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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 24, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LOW EVERYDAY PRICE SUPER SAVERS SUPER SAVERS Q U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Chuck Perfect For Soups Premium Quality U.S.D.A. Choice + 89c + 59c 69* + 39c ess Stew Choice Beef Cubes lb. U.S.D.A. s139 Choice lb. lb. i!i!i U.S.D.A. Choice Beef, Blade Cut I Ill Choice Lean Lamb Steaks Stmulderchoice Breast of Lamb u sD,cho,c. | ,h 49c: Link Sausage Pare Pork lb. Snapper Fillet ros. ,,ot ,h 59c Safewav 8-oz. Cold Cuts ,ssar,. Pkg. 69c Banner Sweet Smoked Flavor lb. Steamer Clams Fresh ,asty 39c Fresh. Under Three Pounds Fish Sticks H.atandServ. Quick,Easy 69c Bar-B-Q! lb. Salmon Tips S.foadSoo,k + 79* C C Low Manor House U.S.D.A. Grade Frozen L Safeway Great for Picnics! SAF A lb. lb. IE WAY I '°press *'h q.Chicken Snackers Bu. ,ach D.ters., 22-0z. Lucerne 6-oz. 39* Baker33* Ivory Liquid Bt, HoaOa,ry Raspberry Jam EorD+. 49* Coffee Tone Jar Whole Wheat Sky,orkBroad 22~4S'Pk|" Strawberry Jam Empress 4-lb. SlS9 Busy 1Olb.-|looz. '2-oz. ,asty ,,, Rye Snackers ,ach S249 DinnerHour Baker Package .,dgetS ze 21' Raisin Snails.,o Pkg 33* Tide Detergent Sea Shells Mrs.BUtterhornSwright's Pkg. S & W Applesauce ,. ,,o. Fer,,r ,oss Jar 28c Cheese Snackers orBaco. BasyB°ker kg 33* Wizard Freshener00. Ca. 49* Macaroni Dinner Hour, For Salads 22-0z. |ggNoedles24-oz.57¢ Pkg. 35c Powderd Sugar & I~|. Donuts Cinna.. Mrs. Wrights af| s,w si. Red Kidney Beans I, ozCon 20c Oven Baked Beans s,w .oz 37* Future Floor Finish 4.zBt, Elba Macaroni Creamettes ,oz 14' Oven Joy BreadBakedFresh 22~'z'Pkg. rui ulce a mil Iour Crisco una Starkist, Light & Delicious Cream O' the Crop, Fresh Town House, Pink Grapefruit Centennial, All Purpose Pure Vegetable ! Unsweetened 46-oz. 10-lb. Doz. Can Bag 3-lb. Can LOW EVERYDAY PRICES LOW EVERYDAY PRICES LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Macaroni & Cheese ,iss,oa ,.,*Spray ,,+oz 21c Protein 21 Cond,,oas Royal Chunks oochEo. D+ .oz Aft Beef Pkg.23c For Dogs 36-oz. Pooch Burgers .ezS,+, 89c ssz9 5-Day Anti-Perspirant' ': Sl" Darigold Butter Orade, CoL. ,h 83c Sharp Cheddar Safeway Cheese lb. VaselineLOTiOn" "" I.,.. vo,S-OZc•r. ,,, q" Listerine Antiseptic ,oz B,, 75c Cream Cheese La,erae B o* Qua"ty Pkg. 35* Swiss Cheese SafewaYQuality Pkg.''h Sl. Vitamins + Iron So,away B,, .u,tip,o 0,+0 98* Q-Tips SwabsCe.on'°° 49c Cascade D+washer "+' Up 6.7-oz. Bosi, 6.z. si4, Fresh Milk Blossom Time Ga', $1os pete,Ben, 65c Close- Mouthwash ln One 87c Breck Shampoo Texturizing gth Homo genized Ctn. Kuminost Cheese s°f- Tasty lb. Lucerne Salad 1~ Roquefort Drossing Margarine Coldbrauk Soft Style LEMON-LIME CENTENNIAL KLEENEX CHIFFON LUCERNE Or New Orange, Thirst Quencher For Light and Fluffy Pancakes ap Ins Boutique Colors, Assorted! argar,ne Soft Style in Plastic Tubs Choice of AsstZd Fruit FlaVOrS 32-oz. Btl. ¢ 4-lb. Pkg. Pkg. of 50 8-OZ. Ctn. STC)CK-UP ON THESE FR()ZEN FOODS BUYS! FEATURE THIS WEEK With Every S3.00 Purchase FEATURE THIS WEEK THREE COMPLETER PIECES: Ladle, Meat Fork and Pierced Spoon 49 No Purchase Required C Orange Juice Be, o rFrozen 12OZ.can 45* SNOW STAR Regular Lemonade ,.,oir , -oz Ca. 27* Pink Lemonade B.,. air Can 27* Assorted Gal. q.38 Grape Juice Bal.air 12-oz. Frozon Con 37 Kids Pkg Cap'n Crunch narsLeu.,ooo,; 59* Half. Gal. Bel.air Vegetables in Sauce) Sandwiches ,.eCreao59* Par,yPride Green Beans guttersauce Pkg. 29c Captain's Choice Seafood Dinners Fillet of Sole Bel-air Cut Corn Inhtter 10-oz. Sauce Pkg. Just Pop In 10-oz. Bel-air Frozen 10-oz. theOven Pkg. 55c Green Peas +,uttor.uc. Pkg 29c EXTRAORDINARY EVENT This handsome Stainless Flatware is the finest quohty with a no-polish luxurious finish. And ther~;*s two patterns to choose from, the modern '*DANIKA" and the troditionoi "VERSAILLES* Scallop Dinner Captains B-oz. Choice Pkg. 65* Shrimp Dinner c.,.in*, .z. choic. ,k°. 65* Be|-air Mixed 1D-oz. Vegetables ,.Ba,,.r Ph,. 29c Bel-air Spinach ,.cra.. ,0. Saa+. Pkg. 29c Serve With Fresh Broccoli Cheese Sauce lb. 25c Crisp Fresh Head Lettuce LargeHeads ,. 19' Mushrooms Fr.hBro+ Variety, Delicious lb. 69c Crisp Large Green Onions Beach ,. 10c BING Large Size Summer Favorite lb. Sole starts 9 o.m. Wednesday Jane 23rd through Saturday June 2Gth in Shelton We reserve ~ right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. NEW U.S. No. Bright Clean Shafters lb. Bunch Radishes Garden Fresh |e. AppI "" Winesap es ,.s, ,., Beet, Mustard Fresh Greens order.i, ,.h Watermelons +u......o. Guarantied • @COPYRIGHT 1960. SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 24, ].971 i