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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II I CASEWORKER MARGARET ENDERSEY, right, visits in the home of foster parents Virginia and Merle Reamer, who care for a baby and a teenager on a full time basis while maintaining an interim home to which children may be brought in a crisis. m the of e told of er homes eded for explains, for the ey, fall In no find rough no no for space for lais possessions. In rural areas a sanitation report is required on water and sewage facilities. The use of raw milk is prohibited, and members of prospective foster families are required to have a TB test, provided free of charge." The important thing is the people themselves. Interested persons contact the Shelton office of the Division of Public Assistance by phoning 426-3363. An application is sent to be filled out and returned to the office, after which a home visit is scheduled. Single parent households are acceptable, but if there are two parents in the home, both should be present at the interview, as well as older children. "It's a family project," Margaret Endersey emphasizes, "and it is important that each member understand in advance how the addition of a foster child will alter his life. Young children are less affected than older ones." The case worker discusses with the family all aspects of the undertaking. Rules are flexible and minor difficulties can be adjusted; but the parents themselves must fully understand and accept the tremendous challenge presented by the )vr°j~tt's- -^ not a money-making proposition," states Margaret Endersey. "There is no charge for the license, which is issued for a two-year period. A $96 monthly board and room oavment is made (Continued on Page 10.) ication YOung to dope have, fficult of the of each of each right a says. bed Storage A curtailed and revised swimming program for the Shelton City Summer Recreation Program is scheduled to start at the Pool Nuotare Monday. The program this year will include two two-hour free swim periods, one from noon to 2 p.m. and one from 2-4 p.m. each day Monday through Friday. This will take the place of the swimming classes which have been conducted as a part of the summer recreation program for a number of years. The cost of the two-hour sessions will be 25 cents per person. The City' Parks and Recreation Department is also providing part of the cost of the swimming sessions as a part of the summer recreation program. No one under six years of age will be allowed without a parent present and no one over 16 years of age will be allowed. There will be no bus service to transport youngsters from the downtown area to the swimming pool this year. Arnold Fox, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, said the curtailment of the program this year was because of the loss of federal funds which had been available the past several years and the fact the bus the city owned was no longer useable. Fox said the bus could no longer meet state standards for transporting youngsters and was sold by the city. Other parts of the summer recreation program this year include the tennis lessons under the direction of Allen Hopp. The tennis lessons started this week. Fox said Curtis Stracke, has been employed as a supervisor for softball and baseball activities scheduled for Callanan Park. A Mason County Superior Court jury came in early Wednesday morning with a verdict of guilty of one charge of third degree assault for two defendants and not guilty of any charges for a third in a jury trial which had lasted more than a week. Robert Jackman and John Wood, both 23 and both of Port Orchard, were found guilty of third degree assault on Robert Schletty in his home at Allyn in the early morning hours of April 13. The third defendant in the case, Stanley Kropp, 23, Port Orchard, was found not guilty of all of the charges against him. The three defendants had each been charged with six criminal charges, three of robbery and three of second degree assault, all the results of incidents which had happened in the Allyn area that morning. The case went to the jury about 6 p.m. Tuesday, and the verdict came after deliberations which lasted until 2:10 a.m. Wednesday. The date for sentencing Wood and Jackman has not been set. All three defendants remain in the Mason County Jail. Kropp is an escapee from the State Reformatory at Monroe and will be returned there. Jackman was on parole from a Pierce County charge. His parole was revoked June 4 after a hearing in Pierce County and he will be committed to the Department of Institutions from there. Wood has been held in jail since his arrest on $10,000 bail and will be held until sentenced on the charge he was convicted of by the jury. Members of the jury were Roby Johnson, Ada Travis, Nina Baze, Julie Coleman, Alva Linn, Mildred Hovey, Clyde Fagergren, Evelyn Kreifels, Myrtle Johnson, Jeannine Weidman, Arthur Christiansen and Agatha Pierce. The charges on which the three were tried included one each of robbery and second degree assault on Schletty, William Austin Jr., and Richard Valley. Pretrial motions in the case started June 14, with hearings on the admissability of evidence arid statements taken from Jackman and Kropp after their arrests and the sufficiency of identification from photographs which were shown to the victims by members of the Sheriff's Department. Smith, a bar maid at the Allyn Tavern. She testified that Austin had been in the tavern that evening, and identified Kropp, Wood and Jackman as being three young men who came in with a fourth young man. She stated the four were drinking beer and that Austin joined them at ,a table in the Thursday, June 24, 1971 85th Year Number 25 Judge Hewitt Henry ruled a knife, which was found in the Koth Jackman residence and was identified as one taken from the Austin residence, was not admissable as evidence since it was not listed on a search warrant which had been used in searching the Jackman residence and since it involved a crime which was not given in the search warrant. The search warrant, signed by a Pierce County District Court Judge, was in connection with items which were reported taken from the Valley residence. The jury, which had been selected Tuesday, began hearing evidence in the case Thursday morning, with the first witness called by Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan being Judy Kathy Stickley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stickley, Shelton, has been selected as Rodeo Queen for