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• " Bowling News
! f
Tri M ,
a n ,, ' 210.Mens Hi Game: Dave Hanson
Men's Hi Series: Dave Stole 541.
Mason County boys will have means of a common interest in morning part of the program will Women's Hi Game: Robbi Dale ~ #
an opportunity to participate in a sportsmanship, fellowship, and last from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon 164. ,
new sports fitness activity athletic competition. Ttiey will and the afternoon from 1:00 p.m. Women s Hi Series: Robbi Dale (Continued from Page 1.) their family ties need not behome at 1718 Ridge Road theyVirginia
broken. Different children have provide care, supervision and all came to S
program this summer. The have experiences which develop until 4:00 p.m. One may enroll 412Standings: 3 Stooges 12,328, by the Welfare for each teenage different needs; for each foster around family living for a from Clalla~aiZo,,.
ed ~ m~.~V~l COU
program, run by the department self reliance, resourcefulness and a for one or all sessions. Bombers 12,120, Zits 12,041,foster child, plus a $9 clothing parent there is almost sure to be a ten-month-old baby girl named maintain - ~ST"--
of physical fitness of Shelton mature attitude to do their best. The cost will be ten dollars ScrewballsReefers 12,062,11,548,LilliwaPBall Bearings12'018' allowance and $7 for personal lonely child who will be a Tummy and a 1 3-year-old, also' providal!~W''t~i~CU',~.~_
School District, was described byPrimary instructors will be per week for half a day and 15 8 149. incidentals." welcome and appreciative Pnscdla. sometimesSUl~mg on tt
program director Jack Stark inn certified members of Sheltondollars per weekfor the fullday. Screwballs, CheryINolan364; The sum will cover the child's addition tothefamily. ~oia:hM~r~inRDi~a!im~!etmtPhla~:d~d~i inteThme~~:,"'k~;rea'121°-calcl~'- ~l~untY J~
letter to all parents and guardians School District 309. The program The boys going the full day must Zits, Clay Keith 499; Reefers, expenses, but there is no margin Interim homes are needed
of Mason County youth, shall meet the high standards of bring their own lunch and milk DaleDave412;Stole3 Stooges,541; Bombers,Dave HansonR°bbi for profit. The rewards are many, also, where a child may be taken
'Parents or guardians wantingleadership, equipment, health and will be provided. 534; Lilliwap, Jim Hays 447.but they are not financial, in an emergency, perhaps for an wife, Virginia, is an Avon foster horae.'e~rStonStatt
their sons to develop in physical safety of the American Shelton High School physical TUESDAY TRIO Foster children are expected hour, perhaps for overnight, representative, ad°ptivepa{v%~lez Bao~
skills will find this program Association of Health, Physical education facilities will be used. Women s Hi Game: Colleen Yorke to fit into the family routine, perhaps for a month. They own a kiln, and both Mary 15~ Rd ~S~V
carefuUy adjusted tothe needs, Education and Recreation." Gymshoes, shorts or cutoffs and 19tmen,s Hi Series: Colleen Yorke They must know and must abide Foster homes are not • - :ny th:ework~j~.!2~ "
interest and abilities of those who It is open to all Mason County a T-shirt will be the necessary by the rules. Established limits are necessarily in constant use. It is ga°dkenimg c:dam:tsd oth?o:kJ u~u.....:- Ii ll,~e. ~.B ~0
enroll. These youth will receive boys who have just completed the dress, o o
basic instruction in a variety of fourth, fifth or sixth grade. Three The tentative activities list for 523Standings: Alley Byes 20-8; 3 a necessity but discipline should recognized that the families need their premises; clam-digging is a the diffi.¢;~, $29 f0
Bags 19-9; Forget Me Nots 16-10; be administered with love. a rest occasionally, and never are favorite recreation, and in all parenthood,:~Z llth St
sports activities as well as an one week sessions will beoffered, the program include softball,Phillips Lake Squirrels 15-13; Mrs. Endersey makes everythe parents alone in their family pursuits the foster children" more diffic~',,qt~ $15 f~
understanding of the importance July 12-16, July 19-23 and July tennis, soccer, track and field, Timber Rats 14-14; Dum Dums attempt to present to interviewed responsibilities. The case worker participate. "After ~ 4~0. Box 5
