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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1971
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The Inn Quest is about to draw breath for the first time. This experiment in social relationships - a center for local teenagers to call their own - will open July 9. It is an experiment because no one - from its initiators to the youngsters who will use it - knows whether it will fill the need for which it was designed. It will be "a place to go." It will have a largely unplanned program, except for staged musical events. It will be a place to rap. It will be a place to just sit and contemplate your navel, if that is what suits you. It will be a place to listen to music, loud, soft or medium. It will be a place to eat and drink. The success of the experiment will depend on the young people who frequent it. From the enthusiasm and determination shown by the teenagers who are already involved in its operation, it is apparent the center will not be a haven for rowdies and dope peddlers. The adults involved in the operation will give advice only when it is apparent that direction is mandatory and when help is asked. Is there a need for such a place in Shelton? We'll soon find out. "1 sort of miss the old service -- before the government streamlined it." It was another good weekend for law and order in our state. A court injunction effectively short-circuited a planned rock festival in the barren wastes of Grant County, cancelling the need for hundreds of law enforcement officers, including two Mason County sheriff's deputies, recruited from throughout the state to control the thousands of expected participants. The Seattle police department's TAC squad traveled to Moses Lake, saw it was not needed, and went no farther. Many of the visiting lawmen remained, however, and amused themselves during the weekend with harassment of the few hundred young people who showed up for the cancelled festival. Like disappointed hunters who dissipate their emotions by shooting at power pole insulators, they beat the sagebrush and roadsides to scare up long-haired youngsters to torment. A multi-million-dollar civil rights lawsuit is reportedly being readied against Grant County and other governmental units for actions taken during the weekend of fun and games. Meanwhile, back in the counties where the volunteer lawmen are paid to perform, understaffed departments tol dome: r sees By ROBERT C. CUMMINGs There has been considerable discussion as to whether the state should start registering those between 18 and 21, in view of the pending U. S. constitutional amendment extending all voting privileges to these age categories. But it won't be done in advance of actual ratification. Secy. of State Lud Kramer has contended that if members of this are group were registered now, they would expect to vote in the municipal elections this fall, regardless of whether ratification were completed. This could create a chaotic condition, he believes, might even result in some disorders at polling places; possibly even violence. worked on the ever-present load of traffic accidents, robberies, The state's county auditors at burglaries, Tapes,assaults, and other crimes, large and small, t r re~en~c v~on ~:, .~ .... ..... , ~. ....... ..... , ........ ~ ~ , era ~ . supported : ....... ~ ~ , Kramem's po " n by e .... The n tual aid agreemeltt: adbpt the state S .o• : vote of 38 'enforcement agencies, for use in maintaining order at large gatherings, is a useful tool. In this case, however, the power conferred by such an arrangement appears to have been abused. Citizens who condone the mounting harassment and arbitrary arrests of easily-identifiable persons of divergent appearance, should ask themselves one question: "Who will be next?" The dissenting vote was cast by Don Bonker, Clark County auditor, who publicly has advocated opening the registration books to the prospective voters this summer. He fears that if the constitutional amendment permitting them to vote in all elections should be ratified just before next September's primaries, it could cast a legal cloud on all elections held on that date. So far 33 states have ratified the proposed amendment. Only five more are needed to complete the necessary three-fourths. But Kramer doesn't think it will happen. The few remaining states with Legislatures still in session which haven't acted on ratification are known to be opposed to it. Ratification by the necessary additional five states is expected early next year, however, so they can be registered in time to vote in the state elections in 1972. A congressional act already has extended to them the right to vote for national offices, such as President, Vice President and the two houses of Congress. Another round of utility rate increases appears to be in the offing. With continued increases in the cost of doing business, the Utilities and Transportation C o m mission doesn't have any choice but to grant some. The only question is how much. Few, if any, will get all they are asking for. But many have applications for new rate schedules pending. Because of a heavy file of cases, the commission can't act on any immediately; must take them in order. Washington Natural Gas '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~~~~~~l~~~~~~u~lu~l~~~~~ul~~lllu~u~u~uu~~lu~~~~~u~~~~ll~~l~~u~~~l~u~l~~ll~u~u~~~~~~~~~~~ul~~~~~l~~ ass • i~ The basic rules of criminal procedure are laid down to protect the entire population. The minute those rules are broken in the case of any person, no matter how unpopular he be with the majority, no person is assured of protection under the rules. German Pastor Martin