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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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}4, Rea_ l Esta d ~--" shh % Be 01d" __ Vine3 ard Cove, Stretch Island , 16 - 75' lots with gorgeous view Mr. l~ainier Case Inlet. Wooded ~EALTY lots. CommmiiLy Beach - Excel- le.rlt Boai t-{ar'l)or. Prices start at $5,450 inchlding water. $100 down. Small me. pavnlerlls. l0 .Uetxc [ [R. .ated on Owner Has Left 'l,own : Yes, this b e a u t i f u 1 2 bedroom I grOUnd less home on Treasure Island - on two from town. A largelots among fir and oak :o .grow w th trees. Priced to inehlde washer, 8, It now has dryer, stove, refrig., table and and a swell chairs, fireplace carport, work- must shop. Yar(i all tn. Priced $12,500. I the buy of i50. Ask for" Your Dream Place You must sec this small farm of Id)"" 20 acres - year around creek with days or modern 3 bedrooms home, 1500 rent un- sq. ft., large living room, 2 car move in. garage, guest house, 12 x 24 ~Use and completely furnislmd small barn, ~an 2 miles chicken lmuse, 20 acres, z/z fenced, as the solid 10 acres cleared. About 20 minutes k can give. from town. a steal at $22,500, and 2 fire- than inter. Call me for waterfront homes, ility. $15,200 waterfront lots, acreage and view to be true lots. ms arranged CALL "PORARY JULIE STOCK n~ built nto Days--426-6705 llm winner of Evening & Weekend nally. Add. 426-6911 OPen setting ; of lush =o. You are :o find fault Iroom home, at the price '"" Real it.With a most oednoom, home i,extra room in I oo,oo Estate le/ghh b° rh ood is nolo family. ~_es are included ~et.Price of $11,- Y! THANK YOU FRIENDS,.. We enjoyed having you come to ~;; "open house" last weekend at 9 Center Street. Kay s Draper- home in ex. ies and Kelley's Furniture provid- 'on a big ed the "homey" atmosphere. alds, borau g.h rid for amy ,~f y, ou missed this opportunity to living area see these new 3 bedroom homes 'ill want to with full basement for only $13,- red in this 500, just give us a call to ar- range a convenient time for you to see it. tED--. WHY PAY RENT? .,. ; amounts oppof When a small investment now in this nearly new 3 bedroom Mr. View rambler will let you "own your own home" for $82 a month including taxes and insurance. Nice yard, Hardwood floors, at- tach garagei in spotless condition throughout. Every. of $18,- homes and will :msnt for 6 bed- ~g room With e0nsider -IC... WOODED TRACT --- BENSON LAKE... Catch fish from the front lawn of this large level waterfront lot. Fully furnished and built for year- round comfort, the 2 bedroom home has excellent features. You'll need to see this one ~o appreciate at only $12,000.00 so make an ap- pointment today. IF YOU CAN QUALIFY BUYING A HOME .. . In the $25,000 class, then you must see this one. Located on North- cliff, this fine home can be made available within 30 days. 3 large bedrooms, plus a den or 4th bed- room, 2 baths, a covered patio and a beautifully landscaped fenced~ yard. And to quote the owner, i "The nicest neighbors in Shelton." SELDOM OFFERED .,. An easy to care for home in a convenient downtown location[ We l know you'll like this cozy 2 bed- room home. Well located on a queit dead end street; excellent retirement home. $7,500. 13IN... A LARGE ROOMY DOWNTOWN HOME , . . 