of physical fitness. 26-30 are the dates of the three football, basketball, volleyball, 13-15; Lazy Trio 12Vvl5V2; families an accurate picture, keeps contact and the Welfare
Summer Belles 11-17; Sleepy Sals Mrs. Reamer, who prior to is, basical!,Yda!~" $15 f^
Boys throughout the county sessions. Students may enroll for badminton and tumbling. 10-18; Ding A Lings 9Ve-18V2. Those willing to open their hearts office is constantly available for last March had been employed in difference ba,~'~P11, 1005 ,~'
- " 1 ailtl ~:.llt r- ~r~
will be brought closer together by half a day or a full day. TheFor further information, Timber Rats 1, Barb Nolan and their homes to the troubled assistance and fur counseling, display work for the Penney indivtdua " '~! *1,5 to:
contact the SPORT FITNESS 411; 3-Bags 3, Helene Redmanones must be prepared to give;. Margaret Endersey, born and store, likes to sew and to cook. so sorry.~'nti0~,0, l~ox 9;
timeritk Itos s Juniors .oo. HighSchoolinorCarecallof426-8261Shelt°n 491;Dean 483;SummerAlleyBelleSByes 1,3' BonnieBetty and give; and give. Visible returns raised in California, came toShe is helping Priscilla to learn the Art _~' $15
Benedict 408; Dum Dums 1, may be small, and the task will Bremerton in 1941 and there was homemaking arts. A summer discipline ~'~Jr., 94~-
(426-1301 evenings), kinda Tibbits 492; Lazy Trio 3, certainly be a tremendous one, as
He also won Betty LaMont 462; Sleepy Sals 3, this group is most demanding, graduated from high school. She visitor and companion to Priscilla foster Par~.~sPft Ceding"
......Lake Limerick's recento" tj:uniors andclosestovertodiVision.the pin in two on Dutch Wright 355; Forget Me Nots "If a foster fam_ily ' Mrs. received from the University of is Betsy Colfax, the Reamers' salvation 0. :'fill~t~len R~'_
• " s ~ t. 2
Washington a degree in education, royce, who hves in Mineral. teen-ager • etling
tournament WhiChrl steu many ~ . __ , . ..
f masfarawa .... " numberrune and tow gross m ms Jerry Westlund 1, Colleen Yorke 523; Ding A Endersey remarked, can do no
Lings 2, Merge Witcraft 500; Her husband, Roy, supervisor ~illlAtchk- '
golfers to yes S~,iE~ri!~s ap~lllll~-~'"~-'~un'l,
Phillips LakeSquirrels 2, Bee more than give to the troubledof Community Projects Audits for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
and Tacoma was dominated by a,va~on, nnnga,~z; nellevue and Wins Track Letter Brandt444. child the strength to accept the State in Olympia, has
loca~tt:~k~tohnson, 16, ofShelton, Shellt°nnLJoUathelI:net prize in ADULT--JR. i unalterable conditions, thismay accepted a position with the More Grodu@te~:~!i't^n°
won three of the four prizesthe 1 6 and over groupby Jerry Westlund, a graduate of M e n s H i G a m e : N o r m well be the difference between his government of American Samoa
.... the16 and de shooting a net 36 Shelton High School, has won a Schim_schat 216. survival and his ultimate loss to as Systems Accountant and will
olierea in un r " Men s Hi Series: Mac Mclnelly Sh ,t, ii .l~Uekle.~]'[0~.'I rY
division. The most outstandingTomlnl~abneeU~ffesel61:g~ag~°:ffd first track letter at Eastern586. , society." depart for his new employment g f
feat Mark had in his round was ..... p . Washington State College. Womens Hi Game: MillieNelson Foster parents who do not the first of July. Graduatin rum
slamming a near three hundred treat ~Isthoen'~h~ze~9~(eta~ Westlund, whose guardian is & Mabel LaBelle 180. feel qualified to cope with The Enderseys have three et0n, .Spy
yard drive on the 305 yard ninth low " ........ Marion Wilson, 1222 Cote St., Women's523. Hi Series: Mabel LaBelle troubled children may help in sons. Bill, 13 years old, and Tim, S C h o o I J u n e 9ii:a~end~l~lic iAllen
hole to win long drive for the 16 tighYtoSS ~h e° X~olCKeto tt:::l I t hp Shelton, is a transfer to EWSC Jr. Hi Game: Jim Robinson & many other areas. There are 1 2, will accompany their mother! !~~~~~m~~~'ln~t ~sYe:e~n~l|~if~! _ ____ _i.. _ ._jL~_ __ r i _ . _ ..~A ~~. h-ard ~tox:
from Yakima Valley CoUege andClay Keith 204. homeless children over the age of to join Roy Endersey in the fall.