the rodeo which will be held in connection with the Mason County Fair in August. Her selection was announced this week by the committee which is in charge of the rodeo for the Fair Board. She was one of three finalists selected earlier this month. The other two finalists, who will serve as orincesses on the Rodeo Court, tavern after they had been there a short while. She first stated Schletty had not been in the tavern that evening, but, later stated she remembered he had been in a short while talking to Austin and that he did not have anything to drink. She said the four young men and Austin remained in the tavern until somewhere between 1:30 and 2 a.m. when they left. She said she did not see who got into which cars. She stated that Kropp was wearing a wig that evening and stated that Kropp and the fourth youth, who was later identified as Ross Brown, left for a short time to assist a woman who had called (Please turn to Page 2.) PuDlisned m Srlelton, wa Entered as seco la class matter at the post office at Sheltonl , Wa. 98584 3 Section~. _ - ..... 94 p~aa, under act of Mar 8 1879. Published weekly, except two iss es d r n£ week of ThanksgJwng at 227 W. Cota $5 oe; year " Mason County, $6 e,sewhere. ' 10 Cents Per Copy laB \ pen,ng ul f Kathy Stickley ueen are Jennifer Cheney and Terri Sievert. Miss Stickley will be crowned Rodeo Queen at a coronation ceremony at the Mason County Fair Grounds at 8 p.m. Monday evening. The public is welcome to attend the coronation. The rodeo, a new attraction for the fair this year, will hold afternoon performances Aug. 21 and 22. The Inn Quest will open its doors on July 9. Shelton's new gathering place for teenagers will operate initially on Friday and Saturday nights only. It will be open from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. both nights. Operating procedures and programs will be worked out by the young people themselves, so the first few weeks sould be interesting, if hectic. Adult participation in the center is restricted to the board of directors (the initial incorporators of the non-profit corporation) and an administrator. The remainder of the officeholders are teenagers. The Inn Quest received a tremendous boost this week when 30 persons showed up for the regular Monday night meeting of the original planners. This swelled the number of volunteers who have been preparing the former church building at Highway 101 South and Ellinor Street for its opening. Young people have been selling charter membclships in the organization to interested local citizens for two dollars apiece to raise money for needed items that have not been donated. This revenue will also pay for installation of a telephone, which should be in operation next week. Volunteers are still needed for cleanup work. The center will be open tonight (Thursday) from six o'clock until the last man drops. Someone will be at the center from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday of next week to answer questions and accept donations of furniture. There is a real need for tables and chairs - any size, any shape. Following the early weeks of operation for the teenagers, the Inn Quest will hold an open house for all members of the community. Parents and other adults are welcome to visit the center at any time prior to the opening to see what is being accomplished by the youthful volunteers. ir set for the film and as an report "Right now, I'm very concerned about the fills and the potential that developed areas have to dump nutrients into the water. I want to know what rules we need, how to get them enacted at ofand enforced now to protect this area for the future." (The Advisory Commission mentioned above is the Hood Canal Advisory Commission, a lay group composed of three members each from Mason, Jefferson and Kitsap Counties appointed by their respective county commissioners to research technical questions about Hood Canal Environment referred to it by Planning Commissions and County Commissioners. Mason Bill County representatives are Carol Wentlandt, Belfair; John Huson, .Mr. Tahuya; and John Pill, Potlatch.) is a "Mr. Goldman is an Mr. interesting and informative speaker," said Mrs. Wentlandt. "He spoke to our May meeting about the criteria for granting the permits for bulkheading. The of Mason County Commissioners also had asked the Advisory Commission to investigate this since five applicants from this county who had been turned down had come to them. "We learned that all agencies involved report to the Army Corps of Engineers; it was the Fish and Wildlife Service that had denied the permits in each case. "Mr. Goldman explained that all the applications included filling for home sites as well as bulkheading. He said that fills endanger three types of habitat for fish and wildlife on Hood Canal. "One is the salt marsh at the mouths of rivers and creeks where the food chain is started. "Another is the gravel-pebble beach where smelt spawn and small salmon escape from predators, and the third is the boulder type habitat that provides cover for much marine life. Without these habitats, much sea life would disappear from Hood Canal." The film, "Ecology of a Tidal Slough," runs eighteen minutes and was filmed in Monterey Bay. The Water and Sewer System portion of the Comprehensive Plan is the third guide developed by consulting firms for the county. The first was the Comprehensive Land Use Plan which was adopted last fall by the County Commissioners. The second is the Zoning Ordinance which is still being revised by the Planning Commission. The third now recommends a sewage disposal system for the Belfair area in five years (rather than in ten as specified in the earlier draft.) Money to employ the consulting firms Was supplied by a federal grant. Plants Are Tour Subject Brown's Creek Camp Ground yielded an unusual bounty Saturday when the Community Library Association held its first "Take Off From The Library" trip. Members of the group led by Dr, Romeo Conca combined efforts to select, harvest and prepare several edible plants to accompany their picnic lunch. A series of "Take Off" trips to various areas of interest in the Community are on the agenda for the group. Information regarding scheduled activities and memberships are available at the Shelton Public Library. DR. ROMEO CONCA shows part of the group which went on a trip sponsored by the recently formed Library Association an edible cattail. Left to right are Mike Thomas, Dr. Berwyn Thomas, Dr. Conca, Greg Barstad, John Stone and Jeff Moore.