5 bedrooms, 1V2 baths, big living room with fireplace, full basement. Looated on 2 lots downtown. The lsrge yard is fenced and loaded with shrubs and flowerS. This is hard to beat as a family home. See It today at $14,000 with good terms available. 3 BEDROOMS , HILLCREST . . . On a budget? This home offers a ~ot of living for just $5,750 on ex- cellent terms. Inoludes range, re- ;'rigerator, washer and dryer. Big garage and yard. MT. VIEW • . . A large, cheerful l'/'a story Mt. View home with fenced yard, 3 )edrooms, attraotive kitohen, din- ~ng area and at $9,000 we think it's hard to beat. Terms are avail- able. Call 426-6592 anytime MANN REAL ESTATE ;'Bl10 121 Railroad Ave. SHELTON ~' EVENINGS CALL .~. KURT M AN N---426-3228 DICK BO LLI NG---426-8162 tTEL'FOI --MA 0 COT_TN"I 3OU NAL-- PublL hed in "Ohr .¢fmastown, helton, Washtng¢on Page 21 , Real E ta,_est il I I I w ~mr v v~w ~mw v wllv~4mv~. LaBi550NIERE Real Estate BRAND NEW... ;I nice bcdrooins, living room wilh firephice, dininK area, lots of birell cal:Jinets with built ill stove, tiled hath, garage with utility room, patio. All this for' $1,000 dn. lrnll price $13,850. LOVELY SETTING-- LOTS OF ROOM 2 hcdrooms, living room, sep- arate dining room, large picture windows, kiLt:hen with lots of cup- hoards, paaeled ulility rooln, sep- arate garage, extra iot, excellent view. Country living in tim City. Only $11,500. ANGLESIDE LOCATION IVour large bedrooms with large closets, every room carpeted, large tiled bath, separate tiled slmwer, formal living room, separate din- ing room, convenient kitchen with laundry r o o m, breakfast nook, larffe freezer, recreation roop~ with fireplace, bar, fenced yard, large covered patio. $18,500. JUST A MINUTE FROM TOWN 3 bedrooms, living room ~dth ..stone. fireplace: -, kitchen, .sewing' room, utihty room, separate gar- age with ample storage. $10,500. NOT EVEN A YEAR OLD 4 Complete bedrooms, 2 com. plete tile(i baths, built-in appli- anceS, 2 flreplaeea, z~ecreati0n room, utility room, woi.kshop, land- scaping all in, excellent neighbor- hood. F.H.A. $19,525. BUILDING SITE 1~ ACres shOrt distance from Cilt~; Center, excellent for dayight ba~eraent home, Owner will sac~ rifice, Come in and make an offer.' $1,500 or best offer. MATLOCK ROAD Only 6 miles out, 3 ~bedroom farm, fireplace, large kitchen, util- ity porch, new roof, large barn in excellent condition, 5 Acres. All this for $7,500. ANGLESIDE BEAUTY Must see to appreciate. Owner designed and excellbnt taste, 3 bed- rooms, bath and half living room in kfiotty pine, unique fireplace, dining room is separate, kitchen with cupboards galore, dishwasher, full basement ~ ith recreation room, fireplace, utility room. The private settling of th'e back yard is secluded, lovely roscs, patio, 2 car carport. $19,500. Call 426-4666 Evenings Call Sue Danlels 426-3434 " A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. illlli, j J ,~lli j J A ii" ~ lira" V v V V ~mBr V V -~ II I I LIKE FREEDOM FROM THE CITY? There are many fine features in this modestly priced 1~,.~ story home. Two bedrooms up and one down. Clean economical electric he fOI'PV(W barred. p/lIMnll~la nii(=nNESS --- Goin-- WRigHT H. CARl,SON, ................ ""'l i-, Adlliinls(ratl,r E.qla(o ill l;'ralLq. concern Hood Canal, utt e eompe- ,t I ~ • ,~( " , . = ,. . } I p Jolins n, d, 'm '1. Lit(on. Price ineltldes lnventoi.y, Addi'ess: Star Rt, L truck 5 clear fenced acres, and 3 Box 33D, Shelton. h~rti.rwl*~nhn.l~ I~o sonic "o I R Franklin Houstoll ........... " "ce "-" I Ati~rney for sa~d Estate, pall'S), $11,UUU tulI prz • I')wner]Angle EIdg0, Shelton. Wash. will coach 30 days. . [. ~ ,, 6/10d?