closest to the pin prize on nine. has competed in pole vault and Jr. Hi Series: Jim Robinson 525. 13 years who desperately need Nineteen-year-old Roy Jr. will
Steve Bennett of Chehalis high jump. He is a junior Standings: Mac & Dave 8347,
~, ~ .9- won the long drive competition in education major at EWSC. Mabel & Clay 8320, L. C. & attention and will present no complete his education in the
rrl|~ ~ the under 16 division and Wade Rusty 8287, Mike & MiHie 8157, unusual problems; homes are United States.
b KA, I O~J ) Paradise of Seattle won low net IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUUl Jim8093, & RalphEv 8145,& ScottLarrY8024, & KerryChris neededfor infants;fUr volunteersIndianchildren,aresoughtand Shelt onMr" andareMrS.enthusiasticMerle ReamerandOf
June- ca.o ; tha3 J °rs played under roe'" Little League & AI 7872, Bob & Marlis 6821. to care for siblings, in order that successful foster parents. In their fol lowing : ,
• o e Y andicap system Next
June 26 lsthe day set f rth on the" ' Results &
Late Limerick agenda is a
Simpson Recreation Association junior-adult team tournament. Daniel E. Cush, Jr.
overall golf tourney to be held at
Bayshore Golf Course.
Seven in the morning this
Saturday will be the starting time.
The $4.50 entry fee will cover
green fees, dinner and prizes. A
shotgun start will begin the 18
hole competition.
Those who wish to play in the
tourney must have their names in
by Thursday, June 24. To enter
or for more information, call
extension 252 or Val Sienko.
Activities of the Bayshore
Ladies Club for the month of
June were reported recently. On
June 1, the ladies played for
better nine score and the winner
was Gert Batstone.
On June 8, play was for
hidden partners and the winners
were Joanne McComb and Doris
Sixteen women turned out for
play on June 15. They played for
guess your score before you play
and Gert Batstone, Doris Christey
and Martha Cole tied for 18 hole
guess, with Lila Frodel winning
nine hole guess.
The Bayshore ladies visited
Grays Harbor Country Club in
Aberdeen on June 17. Winners
from the local group were Gert
Batstone with low gross, Anita
Kimbel with low net, Doris
Ckristey with the closest shot to
the pin on number 13, and Lila
Frodel with high gross.
June 22 saw the ladies play
for 3-4-5's. Winners for 18 holes
were Gert Batstone and Doris
Christey and for nine holes, St¢lla
Allen and Merian Hembroff tied.
The Alderbrook gais are going
to have an exchange with the
Bayshore women on Tuesday,
June 29. Tee off time is 9 a.m.
Ladies are urged to report in at
8:30 a.m. for coffee.
The exact date has not yet been
Lumbermen's grabbed the
lead in the Mason County Babe
Ruth League this week by
winning two games, including one
with OK Rooters which knocked
the Rooters out of the lead.
On June 14 at Kamilche,
Lun~bel'men'$ beat Jim Pauley
Ford 14-2 as Rick Hawley pitched
for the winners and A/len and
Kerr caught. Pauley's losing
battery was pitchers Vercher, Ogg
and Teberg, and catcher
At Mountain View of the
fourteenth, Puget Sound National
Bank shut out McCleary 6-0.
Wednesday, June 16 saw the
Lumbermen's team rip the league
leading OK Rooters 6-0. That gave
the Lumbermen's the league lead
with a 4-1 mark. Wood pitched the
win and Allen caught. Knight was
the loser and Milijour caught for
On the same night at
Kamilche, Jim Pauley Ford waxed
PSNB in still another shutout,
5-0. Wilbur was the winner and
Bariekman caught for the victors.
Bourgault was the loser for PSNB
and Bearden caught.
Lumbermen's 4 1
OK Roofers 3 2
Jim Pauley Ford 3 2
PSNB 2 3
McCleary 0 4
THERE ARE some people
one loves best, and others whom
one would almost always rather
have as companions.
Henrik Ibsen
For your summer
Bowling Enjoyment!
633 S. 1st.
-.'=.-..•., .... ..... -•
age 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 24, 1971
Won Lost
Heinie's Broiler 4 1
Simpson Recreation 4 1
Moose Lodge 4 2
WCC 4 2
Gott Oil 2 3
Mell Chevrolet 2 4
Miklethun Electric 1 4
IWA 0 4
SRA 4, Miklethun 2;
Moose 11, Mells 4;
WCC 12, IWA 9;
Heinie's 10, Gott 4;
Moose 3, Heinie's 1 ;
Gott 25, Mells 4.
