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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mrs. Hepburn Plants Garden Marcy Hepburn has just planted an extensive garden on her Skokomish Valley acreage. "The ground has been too wet to work in until this past week," she says. Mrs. Hepburn intends to do a great deal of canning, and to this end has planted carrots, peas, beans, beets, and cucumbers, as well as radishes and lettuce for table use. "I always can," she explains, "but 1 plan to do much more than usual this year." She uses many apples, preparing them for pies and making apple butter. She loves to bake, and specializes in home-made bread and rolls. Marcy was born in Shelton, as was her mother and also her daughter. As a five year-old she moved to Kennewick where she lived until she met and married her husband, Bob. After a few months in South Dakota, the Hepburns came to Shelton in 1961. Bob Hepburn, except for brief periods when he was employed on road construction work in South Dakota, has worked for Hunter's Dairy, of which he is now foreman. In addition to gardening, Marcy Hepburn likes to draw. She enrolled in an art course as a 12-year-old, and although she has never utilized her talent commercially, she finds much pleasure in sketching. "Most of my work is in pencil," Marcy states, "and I draw almost everything - animals, people, landscapes, and cartoons." The Hepburns have four children. Tommy is ten years old;. Debbie is nine; Diane is seven; and David is three. Tommy is learning to draw. Camping is a favorite recreation of the entire family. Marcy's husband shares her interest in gardening, and Tommy is the mower of the lawns. Family pets are two little Chihuahua-Beagle dogs. Marcy Hepburn loves house plants and flowers and she is especially fond of roses. MARCY HEPBURN plants a large vegetable garden. "1 Grange Si At 7:30 p.m. on Friday the Twanoh Grange will hold a Pinochle Card party in their new hall in Belfair on the Victor Cutoff road. • lard Party Refreshments will be served and a donation requested. Funds raised will be used to complete the building. The event is open to the public. By JAN DANFORD Perhaps, some 7000 years ago, an Egyptian mother said to her daughter: "You're wearing far too much make-up." The use of cosmetics dates back to the remotest antiquity. It is generally believed that cosmetics as they are now known originated in the Far East, but studies of primitive cultures indicate that various forms of beautfication with paint were common in every part of the world. The war paint of the American Indian, the blue woad of the ancient Britons, and the tattooing practiced by aborigines are all types of cosmetic adornment. The earliest historical record of these aids to beauty comes from the first dynasty of the Egyptian era between 5000 and 3500 B. C.. In tombs of this period have been found unguent jars, and from the remains from later periods it was evident that the unguents were scented. These and oils were extensively used by both men and women, in the dry heat of Egypt, to keep the skin supple and unwrinkled. Also developed by the women of Egypt was the art of decorating the eye. Dark green color was applied to the under lid; the upper lid and the lashes were blackened with kohl),:a preparation made from soot: Since there are in the Old Testament a number of references to the painting of faces, it is thought that the Jews adopted BQ b cosmetics from the Egyptians. r ecue AN AUGUST WEDDING is planned for Kathy Jo Halvorsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Halvorsen, and Daniel C. Scott of Hoodsport, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Scott of Titusville, Fla. Miss Halvorsen is a graduate of Shelton High School, and her fiance is a building contractor. In the first century A.D., in the days of Nero, paints and |~ Held I_ powders were widely used by the Roman w o, n. i,ion,oko ,, On Sotorday utilized chalk for the whitening of Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held a barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Knudsen on Saturday evening. Members attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolden, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McHatton, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Arden Merriman, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Anglin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovato, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Knudsen and Mr. and the skin and pumice for the polishing of the teeth. Both rouge and depilatories came into popularity at this time. Cosmetics were brought by the Crusaders from the Near East to Europe. In spite of many attempts to legislate against them, they have since been constantly in use. The almost universal acceptance of make-up in modern times has resulted from scientific studies of ingredients employed. Research was begun by the French in the 19th century. Mrs. Mike Ogden. Amo~t~l/~w~y~smetiesin~ Guests Were. Mr and M~. ¢o_m~_~.,L,~ ¢t'emats,~~ ~A~ii~y ~orres~, ~Mr. ~and Mrs. which are emulsions of various Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. oils, waxes, water and additional Knudsen. Reunion Scheduled Those planning to attend the reunion of the Class of 1951 should make reservations before July 1. The event is scheduled for August 14 at Holiday Beach on Hood Canal. For further information phone 426-4887 after 5:30 p.m. Bridge Club Winners Named Winners at the Monday night meeting of the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club were, for North-South, Ken and Mary Zabel, and Rex and Louise Umphenour. East-West winners were Connie Travis and Katherine White, and Lillian Updike and Bruce Kreger. substances; these are intended to cleanse or to soften the skin. Face powders and dusting powders are based on talcum. which is powdered magnesium silicate, and zinc oxide; they are used to dry and to impart to the skin a satiny texture. Lipsticks are compounded of lanolin or cocoa butter with coloring ingredients; rouges are mixtures of starch or finely powdered clay blended with red pigments. Bath salts and other bath preparations combine perfume with water-softening agents such as sodium carbonate or borax. Nail polishes are lacquers, and hair dressings are based on mineral or vegetable oils, such as vaseline or castor oil. Shampoo_s are soap or synthetic