-.24 7/1 4t • ~ n=r~e~t~ ~t~'r VlI=W__~,~ | NOTICE OF %%'ATE]t RIGllT ,, ~nv,.,mo, m ..... • .... "l AI'PLIC&TION NO. 19058 tifui one-level home, like ncw. |STATE OF WASIIINCTON, OI~I~CI,2 Some 2 000 ~ ft floor snace 1V. I " o~ SUf'ERVISOR OlO WATER RE- hnthta T,ili-cr= |krllno" t.¢lnm tvith l-nla I SOURCES, D~l)artlnent ol C,)li. oi'Vli- -.~..lil~....,~.~ .... ~-i~ .v~.;. in ....... " I tlon, Olynlphi, ~l hearth fireptace, dm g room~ ITAKE NO~ICIi~: , patio, spacious family room, kttch- I Tilt, Lawrehce C. Mellema of Shel- en built-ins. All this for any $i7,- I ton, .Wa.~hington on June 2. 1965, flied .............. d " lapplicatlt)n for lle,'llltt to divert tho OUU. P'.t-L~, lli~laU (Io%vn lnCnl cs ClOS- | piil)lic watei.~ o1" an klnnalii('d ,qIl'~eaill tng costs. I l¢|butary ol Coffee Creek, Jn th,. alul- I,~Llnt of 0.02 seeolid-foot, stlbje(:t to "N "'^'"^'*" B*''UT'" I.×i.~ting riglit~, eontinul,uslv eilcll year Al~lUl..l=.OlIJr. r.i,.I I" ---I l'of the I)tirl)oSe of g:rodp d(~lu(,slic 8ili)- New arid modern. Lovely split-lev- I ply; that the aPln'oximate point of ,div- el home 4 larwe bedroolns 3 baths I.rsion i.~ located within NE~A of NE~I .... • o . ~ ',o '1 of Section '.|5, Town~hlp 20 N., Range. z nrepiaces spacmus IalnllS room ~ ~ m)n ann( -', " , I-I W. W.M., in lln, O Y, sun-deck, landscaped.FHA for I Any ol,jections lnnst be ncconll)anied $26,500. Iby It two dolhu" ($2.00) rocordilll4' 1'oo . / Illid filed with lh," Slute ~tl|)Ol'Vl,14flr ...... ' |t~f Water Re..lliurces wtlllln lhlrly (30) 3 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST --|days from June 2,t. 1965. A votma' family home IAvin~[ Witn~,ss lay hand and official seai g • • o Ihk'l 10th day of JUne 1965, room dining room, neat kitchen./ M G WALKEi~' Cement basement. New GE oil fur- |State' Ruoervisor of Water r~ P.esourees nace. Priced to sell at $7,o00 with I ..... 6/17 ~t 2t $600 down. / .... _____~___ _L .'7: ...... / 6 MILES SOUTH, CREEK -- Lo-| Smokey oyt. cated on double lot. 2 large bed-| - ..... E rooms. Hardwood floors. Full ba.,4e- | NO BEAUlY High , ment, furnace. $8,500 with $700/ ro~ I..ON~tTt~S ! down on contract. / 1 5 CLEAR ACRES, 4 ROOMS --| Rich soil. Includes power culLiva-| tar, deep freeze, refrigerator, elec-| trlc range, etc. Raise your own 4aod. $6,250:$1,600 down. Bank 4e~ms, ............. COUNTRY HOME SITES--AboUt 8 acres tn meadow and trees. You can sub-divide and double your' money. All ycar creek. $640 down, $25.00 monthly. LOGGED-OFF LAND .... We have 10 acre tract facing Highway and Railroad. Level land, brush pasture, grow Yule trees. $1,620, with $250 down. CALL 426-8544 Andrew Hulder 426.6784 John Devereux 426-8544 226 N. 1st St. -- SHELTON heat. Large utility room in at- tached garage. Lots of room for [ ~ children to play on nearly V= acre II I of property OZ' in large heated [ I [ play house. Well worth the $10~00 t[ I asking pric@--Owner will leave a washer, dryer and refrigerator as a bonus. "A SLY FOX" Wouldn't pass up a golden op- portunity WHY SHOULD YOU'? Three bedrooms, extra large liV- ing room with fireplace and sop'. arate dining room. Good sizea kitchen with eating space, utility room. All this on a lai'ge corner lot for $14,250.00. .., No harvest of forest produet~, either! MOUNTAIN VIEW SPECIAL 2 bedrooms down, large upstairs suitable