Niemoiler uttered the classic remark about those who disregard the rights of others: "In Germany they first came for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me - and by that time no one was left to speak up." It's small consolation - but interesting - to note that the citizens of the State of Washington aren't the only suckers who were duped by legislators who found no time to solve major problems but managed, at the thirteenth hour, to pass legislation that put money in their own pockets. The spark that ignited the recent disruption of services and traffic in New York City was refusal of the New York state legislature to approve a measure that would allow the city to extend to the disrupting workers the same pension benefits idready granted to policemen, firemen and sanitation workers. The legislators adjourned without taking action on the matter, but did find time and money to raise their own expense allowances from three thousand to five thousand dollars apiece. The elected jewels in our Washington legislature stopped diddling long enough to triple their own pensions and those of other elected officials. Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412 Member of National Editorial Association Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year in Mason County, in advance -- Outside Mason County $6.00 By BILL BATES Among the significant commencement speakers asked to appear before 1971 graduating classes are Vice-President Spire T. Agnew, Secretary of State William Rogers, Criminal Lawyer F. Lee Bailey and a Corvallis, Ore., school bus driver. Of these, the latter is the most significant. If he lives through the ordeal, a school bus driver has first hand knowledge of student behavior during the tender, formative years. If he's worked more than one route, he carries in his head a dossier on every rural kid in the graduating class. If anyone knows who is most likely to succeed and who will fall on his face, it's the bus driver. The Corvallis student speaker committee revealed wisdom in their frivolity when they turned to this man for an inspirational commencement message. I think his turn on the podium is due this week. I hope he doesn't blow it. I've never been a school bus driver, so I don't know what this particular fellow is going to say. But I've known quite a few in my day and, I imagine if I were one, I might address myself to the graduates along these lines: "Ladies and gentlemen, mothers and fathers, boys and girls of the Class of 1971. This is a proud moment in my life, as I expect it is in yours. I only hope I can measure up to the faith and trust you have placed in me on this important and solemn occasion. "As I was parking the bus only this morning, I was thinking to myself what could I possibly tell you young ladies and gentlemen you don't already know or will shortly find out for yourself in the halls of higher learning, as you might say. Then it came to me: I can predict exactly what is going to happen to each and every one of you who ever rode my bus. "Take Willard Snodgrass over there in the tenth row, all slouched down. Haven't changed a bit, have you, Willie? I .have a callous behind my left ear to prove my contention, that he will get an expert's medal in marksmanship during basic training. If you stop by atter the ceremonies, Wfllard, I'll give you back your pea shooter. "Then there's Wilma Crandall, who will get married to Homer Skidmore this month and have a lot of kids. I caught Wilma and Homer holding hands when they were second graders. That was the year I installed my new concave rear view mirror. I could see every corner in the bus. "Buzz Cowan, who will be a great artist someday, can get his crayons back by claiming them at the door. By the way, Buzz, that likeness of me on the side of the bus was perfect, except you made the nose too big and my eyes aren't crossed. "Corrine Pflug will find new horizons for women's liberation. With her experience with cherry bombs, she may become the first female mine detector expert. Corinne can take credit for my gold front tooth and the last time I ditched my bus on a perfectly dry highway. "1 predict Paul Filbert will excel in anything he does. Paul, as you may not be aware, holds the district bus violation record, elementary, for violations committed in any ode school year. Young Filbert's achievement took determination, dedication and a willingness to commit the whole gamut ofviolations, including a couple that hadn't been committed before. Nice going, Paul, and your parents should be very proud. "Finally, I come to the probable failures, and these I shall not identify by name. I include in this group those who stole my keys, but failed to determine that I always keep an extra set behind the sun vizor; the yellers and the hair pullers who frittered their time on non-Productive pursuits, the kid who smeared honey on the gear shift knob (I know who you are) and all the kids who went to school for 12 years without finding out that bus shelters are for standing in when it rains, not for 'tipping over. "So much for you country kids. Good luck, you'll need it. Now, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Otto Johanson, the high school janitor, who will tell what's going to happen to the boys and girls from the city." "from the Snohomish Tribune EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Henry G Gay IIIIIIIIIIIIII I .... " ........ ,? " " ;" ......... , ~~~~~u~~~~~~u~~u~~~u~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 24, 1971 Company, which submitted its application first, can expect an order on its rate hike application this summer. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone, whose hearings are nearing completion, will probably get its order this fall; General Telephone, late this year. Puget Sound Power and Light and Cascade Natural Gas Company orders are expected around the end of the year. But there could be an immediate request for another rate increase from Pacific Northwest Bell. The wage offer which the national Bell System offered its employees in union negotiations would have an impact of $9 to $10 million on the system in this state. This wasn't figured in the rate application when it was filed. As the offer has been rejected by the union, the final negotiated wage boost could have an even greater impact on the system in this state. Rail Boost Opposed Meanwhile, the State Utilities and Transportation Commission is asking the Interstate Commerce Commission to rescind part of the temporary 12 per cent freight rate increase it has granted transcontinental railroads. This state wants the boost rescinded on rates for longqine hauls. It contends the rate hike was based on increased terminal and related costs, which aren't involved in long-line shipments of fruit, canned goods, lumber products and similar products, most of which are shipped at least as far as Chicago. It also contends the rate hike puts this state's products in an unfair and unfavorable competitive position. No Reservations The State Parks Department won't start taking reservations for overnight camping this year. The proposal was discussed at a commission meeting this week. The staff was to bring in a proposal within three months, but it can't be implemented before next year. Proposals for charging fees both for day use and overnight camping have gathered support in some areas. Because of the thousands turned away from state parks over the Memorial Day weekend, something probably will be done to ease the situation by next year. Neither the Governor nor the department consider reservations the answer to overcrowding. They only would give all campers an equal chance. The concept of visitor control centers is being explored. Law-Makers Stirring Talk of an initiative to control political campaign expenditures, require more detailed reporting and identification of all contributors, is stirring new interest among legislators. There is a good chance the law-makers will take matters into their'own hands and enact a much stronger law during the special session which will convene here next January. Many fear that if they don't', there could be an initiative on the subject which might be much less palatable to them. Letter box: Editor, The Journal: Also, I and "Where are you going, my boy?" I asked my teenage son. "If "I'm going to rob a grocery store or maybe a service station," in the was his proud reply, me. I'll "Heavens!" I said, aghast, think, "Isn't that a little harsh?" you "Dad," he said, "you've plane tog always told me to think for while I myself. And the way I figure, I'll own hit the establishment for a few and grand and live, man, live. Just dig!" think, when they catch me I can I go to WCC, where I can finish lump in school, do my thing and take out grown all my pent-up emotions on the and 'pig officers.' You know they a startin won't do anything to me because it will make me resent society. Editor, The Journal: we We, the delegates to the 1971 Ma;aY i Evergreen Boys State, would like State Ls to thank the American Legion for are their sponsorship to this event. American Boys State was held last week t rue. on the campus of Gonzaga patiently University in Spokane. views, The main purpose of Boys State is to learn about local, county, and state government. You learn by electing officers, many who conduct business in a mock enjoyed capacity. Whether you are elected to office or not, you learn how government operates, and some of the problems involved. We will be voting soon, and the knowledge that we gained there will be of great value when Editor, The Journal: Y ork We, as members of the Democratic Club of Mason rights County, Washington, deplore the of action taken by the United States More~ Department of Justice in decepti( attempting to suppress 1964 publication of the McNamara feel.thats study of the origins of our disrupt involvement in the Viet Nam War. the re1 We support the action taken by the New York Times, its Masotl executives, and all the members of Congress who endorse the New Doris W Since adjournment of the prok the legislature, a good many time to making speeches in defense January, February, March, April and The tone of their remarks is understandable. After conferring with some of the discovered that the people were not some of the glorious activities of the What the legislators are doing telling the folks that their 120-day dome was really quite productive. Look at all the wonderful Then they rattle off dozens of bills mundane subjects. It's not really true that unproductive as the news media add. the They will admit there were some Republicans, they will say that the those nasty Democrats. And if theY say it was all the fault of those ob But they generally don't tell the of significant legislation that went d don't explain why almost half of legislature were pumped out in the session. They will also climb aboard the supported some of the more notably property tax relief, but theY of their number worked feverishly that property tax relief "didn't go too It ,might be a good idea, next ask your legislator why more than property tax relief bill were votes. You might also ask why there ts requiring record votes in the rules and house, and for that matter, all just for a kicker, you might also when approving a relatively signifi¢ virtually all public agencies in the apply provisions of that law to the