t n ) "n of said (la ' MASON couNTY • '~ . " .. .' y I will st' t It! ' lit i rllllate l'e OiL (!I'IDI~(I 1)r(\l)ortY or Sfl nllll'h IN []if' ]%~:itter j d lhe l!]s[ale of MAR- e ...... :,,.. IS tlEI?.I'IIY ('IVEN lh,lt • " •' ' "' " • ~V[rs. Rickartis called her bro- ~, in nil amounting t,) iht, su n ill • " ~ lnn(lro(i SIXty S~turday Mr. and Mrs. James ther Owe-~ ....... ~ "ehm~nv ..,, i Thousanil Two l" " ;"" 76/10~ l)ollrn.s PI.,~ ~ .~,;;1,Ap,pM]qNT,,,.. "":(lit illli~ to elljoy I~athel's' Day dinner with 01's(In8 having ¢]flllns ag:iills{ said ,Ie- (!AIA, r ., '1 ,l'i'il~ L(IllP |llillll Idhig &" Ill Is will IlliSTilin Leg, | Publications N()'rl('l,; |il,' ,~AI,I] (ll," VAI,I'AIII,E IIATI,]IIIAI, liE NTATI