for 1 or more bedrooms, paneled living room, large family kitchen. Double garage. Located on two lots. $9,500 total price with $150.00 down. THE LARGE FAMILY Fits rids home! ~ls home fits the large family; it's a 7 t, oom older residence for only $8,8ti0.00; 50 x 100 ft. lot within walking dis- tance from down town. 5 ~la rooms, 2 baths, full basement wi B/ll tim allh*, Wa,~hlnghln o,1 May 28, ],1)~5 fih'd valhni, ()lynllfi~ aliplicntlon f,,l' 1,erlllit |O dlverl the TAKE NOTTCE: pul)lh, waters (if [Wo lillllalliod .'4|,l'iIlgS Tliat Dl,l,ai•tilioni of,rios of tribul.'iry ,,f Hood ('llnal, in tho ain- Olylnl,la, Washin3(I,,li on Jilne 3, 1965, OUllt (,31 0.0] soc,)nd-f,)ot subject tl filed al)plh'lilhm for l)l'l'lni( (o (livl*l't exislillg rightit, eonlinulnlsly each year the llublh! water~ of East Fork Sil(Sol) for the l)tlrpose of doiliostic tauppl)'i Rivor trlbtltary of Salsop l~.i{'0r, in ill~, that t]lo nlqn'l,xhnatopoinl of diversion all1011nt of ll.0 se,.ond-I'ool, mibiect s,d wi(hin 9W~ of ~W%. of to Pxi.~ting rtghts, conihiuously daeh S(~ction 20, Town>uhip 22 N., Range yl~ar flJl' the purposr, of fish propaga., ~IW. W.M., In Ma.qon'(30unly. Any tlon and fish laddPr OpOl'alion: that .... ...-.-,--., ~,r-~,~... obJe¢'tiolls must be acconipanled by a th,, al)llroxiniah~ pohit of diversion Is ll~lll'1ll~l/li~lM Ol~l~...l~ll.~l~L two dollar t$2.00) za?eordtng fl*o a,ld localed wilhhl NE!'i of SW1; of See] RADIO SERI'ES filed with the State SIlpervjsor of tloIl 11, Townahill 19 N., Rli/lg'c 6 W. Watt~l' R(SOtll'Ce~ within t]!lrty (20)W.M., hi Masoll Cotinty. . . Sunday, June 27 days fi'oln June 24, 1965. : Any objections InU~t be aecompaniea this 10th day of June 196,5. ,' i } Slitto Stlporvlsor Of Water Re.~otn'ees 6/17-2.1 2t ............ . "'day . 1 +, !',. 9"45 a m -- 1"470 KC M. ~. WALKEIt " " " . . COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 488 State Suporvi.~or of Water KELA, Contraha-Chehahs In the inatte,, of C.R.P, No. 488 to 1Re~0nr(:,,s, 11/24 7/1 2t ....__~___.__~ be constructod on Ma~on Cotlnty Road No. 186 known iocall, a~ tim l,eeds ST. DAVID'S, EPISCOPAL CItURCH Loop road. and more .4peciflcal]y Io- )) ~o II.q 1) Catod in Section 2'.., ' W .h'l 20 Nor(h, Range :3 West. W.M. and Sect}on 23. FouFth & Cedar, Shc]ton, VVusllinglon Township 20 N,irth, Ranle,',~ 3 West. The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest W.M. IT IS HEREP, Y RESOLVEI) BY THE,I~OARI) OF CO1JNTY CaM- 7:30 a.m.----Holy Communion M1SSIOI~..RS that ir ix~ their intention 11:00 a.m.--Divine \Vorstiil) tO |llll)rovl~ the Loop Road by gi':ldinK, drainhig und bnllasting a])- The Church }S always open for meditation and prayer. praxinmtely 1.29 ndles. Print'ipai qunn- titles hivolv,~d ill'e: i ill .,,,0,,S, o.u,c. ................ Roadway Excavath)n .27,625 e.y. Itaul 1,193 milts S3ru('tur0 Excavation600 e.y. 1)riitn Pil,o 1,486 I'oi'l North 4th and Pine Street,~z a|id 1hal slild work is Lo hi' pol'fornled by t'oiiIl'acl alid day ]llbov ill ltccord- REV, HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER am'o with th,. Wasl{ington Sl'lte Stan- dard Spt~clficl~llon.~ for l~oad and 8:~0 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Scrvices Bridge Consil'uc(hni lis lidoptt'd t.)y 9:45 a.m. Cilurch School for all ages - 6:',:1{t p.ln, Youth l~'ellowship }l~ tl.q( I n C(,lllll.v. BE IT FURTItER RESOLVE1) that the above de~.wil.lod CoulltY Road ~ ~ ~''[ "+' "~