detergents, basically, with scent added. A common ingredient to be found in hair rinses is the vegetable dye Henna, which imparts a red tint. Hair bleaches are usually weak solutions of hydrogen peroxide. Mascara is a compound of gum and dark pigment. Active agents in depilatories are sulfides of calcium and barium; deodorants are merely astringents which close the Take an inventory of the pesticides in your garage. How long have you owned each one? Long enough so it is no longer Kappenman To Call For Dance Both square and round dances will be called by Kappie Kappenman of Seattle at the Saturday night meeting of the Salty Sashayers to be held at 8:30 p.m. in the fairgrounds hall. A business meeting at 8 p.m. will precede the dance. Grange Will Meet Pomona Grange will meet at 11 a.m. Sunday at the fairgrounds with Southside Grange, as host, serving dinner at noon. Highlights of the State Grange Convention will be given. TO BE MARRIED on July 31 are Julie Gay Pitts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pitts. and Gary Lee Robinson; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Robinson. Both are graduates of Shelton High School, and the groom elect is employed at Fullers' Arco. openings of the sweat glands, useful? Rotenone powder, for FROM Aluminum sulfate is the most instance, will be ineffective the there aresecond year. Might as well throw .... IE|ldllen| common, although many otherL the remainder out each fall. i I[ I II Illl |Ill ' II II I i I I o.lvE.., I' [ for t~ant" Packing suggestions [ trip~ at long awaited vacation j I For Morn: Wig, ] Why Pay Me1 . ]shatterproof bottles of liquid i rinse. MR. & MRS. WESLEY E. ANDERSON of Tacoma announce / FOR CAR INSURANCE? I I]detergent'For Dad:shamp°°'Battery.poweredCreme ] or convertible electric shaver, the engagement of their daughter, Christine Paula, to David [ Liabiltty andPropertyDamage I i roloing ramcoat (lust in case). Michael Bunnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunnell of | New Low Rates for Under Age | [and in-cargames Shelt°n" The bride'elect is a graduate °f Central Washingt°n / drivers with clean driving record "State College, with a BA in physical education. Her fiance is j ' For Tads: gavorite toysj l.mFio r a! ,-,Permanent-press I _"n"~l.,e~'i~=v'~n or non-aspirin serving with the United States Navy out of San Diego Cal. No J Agel@lT-6Months$77.00 ' I Ipreventlve, ups=~ _. _ wedding date has yet been set. J " Ageli-6Months$eS.00 J Ia ..... morton sickness Jremedy, p r e s"~ r ;t~tr~acnn [ ........ ......... / Also rate rifle unlucky driver ,duration of the trin ,;:-'Y¶ I kit, anesthetic mout~wa[~' faoar ! / I | D.W.I. Reckless Driving [ Iminor sore throat Pain ! ORGANS / Insurance Cancelled I ,equlpment.|sea's°nal" sports Wear__ .... ""~u Golden Age Club I _ / We II be happy to aid You • & PIANOS / Call for rates - we can take care of you. No one I /in selecting some of these TO Meet e Club wall | RENT or BUY on | Jim Petra, Gary Ely or Mike Petra 1 , The Golden g " | ,. meet tonight in the Memorial Hall | Ogy ,erms I Phone,,,, l/.oil', for a 6 p.m. potluck supper and l | Emergency Ph.426-2165 ,an evening of cards and dancing lJahav't Made liar l Petr t I r;ll n Agency I [fifth & Franklin with music by the Tune Toppers. [ ...... I .... I / Open Dilly 9:30 to 7:30 The last meeting was attended [ 205 Cota 426-4302 t 843 Pacific Ave. Chehalis, Wa. 98532 J [ Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 by 73 members and guests. = .... ---=-- .... --------------------------------= i Page 8- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 24, 1971 ROUND THE Today, Thursday, June 24 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., Memorial Hall. Friday, June 25 Chamber of Commerce board meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., court house basement. Twanoh Grange Pinochle Party, 7:30 p.m., at the new Grange Hall in Belfair on Victor cut-off road. Sr. Citizens Council Potluck dinner, noon, Multi-service Center. Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., IOOF Hall. Saturday, June 26 Salty Sashayers, business meeting 8 p.m., dance 8:30 p.m. in the fairgrounds hall. Moose Enrollment of new candidates, Moose Lodge at airport, begins 6 p.m. Sunday, June 27 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Pomona Grange, 11 a.m., fairgrounds. Monday, June 28 PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., court house. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD auditorium. Goodwill truck in town. Phone 426-4847 for pickups. It's About Time Tops, 7 p.m., County Health Office, Tuesday, June 28 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Timbers Restaurant. City commission meeting, 8 p.m., city hall. Wednesday, June 30 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., court house basement. Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., Multi-service Center. Mason General Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Hospital dining room, 2 p.m. Thu day, July 1 ~otary Club luncheon, n on, ~g Tree Cafe. = ~,~::" Toastmasters ~ub, 7:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court house annex. Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m., business meeting, 8 p.m., at the clubhouse. Multi-service Center board meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center. VWWI Madrona Barracks, noon, Memorial Hall. Navy Mothers, 7:30 p.m,, home of Mrs. Ray Sharp, 433 Cookson. Noon Potluck Set A noon potluck and entertainment is planned for next Thursday's meeting of Veterans of World War I Madrona Barracks No. 1462 to be held in the Memorial Hall. ENGAGED ARE Susan Marie Duckharn, Mrs. R. E. Duckham, and Eliot Bradf' and Mrs. Eliot Bradford Sr. of Miss Duckham is a Shelton High Scl" and her fiance a/e now attending University of Washington. They will , By Jan Danford Oh, see the happy gardener Ignoring age, the hardener Of arteries and crippler "HOW of muscles ! exclainaed He humors not his aching back And saddened sacroiliac like sa While building up his red and Princess white corpuscles ! Oh, GRACE!. All hail the healthy gardener, The kindly, gracious pardoner • • * Of plants who bring him gladly Called bY l to his knees! Another A weedless border points A To a suppleness of joints Lo As he surveys his flowered diocese. *** A I have recently been taken And severely to task by a,purist who Icult to AT CAPITAL SAVINGS