Won Lost
Jarvis Oil 6 0
Himlie Realty 4 1
Simpson Credit U 3 2
A&W 3 2
Merv's Tirecap 3 3
Morgan Transfer 2 3
Kiwanis 0 5
Graystone 0 5
A&W 17, Graystone 2;
Jarvis 10, Morgan 8;
Himlie 14, Merv's 8;
Simpson Credit 14, Kiwanis 1 0;
Jarvis 5, Merv's 3.
(Fired Standings)
Won Lost
Endicott Realty 6 1
Mike's McCulloch 6 1
Vede's 4 3
Rayonier 4 3
Shelton Foods 4 3
Evergreen Fuel 1 6
Certified 0 7
Mike's 20, Verle's 18;
Evergreen 17, Certified 13;
Endicott 10, Shelton Foods 3;
MCFCU 13, Rayonier 8;
Endicott 12, Mike's 7;
Verle's 16, Evergreen 8;
Shelton Foods 21, MCFCU 7;
Rayonier 15, Certified 9.
Vandals damaged the
Chamberlin Lake rest area on
State Highway 14 east of White
Salmon over the weekend, causing
its closure for at least one week.
Presently, there are 236 rest
areas kept open by the
Washington State Highways
Department existing solely for the
safety and convenience of
travelers. Litter and vandalism on
state highways cost Washington
State taxpayers more than $1
million last year.
The estimated cost for repair
of rest areas alone for this year is
over $87,000. As more rest stops
are completed, the cost of
maintaining the areas will increase
To help curb this expensive
destruction of highway areas, the
Washington State Highway
Commission, in 1962, authorized
a $100 reward for information
leading to the arrest and
conviction of vandals guilty of
Every Wednesday evening at 7
p.m., at the fairgrounds, Shelton's
Trailblazer Motorcycle Club is
holding a field meet or English
All riders are welcome to
come and compete. Any bike may
compete. There are trophies for
the winners of each event and a
rider can accumulate points
towards a high point trophy to be
given at the end of the series of
eight events. Two of the events
have been run already.
The next event will be a field
meet with a series of contests like
Beginner * Advanced Beginner
and Intermediate register
12 to 4 p.m.
Classes will begin Monday, June 28.
For further information phone...
426-8223 or 426-2507
destroying state highway
The first reward, however,
was not given until Gorton
McLeod of Lyle reported an act
of vandalism to authorities
concerning the Chamberlin Lake
rest area in 1967.
The area again was severely
damaged last Saturday night.
More and more concerned
citizen groups are showing
interest in the preservation of
:~ these valuable roadside stops. In
order to encourage more citizens
to accept "personal
responsibility" in reporting
vandalism to the state's rest areas,
the Automobile Club of
Washington and the Inland
Automobile Association have
announced a matching $100
reward for those exposing vandals
damaging the rest areas.
However, the problem has
started to grow once more.
Almost like a disease taking rest
riding through stakes, slow race,
riding across a plank and other
stunts. On alternate Wednesdays,
English trials are held. These are.
riding through a narrow twisting
course, over natural obstacles,
without putting' the feet down or
going out of bounds. Cyclists are
urged to come in and pit their
skill against other local riders.
Dave Waite, who was injured
in a race at Castle Rock two
weeks ago, is recuperating at
Cowlitz County Hospital and was
expected to be released to come
home this week.
stop after rest stop, ever
increasing groups of malicious
people are destroying one of
Washington's most beautiful
tourist attractions - the rest
The immeasurable factor
concerning these acts of
vandalism is the inconvenience
the closure of such facilities has
on normal users. Often, rest areas
or sections of many must be kept
closed until needed replacement
parts can be secured. ':'
Such is the case :at
Chamberlin Lake where the
vandals who ripped through the
restroom and landscaped area put
the site out of commission for at
least one week and perhaps
What excuse can be given to
tourists from Oregon, Idaho and
other states who would enjoy the
beautiful view and the facilities at
Chamberlin after a long drive
along the Columbia?
Highway officials hope the
$200 reward will net results from
citizens to come forward and help
curb the situation. Without such
help from concerned citizens and
community groups it makes the
task almost impossible to prevent
roving vandals from destroyings
such things as lights, signals and
rest area facilities.
The Washington State Patrol
is making constant checks on the
rest areas on state highways and,
interstate highways to prevent
vandalism, loitering and other
abuses of such areas.
aye Tam
Stanley Lavern
Sh elton Title
listed as one of the
the supplement, now
under a new name,
Title Company.
LOT ......
Many different plans and
ranges to, choose from' at. :
426-4312 SH E LTO N
Meet the Boys On Our Little League
year on
is playing
team at
You're Alwaye Safe With